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Air Ngukurr - 3rd one in 3 years

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Old 15th Mar 2006, 11:28
  #1 (permalink)  
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Air Ngukurr - 3rd one in 3 years

What's going on in this industry;After 'Anildi' and Nac, it's Air Ngukurr, one of the best Company in the NT, who went down this morning after 10 years of operation. Who to blame? The management? Lack of A/Cs maybe? who knows.......
Anyway, my regards to all (ex air ngukurr) staffs.
What a sad day............
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Old 15th Mar 2006, 12:02
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Good luck to noodle
Where ever you are
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Old 15th Mar 2006, 12:39
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Thumbs down

A little bird told me that Abo Air well and truly farked them over.

You can't turn your back in GA.

Good luck to the 15 pilots and other out of work staff.

Last edited by Outkast; 16th Mar 2006 at 08:08.
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Old 15th Mar 2006, 17:58
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So who's left?
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Old 15th Mar 2006, 23:04
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Hardys and Chartair (Direct Air?)
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 00:30
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Was the shutdown due to financial pressure or loss of AOC?
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 01:24
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Making friends...

Dog1, I'm lead to believe that despite the normal operating pressures, Outkast has correctly indicated who is currently making friends in Darwin. (maybe we know the same bird)
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 03:03
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I thought I saw a couple of what looked like pressurised Cessna 210's with "Air Ngkurr" or whatever on the tail at YMMB. That was a few months ago.
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 03:46
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Good on you sunfish, glad to hear that.
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 03:56
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Hard to compete with Aboriginal Air.....dey got dat gov'ment money ay !
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 06:38
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Government money

One of the major reasons that GA is in dire straits money wise, is that the govt cannot keep it's sticky fingures out of business.
GA operators have to compete with organisations that raise money from the general public, and get handouts, concessions, grants, and generally favourable treatment from govt departments., and often do not pay tax.

"Not for profit" organisations should not be issued with a"for profit" Charter, or RPT AOC. They have unfair, advantages.
This distorts commerce, and appears to border on curruption.

We have almost got a society where corruption is normal.
One company dominates the airline industry, and all except one of the others will have a very hard time, (That one is needed to disguise the monopolistic system)

This is becoming general throughout the whole industry.
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 07:49
  #12 (permalink)  
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What's happening up there? I heard it was a peaceful process, yet from comments here it would seem not to be the case?

The mention of job losses is sickening; are they rolling in their fancy caravans to take over the job of their piston counterparts? What are the plans for the future?

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Old 16th Mar 2006, 08:05
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I think Abo Air have plans to conquer the world.

And please don't think of standing in their way, You little pilot people are just chicken feed.

I hope Hardy , Chartair and Ausjet can band togther and give them a run for their money.

ps - Sunfish - and what was your point?
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 09:22
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Are Air Frontier still operateing? What about Barrier Air Services as well?
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Old 16th Mar 2006, 10:55
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Thumbs down

Your post was obscene and totally unacceptable. Your user name also reflects very poor taste.

Consider yourself extremely lucky I have only given you seven days to re consider your actions.

Sunny Woomera

I have now received a number of further complaints regarding your post.

In retrospect and in view of your ludicrous user name, I have decided to make your ban permanent.


Sunny Woomera

Last edited by Woomera; 16th Mar 2006 at 15:31.
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Old 18th Mar 2006, 02:00
  #16 (permalink)  
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No offence to you great bunch of people. Enjoy.

Gather round my dear friends, I must be insistin’,
I’v a tribute to tell, of the good people I know.
If you don’t agree, you don’t have to listen.
But read first and choose, it’s really their show.

It’s a tough business, this G.A. game,
The roadside is marked with the Crosses.
But without good people, you’d go insane,
For there’s also a big mob of ‘tossers’.

So this life is tough, and things are hard,
But have a look here, theres no Ivory Towers.
A resilient bunch, this Ngukurr mob are,
They all secured jobs, within 48 hours.

A close knit team, they banded together,
On this rainy night, saw life friends they’d scored.
At the Beachfront, good times rememberd.
They laughed at the antics, of Mr Scam-Ford. (Fictional Name)

But this story has details, please read with delight,
Their’ a great bunch of people, true Ladies and Gents.
And don’t ever think, this was written in spite,
I stayed up all night, I’v spared no expence.

First I must say, in the lead Mr B,
Many moved up, under his guiding light.
He’s a well know Schollar in the Territory,
He gave all he could give, he’s ‘out of sight’.

Then there’s a man, of caliber and stature,
Handles turbines with grace, he’s got the feel.
Sometimes he’s a kid, but when need be mature,
Stay out of the way, of our Capitan Steele.

Just like the show was Ngukurr you know,
They had stars just like on TV.
The man who told us where we had to go,
Spoke and was built, just like Mr ‘T’.

Peters were plenty in this organization,
But hours, one put in a lot.
Sometimes with joy, sometimes with frustration,
No more capable man, ever filled the safety slot.

The other must be mentioned, a strong silent type,
He’d pack a good punch, a tower of might.
He’s not into parties, he doesn’t like hype,
But when anyone achieved, his face showed delight.

In good direction, he helped to steer,
Not just in work, but with personal problems.
He’d listen with patience, while some cried in their beer,
To anyone who asked, with their problems n solvem’.

And where would we be, without smiling J.C.
Not the lord, this ones a touch evil.
His good wit and antics, made a fun place to be,
And his mateship, something to believe in.

When Shaken’s around, it’s quite profound,
With a smile says “Need a hand mate”?
His laughter filled hallways, with a friendly sound.
Another good man, there is no debate.

Then “Outback” hit town and quickly found,
Things were different, but still gave his best.
When days work is done, He is heaps of fun,
Well keep guessing what he’ll get up to next.

Then Nez filled our lives, with her lovely charms,
And sweet sounding songs that she sings.
A kind thoughtful girl, our lives she calmed,
We wish you the best, in the big Alice Springs.

Now it must be said, they had a fair spread,
From Ngukurr to Darwin and Groote.
This poem’s not complete, if nothing is said,
Bout the Islandt Mob. To you we salute.

She runs a tight ship, and shoots from the hip,
Not just a pretty face it would seem.
She got the place running, I’ll give you the tip,
A very good example, of a well oiled machine.

And the lad there to assist, with the running of this,
Gets the job done with no ‘If’s But’s or Mabeys’.
A dashing young chap, you can’t dismiss,
He’d have to be a hit with the ladies.

The team was enhanced with the addition of M,
The potential abounds with this young one.
If any speak ill, don’t listen to them,
For you have ‘The Power of One’.

Now it must be said, that some fear to tread,
The town of Ngukurr can give you a scare.
To this fearless team, let it be said,
It’s not the end of the world, but you can see if from there.

With big D at the helm, all will go well,
He cut his teeth chasing cattle on stations.
When he gets his break, our pride will swell,
A talented young man, with great aspirations.

Somehow out of place, a kind friendly face,
Graced Ngukurr, (a break from tradition).
Up from the south, to make her mark on the place,
A lady of manors and distinction.

Such a good team never graced this town,
The place is not just proficient.
They will make their mark and be seen on their rounds,
Their skill and hard work will be very efficient.

Oh silly me, I almost forgot,
Brody and Sam need a mention.
They weighed the bags and helped with the lot,
And listened to our growing tention.

And the man that held it all together,
Not very big, but from very good stock.
Without him it would have been a dilemma,
Stand up and be proud, three cheers for Jock.

So think what you may, and say what you say,
They were a great team, and never got jaded.
They got caught out, the real ones that paid,
For the problems from South, exacerbated.

So there you have it, a quiet tribute,
To really good people, now spread to four corners.
Please save your comments and sad rebuke
And remember, the guys and girls of Air Ngukurr


Last edited by 3RAR; 18th Mar 2006 at 02:19.
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Old 18th Mar 2006, 09:50
  #17 (permalink)  
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3RAR, not a bad effort mate.

I had heard that AAS were going to take over/work with Ngukkur. What ended up happening? Did the plans fall through and they set up on there own?

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Old 18th Mar 2006, 10:17
  #18 (permalink)  
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3RAR, mate are you waiting to get a job or something?? You've got too much spare time... my god.....!!
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Old 19th Mar 2006, 01:17
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Angry Victims of their own

Looking at AN's ops manual, and the manner in which the ops requirements were written, a big part of the reason is some - - - - - self annointed beaurecratic half wit was trying to justify his own position. Talk about restrictive practices, and nothing whatever to do with safety and commercial practicality. Or did the CP fail his medical???

HE should be having a quiet chuckle in his beer!!!!!!!

Last edited by kimwestt; 19th Mar 2006 at 01:54.
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Old 19th Mar 2006, 03:58
  #20 (permalink)  
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I agree Kimwestt.

Management is to be blamed for this demise. A board of aboriginal directors ? Bwawaaha!
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