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Old 5th Aug 2008, 09:45
  #561 (permalink)  
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All the ones I know who talk funny are citizens, and have been here for over 10 years (in some cases 20).

Sorry to disappoint, you'll have to find something else to be angry about.

(not saying they haven't been trying, but no takers yet)
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 09:52
  #562 (permalink)  
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That's OK, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Do I gather then that you believe QFLink management are handling the experience drain as effectively as REX management. Because I've got news for you, when the next round of recruiting at the majors comes, many of your senior Captains, as well as those at REX will be gone quicker than Sh!t through a goose. That is unless the Bonus makers smell the coffee and put the long term interest of the industry ahead of their own?

Yeah right!
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 10:05
  #563 (permalink)  
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Do I think aircrew should be better paid? Yes

Do I think experienced Captains will continue to leave? Yes

But the thread is about the trainee program, which is not really designed to address either of those problems.

The trainee program was designed to address the problem of finding new meat for the sausage machine. FOs leave the airline at a much higher rate than Captains do. So the trainee program was designed to address the problem of finding suitable new FOs for the operation in absence suitable qualified direct entry FO applicants (a pool that was drying up very quickly at the time).

In that context the program has worked quite well. Ask any of the kiddies that have gone through already, especially those that have gone straight on to the 400, and I think they will say they were pretty happy to get the opportunity. So let's not paint it with a brush of doom and gloom and cynicism when in and of itself it has been providing the desired result for both parties. QL gets pretty well trained (if not experienced) FOs and the young uns' get jump start on their career.

Let's just be accurate about the purpose and result is all I am saying.

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Old 5th Aug 2008, 10:09
  #564 (permalink)  
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Why A Few Are Ticked Off With QLink


I hear what your saying and you have made some very good points.
However, I do encourage you to look at it from the perspective of many people with 'conditional offers' who have been affected by this.

For those lucky enough, myself included who received a 'conditional offer' with QLink, were told that we needed to finish our ATPL's, and we would then be put on the next course.
We were given four months to complete the ATPL's. Now I'm not sure how good the rest of you are but many people, myself included found that four months to complete all the ATPL's whilst flying full time was extremely hard.

As a result, many decided to resign from their jobs to ensure that everything was completed by the due date, as we were told that we would be put on the next course as soon as we had completed the ATPL's. We were also told that there was a course running every month).

And then due to 'fuel issues' 'training captain issues' 'not many people leaving issues' or for whatever specific reason, QLink then announced that all the courses would be frozen for the next 6-8 months.

Ok, we can deal with this. Maybe these were things that were beyond the control or foresight of QLink. For many it was an annoyance but, either way, they would have a place on the traineeship eventually.

QLink have now announced that when you complete everything, you are put in a 'hold file' that is 'competitive based'.

So basically, many people resigned from their jobs to complete a task within the specified limits by QLink for which was promised a place on the traineeship.
Now these people have no jobs, and possibly no place on the traineeship because QLink have now decided that it should be competitive based. (Which basically means that you may never get a call).

We can accept that the traineeship has been slowed down - hey, it's aviation.
But to make the file now competitive based - now that really hurts for people that have left everything for this dream job. And it's not just one or two people; there are alot of pilots out there in the same boat.

SemperFly, I suspect that you may find that this is why people are somewhat pi**ed off with QLink right now.

Your horse is very high my friend.
I suggest that you climb on down and have a look around.

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Old 5th Aug 2008, 10:22
  #565 (permalink)  
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Hey eternity, if you want to work for QLink then get used to being shafted like this. When the supply of pilots exceeds demand, the attitude of management has always been "we are going to shaft you because we can". They really don't give a rats about you or anyone else or how their decisions will affect people's lives.

And that is why so many people leave when the opportunities are available like they have been in the last 12 months or so. But now the wheel is turning back in management's favour so it's back to the old ways of shafting people again.
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 10:25
  #566 (permalink)  
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Actually my horse is pretty f**kin short. Do you think it was any different when I applied? Or when anybody applied? Only a year or two ago it was 'knock on the door for 5 years and you might get a look in'.

I feel for you. I really do. I am not defending QL hiring practices. I have no more say in them than you do.

The conditional hold file has been at reality at Qantas (and still is) for as long as I remember.

I think not honoring their word shows a complete lack of integrity and I think you have every right to be pissed off.

But once again. All I am saying is:
- The trainee program has not been canceled.
- The trainee program is actually working pretty well for what it is supposed to accomplish.

That is it. Nothing more.

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Old 5th Aug 2008, 11:48
  #567 (permalink)  
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At the risk of going around in circles SF, I was in fact refering to the Traineeship with regard to the way QFLink management treat not only their existing staff, but even more reprehensively those that have little status and even less right of reply. Your assertion that the program has worked quite well, is as short sighted as management's thinking itself.

Beware of defending a program that may have offered a quick fix to one problem, only to completely miss the point of the bigger game. When recruiting for the majors recommences we will then see just what the ratio of F/O to Captain is with regard to the exodus. With the majority of F/O's now uncompetitive for progression to a jet job, QFLink will more than likely have less problems retaining them. They will however lose most of those experienced Captains essential for the mentoring and training roles.

We can speculate as what that will lead to!
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 12:25
  #568 (permalink)  
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Oh for F**k Sake

Once more for the slow people.
On the subject of the trainee program.
- The trainee program has not been canceled.
- The trainee program is actually working pretty well for what it is supposed to accomplish. (more FOs for the sausage machine)

On the subject of bitter and twisted pilots.

Okay here we go. I actually like my job. I actually look forward to going flying most days. The days I don't are the days I have some bitter and twisted d*ickhead next to me all day bitching and moaning about how bad things are and what a victim of 'management' they are.

Here are a few facts for all you folks out there.
You have a choice. If you think you are constantly being screwed over by Qlink, REX, Mainline, Virgin, JetStar, Cathay, M@cair, [insert vitriolic hated or choice here] exercise your freedom of choice and leave and go do something else, somewhere else. Stop playing the victim

I have never met anyone who didn't think they should be paid more (including me ). However the reality of the situation is this. At some point someone said to you 'here are the conditions of the job, in return we will pay you this much, would you like the job' and you said 'yes'. The pay scales aren't secret, everyone knows what they are coming in. If you don't than you are stupid and you deserve what you get.

If you don't think you are paid enough and you think you can get more somewhere else. Either exercise your freedom of choice and go somewhere else or stop bitching. Stop playing the victim. If you are not good enough to go somewhere else than be happy somebody is paying you stupid ass at all.

Stop looking for excuses to be angry and take some responsibility for your own life.

And really Krusty you work for REX so what do you care? What do you care if every single check and training captain, and line captain for that matter walks out of QLink tomorrow and the whole place falls in a great big heap. Aside from the fact that it gives you one less thing to grumble about why do you care? It would actually probably be a good thing for our brothers at REX, less competition and a bigger pool of applicants to choose from.

Everyone reading this has a choice. If you think QLink are pack of f*ckwits, than work for someone else. If you think REX are a pack of f*ckwits, go work somewhere else. If you think JetStar are a pack of f*ckwits go work somewhere else.

If you are unhappy have the balls to do something about instead of just bitch. You life, your choices. Stop being a victim.

[emergency vent switch off]
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 13:21
  #569 (permalink)  
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"And really Krusty you work for REX so what do you care?"

Believe it or not SF, I care about the future. Be it QFLink, REX or whatever. You are absolutely right when you say that you (I) have never met anyone who didn't think they should be paid more. But the sad reality is that wages and conditions are the only thing left that will reinvigorate the profession. All this sidestepping and creative recruitment is only serving to mask a much deeper problem. You are correct with your assertion that the Traineeship has achieved it's goal. It's just that IMHO it will not solve the long term problem. I hope I have made that clear. If I haven't, then we'll just have to agree to disagree on that point.

I'm sorry you don't see where I'm coming from. Not because I necessarily wish you to share my point of view, but the stress I feel in your reply gives me some concern for your blood pressure. Please stay well. The industry needs all the experienced pilots it can get!

Sincere Regards,

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Old 6th Aug 2008, 02:44
  #570 (permalink)  
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I have to say I find the content of your postings somewhat bizzar. There’s a fair amount of anger there for someone who “actually likes their job and looks forward to going flying most days”.

I am not a “kiddie” rather someone with over 1000 hours who, having been shafted by flying in early 2002, gave away flying for something that would pay the bills. The Qlink training program represented a great way back into something I missed dearly. I was given a conditional offer that meant renewing my expired IR and finishing my ATPLs. I, like eternity, left employment to do this. Before doing so I explained my situation to Qlink and made sure they knew what I was giving up for a chance to fly for them. I was told on several occasions that “they would be running a course a month until the end of the year” and not to worry “as soon as I met the conditions of my offer I would be put on a course”.

Now I understand aviation, I’ve seen enough to know there is no such thing as a ‘sure thing’, but what has gotten to me is the assurances made by Qlink, then the sudden about-face. In my original conational offer there was no mention of being put into a competitive hold, and if there was any doubt the minds of Qlink management that the program might not go the distance, then this should have been made clear from the outset. I now find myself much worse off than before being given the offer, and I am not alone. I know several others in the same position.

Now, getting back to SemperFly. You say the traineeship has not been cancelled. Well true, officially it has not been cancelled, but at last count there was between 60-80 conditional offers made for the traineeship. With no courses until next year (at the earliest), and places on those courses severally curtailed, do you think all of those people will be offered a course? No, of course they won’t. Then you say that the trainee program is actually working pretty well for what it is supposed to accomplish. Well, yes and no. I think you will find that the only trainees who are currently doing line training are the first batch to gone though the course back in March! The rest are delayed for one reason or another.

Finally SemperFly, I do not think the world owes me a job just because I applied for one, but I do think that Qlink owes those of us with conditional offers some form of explanation. I have kept my end of the bargain, is it really too much for me to expect Qlink to do the same?
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 03:24
  #571 (permalink)  
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So what's new?

This sort of behaviour has been going on for decades. Our airlines have always been able to con the wannabies and have a large pool of pilots on the "hold file" at no cost to themselves.

That's why GA has been flooded with airline wannabies who believed they were only there for the short term.

And our airlines have a "competituve hold file" and are also talking about a "pilot shortage".
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 03:39
  #572 (permalink)  
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Hi 1000

Mate Im in exactly the same boat as you. Have held up my end of the agreement and finished all my ATPL's, renewed IFR etc. Have now been waiting for weeks now and not be told a thing. Have also made big sacrifices too leave work and take up the offer, and now seem too be thinking exactly the same as you. I know of people on future courses who have been screwed around and had their courses put back. I have also been told that last course for the year is Oct and that all future courses will have reduced numbers on each course rough figure I heard was 4 intakes per course. Good mate of mine was told he is on the January course, which works out too be 9 months since been given the conditional offer until course start date! Im now looking for casual work as Im not too confident of anything happening until next year and even then if any more screwing around after that I will have too seek legal advice, as I have come too far put it all on the line and spent too much too let it slip.
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 03:41
  #573 (permalink)  
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Once again.

I in no way condone, defend, or make excuses for Qantas hiring practices (I have no say in them). I have been shafted along the way myself from time to time.

As I said before

I think not honoring their word shows a complete lack of integrity and I think you have every right to be pissed off.
The original question by Spinner 69 was "Any truth to the rumor (the trainee program has been canceled). The answer is no.

How often the courses run and how many on each course, I have no idea I don't run the program. The point I was trying to make was there is no intention to cancel the program (as far as I know), because everyone is pretty happy with the output of the program.

Yes there have been delays at getting everyone through line training. Everyone saw that coming. But for those trainees that are waiting, I can think of worse things than sitting around on full pay waiting for your training slot to come up.

Once again I am not defending anybody's (management, trainees, etc) position here, simply providing information. If you look at the program totally objectively from the company's point of view it accomplished its (short term) goal. So why cancel it?

Before the program - shortage of FOs. After the program - no shortage of FOs.

I am not saying anybody is right or wrong, I am not saying it is not being handled poorly for you guys, I am not saying things couldn't be better. I am simply providing information to those who asked for it, given what I know about the program from inside QL.

On the subject of the trainee program.
- The trainee program has not been canceled.
- The trainee program is actually working pretty well for what it is supposed to accomplish. Before the program - shortage of FOs. After the program - no shortage of FOs.

As for my 'bizzar' anger management issues. I do like my job and I do look forward to flying most days. I just hate to see a pleasant day ruined by flying with some serial whinger who can't seem to take responsibility for their own life. They bitch and moan all day when they are flying, then go home and bitch and moan all night on PPRUNE. If people are that unhappy with their life they should just man-up and do something about it instead of constantly whinge and wait for someone else to fix all their problems. (note. before you have a go at me, this is not directed at any of the trainees or applicants here, but the bitter and twisted line pilots/ppruners always looking for an excuse to be pissed off)

Finally SemperFly, I do not think the world owes me a job just because I applied for one, but I do think that Qlink owes those of us with conditional offers some form of explanation. I have kept my end of the bargain, is it really too much for me to expect Qlink to do the same?

I couldn't agree more.


Last edited by SemperFly; 6th Aug 2008 at 04:31.
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 04:33
  #574 (permalink)  
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I personally would pursue any opportunities out there that appeal to you. If you get a look in at more that one operator, fantastic. Take the best offer.

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Old 6th Aug 2008, 05:38
  #575 (permalink)  
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About 15 years ago Impulse airlines went on a recruiting drive. Only pilots with at least ATPL, >3000 hours, and at least 1,000 hours multi were invited to an interview. Good jobs were as rare as hen's teeth, the major airlines were staffed by a reasonably young pilot group (very little attrition), and QF were only employing cadets.

More than 100 well experienced and qualified applicants were asked to come in for an interview. Because of the above mentioned industry conditions, they came from near and far. Some spending large amounts that they may have illaforded to make the journey to Sydney.

Guess how many positions were on offer? 20!!!

It is this sort of behaviour, amongst other things that has led to the decline of aviation as a profession in this country. Over the last year or so, the reality has finally started to sink in to the characters who embark on this sort of racket. An almost complete about face has seen the airlines seek out those last remaining experienced drivers and actively attempt to whoo the impresionable and perhaps not so savy youngsters. Of course this did not include essential improvements of T&C's. The only thing that would have avoided the whole process in the first place!

So now we have a large number of eager young candidates who are about to get a salient lesson about leopards. What blows me away is the overreaction of QFLink in the first instance (sort of like the shotgun effect, and to hell with the risk to the candidates), and then the obscene haste in the way they put the skids on everything!

Keep it up boys. If you think the shortage of pilots is problematic now, just wait untill the last remaining keen wannabes finally get jack of all your bullsh!t!

SF. I get it, no need to reply!

Last edited by KRUSTY 34; 6th Aug 2008 at 12:08.
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 05:42
  #576 (permalink)  
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avi8r - the figure comes from a contact within Qlink, but if you've heard it's more it wouldn't surprise me.
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 09:45
  #577 (permalink)  
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I'd love to know how many cats are sitting on conditional offers and are in or soon to be in this hold file?

a QLink traineeship isnt the only job in the world.
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 09:58
  #578 (permalink)  
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Make that 4 cats i know off on hold with conditional offers, waiting for 2009!!
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 11:02
  #579 (permalink)  
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it's now number 5 with me in the 'competitive hold file'
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 22:55
  #580 (permalink)  
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Delay between Melbourne and Sydney

Don't worry about the hold files boys. I've heard that course five which is due to finish this weekend is being split into two groups with one group starting in Sydney on the 1st of September and the other group to start sometime in October. 3 and 9 week delays, sounds like fun!!

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