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Old 5th Dec 2011, 23:53
  #81 (permalink)  
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Kharon I've found with dealing with legal/political circles, including Senate enquiry submissions, letters to MPs/Senators, e-mails to concerned partys etc..etc, the biggest hurdle is trying to make people understand the aviation terminology. I feel if you can draw on examples that the average punter can relate to, then you have won half the battle.

It is worth trolling through previous Senate estimates, Parliamentary enquirys etc, to see which individual MPs/Senators have an interest in aviation. Also which pollies have endeavoured to try to engage in an understanding of the industry and its associated problems.

Here's a few that come to mind: Senator Xenophon, Senator Fawcett (this bloke understands the regs better than CASA), Senator Heffernan (although not involved in Qantas Sale Act inquiry some of his submitted questions on notice for the Supp Estimates of RAT are very good, see here: ).
Senator Johnson, Senator Abetz, Senator Cameron and Senator Sterle.

MPs are problematic at both a State and Federal level as they tend to only show an interest if there are votes to be gained (or lost). But I suppose the local constituents where there is a CASA victim (eg Warren Entsch for JQs case) and all the obvious ones (eg Shadow Minister Warren Truss).

It is also worth looking at previous enquiry submissions, as some of the submitters may take up the cause if approached (eg the Urquhart family).

Anyway if you need assistance with the process you can count me in!


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Old 6th Dec 2011, 00:55
  #82 (permalink)  
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I've signed the petition
Mind you I don't fly any more
But I am on record in a Senate Committee as calling CASA senior management of the time "less than helpful"
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Old 7th Dec 2011, 03:40
  #83 (permalink)  
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Sorry to rain on the parade but Kharon and T28D call it correctly - petitions do not worry politicians one bit, they are just seen for what they are yet another petition, they are initially given the respectful 'tut tut ah! yes very important" they then vanish into the cavern of lost petitions. In my time there have petitions with in excess of 100,000 signatures on them that the politicians have carefully ignored.

We all in our hearts know that they only thing that will cause a proper inquiry into the state of aviation administration and regulation in this country is an aluminium shower or very large hole in the ground and with a politician or two on board when it happens. Then there will be a Royal Commission, conclusions drawn, recommendations made, heads will roll then promises to implement made and again nothing much done if anything.

When have you ever seen a politician do what they said they would do and do what the electors want them to do? They are generally an unaccountable self serving bunch of egotistical, elitist apraratchniks who are only interested in the gravy train rolling along they are on and keeping their piggy noses in the trough of public funds.

Nice way to vent steam but practically it is just a waste of time, it has been tried over and over and over again.

GA is effectively finished, the airlines have returned to a cosy duopoly and the asianisation of working conditions for those left just continues.

Nope only when the whole thing is a catastrophe will anybody wake up!
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Old 7th Dec 2011, 04:37
  #84 (permalink)  
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Smoking Holes.

Grip pipe makes a valid point, we have had 'countless' investigations, enquiries and even the odd Royal Commission and nothing has happened, except, the determination to cover the incumbent ministerial arse. I hoped Staunton would do the trick, I hoped Lockhart River would make a dent, but alas, nothing but a more manic grip on the 'word' of the law, more useless hoops to jump through and all this, at a hell of a cost.

Smoking holes – we got several; a culture of fear, we have one of those too; hidden or ignored balmy SOP, yup, thanks, we got plenty; audit baffling paperwork, oh sure, lots of that; sweeping grandiose statements in Safety System Manuals, oh, yes those too; and they're very nice. Cue here for the castle speech from the "Holy Grail" (Monty Python).

I could live with that (just) but, the way the 'law' is be used beggars the imagination. It would OK if we got a safety outcome from any of it, other than some poor sod stripped of a license. That is not an outcome, it's a statistic to prove how, whoever values these things can say "we are making safer", which is absolute Bollicks.

There are things which have been rammed into (and out of) operations manuals, being dragged out of a half arsed idea of operational safety and foisted on the industry, decisions being made on very weird interpretations of that same law. I wish they were my stories to tell, but, they ain't. . But it's bloody scary behind the scenes and that's not bull. Ah, the things I've seen and heard children.

One thing for sure, if we want a healthy industry and pilots with at least some GA experience, in the airlines or regional carriers, something has got to be done. Tout de suite. And the tooter the sweeter.

Steam Off.

Last edited by Kharon; 7th Dec 2011 at 04:55. Reason: P&Q's
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Old 7th Dec 2011, 19:47
  #85 (permalink)  
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Job done;

I am going to ask the Mod's to 'un-stick' this post tomorrow night. I believe it's job is done and done very well indeed. The numbers speak for themselves and will be a big part of the formal presentation and press release.

In broad terms, three things have emerged which demand attention. I have not gone to any great depth here, for the sake of brevity, however the main points:-

(1) This is a sick, scared industry locked into a an almost untenable relationship with a regulator for which there is a great deal of fear and an almost complete lack of respect from the industry and it's own people.

(2) The 'methodology' used to enforce the law, flawed interpretation of that law and the almost total absence of probity visible throughout CASA actions in the AAT demands that past and present actions against industry be examined, independently and in detail. Particularly if a license, rating or operating privilege of any description is going to be affected, then the case must be proven 'beyond' reasonable doubt. If, the "Criminal" code is to be used, then criminal charges must be laid and proven. The lazy, almost feckless use of the "not a fit and proper" clause to support and manipulate a CASA argument is just the tip of the iceberg.

(3) CASA produced positive, measurable, tangible safety improvement is notable only by it's complete absence. What is clearly apparent is the sub culture where industry will do, say and write almost anything just to get the CASA back into their own office, off the premises and hopefully have them sign off on whatever it was the operator wanted 6 months ago.

A serious and heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in this exercise, it has been a great effort by all. Thanks to the Mod's, who have been helpful, reasonable and patient 'above and beyond', I know, my shout.

The 'Votes", email addresses and details will be harvested tomorrow night and securely stored They will remain unread in electronic form until such time as they go out as part of the release of the project. PM's and confidential emails will be deleted at the same time, big thank you to the 'employees' who were concerned enough to speak out. I hope there will be a time when you may speak freely and without fear.

That's it from me on this one.


For Jabba and Gobbledock.

Macbeth, Act 2.3
Here's a knocking indeed! If a man were porter of Hell Gate,
he should have old turning the key. Knock, knock, knock!
Who's there, i' th' name of Belzebub?.
Knock, knock! Who's there, in th' other devil's name?
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Old 8th Dec 2011, 04:34
  #86 (permalink)  
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One outcome of this forum will be a list of tactics CASA will use against the next target of bullying and harassment. They should then be able to fight back from a stronger position as a result of this info.
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Old 8th Dec 2011, 05:01
  #87 (permalink)  
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A veneer of poo

Good work Kharon, you are a champion. Most certainly CASA has proved to be a formidable foe with incredible adversarial strength. The reason they are so powerful? It has to do with their description as scribed at Revelation 12:9;"So down the great dragon was hurled (Director), the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan,who is misleading the entire inhabited earth (Australian aviation industry), he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels (executive management) were hurled down with him".

Hopefully, somewhere, somehow at some time the Iron Clad walls of Fort Fumble will be torn down and the vermin hiding amongst the cracks and dross will be exposed for all they are worth. One need not peer to far beneath the veneer to stumble across a large steaming mass of monkey poo. I sincerely pray that the smoking hole we all desperately fear and work so hard to avoid does not occur. But at present that would appear to be the only way the prehistoric sociopaths guarding the emperor's throne will be usurped.

Last edited by gobbledock; 8th Dec 2011 at 22:29.
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Old 9th Dec 2011, 09:01
  #88 (permalink)  
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Only a complete root and branch reform of Aviation Regulation is ever going to work.

I am of the view and have stated this before on this Forum and elsewhere that CASA and the Board should be abolished, the curent Act be repealed and the rule set of the FAA adopted with minor changes only. All the current staff should be made redundant and or dismissed and replaced by a new organisation or Branch within a Government department and the terms and conditions of any furture employees terms of employment returned to within and comply with the standards required under the ambit of the Public Service Act and the oversight of the Public Service Commission and the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

The inspectorate, licensing and standards functions need to be seperated out and placed within a framework or under the control of a Government body such the Department of Transport so that the powers and inappropriate influce of one by the other is prevented and their roles provided for seperately in a clear and unambiguous manner by appropriate legal statute.

All the previous posts about this failed organisation and the failed attemtps at reform of Aviation regulation repeatedly show that the issue of the use (misuse) of regulatory powers by employees of the Commonwealth as manifest by past and present officers of this Authority is clearly by any measure or test the first, second and third problem with the authority for the past thirty years, thus we have the perversion of the rule of law by the authority and the corruption and incompetence that the Authority has come to represent.

The current regulator is unaccountable and unrepresentative of the industry it regulates or of the broader community it is required to serve and has degenerated into an ineffective and malicious organisation where personal ambition and outdated practice is the norm where opinion (or misguided and inappropriate legal opinion) holds sway and is held to be evidence and where scientific empirical data and rational decision making has ceased to hold sway or influence or guide practice or indeed even be generated.

The need for a body that regulates aviation activity by way of commonsense licensing and the setting of appropriate standards has been completely lost and this intent and requirement in the way the regulator performs that function should be clearly written into the Act in a way that cannot be re-intepreted by CASA or a manner which allows for opinion to replace factual data and empirical evidence.

The need for consultation and consensus on matters of standards, within an internationally binding framework has be be required of and written into any new Act and regulations or Parts. There are a number of key areas that must and have to be changed if any reform is to achieve any meaningful outcomes;

1) SAFETY must be defined in the Act or Regulations which provide the statutory powers and functions of the regulator.

2) The provision of criminal sanctions and penalties for non compliance must be curtailed and only provided for wilful, grievous and seriously negligent actions and those matters and the bringing of such an allegation or case must be constrained by the rule of law and brought back into the appropriate jurisdiction where only the CDPP is allowed to prosecute and where the public interest so requires that this happen.

3) The 'fit and proper person' provisions for licensing have to be removed from the regulations.

4) The new authority should be required by its legislation to properly consult with industry in a publicly accountable manner and account for such consultation in the preparation of and issueing of any directive or instruction before, during and after the issuance of any directive or instructin according to and only in accordance with the rules that provide its powers.

5) All third tier instruments and defacto regulatory instruments such as Civil Aviation Orders and Directives should be repealed excepting those adopted by reason of international agreement or those replicating and critical to airworthiness or airsafety and any such directives should be allowed and have automatic right of challenge at law by any person who believes they do not conform to the meaning of Safety as defined within the Act.

6) Any future organisation should have by way of oversight an Industry Consultative Body or Committee made up of properly elected representatives of the Industry and Community and they should be given the right of veto of any decision by the regulatory body with respect to the exercise of its powers or functions excepting those which involve matters of criminal sanction.

7) Invesigator powers as per the Regulations should be withdrawn and repealed, there are a nonsense and those employed to investigate require no special powers excepting those requiring them to gather evidence and where they do then they should be required to justify to a Justice the exercise of any power requiring entry and search, the same as Police are required to.

8) The application of a criminal sanction and hence offences under the rules with a penalty provision should be restricted to grave and wilful acts or loss of life. All other breaches should be dealt with by way of administrative action only and subject to review by the AAT and the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

The examples which support such reform and the need for reform to be urgently conducted are evident in the many instances if not hundreds of cases and examples that now go back to the Seaview Inquiry period where the Authority has been repeatedly show and allowed to continue to conduct its affairs with the cultural perspective and powers (via convoluted regulations and orders) so that it is effectively in all things that it does judge, jury and executioner. It should be allowed to bring a case or require that a case be answered where it has the evidence to support the allegations it makes but only to a Court of Law.

And until all the above happen you will never have a fair and impartial regulator acting in the interest of the communith or the industry but what we evidently have now and have had for some time - failure.
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Old 9th Dec 2011, 09:46
  #89 (permalink)  
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My vote for Grip Pipe, well said that man. The 9 is for a couple of typo's (strict liability offence).

The 10 is for one of the best 'nutshells' it has ever been my pleasure to read.

E' Brava that man; Brava.

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Old 9th Dec 2011, 20:50
  #90 (permalink)  
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Bravo Bravo Bravo Grip-Pipe. Agree with everything you wrote. If these changes don't happen soon we (everyone interested in the future of aviation) should mobilize. We should have every pilot and Lame tip a once only $1,000 into a fighting fund. (Ask anyone who has been wrongfully dealt with by CASA how cheap this is.) The $30 million raised if banked conservatively would give us $1.5 million every year to fight the good fight. No more Pizzing around in that AAT kangaroo court. We could drag CASA kicking and screaming into real courts with with real judges and maybe even a jury. Real courts award costs so that would ensure we only took on cases that had merit. It might even make CASA wary about bringing on cases that didn't. eg Johns case.We could pursue through the civil courts individual officers who who have clearly and deliberately committed criminal acts--generally perjury. Some of the money might also be used to further our fight in the political arena. Once CASA has been sorted we'll move on to that other needlessly expensive,clearly delusional,empire building handbrake on aviation---AVIATION SECURITY.
Cheers RA
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Old 10th Dec 2011, 02:29
  #91 (permalink)  
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Grip, mate...brilliantly put. Just about sums up what should occur.
Given the huge amount of money CASA has already, I believe corruptly, pissed up against the wall, delivering the industry unintelligable gobble de Gook. How much will the national debt have to rise to actually deliver what you so succinctly suggest?.
Maybe the short term answer would be to subcontract oversight to the FAA, the savings made pay down the national debt, the industry could get back on its feet, the minister could crow about how safe aviation in Australia has become, then having seen how a "Proper System" works we could do as NZ did and produce a modified version of the FAR's to suit Australia.
Was I mistaken or was there a veiled threat contained in the newby half mans post??? maybe, and we can only hope, these posts are starting to sting a tad.
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Old 10th Dec 2011, 08:20
  #92 (permalink)  
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Halfman, all that is required for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.

My friend you should not nor should any one else interested or involved hold the slightest concern about CASA and its tactics, they are evident everywhere you look and to everyone in the industry, nothing to fear except more of the same.

We all know how bullies operate, first they try to frighten you, then they try to isolate you then they try and may even use force against you but only in secret and away from decent people.

What is needed is reform not a lynching party.

As they say - sunlight is the best antiseptic!
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Old 10th Dec 2011, 10:33
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Polish the turd no longer

Halfinches post certainly did appear to be a thinly veiled threat. Well he can stick his threat straight up his a#s.
I have a good rumor to post here, provided by a long term CASA insider. My source told me that when Mr Dick Smith was the boss he actually discussed the concept of going back to the old DCA days and having Inspectors with virtual ticket books out pounding the tarmacs. Good deeds would be rewarded, mischief punished and at the same time the frontline inspector would be 'seen' by industry, but could also help, advise, discuss and find solutions WITH industry to make improvements or resolve problems.
However, some CASA low ranked persons who put together a proposal were literally blocked from accessing Mr Smith by some of Mr Smiths right hand men who ironically now themselves sit in the upper echelons of this Australian star chamber.
Now Dick, I know you are a proud man, but you and several after you have made the cardinal mistake of culling the wrong numbers within CASA. You should have started with your lieutenants and the faceless powerbrokers who still reside at CASA. These guys have spent manyany years learning how to play you boys to the very maximum.

So along with the suggestions here by people like 'Kharon the astute', 'Grip-pipe the articulate', 'Thorn bird the intellect' and 'sarcs the savvy' I would like to reiterate that CASA executives must serve terms of a maximum of 3 years. Any longer than that and you end up with what you presently have - a gang of silver haired pensioners ingrained and addicted to the juicy fat salaries, bonuses and rorts that accompany their daily work ethic. Fat pudgy pigs with snouts embedded in government provided troughs. This type of long term dross needs to be exhumed from beneath the foundations of Fort Fumble and discarded to where all the other human waste is disposed.
Fort Fumble attracts a plethora of nuptys who are psychopaths, bullies, incompetent, unable to fly in the real world, manage through malfeasance, are bully boys, kiss asses and ministers foot stools, they could no longer fly a real jet or fight a real legal case of their own gumption, skill and fortitude.
No, a bunch of limp wristed weasels hiding under a protective cocoon that attach themselves to a host- the ministers office. These pathetic faceless men are still tit fed by their mama - the ministers office, who tells them when they can suckle, cry, giggle or soil themselves.
A conglomerate of soft di#ks who have never fought a school fight or drawn some claret during a pub fight. No these bureaucratic 'girly men' are used to hiding under mama's skirt then running out and bitch slapping you, disapearing back up mama's skirt before you can react.

Time to tear the walls down. The silo must crumble. It is time to stop polishing the turd.
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Old 10th Dec 2011, 11:47
  #94 (permalink)  
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a rumour I heard?
A senior member,a rather notorious senior member, of CASA had his roots from an Eastern Block country's legal system.
Could this explain the "Stasi" like approach being applied to the industry by CASA.
Is CASA legal being run to a KGB template?
The way things seem to be going I'm almost prepared to believe anything!!
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Old 10th Dec 2011, 20:24
  #95 (permalink)  
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So this poll hasn't been unstuck?! Good thing by the look of it as there has been some good 'post' reading in the meantime, cheers guys'n'gals!

After reading all these viewpoints, solutions, critiques etc..etc I must say that with all the experience and brainpower displayed, we could create a very effective aviation lobby group. I suppose that would only work if people are prepared to put their 'money where their mouth is'!

Just a thought!
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Old 10th Dec 2011, 23:04
  #96 (permalink)  
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Apologies for the badly worded post I made. It was made quickly and I'm certainly not on the side of CASA but on the side of those denied 'a fair go' or 'natural justice' by the bullies.

One outcome of this forum will be a greater awareness of the tactics CASA are likely to use against their next target. This should help ensure the targeted person and their legal support are now in a stronger position to win against CASA.

I've certainly been on the receiving end of some of CASA's tactics myself.
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Old 10th Dec 2011, 23:53
  #97 (permalink)  
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Thornbird you are absolutely correct !!!!!!
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Old 12th Dec 2011, 00:03
  #98 (permalink)  
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Schnauze im Trog

A senior member,a rather notorious senior member, of CASA had his roots from an Eastern Block country's legal system.
Could this explain the "Stasi" like approach being applied to the industry by CASA.
Is CASA legal being run to a KGB template?
Now why doesnt that surprise me. Perhaps the Swastika will become their new emblem or motif. Regulation by execution !!! What a great bunch hey, Star Chamber members, voodoo witch doctors, queers and steers plus the odd sociopath!
Funny, the regulator oversights industry by measuring risk. Who is measuring the additional risk that the regulator is contributing to aviation by it's actions or incations? Interesting also how Queensland Labor will roll a head over the latest health debacle where $16 million is misappropriated, yet CASA can spend 23 years and almost $200 million of taxpayer money on a reform program that has been subjected to incompetence, alleged malfeasance and generally a complete failure, yet remain absolutely unaccountable?
Das system ist shisen
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Old 12th Dec 2011, 09:04
  #99 (permalink)  
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Top reads....

Enjoying the language of some of these posts. Great stuff. Tell it like it is.
I hope their bloody ears are burning. As if they have any conscience.

Thorny.. believe it. The only difference between the Stasi and some tarmac crawlers I've had the misfortune to meet, is that they didnt have long shiny boots, grey uniforms and alsation dogs so they'd be easily identifiable.
But the approach was the same... Halt! Handen hoche!
False accusation, made up "evidence", and any old defamatory BS to back it up.
I'm pissed off that I never got a free pair of striped pyjamas.

CASA has developed into its own unaccountable Soviet.
Za Stalina!
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Old 13th Dec 2011, 07:14
  #100 (permalink)  
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6 Days to go.

The Mod's advise that the thread will auto un stick on the 19th. So, what's next?.

That question has been asked, debated and we hope, answered. It proposed that everyone who was good enough to 'sign up' will be sent a copy of a reform proposal. The proposal will contain a list of headings, e.g. 1.0. Pink socks on Tuesday, (Reg 36 24 36). If you have/had an issue related to the context of heading 1.0. your response will become part of the appendix to 1.0. In this way, quantifiable numbers can be assessed, edited and published. There will be strict 'guidelines' provided for obvious reasons, but they are essential to protect participants.

We will open a very secure email account for those who wish to participate in an anonymous fashion, the proposal response will be 'de identified' against a general explanation provided of why this is necessary. I believe these are a vitally important element of the package.

The snowball rolled at the top of the mountain is, in the way of these things, gaining momentum; of course, there were only ever two options, break up or move to an inevitable conclusion. The last word I feel belongs to Flying Spike.

Quote: Flying Spike.
A petition itself will, I fear, not sway any fair adjudicator or investigator to act. If the "undersigned" have a case history to support their signature and their complaints have not been followed, then that is damnable in itself and difficult for any regulator to hide behind ignorance.
Shokran - Ma'a salama. (Thank you - Goodnight).

Last edited by Kharon; 13th Dec 2011 at 07:17. Reason: Rotten font sizeing, etc.etc.
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