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Old 29th Apr 2013, 13:13
  #61 (permalink)  
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Corse they will Griffo, same, same, except for a warehouse large enough to store all the box ticked paper work and a minimum of the national library book count in shelfware, ten full time librarians and a lot of carbon credits to cover all the trees required to make your paper. Then of course your Bill!!
Lets see??change a spark plug??

Maintenance controller....Work Order
10 hours @ $150 per hour $ 1500

Supervisory Engineer.....
Find which documents required 10 hours @ $100 per hour $ 1000
Locate maintenance procedure 10 hours @ $100 Per Hour $ 1000
Ticking all the boxes 30 hours @ $100 Per hour $ 3000

Apprentice (if there are any left)
Replace spark plug 10 mins @ $ 12 Per Hour $ 2

Total $ 6502

Last edited by thorn bird; 29th Apr 2013 at 13:18.
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Old 29th Apr 2013, 13:29
  #62 (permalink)  
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Is that including GST on parts and labor?
Plus add an extra 11 hours CASA surveillance and an extra 18 hours of them auditing you.
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Old 29th Apr 2013, 20:32
  #63 (permalink)  
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Thorny – you must have missed the detailed explanatory memo. None of the problems would exist if you w@n#k$r%s would only listen. Fair dinkum, you fellah's....

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Old 29th Apr 2013, 23:01
  #64 (permalink)  
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What has changed? Checks and Balances 1.Whistleblower

Until we have some proper checks and balances nothing will change. CASA,s whistleblower protection is a sham. An absolute sham. It makes a mockery of justice. I spoke at length with the person in charge of the company given this job. They had no powers of investigation and merely removed details and in my case, worst of all, it would have been sent to the senior staff member who was supplying the disingeneous information in the first place. Forget the pot plants and talking in riddles these are the issues.
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Old 30th Apr 2013, 01:51
  #65 (permalink)  
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Who's the w*nker now..!!

eSSo, you beauty ! performance, leadersh*t and all that. Respect for the industry, taking on board alternative views.... NOT.

IMHO his performance makes serious breaches of the CAsA "code of conduct" criminal provisions therein, but admin ones apply.
And the CAC act provisions for a "ceo"...?

Who's to swing the cudgel...or the feather.?

Wont do any good but I'm putting pen to paper to the Miniscule, with a complaint, cc the Sen. McDonald and others.

Maybe a blitz of letters will rattle Albo's ear, and send a message..??

Too late she cried...!
Don't expect any answer until after Sept 14..oh no...he'll be gone.!
Just a WOFTAM then.
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Old 30th Apr 2013, 03:39
  #66 (permalink)  
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casa and the FOI Process

I would not recommend anyone relying on the "ICC" Elizabeth Hampton.

My experience is that she does not deal with matters reported to the ICC.

Remember, the "ICC" reports to the head of casa Legal, the FOI person, reports to head of casa Legal and the casa investigators report to head of casa Legal.

No way would I ever approach the "ICC" again. Last time, refused to answer my letter, as "...It is over 12 months old...."

Can publish the letter here so all can see!!

Who should you write to:
  • Local member;
  • Senator Fawcett;
  • Senator Xenophon;
  • Senator Heffernan;
  • Senator Nash;
  • Warren Entsch and Warren Truss
Don't bother with the system as you will not be properly represented.
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Old 30th Apr 2013, 06:35
  #67 (permalink)  
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sounds familiar...

Funy that... presented ICC E Hampton with serious issues pertaining to one Ms N Tredrea, now, God/Allah/whoever, help us, is "Senior Advisor, Complaince and Investigation." She, of ESP skills (sic), determines yr guilt first and any investigation comes later, maybe...or not.

I listed breaches of the CAsA code of conduct, the CAC Act and and the Compliance and Enforcement manual....
..the response..."cant ( read: wont/advised not to) look at any of that..because its more that 12 months old."

So its just too bad if any issue comes to light later than 12 months.
Sounds like a 'get out of jail free card' to me. A CAsA home made 'statute of limitations' What a crock.
12 months is but a minute in the CAsA scheme of things...25 years and counting are we.?
The list of what the ICC DOESNT do is longer than the 'can do' list.
Dont see this 12 months thing on that list. Cobbled up by AA / LSD. as a go away excuse.?
Knowest thou the CAsA way...any old bulsh*t will do.!
(see Chapter 2, CYA 101)

And I'll metioned costs..from the Dark Side FOI request..could have 25!! pages out of HUNDREDS for $1600. $64 a page.!!!
Having had 11 out of 130 before , that told me nothing...not prepared to gamble on getting any "infomation" at all for the money.
We all know CAsA is a sick is their (NON) FOI.
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Old 30th Apr 2013, 07:38
  #68 (permalink)  
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Interesting as CASA is happy to dig back through time on an operator and use past activities that are sometimes years old against you. Yet here they are saying "sorry, your grievance is over 12 months old, not interested".
As has already been plainly pointed out, the ICC is a crock, the cards are stacked in CASA's favour, if one wanted to one could even raise an eyebrow that members of an ethics committee could very well be bullies themselves? That is just thinking out loud, ones mind tends to wander.

Ultimate power corrupts ultimately.
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Old 8th May 2013, 20:40
  #69 (permalink)  
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"Preaching to the unconverted!"

Paul Phelan's latest article "Preaching to the unconverted" is worth the time to read on that meeting!
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Old 8th May 2013, 21:38
  #70 (permalink)  
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The intriguing question is: Who set Mr McCormick up to make such easily-disproved statements about the application of Part 145?

I don’t understand why Jonathan Aleck didn’t just lean across and whisper: “Psssssst, pssssst, John, that’s not quite correct. Come 30 June, all RPT aircraft, irrespective of size, will have to be maintained by a Part 145 organisation. Eventually that will apply to Charter as well. That’s what the rules say.”

Last edited by Creampuff; 8th May 2013 at 21:39.
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Old 8th May 2013, 23:51
  #71 (permalink)  
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casa and it's failure to interface with industry

McCormick wouldn't listen anyway Creamy!!

From Pauls article:

Everybody we spoke with shared those concerns, which were also acknowledged by Senator MacDonald. He urged people who feared victimisation not only to send their complaints to Ms Hampton, but also to send a copy to his office or contact him directly. The sense of being bullied came up so frequently, unprompted, and from so many separate individuals, that it is informative to quote the comments of a few, emphasising that each paragraph represents the volunteered opinion of a separate individual who was present at the meeting.
I have had experience with Ms Hampton before and she won't deal with specific problems in a proper manner, demanding all complaints be "new" and less than 12 months old. This current poblem would not comply with her requirements.

Besides which, she reports directly to head of legal - casa and you are only talking with McCormick. Better to submit to the Senate Inquiry about the problems.

Game Over
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Old 9th May 2013, 02:11
  #72 (permalink)  
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Is The Skull 'Ill'??

Yes UITA, it is indeed game over. These buffoons have lost the plot. The reason Aleck remained silent is strategic in my opinion - He is giving ESSO the rope required to finish the job. Game over indeed.
The Star Chamber president loves using those 'ill' catchphrases such as 'ills of society' and 'ill informed statements in the aviation press'.

It is CAsA that is ill, very ill. Evidence of that disease was on stage at the AMROBA meeting.

Indeed, GAME OVER.
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Old 9th May 2013, 06:02
  #73 (permalink)  
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General Aviation Meeting

General Aviation business in Australia is by the large one of the MOST unprofessional industries around, a problem that unfortunately has now been proven to go all the way to the top of the regulator. If something doesn't change it will be RIP to GA in Aus
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Old 9th May 2013, 07:08
  #74 (permalink)  
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The APS link is worth a read.

Australian Public Service Commission - Code of Conduct

behave honestly and with integrity in the course of APS employment;
act with care and diligence in the course of APS employment;
when acting in the course of APS employment, treat everyone with respect and courtesy, and without harassment;
when acting in the course of APS employment, comply with all applicable Australian laws;
comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone in the employee's Agency who has authority to give the direction;
maintain appropriate confidentiality about dealings that the employee has with any Minister or Minister's member of staff;
disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with APS employment;
use Commonwealth resources in a proper manner;
not provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes in connection with the employee's APS employment;
not make improper use of:
inside information, or
the employee's duties, status, power or authority,
in order to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or advantage for the employee or for any other person;
at all times behave in a way that upholds the APS Values and the integrity and good reputation of the APS;
while on duty overseas, at all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of Australia; and
comply with any other conduct requirement that is prescribed by the regulations (regulations available on the ComLaw website)
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Old 9th May 2013, 08:06
  #75 (permalink)  
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CASA personnel are not part of the APS.
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Old 9th May 2013, 08:07
  #76 (permalink)  
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Sorry bickie,
none of those wonderful ideals applies to CAsA.
By an amazing sleight of hand, they aint public servants!!
CAsA is an independant somethingorother those guidlines dont apply to them.
Which is why they can behave as thugs and bullies with impunity.

Last edited by thorn bird; 9th May 2013 at 08:09.
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Old 9th May 2013, 08:14
  #77 (permalink)  
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Not sleight of hand.

The deliberate decision of successive governments.

However, it does not mean they can behave as thugs and bullies with impunity.
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Old 9th May 2013, 08:23
  #78 (permalink)  
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Maybe you should have attended the meeting.
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Old 9th May 2013, 23:00
  #79 (permalink)  
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Flogging a dead horse?

CP # 77 "However, it does not mean they can behave as thugs and bullies with impunity."
Does it not ?, indeed, someone needs to pass the word along then:

Had the chance to spend a bit of time with a fellah who was actually there, who does, in a quiet way know a bit about how the engineering world wags. Normally he is a sanguine, easy going sort of chap, but he was cranky. The normal 'rough, tough' by plays CASA use to subjugate the masses tend not to ruffle his feathers too much, says they can easily been seen through and generally dismissed for what they are. But, even he was "disgusted" by not only the McComic display, which we have all come to expect and be mildly amused by, but the incestuous nature of the ills affecting organisation generally. McComic is a dead horse, bye-bye – hope y'got an air bag and don't let the door hit you in the ass. So why flog it?. The thing my mate reckons bothers him most is the residual damage; he frets that those enamoured of and embracing the thuggish, loutish ways have become deeply entrenched within the hallowed halls and will coerce or infect any new blood with the same awful disease.

The dark side of the force is powerful and seductive. Refer Yoda.

Last edited by Kharon; 9th May 2013 at 23:02.
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Old 9th May 2013, 23:26
  #80 (permalink)  
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Codes and "codes"

The APS Code of Conduct is all embracing AND has criminal provisions.
For bureaucracies that have some 'accountability'

The CAsA "code of conduct" (sic) has NO criminal provisions and is brief, trite and.. as far as many CAsA employees are concerned, a load of bollocks that doesnt apply to them. We have the power...we can do what we like.
As a Commonwealth agency, you have to ask 'why no criminal provisions?'
CAsA runs amok on its true code of NO liability, NO accountability.

Just look at the Skull's upchuck some years ago to bypass ICC Hart. It was called the "Ethics and Conduct Committee" and made up of people that had none of either. What a sick, sick BS establishment.

Anyone else had a ruling from that Committee? Or has it, like so many other great pronouncements, just faded away, died in the ar$e, whatever.
The four pages of top class bureaucrap received couldnt even be signed by the author.!!
Worlds best practar$e, indeed.!

Which allows the thugs and bullies to practice with immunity. As we know.
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