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Barry Hempel Inquest

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Old 25th Jun 2012, 09:31
  #281 (permalink)  
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I think the psychiatric treatment rather than the actual nature of the offence caused alarm with CASA
But this should have sealed the deal from an aviation medical perspective;

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority knew Hempel, 60, to be a serial menace to public safety. His disciplinary record for flagrant breaches and dishonesty went back decades and became worse as he aged. He had put passengers and unsuspecting members of the public at risk with cavalier antics that appalled safety investigators - and cemented Hempel's status as a maverick with extraordinary skills but shocking judgment.

Doctors, medical specialists and CASA also knew that Hempel, who ran a Brisbane-based aviation company (motto: the sky's the limit) that flew politicians such as Nationals senator Barnaby Joyce, business chiefs and joy-riders, had severe epileptic-like seizures, believed to have begun after a brain injury from a hangar door accident in 2001. A loss of consciousness, rigidity and convulsing would occur; one ambulance officer who reported a 10-minute episode was so concerned about Hempel's status as a pilot that he kept notes on it for a decade.

These seizures would render Hempel an even more dangerous threat to the public. In one instance that became "common knowledge" shortly before his death, he was flying a Beechcraft Baron to Brisbane from the rural town of Dalby when, according to Nigel Arnot, an aircraft engineer, Hempel suddenly had "a seizure, a full fit with shaking". A friend "had to literally punch him out" to prevent inadvertent use of the controls and disaster.
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Old 25th Jun 2012, 12:53
  #282 (permalink)  
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Not having a go at you WITW but......

a car is also a lethal weapon in the wrong hands
Yes - and as a passenger you would usually know a bit about the person whose hands you are putting your life into, and you make a choice. In the cases of taxi's busses etc.... I would repeat my earlier statements.

IMO it's a different issue from what the inquest (and this thread) are about
One of the main issues this thread is discussing is CASA and what they should have done IRO Hempel and what they should do to avoid contributing to the loss of innocent lives in the future. I happen to think the moral character and criminal history of the pilots should be part of the equation.

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Old 25th Jun 2012, 14:43
  #283 (permalink)  
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It's a question of trust. When you strap yourself into your passenger seat, you trust that the people at the pointy end are not criminals, but people of the highest moral character.

If I was given the choice of being flown by someone who was convicted of such offences (if that was the case) or by someone of higher moral standards - I know what I would choose.
Given the choice, I'd rather the people who fix my car and built my house had "high moral standards" - but at the end of the day all I can ask for is that they do the job they're paid to do in a safe way.

Do we ban mechanics from working on cars if they're pervs? They could forget to tighten something that results in multiple fatalities. Builders can make a house that falls down, electricians can start fires, truck drivers can smash into school buses etc. Unless someone is working with kids I don't see why aviation is so special.
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Old 25th Jun 2012, 15:29
  #284 (permalink)  
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Just to add an extra possible course of action that "somebody" might have taken.
In Queensland, an aircraft is a vehicle, for the purposes of the Qld. Crimes Act, it is on state where state police could have taken action, particularly as it seems Barry did not meet the medical standard for a car licence.
We are all very smart in hindsight.
Tootle pip!!
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Old 25th Jun 2012, 16:04
  #285 (permalink)  
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If anyone knows ML, who (I heard from a friend) was fairly senior at Hempels at the time?

We did an hour building trip to LRE together when I was 17, and I would be keen to get in touch. For no other reason than to say hi - nothing to do with all of this. Sorry for the thread drift.

If you're out there ML, let me know.
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Old 25th Jun 2012, 20:35
  #286 (permalink)  
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LS- In Queensland, an aircraft is a vehicle, for the purposes of the Qld. Crimes Act, it is on state where state police could have taken action, particularly as it seems Barry did not meet the medical standard for a car licence.
Does anyone know how 'wide' (for want of better) the QPS investigation is allowed to be ??. I am reliably informed that the NSW Police (for example) run an independent investigation which delves into a wide range of topics. The reasoning is to provide answers to a range of questions and to eliminate things such as suicide, murder, criminal activity etc. etc. before a matter is placed before the Coroner.

I wonder if the QPS (will) have looked into the reasons why BH was allowed to continue flying ?. There are well documented cases of guys being stopped dead in their tracks at the stroke of a pen, for much less. Perhaps this is outside of their remit; but it's a puzzle, to be sure.

Last edited by Kharon; 25th Jun 2012 at 20:36.
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Old 25th Jun 2012, 22:55
  #287 (permalink)  
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I understand the QPS witness (initial investigator) stated at the inquest that CASA had been of considerable assistance to him in his investigations until early 2009 when that assistance suddenly dried up........ He opined that this may have been because CASA was becoming exposed legally!

Part of CASA's Counsel's response was to state that CASA was only obliged to assist the ATSB (TB: who were not investigating the accident!) and not the QPS.

Another interesting fact raised at the inquest was that (pre-accident) the CASA investigator sent a copy of the ambulance report from the 2003 seizure at BH's home to CASA's AvMed people to deal with. Later he queried the outcome he was told it was not a matter for his investigation, and he needed to get BH's permission to find out what the outcome was!

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Old 25th Jun 2012, 23:13
  #288 (permalink)  
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Old 25th Jun 2012, 23:42
  #289 (permalink)  
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Thumbs down

While I would love to see CASA disbanded and rebuilt with sensible intelligent people and regulations, it will never happen.

We live in a media-driven political state where Spin Wins.

The only possible outcome of the coronial inquiry will be renewed Nazi tactics and more people shut down to show how tough CASA are on the degenerates in the industry (like you and me).

While we whinge and carp on PPRuNe about John Q and the injustces he has (allegedly) suffered at the hands of the Regulator and AAT, the Hempel case will only result in MORE Quadrios, not less.

Careful what you wish for.
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Old 26th Jun 2012, 02:03
  #290 (permalink)  
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Interesting quote in Darker Shades of Blue:

"Leadership exists in direct proportion to the degree to which subordinates are willing to follow."

Kind of similar to a previous post:

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them."

Frederick Douglas

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Old 26th Jun 2012, 02:22
  #291 (permalink)  
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Godwin's Law

The only possible outcome of the coronial inquiry will be renewed Nazi tactics …
Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) is an observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes some comparison to Hitler and the Nazis.
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Old 26th Jun 2012, 05:37
  #292 (permalink)  
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I think you're referring to this?

Statistically in any PPRuNe thread involving CASA the words "Hitler", "Nazi" or "Stalin" will occur by Page 3!

Quite inappropriate. The Third Reich was far more efficient and decisive!!!
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Old 26th Jun 2012, 05:59
  #293 (permalink)  
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"Leadership exists in direct proportion to the degree to which subordinates are willing to follow."
Army Officer "confidential reports", (which weren't confidential because they were all passed around the Mess), had a classic I read;

"His men would follow him anywhere...... out of curiosity.
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Old 28th Jun 2012, 06:57
  #294 (permalink)  
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Yak-52 U-tube Videos Post Post #196

I came across these two videos which were Uploaded on U-tube by poondii on Jan 14, 2009. His comments on both are:

"Got it off the net some mad bugger doing stuff"

Very interesting as the markings of the plane are a spit of Barry Hempel's Yak-52 AND poondi (Shanka Poondi) just happened to be a Hempels Aviation flight instructor pre 2008 . . . . . .
Referring my post #196 and the U-tube videos linked therein . . . . . . Surprise, surprise looks like Mr Poondi is ducking for cover as every video he had on U-tube connecting with Barry Hempel as been removed, so if you try to click on my U-tube link you get: "This video has been removed by the user".

Obviously my summations were correct and the best way to cover up was to remove all his videos . . . . . Well I am sure plenty of PPRUNE readers/followers had the opportunity to view whilst there were still up there . . . Think Mr Poondi should have been called at the inquest. . . . .

The same thing happened with the Hempel web site the week following the accident and all video links were removed.

Not that anyone had anything to hide . . . . . much.
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Old 29th Jun 2012, 01:38
  #295 (permalink)  
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I think there is enough information out there to prove the extent of criminal behaviour carried out by Barry Hempel, Hempel Aviation, CFI, CP, CEO, pilots, CASA, Police, wives, friends and associated friends. I mention all of these as anyone that knew Barry was still flying the YAK with no CPL could have done something to avoid this crash.

Unfortunately, people not associated with this circle of cowboys i.e. the public did not know about the criminal behaviour being carried out by the company. It surprises me the flying school is still operational.

As a result an innocent member of the public Ian Lovell was basically lost his life from this criminal activity. Furthermore hundreds of friends, family, and colleague’s partners have been affected from this for the rest of their lives.

I really hope the Inquest comes out with some strong recommendations to avoid this criminal activity in the industry to protect the public.

Last edited by jetfighter; 29th Jun 2012 at 01:45.
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Old 29th Jun 2012, 11:44
  #296 (permalink)  
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I mention all of these as anyone that knew Barry was still flying the YAK with no CPL could have done something to avoid this crash.
Yea, I knew Barry, and also knew that no one could stop him......
There is one person to blame for the accident, no amount of psuedo James Reason theorising will convince me otherwise.
Over the last many years several pilots I have worked and lived with have been killed, and over half of them caused it - and they would agree.

Last edited by blackhand; 29th Jun 2012 at 12:05.
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Old 29th Jun 2012, 12:14
  #297 (permalink)  
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As a result an innocent member of the public Ian Lovell was basically lost his life from this criminal activity.
Then how come somebody from CASA doesn't end up in jail????
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Old 29th Jun 2012, 13:06
  #298 (permalink)  
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So i guess, knowing BH and what he was up to, you notified CASA and the police?

Yes no one could have stopped Barry Hemple from taking his life, but he also took an innocent member of the Public with him.

What did you do about stopping this inncident and also the many pilots you have worked with and lived with!!! Could your actions have stopped these accidents resulting in death?
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Old 29th Jun 2012, 21:48
  #299 (permalink)  
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That was several dead pilots, not many.
As for the rhetorical question at the end of your post - WTF do you reckon??
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Old 3rd Jul 2012, 04:51
  #300 (permalink)  
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Sorry for the mistake of several pilots.

As to the so called rhetorical question, im not sure what your actions were say in this instance hence the question.

Wouldnt you want to try and protect each other from these accidents occurring?

It is funny that the two pilots who worked for Hempels that were questioned during the inquest were offered to return to the inquest to be involved with recommendations to avoid these accidents from happening. None of them came back!!! Being such a tight network industry, you would think you would jump at these oppourtunities to make it a safer industry.
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