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Old 16th Oct 2008, 11:18
  #141 (permalink)  
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I'll be there too.
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Old 16th Oct 2008, 11:27
  #142 (permalink)  
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Sorry to disappoint, Wal, I'm not, and I was actually talking about bringing a fuel drainer to poke you with.... or one of those hot dogs from Hollie's - they might work..

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Old 16th Oct 2008, 11:40
  #143 (permalink)  
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Is that the cafe at YMMB ?

Rings a bell for some reoson
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Old 16th Oct 2008, 12:19
  #144 (permalink)  
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No, its the cafe at Essendon.
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Old 16th Oct 2008, 12:40
  #145 (permalink)  
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That explains it

I thought it was one of them. I don't take note of the names I just eat the food
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Old 17th Oct 2008, 06:49
  #146 (permalink)  
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The meeting went well. I'd estimate there were over 100 people in attendance and various persons of note, including National Party of Victoria leader, Peter Ryan, expressed their concerns about attempts, (and Victorian Govt policy), to close the airport. In particular, the impact of closure on emergency service operations (air ambulance, police and fire fighting aircraft), regional airline services, pilot training, and local job losses was also addressed. TV Channel HSV7 took footage so there may be some coverage in tonight's news services. In addition there should be some private footage of the meeting on Save Essendon Airport website shortly.

Well done to the organisers. It's a good start in the fight to save the airport, and to expose the irrational rants and misinformation spread by those self-interested individuals opposed to the airport's continued operation.
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Old 17th Oct 2008, 22:45
  #147 (permalink)  
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the meeting video is on there website now
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Old 18th Oct 2008, 23:45
  #148 (permalink)  
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I just received an email from the Save Essendon Airport Group.

Apparently parliament will not accept online partitions and want real signatures. This is a shame as they were reaching the 1000 signature mark online.

It would be great to see us all get behind them. You can download a signature form from the website:

Please get a copy and get your family, friends and colleagues to sign it and send it back to the Group!


Last edited by Carlos169; 19th Oct 2008 at 00:23.
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Old 19th Oct 2008, 00:02
  #149 (permalink)  
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Good feedback there 'carlos169'

I wasn't able to attend (due pushing out zzzzzzz's) but does anybody know if there where any of the CEAG's fools where there? Probably where but laid low due to perhaps a lynching in public!

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to how long it would take to move ALL flying ops to other airfields if EN ever did get the go ahead to be shut down?
I'd say 3 years min, probably more. Tulla would be the only solution for the Emerg services of EN but boy wouldn't that change the daily dynamics of Tulla's movements.
I spoke to a woman a little while ago now just off the cuff at the supermarket now at EN whilst I was on shift one W/E & wearing my 'monkey suit' (hence I was a target for her). She said we (as in the fools at CEAG) will be fighting to the death to have EN closed. She also mentioned once I said moving the Emerg services would have to be very well thought out that the Helicopter ops could just move to the hospitals where it would be closer for them anyway. Obvioulsy I wasn't going to explain to her what's involved with having 24 hr access at a hospital for WX reasons alone 'cause she simply had no idea like the rest of her following This just goes to show what fools we are dealing with.

If it ever does close it won't be due to them it will be a Govt decision 'cause they will benifit money wise not safety wise. The Govt will just use the CEAG as a reason to justify the closure with the general public having no idea.(if it ever does happen).
For now if I could make more noise overhead their homes I would but I guess we don't want to go down that track & join them at their low level!

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Old 19th Oct 2008, 00:37
  #150 (permalink)  
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I believe there was one fool there, I could not work it out as I saw him signing the petition when it was going around. You should hear the crap he was saying.

Go to the group website Save Essendon Airport down the bottom click on youtube channel and you can watch the meeting there. Click on questions and you can watch the fool. He had no hope of winning his argument!

Had to laugh at one comment "helicopters are faster than a king air" He also made the comment "not everyone here is wanting the airport open" Strange because there was a vote at the end and everyone put there hand up

PS The online petition is still valid, they are going to run two petitions as the online one can be used as a miscellaneous document. So sign the online one and download the written one
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Old 19th Oct 2008, 06:06
  #151 (permalink)  
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Okay thanks "JC", I gathered there might be a fool or two attending the meeting. His comments are typical as to why they will never close EN airport because of a special interest group who have no idea, as I said if EN was to (if ever) close it would be due Govt reasons, still stupid as well!

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Old 19th Oct 2008, 07:00
  #152 (permalink)  
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The lone voice who wanted it closed really stood out... and in the "show of hands" at the end, I did notice his hand was the only one raised for "not in favour" of keeping the airport open.

Thrust of his argument was along the lines of helicopters being better than kingairs - without an understanding of the full system of the air ambulance.

Oh, and he questioned why the people who worked at the airport work at the airport... I'm not sure why he was questioning that, but he did.
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Old 22nd Oct 2008, 01:24
  #153 (permalink)  
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Just received another email update from the Save Essendon Airport Group.

Apparently the Petition Form on the website cannot be used and an updated one is now available for download from
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Old 22nd Oct 2008, 03:39
  #154 (permalink)  
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I spent 8 years in the 90,s as part of the team fighting for the retention of Essendon Airport. John Sharp was all for closing the airport, and DS failed to support it as President of AOPA telling me when he was walking through the terminal at Essendon after landing their himself, it was a lost cause (He doesn't back things he thinks he can't win). However, with logic and economic sense on our side, meetings with the PM, Tim Fisher and Sharp and the local Libs and Nats, we convinced the government to retain it at the time. Much time was spent in CB lobbying both sides courtesy of transportation by the sadly missed owner of GAM. Even Bob Sercombe the local member at the time in the quiet of his office indicated that while he had to make some noise he did not want to see the airport go.

All our surveying at the time indicated that over 80 percent of locals were happy with the airport it was only the vocal minority led by Thompson and Maddigan that caused the angst. However, when debated on radio and TV they could only fall back on emotive BS and incorrect facts

On one occasion we switched all air ambulance and bank aircraft flights into Tullamarine on their return during peak hours. The minimum holding time was 56 minutes stretching to 1:30 hours. Traffic into Tullamarine now I believe would be greater than it was in the late 90's.

Best of luck to the current Save Essendon crew and stick to logic and facts
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Old 23rd Oct 2008, 04:10
  #155 (permalink)  
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The lone voice who wanted it closed really stood out...
Strangely, he signed the petition. Hard to fathom. I was however rather alarmed to hear him afterwards talking about shooting down planes overhead his home in East Keilor (and he made a motion as if holding a rifle and pointing it into the air). I don't think he was serious but it was still of concern to hear such words uttered.
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Old 23rd Oct 2008, 04:38
  #156 (permalink)  
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Sheeez 'Teal' obviously this lone fool is a real DH! If he was to stand at a security check point at Tulla for Eg & say the same words I wonder how long he would last ? It gets laughed off almost at such a meeting but wouldn't be too funny said at an international airport.
Interesting excercise there about switching the ambo planes & bank planes to Tulla back in the 90's. Would love to do that now, the Kaos it would create would for once & all put paid to the idea of closing EN & moving certain ops to Tulla. What we need is a dissabled A/C (no one hurt of course) smack bang in the middle of EN's two intersecting rwy's, say at about 6pm friday during wx so low that only ILS's are seeing A/C land in the ML terminal area. This meaning that only Tulla would be available for at least the ambo's & possibly the bank pkanes, (excluding AV) oh not too mention Fox's jet. There would be a God afterall if that could be arranged just to prove a point if nothing else!
Still for now my job will be ther at EN for many years yet, besides am looking fwd to standig there on our new observation deck to score ldg's as they arrive onto rwy 17

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Old 31st Oct 2008, 05:32
  #157 (permalink)  
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Good on ya save essendon group


Kelvin Thomson MP Federal Labor Member for Wills
Minister approves Essendon Airport Master Plan

Kelvin Thomson, Member for Wills, today expressed his disappointment at the Government’s decision to approve Essendon Airport’s Master Plan. “Essendon Airport is past its use-by date as an airport. It is surrounded by built up, long established residential communities from all sides, flight approaches and take offs.

It has a history of aircraft accidents, in particular light aircraft, which have claimed lives”, Mr Thomson said “In 1978 a family of six was killed when a light aircraft crashed into their home at the southern end of the North-South Runway. “In 1986 six people died when an air ambulance crashed after taking off and in 1993 a Hawker de Havilland struck power lines just after take off and hit the rooves of four adjoining houses before diving into the front yard of the next house.

“I am disappointed the Government has approved the Master Plan and not instructed Essendon Airport Pty Ltd to put forward revised plans to relocate aircraft. “The Draft Master Plan public feedback process received approximately 180 submissions, 80% of which I understand called for the relocation of aircraft from Essendon. “As part of the approval however I am pleased the Minister has listened to the local community through the public feedback process and announced new measures as part of the approval”. The Minister has advised airport management the Government has no plans to relax the curfew.

The Minister has asked airport management to establish a Working Group to examine and report on the impact of aircraft movements and how aircraft noise can be better managed. “The Minister has personally invited me to take part in Working Group and I have accepted. “I will work with the other members of the Group including EAPL, Air Services Australia, the Department of Transport and Infrastructure and Bill Shorten to continue representing my constituents and find practical ways to reduce noise, fumes, improve safety and other impacts that residents have raised concern about”.
The Working Group has been allocated specific tasks to report to the Minister on by April 2009 which include; • Ways to better manage and monitor the aviation noise impacts at Essendon Airport;
• The most effective options to reduce the noise impact on nearby residents, while maintaining the viability of Essendon Airport, including:

o analysing the current aircraft mix, which aircraft generate noise of most concern to nearby residents and exploring whether the mix might be altered to reduce the community impact;

o analysing whether runway usage might be altered to reduce noise impacts;

o better management of Fly Neighbourly flight paths and noise abatement zones;

o identifying specific noise buffer zones and techniques to better shield local residences from airport operations; and

o the establishment of an airport operated community consultation committee for ongoing dialogue on airport issues, including on-airport developments and noise management. The Working Group will provide analysis on the impact of each option on the community, the operations of the airport, airport users and the wider transport/ freight network. “My joint submission to the Essendon Airport Draft Master Plan with State Member, Judy Maddigan, and my submission to the National Aviation Review recommended measures be considered to promote more effective dialogue between the local community and the airport.

“The establishment of the Working Group shows the Government has paid some regard to the concerns raised by the local community. “The announcement of these measures is a direct result of the strong community campaign that local residents have undertaken and I will continue working on behalf of my constituents to ensure their concerns are addressed through the Working Group”,

Mr Thomson concluded. Friday 31st October 2008 Media inquiries: Anthony Cianflone from Kelvin Thomson’s office 9350 5777 or 0419 386 950 Anthony Cianflone Electorate Officer Office of Kelvin Thomson MP Federal Member for Wills Ph: (03) 9350 5777 Fax: (03) 9350 6613 Mobile: 0419 386 950 Email: [email protected]
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Old 31st Oct 2008, 05:46
  #158 (permalink)  
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Master Plan Approved For Essendon Airport
The Hon Anthony Albanese MP: Today I approved the Master Plan for Essendon Airport Pty Ltd and asked airport management to establish a Working Group to examine and report on the impact of aircraft movements and how aircraft noise can be better managed.

The Master Plan sets out the strategic direction and intended uses for the next 20 years, and I have advised Essendon Airport management that the Government has no current plans to close the airport or relax the curfew.

Essendon Airport Pty Ltd has a 50 year lease, with an additional 49 year option, to operate the airport.

Essendon Airport is important for general aviation and supports valuable emergency services such as the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Air Ambulance Victoria and the Victoria Police Air Wing. The airport is also an important access point for many rural and regional travellers.

I acknowledge the ongoing community concern regarding noise and other impacts caused by aircraft operations, and I have requested Essendon Airport management to work with Airservices Australia, my department and local Federal Members of Parliament Kelvin Thomson and Bill Shorten to find practical ways to reduce these impacts with targeted strategies.

I have tasked the Working Group to find practical ways to reduce the noise and other impacts with targeted strategies, and to report to me by April 2009 on:

*Ways to better manage and monitor the aviation noise impacts at Essendon Airport;

*The most effective options to reduce the noise impact on nearby residents, while maintaining the viability of Essendon Airport, including:

* analysing the current aircraft mix, which aircraft generate noise of most concern to nearby residents and exploring whether the mix might be altered to reduce the community impact;

*analysing whether runway usage might be altered to reduce noise impacts;

* better management of Fly Neighbourly flight paths and noise abatement zones;

*identifying specific noise buffer zones and techniques to better shield local residences from airport operations; and

*the establishment of an airport operated community consultation committee for ongoing dialogue on airport issues, including on-airport developments and noise management.

The Working Group will provide analysis on the impact of each option on the community, the operations of the airport, airport users and the wider transport/freight network.

Key features of the Master Plan include:

*Aviation activity levels are not predicted to increase in the coming years;

*Upgrading the existing terminal building to reinstate its original purpose and significant heritage value;

*New hangars, including those designated to accommodate the Victorian Police Airwing and Air Ambulance Services;

*Aprons, hangars and ancillary support areas including offices, amenity areas and maintenance facilities;

*Progressive improvement to the appearance of the airport, including landscaping and upgrade of buildings;

*Support for the introduction of an Orbital Bus service, scheduled to commence in January 2009, which will connect the Bulla Precinct with the Essendon Rail Station;

*Low-level office buildings within a landscaped setting complete with off-street car parking; and

*A range of additional commercial activities may be permitted so long as they do not limit or affect aviation activity.

The Airports Act 1996 requires each operator of a leased Federal airport to submit a draft Master Plan for the Minister's approval. Master Plans are subject to a thorough public consultation process and must take into account issues raised during the comment period.

Separate major development plans must be prepared if the airport wishes to undertake major development work.

Essendon Airport Pty Ltd is now required to publish the final Master Plan within 90 days of approval and make copies of the plan available to the public.

Source: Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
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Old 4th Nov 2008, 04:07
  #159 (permalink)  
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Just received a email from the Save Essendon Airport Group. As the Government has now announced Essendon Airport will not be closing they have decided to take down there website to prevent confusion with people thinking the airport is still goner close.

They also said the group will remain together and if the **** hits the fan again they will relaunch there website and jump into gear again.

Rest assured the group is not falling to bits they are just taking down there website as the airport is now safe. They will still work hard in making sure Essendon remains.

The Close Essendon Airport idiots keep there website online but never update it with there crap story's.
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Old 4th Nov 2008, 05:05
  #160 (permalink)  
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Great work and congrats to the Save Essendon Airport Team.

Well Done!
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