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Old 17th Oct 2013, 01:42
  #221 (permalink)  
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Like the previous government, this government does not intend to do anything substantial to change the regulation of aviation in Australia.
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Old 17th Oct 2013, 03:51
  #222 (permalink)  
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What a load of wank. The speach was written by some bureaucratic footstool in a darkened room, and delivered by Truss at a conference attended by some of the worst culprits of aviation decline in this country's history. Is it April 1?
The first few weeks of this new governments term has seen a repeat of the arrogance and ineptitude shown by Labor, and is a good indicator of what is to come - NOTHING. These guys are just as pathetic as the crappiest of pathological airlines, hell bent on sweeping everything under the biggest piece of plush pile carpet they can find.
Although I am just a mere commercial pilot and only deal with the occasional FOI, I feel for those in my airline who have to meander through the regulator maze of crap on a daily basis. Comments from creampuff, horatio, lookleft and up-into-the-air pretty much sums up the feeling of where we are headed, and it isn't pretty.
So you know what, let the government and its regulatory bodies continue to apply lipstick to the pig. Let them sit back, lie and deceive to their hearts content because one day a large metal tube will end up in a firey ball in one of their electorates and lets watch them sweat it out then. I don't want to see that but I reckon it is becoming more likely by the day. We should rebrand the ICAO risk matrix and call it the Australian aviation risk matrix and see where CASA sits on the likelihood scale? Anyone thinking the red zone, at a 5A......
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Old 17th Oct 2013, 06:31
  #223 (permalink)  
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It is about votes, now they are in the object is to stay in power, so nothing controversial, keep all things that might impinge on public safety well tucked away from the public at large don't rock the boat.

Safety Road, Rail or Air will not change under Truss, it will get the same treatment as Albo did and all before him Anderson et al.

No change means no political commentary in the general press , who cares what the operators of small aircraft think.
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Old 17th Oct 2013, 08:27
  #224 (permalink)  
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WE should all get FAA licences, register a company inTexas/Delaware or somewhere convenient, Cayman Islands......hey now ya thinking Jaba....and remove the entire (or as much as possible) the GA fleet to N rego.

Would do us and CASA a favour

By the way my FAA paperwork is in. Probably in a pile of 2 weeks worth of mail in OKC

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Old 17th Oct 2013, 11:10
  #225 (permalink)  
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I think the main stumbling block is FAA licenced LAME's
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Old 18th Oct 2013, 01:01
  #226 (permalink)  
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"Yes Minister"–head bureaucrat regaining control!

Warning long post!

The Truss speech has the Kingcrat's grubby (and probably bloody) little paws written all over it. What it shows is that now all the rhetoric of the election campaign is over the time for getting down to governing is here and the DoIT head sherang has got the rope around the neck of his minister and is herding him towards the top paddock.

Who can blame him after all he has an awful lot to lose (namely his job) if he was to simply adopt the government stated policy as writ and allow the IOS direct control of his minister. The Kingcrat if nothing more is a true survivor, he has survived in the top job through various changes of government and has been a loyal servant to Truss before.

The DoIT head has also been around for a good chunk of the much criticised reg reform program and it would be suicidal for him to simply administer the wishes of the growing and unruly masses of industry who have the audacity to suggest that we now adopt the NZed bureaucrat could survive being partly responsible for wasting 200 million plus of taxpayers money.

That is the conundrum facing Truss because, much like FF’s exploitation of the ‘mystique of aviation’ as a tool to bluff and keep government’s on side, so too does the Minister rely on the entrenched head of DoIT. If real change was to ever occur with strong ‘political will’, then the Coalition should have been sourcing and then grooming a top bureaucrat for the job a long time before the election. When they took back government and first announced the standard be-headings of head bureaucrats,Kingcrat should have been one of them.

Well that chance has been lost but it isn’t all bad news because although watered down the Truss speech does show a shift in the Kingcrat’s standard spin and that he is accepting of the fact that there needs to be change and soon. He also knows that the dirt file is growing on him (e.g. QON 1 of the last Senate Estimates) and that he is still facing a hostile group of Senators that could continue to grow in numbers come July next year. {The Senators and Minister also know that the effect of the PelAir enquiry was to put all of them on notice and the clockis effectively ticking.}

And then there is Senator Fawcett (and despite what Creamy says about him being a Liberal stooge and beholden to party politics), a Senator is a different animal not so obligated to holding the party line and more free to speak their mind in regards to national and state interest. {Example of this in recent years would be Doug Cameron and more in the past Bill Heffernan.}

DF has already shown his intentions in numerous Senate Estimates hearings and of course in the introduction to the Senate of the PelAir report... Australia’s travelling public and our aviation industries deserve better….I look forward to the reforms that either this government or the next will bring.”

There is also the small subject of the previous government’s aviation white paper, which the DoIT head will have some serious concerns about because he knows that the Coalition government will be amending it with some major policy changes...remember this from last Estimates:
Senator FAWCETT: In broad terms, dealing with the regulation that CASA oversights specifically, particularly in the context of a regulatory process that has now stretched over a decade, and with changes of CEOs or directors of aviation safety there has been quite a change in approach to that, not just the current but previous. I am looking to understand what strategic guidance, as in long-term vision, comes from the policy area of your department, Mr Mrdak, that guides the people who are involved in regulatory reform in how the government wishes that go forward? Which stakeholders are involved? Can you talk me through how you set the policy directions for that?

Mr Mrdak: The first priority of the aviation white paper is to bring a lot of that regulatory reform process to a conclusion. You are absolutely right, it is a process which started almost a decade and a half ago with various guises. It has been through various iterations. The white paper actually set out an intention to bring some of the key suites of regulatory documents to a close. What we have been involved with is trying to do that.
The stakeholders involved are diverse depending the regulatory package involved be it maintenance, pilot licensing or whatever. There has been a diversity of industry interest. The big elements like the maintenance suite for the heavy end of the industry will come into play on 1 July with the changes. There are other suites which will come together.

The drafting process is nearly complete for just about all of the packages now. We threw additional resources to pay for drafters and the legal processes to expedite that. I think the bulk of the package is now due to be completed by the end of this calendar year. They have been through various consultative processes.

You are right, what we have tried to do is get a suite of modern regulations that get the right balance for CASA in terms of industry behaviour and the like. We try to be prescriptive where we need to be but less prescriptive wherever we can. We certainly involve ourselves in that element. Much of our work over the next two years has to be trying to keep that suite of regulatory reform documents coming to a conclusion.

Senator FAWCETT: One of the issues we have seen is that under Mr Byron, for example, there was very much an approach saying industry are the current practitioners and they probably know best so let them bring forward a solution. If CASA has a safety case as to why that should not be adopted then they can argue that out. It appears now from feedback we are getting from industry that that focus has swung more to 'we will consult but at the end of the day CASA will do what it sees fit'. That is a fairly substantial change in direction. I am wondering was that direction set by policy from your level or was that left largely to the discretion to the director of aviation safety?

Mr Mrdak: To be honest I suspect some of the change of focus has come through industry consultation. I know in some of the regulatory suites certain segments of industry have sought greater certainty including in the maintenance suite. They were looking for much more prescription around some of the elements to end what they saw as some uncertainty for them in how the regulations will be implemented. I think that process has come from industry feedback from certain parties about what they want to see in the regulatory focus. The simple adoption of a safety management system approach in certain areas was not going to meet the needs of some levels of the industry.

Senator FAWCETT: The concern, though, is what I am hearing from certain sections of the industry—and EMS is one, on the rotary side. I did not get time to confirm this with Mr McCormick today, but my understanding is that the person in CASA who is writing the regulatory reform has a general aviation fixed-wing background and a light helicopter conversion, but no experience in multi-engine IFR helicopters or in the EMS industry, and yet is now trying to tell operators throughout that industry what their future regulations and operating standards are going to look like. They are very unhappy with that. So my question comes back: why has there been this change to basically have CASA dictating what is going to occur as opposed to constructively engaging with industry? Is that a policy that has come from government or is it something that has just evolved with changes of personality?

Mr Mrdak: I do not know the specifics of that particular regulatory regime. I am just not familiar with that level of detail. I would have to seek advice from Mr McCormick in relation to that matter. I would say it is problem in more likely to be the latter. It probably has evolved as the circumstances of the consultation, industry views and CASA views have formed. But I cannot comment on that specific example, I am sorry.
And then there is possibly the most revealing AQON from the last Estimates that, although appearing as a full and comprehensive answer, really is just another carefully constructed, obfuscated (with no real substance) answer. This answer goes directly to the performance of the department under Albo and Labor’s aviation white paper:
QON 81 Aviation & Airports
Senator Fawcett asked:
Senator FAWCETT: When can the parliament expect to see some of the updates that you have been saying the minister has been getting about the various implementation of the white paper?

Mr Mrdak: We can certainly provide you some advice on the status of the measures. They range, as I said. We have been implementing many measures, such as our approach to bilateral negotiations, right through to the suite of regulatory measures and NASAG. There is a lot. I think today legislation was introduced to the House of Representatives concerning particular elements of protection of assets and the like. A range of legislation has been introduced. We are well progressed in most elements of the white paper. Also, the real achievement of the white paper was to bring together for the first time the comprehensive policy positions around the full suite of industry measures covering aviation and provide a range of objectives going forward. That is where the white paper has served a very good purpose.

Senator FAWCETT: Certainly, either individually or as a committee member, I would welcome a more detailed update or briefing.

Mr Mrdak: We would be happy to do that for you.
Here’s a link for the weasel worded (lots of them) answer:AQON 81 pg 5

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Old 18th Oct 2013, 02:59
  #227 (permalink)  
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And then there is Senator Fawcett (and despite what Creamy says about him being a Liberal stooge and beholden to party politics) …
I don’t think I’ve ever used those words to describe Senator Fawcett.

That said, the fact is that Senator Fawcett and his fellow coalition members (like Senator Heffernan) are obliged to support party policy, except in relation to the rare issues on which the party permits a conscious vote. That's not being a 'stooge'. That's being a member of a political party.

But let’s assume they start ‘freelancing’. Other than huffing and puffing at Senate Committee hearings, what do you think the likes of Senators Fawcett and Heffernan are going to actually do to bring about actual change?
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Old 18th Oct 2013, 06:32
  #228 (permalink)  
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Anyway, must go check the fax machine, 1659 is rolling around shortly
You probably beat them to it.

You seem to have covered it all.
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Old 18th Oct 2013, 07:31
  #229 (permalink)  
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the problem is that anyone can point out that there is a problem.
what is needed is for people to point out the solution.
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Old 18th Oct 2013, 07:35
  #230 (permalink)  
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Creampuff, you offer more huff and puff than anybody. No solutions, no ideas, just criticism. Lame my friend, lame and pure tautology.
Having reviewed your post twice (which will be removed shortly, to avoid liability for defamation), I still see all criticism and no solutions.

I was going to use that metaphor about pots and kettles, but I anticipate you wouldn’t understand it and, in any event, it’s not applicable. I have posted, on numerous occasions, my suggested solutions.
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Old 18th Oct 2013, 14:03
  #231 (permalink)  
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Civil Aviation Safety Authority is well advanced in rewriting Australian aviation regulations – a process that has been underway for more than 20 years – and it is not without its critics and controversy.
I just had a horrible thought - there could be people in CASA who think that all CASA does is write aviation regulations.
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Old 18th Oct 2013, 20:43
  #232 (permalink)  
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I very much doubt that.

There isn’t anyone in CASA writing regulations. There hasn’t been for a long time.
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Old 20th Oct 2013, 16:46
  #233 (permalink)  
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Not since about 1997 or thereabouts.
Tootle pip!!

PS; The government of PR China has announced a plan to build 240 GA airports.
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Old 20th Oct 2013, 23:23
  #234 (permalink)  
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casa is out of touch with the Aviation Industry

Here is the current list of regs being subject to change [from FF's web site] just from July 1, 2013.

Consultation updates in 2013

Consultation updates archives
List of consultation updates in 2013
Title Details Date
NPRM 1304OS - Regulations of aeroplane and helicopter 'ambulance function' flights as Air Transport operations This NPRM closed for comment 11 October 2013.

14 Oct 2013 Project MS 13/06 - Amendment to CASR Part 42 Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

14 Oct 2013 Project OS 12/40 - Amendment of CAO 20.18: Aircraft equipment - basic operational requirements This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

10 Oct 2013 Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) / Guidance Material (GM) - CASR Part 42 - Continuing Airworthiness Requirements for Aircraft and Aeronautical Products This AMC/GM has been published.

10 Oct 2013 Project OS 13/26 - Amendment to CAO 29.11 Helicopter Winching and Rappelling operations Project approved. 10 Oct 2013 AC 147-2(4) - Approved Part 147 Training Organisations This AC has been published.

9 Oct 2013 Consultation Draft for proposed amendments to the Flight Crew Licensing Suite All comments should be submitted via the Project Leader, Mike Juelg by close of business Friday 25 October 2013.

4 Oct 2013 Project OS 13/19 - Transition of the Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) rule set from the Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 82.6 into the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASRs) Project approved.

2 Oct 2013 NPRM 1213CS - Addition of Safety Based Requirements for Hardened Cockpit Doors This NPRM closed for comment 27 September 2013.

1 Oct 2013 Project CS 12/42 - Amendment to CAO 100.28 - Aircraft weight control Authority: This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

1 Oct 2013 MS 11/50 - Provision of a CAR 30/CASR Part 145 Training and Authorisation system for aircraft of a type This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

1 Oct 2013 Project MS 13/07 - Civil Aviation Advisory Publication - CAAP 104-1(0) - Maintenance of Warbirds, Historic and Replica Aircraft This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

1 Oct 2013 CAAP 104-1(0) - Maintenance of Warbird, Historic and Replica Aircraft This CAAP has been published.

27 Sep 2013 NPRM 1304OS - Regulations of aeroplane and helicopter 'ambulance function' flights as Air Transport operations Comments to this NPRM has now been extended until 11 October 2013.

26 Sep 2013 Consultation Draft for proposed amendments to Part 145 MOS - Continuing airworthiness - Part 145 approved maintenance organisations All comments should be submitted via the Project Leader, David Skeoch by close of business 22 October 2013.

24 Sep 2013 Consultation Draft for Exemption - temporary relief period from requirement to carry serviceable ADS-B transmitting equipment when operating in defined exempted airspace Comments to this Consultation Draft closed 20 September 2013.

23 Sep 2013 NPC 172/05 - Miscellaneous Amendments to Part 172 Manual of Standards (MOS) - Air Traffic Services Comments to this NPC closed 20 September 2013.

23 Sep 2013 Consultation Draft for Exemption - temporary relief period from requirement to carry serviceable ADS-B transmitting equipment when operating in defined exempted airspace All comments should be submitted via email to: [email protected] by close of business Friday 20 September 2013.

26 Aug 2013 Project AS 12/45 - Post Implementation of the Airspace Regulations (2007) This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

21 Aug 2013 DRAFT CAAP 166-1(2) - Operations in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes This Consultation Draft closed for comment 14 August 2013.

16 Aug 2013 FS 11/ 36 - Rewrite of CAAP 5.23-(1)- Multi-engine Aeroplane Operations and Training This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

14 Aug 2013 Project CS 13/24 - Development of advisory material regarding approval of design of modifications and repairs to aircraft and aeronautical products This project was approved by: Rick Leeds, A/g EM Standards Division 14 Aug 2013 NFRM 1101CS - Performance Standard for Aircraft Pressure Altimetry and Maintenance Requirements for Certain Aircraft Instruments This final NFRM has been published.

13 Aug 2013 Project SS 13/04 - CASR Part 117 - Representations and surveys This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

12 Aug 2013 Consultation Draft for Proposed Amendments to CAO 104.0 and WHR Directions and Licence Condition This Consultation Draft closed for comment 8 August 2013.

9 Aug 2013 DRAFT CAAP 104-1(0) - Maintenance of Warbird, Historic and Replica Aircraft This Draft CAAP closed for comment 8 August 2013.

9 Aug 2013 Consultation Draft for Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS) This Consultation Draft closed for comment 2 August 2013.

5 Aug 2013 NPRM 1213CS - Addition of Safety Based Requirements for Hardened Cockpit Doors Comments close 27 September 2013.

2 Aug 2013 DRAFT CAAP 166-1(2) - Operations in the vicinity of non-controlled aerodromes Comments on this draft CAAP are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Craig Brown by close of business 14 August 2013.

31 Jul 2013 NPRM 1304OS - Regulations of aeroplane and helicopter 'ambulance function' flights as Air Transport operations Comments close 27 September 2013.

31 Jul 2013 Consultation Draft for Miscellaneous amendments to the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 All comments should be submitted to the Project Leader: Mike Broom by close of business 14 August 2013.

30 Jul 2013 Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) / Guidance Material (GM) - CASR Part 145 - Approved Maintenance Organisation Requirements This AMC / GM has been published.

29 Jul 2013 Project CS 13/20 - Amendment to Advisory Circular AC 21.14(2) - Production Certificates Project approved. 29 Jul 2013 Project CS 13/21 - Amendment to Advisory Circular AC 21.15(1) - Supplemental Type Certificates Project approved.

29 Jul 2013 Project MS 13/22 - Amendment of CAO 100.5 - General requirements in respect of maintenance of Australian aircraft Project approved. 29 Jul 2013 Project MS 13/23 - Civil Aviation Order (CAO ) 104 amendment - consequential of Part 145 MOS amendment Project approved.

29 Jul 2013 NPC 172/05 - Miscellaneous Amendments to Part 172 Manual of Standards (MOS) - Air Traffic Services Comments close 20 September 2013.

26 Jul 2013 Consultation Draft for Proposed Amendments to CAO 104.0 and WHR Directions and Licence Condition Comments on this Consultation Draft are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Mike Broom by close of business 8 August 2013.

25 Jul 2013 DRAFT CAAP 104-1(0) - Maintenance of Warbird, Historic and Replica Aircraft Comments on this draft CAAP are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Mike Broom by close of business 8 August 2013.

25 Jul 2013 AC 147-1(1) – Practical consolidation training This AC has been published. 24 Jul 2013 Project MS 12/31 - Advisory Circular 66-7(0) - Provision of guidance on carrying out Practical on course Training/On the job Training and recording of evidence of recent work experience This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

19 Jul 2013 Project MS 12/39 - Amendments of the Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS) - Training Requirements and minor amendment to Part 147 MOS - Facility Requirements This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

19 Jul 2013 Project MS 13/15 - Exemption from 145.A.30 (k) 2. Ii) & (ii) 9(B) of Part 145 MOS requirement This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

19 Jul 2013 AC 66-7(0) – Practical training options for aircraft type training – POC & OJT, and the recording of evidence of recent work experience This final AC has been published. 18 Jul 2013 Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) / Guidance Material (GM) - CASR Part 66 - Continuing Airworthiness - Aircraft Engineer Licences and Ratings This AMC/GM has been published.

18 Jul 2013 DRAFT AMC/GM CASR Part 42 - Continuing airworthiness requirements for aircraft and aeronautical products Comments on this draft AMC/GM CASR Part 42 closed 15 July 2013.

17 Jul 2013 Project CS 10/09 - Review of Airworthiness Standards and Testing relating to Aircraft Altimeters This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

10 Jul 2013 Project CS 11/22 - Advisory Circular AC 145-1(0) Safety Management Systems for Aircraft Maintenance Organisations This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

9 Jul 2013 AC 145-5(0): Implementation procedures for the technical arrangement on aviation maintenance between CASA and CAAS This final AC has been published.

5 Jul 2013 Project MS 13/08 - Amendment to CASR Part 42 Manual of Standards (MOS) This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information. 4 Jul 2013 Project MS 13/13 - Reissue of Instruments - CASA EX 60/11 and CASA 180/11 This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

4 Jul 2013 Project OS 12/44 - Amendment to CAO 95.4 .1 - Exemption from provisions of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 - gliders engaged in charter operations This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

3 Jul 2013 DRAFT AMC/GM CASR Part 42 - Continuing airworthiness requirements for aircraft and aeronautical products Comments on this draft AMC/GM CASR Part 42 are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Iftekhar Ahmed by close of business 15 July 2013.

1 Jul 2013 Consultation Draft for CAR 235A Amendments - Landing on and taking off narrow runways - certain aeroplanes This Consultation Draft closed for comment 21 June 2013.
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Old 21st Oct 2013, 00:01
  #235 (permalink)  
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Leadsled, if CASA hasn't written the regs in 17 years, would that explain why the Australian aviation industry rules and regs are such a basket case? A complete disconnect between those at the coal face and those writing the rules?
It's also interesting the ATSB's most recent investigation findings. It looks like 'every man for himself' and that somebody in there has whacked Dolan over the head and he is waking from his hybernation from reality, and is severing ATSB's ties with the beast and reverting to what they used to do and report factually without bias? Does Dolan smell the whiff of death in the air and has therefor decided he doesn't want to be part of the band playing on the deck of the Titanic?

And I thought NZ's focus on helicopters and balloons was ridiculous, what you guys are putting up with over there is unbelievable. Then again we have had our own issues with transparency, honesty and learning from mistakes. You do need to get rid of the bureaucrats and spin doctors who have held safety and reform to ransom for decades. These are the people who are papering over the cracks. In fact if you get rid if them I think you will find that the cracks are more like grand canyons. The irony is that you have a couple of crusading senators yet they too are treated with complete contempt?
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Old 21st Oct 2013, 04:53
  #236 (permalink)  
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CW: You Protest Too Much


I fear you protest too much about things you should normally not know about. Your knowledge of CASA (down to the last dollar) appears intimate to say the least.

May, I suggest that if you are indeed weary of your CASA responsibilities, you submit your resignation! Leave the conditioned air of the CASA Building you work in, and get a job in industry!
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Old 21st Oct 2013, 12:02
  #237 (permalink)  
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casa is out of touch with the Aviation Industry

And here is the list January 2013 to 30th June 2013:

24 Jun 2013 DRAFT CAAP 235A-1(0) – Minimum Runway Width – for aeroplanes engaged in RPT and Charter operations with a maximum take-off weight greater than 5700kg This Draft CAAP 235A-1(0) closed for comment

21 June 2013. 24 Jun 2013 Project CS 13/17 – Amendment to CASR Part 31 – Airworthiness standards for manned-free balloons Project approved.

21 Jun 2013 Project CS 13/18 – Amendment to CAAP 215-1- Guidance to the preparation of Operations Manuals on the risk management of airworthiness and flight operations with known or forecast volcanic ash contamination Project approved.

21 Jun 2013 Consultation Draft for Proposed CAO 100.28 Amendment Instrument This Consultation Draft closed for comment 7 June 2013.

12 Jun 2013 Project MS 13/16 – Proposed Instrument to mandate inspection of Control Cable Assemblies with terminals manufactured from SAE-AISI 303 Se stainless steel Project approved.

11 Jun 2013 Project CS 12/41 – Amendment to CAO 100.5 – inclusion of a mandatory inspection of Control Cable Terminals manufactured from SAE-AISI 303 Se stainless steel This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

11 Jun 2013 Project MS 13/13 – Reissue of Instruments – CASA EX 60/11 and CASA 180/11 Project approved.

7 Jun 2013 Project MS 13/14 – Amendment of the CASR Part 66 MOS Project approved.

7 Jun 2013 Project MS 13/15 – Exemption from 145.A.30 (k) 2. Ii) & (ii) 9(B) of Part 145 MOS requirement Project approved.

7 Jun 2013 NPRM 1203OS – Extended Diversion Time Operations This NPRM closed for comment 2 August 2013.

6 Jun 2013 Consultation Draft for Part 61 Manual of Standards (MOS) All comments should be submitted to the Project Leader via [email protected] by close of business 2 August 2013.

5 Jun 2013 DRAFT CAAP 20.7-1(0) – Aeroplane Weight and Performance Limitations This draft CAAP closed for comment 31 May 2013.

3 Jun 2013 Draft CAAP 92-2(2) – Guidelines for the establishment of on-shore Helicopter Landing Sites (HLS) This draft CAAP closed for comment 31 May 2013.

3 Jun 2013 Project CS 13/12 – Implementation review of CASR subparts 21.M and 21.J and associated legislation Project approved.

27 May 2013 AC 11-3(1): Electronically Formatted Certifications, Records and Management Systems This AC has been published.

27 May 2013 Consultation Draft for CAR 235A Amendments – Landing on and taking off narrow runways – certain aeroplanes All comments should be forwarded to the Project Leader, Miles Gore-Brown via the email distribution box [email protected] by close of business 21 June 2013.

24 May 2013 DRAFT CAAP 235A-1(0) – Minimum Runway Width – for aeroplanes engaged in RPT and Charter operations with a maximum take-off weight greater than 5700kg All comments should be forwarded to the Project Leader, Miles Gore-Brown via the email distribution box [email protected] by close of business 21 June 2013.

24 May 2013 Consultation Draft for proposed amendments to Part 66 MOS – Training requirements and proposed minor amendment to Part 147 MOS – Facility requirements This Consultation Draft closed for comment 20 May 2013.

21 May 2013 Draft AMC/GM CASR Part 66 – Continuing Airworthiness – Aircraft Engineer Licences and Ratings This Draft AMC/GM closed for comment 20 May 2013.

21 May 2013 Draft AC 66-7(0) – Practical training options for aircraft type training – POC & OJT, and the recording of evidence of recent work experience This Draft Advisory Circular closed for comment 20 May 2013.

21 May 2013 Project MS 11/19 – Amend CAAP 42B-1: CAA Maintenance Schedule to make terminology consistent with the current regulations This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

21 May 2013 Project SS 12/34 – Miscellaneous amendments to the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR 1988) and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998) This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

21 May 2013 Project MS 13/11 – Allow an applicant for an CAMO to include other than Regular Public Transport (RPT) aircraft in the CAMO application Project approved.

21 May 2013 CAAP 42B-1(1) – CASA Maintenance Schedule This final CAAP has been published.

17 May 2013 AC 66-3(1): Engine Ground Run Training and Assessment This AC has been published.

17 May 2013 AC 66-2(10): List of Aircraft Type Ratings for CASR Part 66 Licences This AC has been published.

17 May 2013 Draft CAAP 92-2(2) – Guidelines for the establishment of on-shore Helicopter Landing Sites (HLS) Comments on this draft CAAP are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Craig Brown by close of business 31 May 2013.

17 May 2013 Project CS 12/25 – Applicability of Bell 204/205 Airworthiness Directives for UH-1 Helicopters This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

14 May 2013 Project MS 13/10 – Amendment to CASR Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS) Project approved.

14 May 2013 Project MS 12/26 – Allow a Part 145 AMO provision of a CRS to meet airworthiness obligations under CAR Part 4 This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

8 May 2013 Consultation Draft for Proposed CAO 100.28 Amendment Instrument All comments should be sent to the Project Leader, Ben Challender by close of business 7 June 2013.

7 May 2013 Consultation Draft for Proposed Part 42 MOS Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 1) All comments should be sent to the Project Leader, Iftekhar Ahmed by close of business 21 May 2013.

7 May 2013 DRAFT CAAP 20.7-1(0) – Aeroplane Weight and Performance Limitations Comments on this draft CAAP are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Miles Gore-Brown by close of business 31 May 2013.

3 May 2013 Consultation Draft for proposed amendments to CAO 20.7.4 and CAO 20.7.1B All comments should be sent to the Project Leader, Miles Gore-Brown by close of business 31 May 2013.

3 May 2013 Project MS 13/09 – Permission for a Part 145 AMO to carry out CAR 1988 Maintenance Project approved.

3 May 2013 AC 145-4(1) – Control and delivery of training within by a Part 145 AMO This final AC has been published. 1 May 2013 Project MS 13/08 – Amendment to CASR Part 42 Manual of Standards (MOS) Project approved.

24 Apr 2013 Draft AMC/GM CASR Part 66 – Continuing Airworthiness – Aircraft Engineer Licences and Ratings Comments on this draft AMC/GM CASR Part 66 are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Michael McGill by close of business 20 May 2013.

19 Apr 2013 Draft AC 66-7(0) – Practical training options for aircraft type training – POC & OJT, and the recording of evidence of recent work experience All comments should be sent to the Project Leader, Michael McGill by close of business 20 May 2013.

19 Apr 2013 Consultation Draft for proposed amendments to Part 66 MOS – Training requirements and proposed minor amendment to Part 147 MOS – Facility requirements All comments should be sent to the Project Leader, Michael McGill by close of business 20 May 2013.

19 Apr 2013 Consultation Draft for Proposed CASR Part 117 – Representations and surveys This Consultation Draft closed for comment 16 April 2013.

18 Apr 2013 Project MS 13/07 – Civil Aviation Advisory Publication – CAAP 104-1(0) – Maintenance of Warbirds, Historic and Replica Aircraft Project approved.

10 Apr 2013 Consultation Draft for Exemption – of component installers from CAR 42W (4) (b), (d) and (e) This Consultation Draft closed for comment 8 April 2013.

9 Apr 2013 NFRM 1202OS – Fatigue Management for Flight Crew Members – Amendment to CAO Part 48 This final NFRM has been published.

9 Apr 2013 AC 147-2(3): Approved Part 147 Training Organisations This AC has been published.

8 Apr 2013 Civil Aviation Advisory Publication (CAAP) 232A-1(0) – Administration of Aircraft & Related Ground Support Network Security Programs This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

8 Apr 2013 Project MS 13/06 – Amendment to CASR Part 42 Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) Project approved.

8 Apr 2013 Consultation Draft for Proposed CASR Part 117 – Representations and surveys All comments should be emailed to Leanne Graham by close of business 16 April 2013.

2 Apr 2013 Project CS 13/05 – Amendment of CAO 100.5 – to exempt WACO Classic Aircraft Corporation YMF-5 and YMF-F5C Series aircraft from paragraph 8 Project approved.

28 Mar 2013 Project FS 12/21 – Early Implementation of CASR Part 61 provisions – CASA Glider Pilot Licence This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

26 Mar 2013 Consultation Draft for Exemption – of component installers from CAR 42W (4) (b), (d) and (e) All comments should be emailed to the Project Leader, Ifte Ahmed by close of business 8 April 2013.

25 Mar 2013 NPC 139/07 – Proposed Amendment to Manual of Standards (MOS) Part 139 – Aerodromes – Chapter 11 Comments close of business 15 May 2013.

19 Mar 2013 Project SS 13/04 – CASR Part 117 – Representations and surveys Project approved.

19 Mar 2013 Project SS 13/03 – Post Implementation Review of CASR Part 99.B – Drug and alcohol management plans Project approved.

18 Mar 2013 Project CS 10/20 – Preparation of an Advisory Circular dealing with the certification of software and complex hardware systems This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

18 Mar 2013 Consultation Draft for Post Implementation Review of Airspace Regulations 2007 This Consultation Draft closed for comment 7 March 2013.

12 Mar 2013 Final CAAP 232A-1(0) – Administration of Aircraft & Related Ground Support Network Security Programs This CAAP is now available on the CASA Website.

8 Mar 2013 Project OS 13/02 – Post Implementation review of
CAAPs 166-1and 166-2
Project Approved

7 Mar 2013 Project AS 12/07 – Amendment of Advisory Circular AC 139 – 16(0) – Developing a Safety Management System at your aerodrome This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

6 Mar 2013 Redrafted Consultation Draft: Amendments to CAO 104.0 – Certificates of Approval and Direction – warbird maintenance by certificate of approval holders and their employees This Consultation Draft closed for comment 1 March 2013.

4 Mar 2013 AC 92-7(0) – Applications for competent authority approval: Radioactive material This AC has been published.

20 Feb 2013 Consultation Draft for Post Implementation Review of Airspace Regulations 2007 All comments should be emailed to [email protected] by close of business 7 March 2013.

20 Feb 2013 Draft CAAP 232A-1(0) – Administration of Aircraft & Related Ground Support Network Security Programs Comments on this draft CAAP are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Jayson Rowe by close of business 27 February 2013.

13 Feb 2013 AC 139-16(1) – Safety Management Systems for Aerodromes This final AC has been published.

31 Jan 2013 Point of Clarification to NFRM 1105AS – CNS/ATM Plan for this Decade-Aircraft avionics equipage mandates for satellite-based IFR navigation, Mode S/ADS-B transponders and forward fitment of TCAS II Version 7.1 This Point of Clarification has been published.

24 Jan 2013 AC 21-36(1) – Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Equipment: Airworthiness Guidelines This AC has been published.

23 Jan 2013 Project CS 13/01 – Clarification of certification requirements for instruments and equipment used in Australian aircraft Project approved.

23 Jan 2013 Project CS 12/06 – Amendment of Advisory Circular AC 21.14 – Production Certificates This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

22 Jan 2013 Redrafted Consultation Draft: Amendments to CAO 104.0 – Certificates of Approval and Direction – warbird maintenance by certificate of approval holders and their employees All comments on this Consultation Draft are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Mike Broom by close of business 1 March 2013.

22 Jan 2013 AC 66-2(9) – List of Aircraft Type Ratings for CASR Part 66 Licences This AC has been published.

18 Jan 2013 NPRM 1209AS – New precision instrument approach operations This NPRM closed for comment 14 January 2013.

16 Jan 2013 Project MS 11/18 – Review of Advisory Circulars & Development of CAAP relating to limited category and experimental aircraft This project is now closed
Refer to the project closure notes for further information.

15 Jan 2013 Project AS 12/45 – Post Implementation of the Airspace Regulations (2007) Project approved.

14 Jan 2013 CAAP 92-4(0) – Guidelines for the development and operation of off-shore helicopter landing sites, including vessels This CAAP has been published.

10 Jan 2013 CAAP 42ZC-2(0) – Maintenance of amateur built aircraft This CAAP has been published.

8 Jan 2013 Draft AC 21-36(1) – Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) equipment: airworthiness guidelines Comments on this draft AC are to be forwarded to the Project Leader, Jayson Rowe by close of business 21 January 2013.
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Old 21st Oct 2013, 18:30
  #238 (permalink)  
Join Date: Nov 2011
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CW: You Protest Too Much


I fear you protest too much about things you should normally not know about. Your knowledge of CASA (down to the last dollar) appears intimate to say the least.

May, I suggest that if you are indeed weary of your CASA responsibilities, you submit your resignation! Leave the conditioned air of the CASA Building you work in, and get a job in industry!
I know your weary of casaweary but the figures to the last dollar are exactly as CASA gave in response to the Question on notice from the last Senate Estimates hearing. I think the next one could be very interesting.

Now time for some satire, mention of a sea shanty, or perhaps a bit of Shakespeare. Opps better not - people have been banned for less.

One of the IOS signing off!
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Old 22nd Oct 2013, 01:06
  #239 (permalink)  
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Minister please pick Option 1!

Careful Biccy you'll be blacklisted and highlighted on the growing IOS/FART list of suspects for possible future enforcement action.. And remember that they don't need evidence of association just rumour!

Came across an interesting addendum to the recently released (tongue in cheek) Sup Estimates AQONs 2012: Man Made Obstacles Located Away From Aerodromes-Risk Review

This review is interesting because it would appear that FF are actually suggesting we adopt Part 77 from the US or NZ regs:

The USA and New Zealand have developed a legislative framework that groups the regulations pertaining to the management of man made obstacles, wherever they are located, into one rule set (Part 77 –Objects that Affect the Navigable Airspace). Part 77 sets out the requirement for notification heights and the standards with which the regulator is required to assess objects that affect the navigable airspace.
And in R2 option 1:

This option is designed to group all obstacle related regulation within one CASR Part. It is proposed that this CASR Part is designated CASR Part 77. This brings the regulation of obstacles in Australia in line with the regulatory structure applied in the United States and New Zealand.
Here is NZ CAA Part 77...hmm bet you if FF adopt Option 1 and they finally get Part 77 all drafted that our version won't be 28 pages (x 10 will be my guess..).

More interesting though is the fact that, if Option 1 is endorsed, FF will be setting a precedent of adopting a NZ reg....nah it would never happen

That would be like saying that maybe..just maybe the IOS could be right!!

Last edited by Sarcs; 22nd Oct 2013 at 07:06.
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Old 23rd Oct 2013, 09:40
  #240 (permalink)  
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casa anyone?? what is their obligation?? in this

Here is a link to the casa forward plan.

It is not downloadable and very difficult to look at. I did one page at random.

Is this the latest way for "...transperency..."???

Read and weep.

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