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Old 24th Nov 2011, 23:50
  #21 (permalink)  
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That's a "YES" from me!

Although there are some good people on the coalface, most of the time they're hamstrung by the wheelings and dealings of the corrupt upper echelon of the regulator!
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Old 25th Nov 2011, 06:17
  #22 (permalink)  
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Wtf does token expired mean? A CASA plot?

Yes from me if prune lets me submit reply on the forth attempt
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Old 25th Nov 2011, 10:58
  #23 (permalink)  
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What gobbledock said - YES
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Old 25th Nov 2011, 17:28
  #24 (permalink)  
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No matter what the outcome with the JQ'S case, we all need to remember that it is time for CASA to open its ears and listen and learn.

This thread is not about a witch hunt, although perhaps a few witches need burning at the stake, but it is more about getting a closer working relationship between the regulator and everyone else. The JQ case is just a leading example of where the regulator is in need of our help.

Remember many are good folk, helpful and not like this madness mindset. The rest need education or a new career.

I have to work with CASA in a small way, I'm seeing some positive changes. Yet others are not.

If I was in J Mac's shoes I would be on the case of all FOI's demanding no prosecutions, unless really necessary as they cost far too much money. I would be insisting on, no, demanding, more country town copper hey son, let's have a talk about this, kind of field education.

As pilots and LAMES we need to have a different feeling towards the CASA field folk. As an example when I do an instrument renewal with Alan Dunbar, I look forward to the experience, is he a soft touch, no way, but it is always an educational experience. You come away from it having learned heaps, and better for it. Instead with a CASA rep, mostly folk will shut up or hide from them. And chances are a few of them might be like Alan Dunbar.

We need to get to the point where a CASA rep is not feared, if they wander into a hangar or onto the apron, people feel happy to see them and great them in the hope they may actually share something good. It may be we share something that educates them, or alerts them to something that needs attention. Now wouldn't that be different?

In order to get closer to the industry CASA need to have a complete, not partial, a complete image change, as I said before, they need to sell themselves better, but first they need to improve the product.

The JQ case should never have gone past a few meetings, compare notes, and in the end CASA agreeing the flying was not outside the limits but maybe right on them, and the operator and all it's pilots agreeing to tone it down a bit. Instead of a let's nail his arse big time approach. If a closer more proactive approach was taken years ago, the Metro would not be speared into that hill in FNQ.

If JMAC or anyone at CASA wants to discuss this further, or contract me as a change culture consultant, let me know.
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Old 25th Nov 2011, 18:41
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Been suggested

Wiser heads suggest that a 'secret' ballot may be preferred by Pruners 'a feared of incoming Flak".

The numbers seem to confirm this. Want to support John Quadrio, but not here??.

Use the PM system either to me or John. Just need the numbers, not the names.

It could be your turn tomorrow.
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Old 25th Nov 2011, 22:57
  #26 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up

For ALL the reasons mentioned, and a few more besides, I VOTE YES
What the hell does the CASA think they are achieving having a low time charter pilot do assymetrics on a Mark 1 desk top almost simulator, and then tell the pilot, "Righto matey, youre now good to go, and you handled the engine failure real well." Now that'd be a huge safety outcome. What a load of bollocks. And then again, there are the FOI's who consider their own version of a VLJ check list is superior to that of the manafacturer. I'd put him on a list. I'm sure he'd not be missed!! (Apologies to G&S).

Last edited by kimwestt; 27th Nov 2011 at 02:35.
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Old 26th Nov 2011, 01:09
  #27 (permalink)  
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Good analogy Jaba
Yes from me
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Old 26th Nov 2011, 04:30
  #28 (permalink)  
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Jab's mate...."AH HAD A DREAM" Oh how I wish....
Unfortunately the Russ Evans, Ces Slyes, Tom Curlewises and so many more who did so much to nurture, promote,and where necessary head butt the industry along the path to safety are no more. Men with Integrity, a genuine love for their industry, and more than anything, experience and competency. They didnt need to resort to the "Who's got a bigger Dick" response that one see's with so many of the current crop, who hide behind their inadequancy and just sit spouting regulations they dont really understand.
Your vision is real, it happens every day in the USA because by and large those that oversee the regulations are competent, experienced and have integrity, and as a result "RESPECT".
Nobody's system is perfect, ours is just a total Cluster
My dream?..make flying fun again.
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Old 26th Nov 2011, 12:21
  #29 (permalink)  
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Big fat YES from me too!
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Old 27th Nov 2011, 03:11
  #30 (permalink)  
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Verily doth Jabawocky speak truth!

Likewise, a Yes from me.
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Old 28th Nov 2011, 19:42
  #31 (permalink)  
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Proposed Senate Aviation Regulatory Petition.

As requested - Your petition.

"Click" the link below to sign the petition.

"Click" the link above to sign the petition.

To the Honourable President and members of the Senate in Parliament assembled. Your petitioners, undersigned, support a statement of no confidence in the current senior management of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

1) Your petitioners from the Australian aviation industry request that the Senate record our statement of "no confidence" in the Director of Aviation Safety and senior management of the CASA.

a) Petitioners have serious concerns that the oversight of aviation operational safety, regulatory reform, incident investigation, immediate and subsequent enforcement actions, their impact on the well being of the industry and the cost of these actions are a public and legal embarrassment to the Government and industry domestically and internationally.

b) Petitioners believe that current mismanagement is producing negative safety outcomes, detrimental to the concept of 'just culture'; inhibiting the industry from freely, and in concert with the 'Authority', developing superior outcome based safety management, compliance and enforcement protocols.

2) Your petitioners request that the Senate initiate a transparent judicial enquiry; supported by independent aviation industry experts into the actions of the CASA which resulted in proceedings against companies and individuals from industry.

a) Your petitioners ask that the Senate request and require the enquiring body to accept, consider and investigate evidence provided under statutory declaration from interested parties, under terms of reference to be decided by the Senate Estimates Committee, allowing wide consultation with, and submissions from industry as part of the due process.

WC – 240.
Should you elect to support the petition the hyperlink below will take you to a secure website where your email address and name will be recorded. The recorded information will not be publicly available or visible and will only be 'harvested' immediately prior to presentation to a Senator. The prompts are straight forward.

No confidence in CASA Petition

Handing over -

Last edited by Kharon; 2nd Dec 2011 at 19:05. Reason: Hard to find, they say!.
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Old 28th Nov 2011, 23:25
  #32 (permalink)  
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X marks to spot

Been there, signed that.! Plenty ahead of me .. and BIG HEAPS to follow.

This is THE chance to get some political leverage to FINALLY get something done about that bastard bureaucrazy that has had such a negative and depressing effect on aviation generally and GA in particular.

Be assured that the required changes will NEVER come from CASA, the dinosaur of the 21st century. Its too hide-bound and has too many people of the wrong mind-set in the wrong places. To our great detriment.

But you know all that.

Sign up!.... and be part of the meteorite, incoming for an extinction.
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Old 29th Nov 2011, 00:13
  #33 (permalink)  
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senate aviation regulatory 'no confidence' petition

as promised here it is, follow this link to cast your vote:
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Old 29th Nov 2011, 01:42
  #34 (permalink)  
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Some apt reflections to do with straight and crooked thinking by the Rt Hon Lord Denning, regarded by many as the greatest British jurist of modern times. He conceded that he'd often changed his mind after hearing argument. He said he often found reasoning to be fallacious, and that first impressions were frequently wrong, on those occasions when one's outlook was distorted by prejudice.

Man of high principle and acute sensibility that he was, all his life he felt "restless under authority", when he knew it to be wrong. Yet in his position he held it his duty to abide by it, except when he could persuade his brethren of an injustice. He never waivered from his conviction that when authority is shown to be wrong, the time shall come, or at least should come, when it will be overthrown. In the late seventies, as he was he was coming to the end of a long, arduous and meritorious career, he wrote -

"The strict constructionists still hold their fortress. The officious bystander still dominates the field. The court of appeal is still bound hand and foot. The powerful still abuse their powers without restraint."

(A constructionist is one who views all laws and statutes in a rigid, dogmatic way, whereas those who understand the limitations of language and expression allow that the are many instances where the intention is not explicit, where there may be ambiguities. This is where interpretation becomes vital to any sound judgement, where a process of informed argument will lead to an ironing out of the creases.)
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Old 29th Nov 2011, 06:17
  #35 (permalink)  
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CASA, Problems and Misfeasance

CASA and problems? Misfeasance?
YES - Deal with the problems and get a fair deal for all aviation.
  • The mess CASA caused with the fuel "crisis";
  • The CASA/Mobil cover-up for the 2 years preceding the ultimate grounding of some 7,000 G.A. [General Aviation – Avgas aircraft];
  • CASA’s prevention of the ACCC enquiry into the AvGas Contamination.
  • The initial sacking of M. Toller in 2003 transformed to a resignation to avoid those awkward questions and the “Golden Handshake”;
  • The replies to urgent queries from Industry that often take years to receive;
  • The refusals by McCormick to personally see pilots or operators;
  • A bully doesn’t like confrontation by others and will therefore be selective in who he/ she sees.
  • The blunt refusal by McCormick to answer serious matters in the Senate;
  • The refusal by McCormick to answer Senator's questions;
  • The selective grounding of Tiger Airlines for alleged risk, whilst the National Icon had aircraft "dropping" from the sky;
  • The SDR [serious defect reports] notifications that are just ignored, yet affect over 200 aircraft in just one case;
  • The refusal to generally support pilots, yet some are favoured?;
  • The refusal to support operators unless there are links to CASA;
  • Bullying and harassment of staff across Australia;
  • The CASA HR [Human Resources] complicit in protecting bullies in the workplace, by their selection process more or less encouraging the bully image;
  • The "Industry Complaints Commissioner" who refuses to answer questions independently;
  • The "Industry Complaints Commissioner" who refuses to answer questions over a large range of issues;
  • The removal of a former Industry Complaints Commissioner who dared to be independent;
  • The interference by CASA in the100% independent operations of the Commonwealth ombudsman;
  • CASA just wave the safety banner, in order to justify decisions or direction to parliament or the Senate committees;
  • The use of "legal force" in pursuing people for infringement enforcement of misdemeanors, when these could be dealt with on an amicable basis;
  • As with all government instrumentalities the CASA is to act as THE Model Litigant;
  • Being the model litigant, does not imply withholding pertinent evidence, perjury fabrication of facts after the alleged event, or continuing prosecution until the victim is physically & financially broken and the business extinct. This is akin to rendition;
  • The CASA consistently demonstrate that they misuse the tools [Regulations, legal resources, Exemptions etc] available to them;
  • The CASA use of a pilot's need for instant decision-making in any connived/ altered/ corrupt or contempt of Court hindsight, to prosecute CASA's cause in an adversarial manner.
  • The CASA conivance to make the cost of going to the AAT expensive and in most cases, unbearable;
  • The AAT is designed to be inexpensive, but legal fees, the loss of income and business because of the deliberate drawing out of events spells the demise of most adversaries.
  • The FOI's who have incorrect "views" or say “I believe”, thereby avoiding perjury or robust queries;
  • The "Rules" in Australia - Instead, we have "Opinions"/ interpretations, depending on the FOI of the day;
  • The CASA supervises deliberately complex regulations;
  • Regulations are simply added to instead of there being a proper revision
  • Regulations are open to multiple interpretations, even within CASA.
  • No pilot or operators can guess at the desired outcome.
  • Despite parliamentary advice to the contrary, CASA instead of being a Safety regulator knowingly bases many of its directions and orders on a [Commercial] basis and outcome;
  • The manufacturing of "evidence", to support CASA/ FOI allegations;
  • CASA Cost Recovery???
  • Cost recovery has always existed in the form of the Fuel Excise.
  • The inordinate growth of CASA with all of its reincarnations;
  • The hidden impost of Consultant services;
  • The CASA employees earning more as consultants and who often dismissed from their former employment for unsuitability, are now in positions of “ expert” authority;
  • The selective use and blindness to any evidence that doesn't support the CASA to a pre determined outcome.
  • The investigators protecting CASA, rather than looking at investigations objectively from all sides.
  • The 23 years and around $200 mill to re-write the Regulations;
  • Incomplete regulation re-write - Judge Staunton requirement after SeaView disaster;
  • The continued improper use of CASR 206 by CASA - [2011 - Caper v CASA]; and many others before; [Toller 2001 – 206 is “... a bad law”]
  • The CASA does not provide timely, accurate and useful responses to enquiries;
  • The CASA does not meet the published standards of service memorandum [7-day reply time frame];
  • The CASA improper or un-timely promulgation of AD's;
  • The CASA mis-use of Exemptions to Regulations;
  • STRICT LIABILITY–only applies to the ENEMY sorry “Clients”
CASA is the house of double standards and inconsistency.

Any more??, please PM me and I will attach in this post, so that all are together.

See also:
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Old 29th Nov 2011, 09:40
  #36 (permalink)  
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Gobbledock et. al.

I see you are pretty bitter and you may have reason to be and sure CASA aren't perfect but have your raised your issues in somewhere more official than this collective bitch-fest? I'm thinking REPCON or the like or even direct to ICC. You sound like you have plenty of ammunition, why not shoot it in the right direction. Otherwise you and all the others on this thread are wasting your time and energy. I may be a bit naive but isn't that why those channels are in place. Even go to your local member of parliament if required. Otherwise you can sling as much unsupported **** as you like and sign as many petitions as you like but it will all count for naught.
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Old 29th Nov 2011, 17:36
  #37 (permalink)  
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Spot on Spike

Finally, you got one right, go to the top of the class.

I may be a bit naive but isn't that why those channels are in place. Even go to your local member of parliament if required.
Wow, a letter to the local member, will it really and truely sort things out spikey, really ?. Oh how wonderful (sigh).
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Old 29th Nov 2011, 18:51
  #38 (permalink)  
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Petition Stats.etc.

For those as like them.

Period from 0730 AEDT 29/11/11. to 0730 AEDT 30/11/11.

Pprune 'Poll" 79% supported. A total of 1107 reads.

Petition @ GoPet site.

Reads 539; Votes 122, Votes to reads averaged 24:1 (+/-).

Interesting. the petition reads approximately 50% of Prune.
Anyway, for what they're worth, that concludes day one of a 21 day event.

Anyone 'good' at nutting this stuff out ?. I'd be very interested in some knowlegeable comment and 'translation.

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Old 29th Nov 2011, 23:32
  #39 (permalink)  
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End The Reign Of Incompetence

Oh dear, so many reasons for an inquiry, so little time to list everything and so much work required to educate the masses. With that in mind I have listed a couple of reasons why action is necessary:
  • Death - Lives have been lost, both physically, and materially ad it would seem not a night’s sleep is lost by those accountable and entrusted with upholding safety within Australian aviation. Human lives and people's dignity and reputation should not be allowed to be destroyed for no better reason than some vermin not having the strength and character to admit to being wrong or making a mistake.
  • Safety - ‘Leading the safety crusade by example'. CASA actions merely destroy any desire or will within industry to follow their example, uphold honesty and integrity or even report an issue where relevant. When you have a regulator hell bent on bullying the industry and driving a pineapple through the industry's a#s for personal retaliatory reasons this is the system you end up with.
  • Scrap it - Metaphorically speaking the entire regulatory structure needs a tin of Avgas and a match set too it and we need to start again, the rot is too well entrenched, the cancer cannot be cured.
  • Folly - CASA tends to only react when the Minister gets a sniff of regulatory mischief. CASA often dig into the recycle bin, pull a few old ideas or discussion papers out from a few years ago, dust them off, put the word out on the street, employee a few consultant mates or keep a few of the crusty old consultant/slash former mates employed a little longer by throwing a recycled thought around! Any working group is likely and a couple of trips to Montreal or the USA are definitely on the cards, especially for all the pensioners running the joint. The taxpayer kitty is deep and the snouts are firmly embedded in the trough.
  • Intimidation - If you embarrass some of the CASA egos, they vengefully go after you. Any time you make a complaint or lodge an appeal that is based on or includes remarks pertaining to individuals that work for CASA they go after you. It is purely personal and 'safety' is the guise/cover they use, but ego is the issue. CASA despise a fair playing field, and even if they accepted your challenge you would lose either way, you may win the legitimate challenge but you would be punished by sore losers with no accountability and an endless bucket of money to fight you into bankruptcy.
  • Taxpayer waste - Have we forgotten the now infamously rumoured ASOP team that blew taxpayer funds on something like 34 projects and $5 million (of which not one project was actually finished)? More projects, more vision statements, more glossy words and more empty statements, more funds for the regulatory reform program which is still ongoing after 23 years.
  • Hollow statements and spin - What about the same rhetoric rolled out every so often, as has been done to death previously by around 6 former Director's/Ministers etc. When you don't hold people 'accountable' for their actions (or lack of action) that is when you get the same old statements dragged out of the closet every so often, re-dressed in a nice new lining and put out to the short-memory of the community, as something 'productive'? The rhetoric, bureaucratic dribble and verbal wankery that the Skull disseminates monthly are a further testament to wasting taxpayer funds. Senior management are a joke. There are some credible and genuine inspectors within the ranks, but the narcissistic manner in which senior management operate and surround themselves with fellow bullies is reflected down the line. The mighty broom needs to be wielded, starting at the top of the daisy chain and getting rid of Mr Angry, the Deputy 'has-been pilot' and his offsider the Voodoo witchdoctor. Next comes the field office managers and assorted project, policy and other BS management positions, then inspector team leaders, we all know the ones, the bullies who have a swag of internal and industry complaints against them, but of course nothing is ever done.
  • Cloud cuckoo land - What about the continual raising of unsafe practices in forums other than CASA's own is proving to be a huge concern is it not? Why is the regulator continually being indicted for not having a grip on the industry, not knowing about these problems, not addressing these issues, not acting predictively but rather acting reactively time and time again? Surely there is more than enough evidence being produced to paint a picture of an absolutely inadequately run safety authority?
  • Safety last - In line with the current direction the senate hearing has taken and the massive amount of evidence being produced, the damning record of safety decline within the overall Australian aviation industry it is time for a royal commission to be launched? Call up the regulator and its senior management past and present, call up the airline executive management, the safety managers, the Minister, line them up one after the other to explain their way out of these issues. If anybody can give the Australian traveling public and the tens of thousands of aviation workers the answers they deserve it is Senator Xenophon.
  • No clarity - CASA will speak of a regulation and say 'the intent' of the reg. In other words they won't be specific with what is required of you to meet the reg, and when you implement a process based on your understanding of the reg which absolutely is not clear in the first place, they can still ping you by saying you are wrong because 'that is not the intent of the reg' according to them. It is merely word obfuscating bull**** designed to cover the ass of the big player and burn the little people to the ground in an unwinnable situation.
  • Snouts in the trough – The regulatory reform program, 23 years and around 200 million dollars, YOU do the maths, what a joke. Also all international trips undertaken by a CASA officer are business/first class, accommodation is up the top of the star rating scale and each person travelling overseas gets a handsome 'daily away allowance' commensurate with their level of pay. And don’t forget, the executives get a fat salary and bonuses! Bonuses for what? Based on what? Incompetence! So why won't the senate act immediately to halt business/first class travel internationally to save taxpayer funds? Maybe the Minister could set an example himself? Why aren’t all public servants flying on the 'cheapest fare of the day' policy when they are required to travel instead of choosing their preferred carrier?
  • Failed projects - Maybe Xenophon could call for a copy of every ministerial report or any project/progress report submitted to the Ministers office or the Senate since 1988 in relation to the reg reform program so he can again dissect it and then get CASA to 'please explain' ? Bumbling ninnies in management are capable of reaching a 'goal' or 'target', ever! Then again they certainly expect industry to have goals, targets, milestones blah blah blah. The longer it takes for them to reform anything means the longer that management get to keep their snouts in the trough, draw tasty exec salaries of between 250k and 380k, yearly bonuses, business class international travel, 5 star accommodation and other well-padded treats. Somebody needs to bust open the beehive and scrape out all their honey. The best way to pull these bloated bureaucrats into line is chop off their bonuses and perks, slice back their remuneration packages, implement a specific and measurable timeline for projects, reform etc. and hold them accountable implicitly because the reality is that there currently is no motivation, need, requirement or care in the world for how they manage and oversight Australian aviation because nobody and I mean nobody has any control over the beast, especially the Minister For Mascot. Individual employees at Fort Fumble are fully protected from external legal action no matter what they do. Why do you think they are so arrogant and cock sure of their actions even when those actions cross the boundaries of what is morally correct, ethical and legal? It's a win win situation for CASA employee's and the taxpayer will always pick up the tab for any litigation levelled against employee's, an endless supply of YOUR money being used. Again, it comes down to CASA NOT having any accountability, a simple fact.
  • Mafia like actions - That is always going to foster an environment where certain individuals do/act/say whatever they please because they are protected from any recourse. Albanese is a nupty who only knows how to keep his snout buried in the trough, so he would be clueless as to what is going on in aviation around him. CASA do as they please, wield unlimited power and certainly the individuals who have been there for decades have outlived many government ministers and know how the system works, very dangerous. I've been around long enough to have seen these very same 'individuals' pull the wool over the eyes of the likes of Smith, Anderson, Byron, Skull and Albanese.
  • Clean swept carpet - Government and the Regulator are intertwined and both feed of each other in the same truth covering fashion. CASA is the offspring of the government which is its host. The only way to crack open this nut is to use an independent resource that cannot and will not be swayed, manipulated or corrupted in any way fathomable. Under the current system asking the government to intervene is like asking a murderer to investigate his own murder, the outcome is inevitable, predictable and known before the onset of the investigation begins. Perhaps the question could be asked why QF has reached the point it is currently at while supposedly under the watchful eye of a robust Regulator (with a capital 'R')? CASA employees now working within the QF group, another good question? Why doesn't the Senator perhaps ask for a microscopic analysis of every audit, special audit, investigation, surveillance activity undertaken, and approval given over the past 7 years for starters, to ensure that due process has always taken place? Not that anything is being insinuated here, it would be done within the context of Senator Xenophon wishing to assure himself that world’s best practice from the Regulator has always been adopted? After all a robust Regulator underpins the basis of safety within Australian skies does it not?
  • CASA Board - Maybe the Board could even outline their role as to what they actually do that contributes to an enhanced safe Australian skies? Perhaps evidence can be submitted to prove that all CASA inspectors (the overarching word being inspectors) have all undergone safety management systems training that is equal to or exceeds the requirement of operators? Perhaps CASA can table all internal training records, processes, procedures and training programs undertaken internally over the past 5 years, not just the last 6 months? The Senator needs to be sure that the current regulatory system meets or exceeds world’s best practice methods doesn't he? The good Senator should ask for a cent by cent analysis on what and how much CASA has spent on projects and consultants and provide evidence of what was undertaken, if it was completed, what the outcomes were and where deficiencies were found after spending wads of money, how were those deficiencies corrected, by what means? What about a forensic analysis of every trip internationally to conventions, workshops, and seminars, how much was spent and what systems were introduced into CASA as a result of such trips abroad? What about staff remuneration- why are bonuses paid to people who work as regulators? Is CASA an independent regulator or a business venture? How much are these bonuses, who receives them and based on what criteria? Simple questions. And what about taking a look at the books to analyse who has worked in any capacity as a consultant for CASA that has also worked for them on a salary at some stage? Just to ensure that no ex-employee has gained financially by either fully owning, partly owning or working for a consultancy hired by CASA after the person has been a salaried officer a year or so earlier, just to be on the safe side really and again to ensure that all checks and balances are followed in line with correct governance processes?
  • 110% useless - The inability to either maintain, oversight or implement a workable aviation rule set. The fact that they are yet to finish rewriting the regs after 23 years of trying proves that they simply cannot do it. Somebody needs to be able to do it, and these nupty's can't, so it is time to introduce a regulatory body that can do it.
  • Bullying of industry - Mistreatment of individual people and oragnisations. The allegations of malfeasance and palpable treatment of innocent individuals is beyond reproach.As has been mentioned earlier, some minor broom work has taken place over the years but the systemic problems remain, and have done so for decades.
  • Nepotism and inconsistencies - Mates rates, jobs for the boys and consultants consultants consultants.
  • Incompetence - Complete lack of strategy or direction due to the inabilty of sheltered workshop protected has-been executives who are out of their league and only capable of hiding under the governments skirt. Crawl out from under your rocks you faceless men and fight like a man.
  • Waste of taxpayer money - How is it that the executives earn bonuses? This is a non profit regulator, how can a bonus be paid to executives? Not to mention Chairmans Lounge memberships and business class travel. Is this not breaking the golden rule of 'the line in the sand' between regulator and industry? How can you provide unbiased oversight when receiving perks from an operator?
  • Out of touch - Many of the executives need to collect their pensions and head off to retirement villa's. They have spent decades out of touch with reality and industry, they have no idea what the real aviation world is about, all they understand is how to locate the next feed trough and bury their snouts into it. Management should serve a 3 year term similar to a political term, except at the end of 3 years it is a gaurenteed replacement. Some of these CASA indviduals have spent almost an entrie working life there, how the hell would or could they be able to provide an effective service when they havent ever stepped foot into the real world. It is time to replace them with current/fresh industry capable people.
  • Smoke and mirrors - The continual smoke and mirror carnival needs to be gutted. Shuffling of money, resources, projects from one location to another to keep ahead of the government's eye (if they are watching) has been going on for decades. Wasteage of money on incompleted projects either improperly managed, never finsihed or 'shelved' is atrocious.
  • NO ACCOUNTABILITY - A lack of a fair or just appeal system for those who are prosecuted, often unjustly. If CASA are found to be unjust or unfair in their actions they receive a get out of jail free card. Nobody gets punished, nobody wears accountability, nobody is 'asked to explain'. Then you have an ethics commitee made up from internal senior executives. This is possibly one of the most unethical processes I have ever heard of. It is as workable as having a team of oil executives investigating price fixing !!They have the absolute freedom and permision to pursue an operator or individual at any expense without any justification or recourse. The use of taxpayer funds without reasonable use is a disgrace.
  • More inconsistencies - application or understanding of rules and regulations - Why does one field office have a different 'take' or understanding of a rule, reg or process, compared to another office? How can this be? Again, systemic issues that remain unmitigated.
  • INTENT. What a load of sh#t. Lawyer a#sholes allowed to write something in a manner so that it can be used either for or against you, at their discretion. Absolut crap. INTENT NEEDS TO BE ROMOVED, as it is abused habitually. E.G If you were speeding and got caught going over the set speed limit it is not 'intent', the speed limit is not oepn to twisted interpretation. Either you WERE speeding or you WEREN'T.
  • Final thought - How about the senate internally probe the activities of some former Assistant Director types and HR Executives to see what really goes on at Fort Fumble?? And how much value can be added to aviation safety by having an executive management group which are made up from people who haven't flown comercially for up to 15 years, are known industry bullies, have risen through the ranks and are just former legal interns and then you have stategy and direction a board that are not aviation, industry or safety technically minded people but they are mostly long term government spin doctors! As an example look at some of the issues severely affecting Air Services, what clown hires a former Bank Manager Executive to run a complex component of aviation service? A complete failure, complete disconnect, complete farce and politically dismal decision.
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Old 30th Nov 2011, 00:21
  #40 (permalink)  
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So far I gather, 'letters to the local member' seems to have fallen on 'deaf ears'...

However consider the following -

Re the regs being re-written -

Why is it that every 'breach' of the 'regs' has to be a criminal offence and the penalty = x penalty units??

How you rephrase that for your petition is up to your good judgement I guess, but sooner or later, under these regs, EVERY PILOT IN AUS will sooner or later, be a 'criminal'......

I mean, who can fly for a living and NOT commit an 'offence' at some point in time...??

Additionally, I fully agree with AOPA's stance that ALL REGS should be worded 'simply' and in such a manner that they are fully understood by those they are supposed to apply to... = US!!

I voted 'YES'.
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