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Old 26th Dec 2014, 05:00
  #341 (permalink)  
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King RB, the problem with quoting anything from the skeptics is history shows them as total losers. Your "Young Australian Skeptics" link leaves me cold.

The skeptics told us the earth was flat, we would never exceed 60 miles per hour, that we would never fly, that the speed of sound was an impassable barrier and we would never get to the moon. Skeptics are way worse than the tin foil brigade. Skeptics have a long long history of being proven wrong.

Chemtrailing was trialed by the US military during the Vietnam war as a means of delaying the monsoon season, it would be in the interests of some corporations and governments to be trying it now.

My problem with both this thread and the foil hatters is there is very little room for debate. The believers tout nonsense and the disbelievers do nothing but ridicule.

Ehhh, no, the really are *not* independent thinkers
Some actually are, but a chemtrailer forum would not be the place to find them.

Personally, I love a good conspiracy story, far more entertaining then the nightly news, my motto is along the lines of "consider everything, believe nothing". Simply put I also couldn't care less, so long as it's not in my back yard!
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Old 26th Dec 2014, 05:16
  #342 (permalink)  
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The chemmies themselves cannot agree on the purpose/method/logistics of supposed "chemtrails".

They are an inchoate disparate rabble united only by their ignorance of science, meteorology, aviation and a deep paranoia. They are not freethinkers. They are a cult in the worst sense.

Some will tell you about contrails being covert Geoengineering. None of them have read the relevant proposals about geoengineering, or have applied them to what they believe. The proposals stress that any sulphate release would be in the high stratosphere, and within 30 degrees of the equator. Tell that to them and watch the blank uncomprehending looks.

Tell them why the aircraft we fly cannot perform that mission and be prepared for the same reaction that a happy clappy will give you when you question their beliefs.

It is the same mindset.
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Old 26th Dec 2014, 06:20
  #343 (permalink)  
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Unfortunately, there's just enough "proof" behind Chemtrails (Agent Orange, Cloud seeding) for them to cling onto. Somewhere along the way they added 2 and 2 to get purple. In their minds, Contrails are now the conspiracy

Thanks to apps and websites like flight radar, every chemtard is able to run outside with a cellphone and take "undeniable proof" of Chemtrails while then linking it back to X Airline innocently flying overhead.

Plenty of websites and facebook pages devoted "exposing the truth".

Last edited by ElZilcho; 26th Dec 2014 at 06:34.
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Old 26th Dec 2014, 08:34
  #344 (permalink)  
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The Hydro Electric Commission of Tasmania (HEC) has been engaging in chemtrailing for over 25 years. Regarded as experts in cloud seeding, the HEC have been manipulating the weather over Tasmania’s West Coast using silver oxide sprayed into clouds for the purpose of increasing rain over the catchment of their dams for so long they are regarded as experts in this field.

In recent years the (now deceased) mayor of the West Coast Council Darryl Gerrity has been campaigning to have an enquiry into this activity, claiming that what was once steady rain on the West Coast (of Tasmania) has been turned into high volume short duration deluges that are damaging infrastructure.

The West Coast of Tasmania’s electorate consists primarily of miners and forestry workers who have always supported Darryl to such an extent that it was considered a waste of time to campaign against him. In short Darryl was no conspiracy theorist! Since Darryl’s death his wife Robin has taken over the mayor role.

The above is not only a clear case of chemtrailing for weather manipulation, but also a thought out and legitimate opposition to chemtrailing. Both are something that the majority on this thread claim does not happen anywhere. The point I make with the above scenario is that if this is going on in Tasmania, virtually unreported, what else is going on that we never hear of?

They are an inchoate disparate rabble united only by their ignorance of science, meteorology, aviation and a deep paranoia. They are not freethinkers. They are a cult in the worst sense
A generalisation, typical of what I would expect on this thread. Mayor Gerrity and his supporters would disagree.

Like I keep saying, you folk don't know what you don't know. You don't even know that you don't know.

I don't know either but at least I know that much.
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Old 26th Dec 2014, 09:22
  #345 (permalink)  
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Aussie Bob, if you regard weather modification aka cloud seeding, as chemtrailing, then you hold the same misinformed, deluded view as the average chemmie.

Weather modification has been around since the 1940s, is legal, regulated,carried out by light aircraft and occurs INSIDE clouds below the freezing level.

Geoengineering is PROPOSED to take place in the stratosphere and the mooted flow rates would render the activity invisible.

Do not make the chemmie error of conflating the two terms. They are worlds apart and any attempt to link them shows you don't know what you are talking about.
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Old 26th Dec 2014, 09:48
  #346 (permalink)  
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Read my post Captain, I clearly admit I don't know what I am talking about, but then neither does anyone else on this thread. I simply refuse to resort to ridicule or name calling. Thread is done for me.
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Old 26th Dec 2014, 10:39
  #347 (permalink)  
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Thanks to apps

Do you know there is now an app available to Home and Away. Bet that's got some chemtrail stuff on it.
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Old 26th Dec 2014, 12:56
  #348 (permalink)  
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Capt Kremin ; BINGO!

Ok, next silly topic to finalise, for the Christmas / New Year season?
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Old 26th Dec 2014, 20:00
  #349 (permalink)  
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Aussie Bob, the people here know aircraft and aerodynamics.

They know that the technology to spray 20 million tons of sulphates a year into the stratosphere at 60000 plus feet, within 30 degrees of the equator as proposed by Prof David Keith, has not been developed yet.

They know that current aircraft cannot do this.

They know that any aircraft that could do this would have to purposely designed and test flown.

They know that the size of such an aircraft would mean it development could only be done by certain manufacturers and would be difficult to keep secret, as the mission is not military in nature.

They know that contrails are not chemtrails.

They know that contrails persist in the right conditions.

The know that chemtrail believers have confirmation bias that only allows them to see only the small slivers of truth in their case, such as a PROPOSAL to spray sulphates into the high stratosphere to combat global warming, and ignore the voluminous science of persistent contrails.

They know that chemtrails believers simply make stuff up when it suits them, or alter YouTube videos to use as click bait for their channels.

They know that most chemtrail believers don't know the difference between climate and weather. One is global and the other is local. I suspect you don't either.

They know that you cannot put large quantitities of aluminium, barium and strontium into aircraft fuel and expect your engines to survive.

Most of all they know that the rationalisations that chemtrail believers are required to concoct about pilots in order to have their lunatic theory make any sense are total, utter fabrications. Pilot are not under confidentiality agreements, or too scared for their jobs or lives or make too much money to speak out against the requirements of "they" to make us spray our own families.

Don't tell us what we don't know.
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Old 27th Dec 2014, 00:03
  #350 (permalink)  
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Actually Aussie Bob, Cloud seeding uses Silver Iodine, or frozen Carbon Dioxide. not silver oxide. The Snowy Hydro scheme in NSW has been doing it for decades as well, and have recently been given approval to do it permanently after decades of studies and trials..

The reason is to increase snowfalls which average about 14% increase over non seeded areas, so as to increase inflows into its dams for more cleaner energy....

and non of its seeding is done using aircraft.
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Old 27th Dec 2014, 09:23
  #351 (permalink)  
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OMG you guys!

I've just cracked another Salamandra and I'm diving into the leftover zucchini slice
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Old 27th Dec 2014, 21:07
  #352 (permalink)  
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This nonsense makes my blood boil. If these believers did a little bit of research on aircraft and aviation they would be highly embarrassed for believing this nonsense was possible. Sure, there has been research done with with this kind of stuff, perhaps not mind control but weather changing,with specifically designed aircraft but to suggest this is done with commercial passenger aircraft his laughable.
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Old 27th Dec 2014, 21:16
  #353 (permalink)  
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Silver iodide, not silver iodine.
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Old 27th Dec 2014, 23:36
  #354 (permalink)  
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Captain, I am aware of all you have posted. The reason I mentioned the cloud seeding was that as you say, the technology has been around for ages. Despite what you say, it is chemtrailing, just as the ag waggon ultralights posted is chemtrailing. The trailing of chemicals from an aeroplane is, wait for it, chemtrailing.

I am also aware of all the bs surrounding the subject, most pilots are. Recently I had an interesting conversation with a lovely lady who tried telling me that chemtrails were a fuel additive. I had to point out that if that was the case, the buildup around airports would be significant. I believe she listened.

The point I make which you all seem to miss is that if weather modification has been around for decades it is possible that there is a lot going on that we know nothing about and are not being told about. It is the silence and denial that make the tin hatters irate. Perhaps the silence and denial is because nothing at all is happening, I don't know and don't really care.

I love a good conspiracy theory, I have been reading about chemtrails for decades, I believe I have just about heard it all, most of it repeated, most of it pure bs, but I still love it and the folk that tout it.

I also think I said I was over this thread ...
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Old 27th Dec 2014, 23:53
  #355 (permalink)  
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its not silence and denial... its simply doesn't happen... there is nothing to be silent about, or deny. the Chinese tried and failed to alter the climate for their Olympics. thats as far as it goes, other than cloud seeding for rain as mentioned earlier
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Old 28th Dec 2014, 01:17
  #356 (permalink)  
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Ultralights, the realist in me tends to agree but .... there is certain evidence to the contrary that makes me think that I just don't know.

As a sprog, I sat enthralled and watched Neil walk on the moon. My love of aviation started that day. Recently I read this Clearly I had way too much time on my hands but hanging around airports can make for idle hands. Do I believe it? It is a fascinating read if you like that sort of reading, I read it in its entirety. Great fairy tale perhaps, but I just don't know.

On the same web site I read this (I told you I love this sort of stuff) I ended up buying the book which I am half way through. Do I believe it? All I can tell you is rock and roll will never sound the same to me again. But is it true? Faarked if I know.

I also read Eric Von Daniken in my youth then headed off to South America to see some stone megaliths for myself. Great trip, stunning stonework. I also met a Shaman who told me stuff I had no idea about. Do I believe him? Some of what he said turned out to be true but I didn't know it at the time.

The problem I have with this thread (for want of repeating myself) is that ridicule without reason is just plain ignorance. For me, its just plain easier to say "I don't know". I don't think you guys do either. Before you all jump down my throat again, I agree, much of what is said is pure bs, like what the lovely lady said to me about chemicals in jet fuel, but 99% bs still leaves behind 1% strange.
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Old 28th Dec 2014, 01:29
  #357 (permalink)  
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I love a good conspiracy too Aussie Bob, and believe the inquisitive nature of some parts of society play a role in keeping governments in check. However in my experience conspiracy minded people apply very little critical thinking to their opinions, often believing a hundred different things just because they presented as "conspiracy theories".

There are some I believe are possible or even likely: Gulf of Tonkin, WMD intel being deliberately falsified, 9/11 being 'allowed' to happen, etc. Some I don't believe: fake moon landing, 9/11 being an 'inside job'. I guess I'm just smug in my own opinions...

The NSA revelations are certainty interesting because they showed a massive operation can be kept secret for some time, but maybe not indefinitely.

Also, I note a lot of chemtrailers don't believe the mainstream climate change theories, so should get along well with many on Pprune. (as I troll as hard as Compy)
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Old 28th Dec 2014, 02:05
  #358 (permalink)  
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If the govt was modifying the weather, do you not think there would be less drought, less damaging cyclones, more rain timed to crop planting schedules, less damaging floods?

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Old 28th Dec 2014, 07:38
  #359 (permalink)  
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Recently I had an interesting conversation with a lovely lady who tried telling me that chemtrails were a fuel additive.
That's what my next door neighbor believes - that there is an additive in the fuel of commercial airliners that causes them.

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Old 28th Dec 2014, 11:25
  #360 (permalink)  
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the thing is, this is a professional pilots forum, many of us are not just pilots, but engineers, and we know, for a fact, that airliners, any aircraft except crop dusters do not chemtrail.
Not only am i a professional pilot, but also an aircraft engineer, i have been inside the smallest of spaces in almost every type of airliner built, even inside their fuel tanks, from all airbus models, Every Boeing model except the 757, and now the 787, and also inside the engines of the larger airliners, also the insides of Military aircraft. from cargo, to the front line fast jets, and no, there is no chemtrail equipment anywhere.. fact. but i still get told by others that im wrong, its been my job to design, and maintain theses beast for over 25 yrs now, but apparently i dont know, because some website or book said so...

and im not the only one here with this experience..... after a while, you get so sick of conspiracy theorist people telling you your wrong, im brainwashed, signed to whatever secret agreement, you are left with no option but to ridicule these unsubstantiated claims... its the only way to stop punching some of them in the face. some do even threaten physical violence, and i have been told i will be shot from the sky.

I am going back to Uni again next year, as is my partner, (she is getting out of aviation, thanks CASA..) and to all conspiracy theorists whatever the theory (although the term theory is incorrect when it comes to conspiracies) is... Peer Review. everything is an idea until peer reviewed, after that, i will believe. but my belief will change in the face of more peer reviewed evidence...

3 words conspiracy theorists hate, Peer Reviewed evidence.
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