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Avalon Airshow? is it worth it

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Old 21st Mar 2005, 16:04
  #21 (permalink)  
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6 days wasn't it?

Having been to the last 5 or so consecutive Avalon Airshows, I have still not yet seen....
- F-14
- Harrier
- Jaguar
- F-5
- F-4
- A-4 (yes, some are still out there)
- Anything French

Of course B-2's and F-117's may be out of the question. But could they not at least have brought back the Tornado or B-1B, or Super Hornet? Or some of the attack helicopters? Not even a show from the Tiger? How about the MiG-17's/19's and Vampires we used to have? Where have so many of the crowd-pleasers gone?

2001 was the best of them all. Although at least we got to see the Aussie hornet fly this time round...

Add to that everything already mentioned, I decided one day was enough this year.

Last edited by Hornetboy; 21st Mar 2005 at 16:36.
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Old 21st Mar 2005, 22:50
  #22 (permalink)  
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Hornet boy, the F-117a was actually there, it was in stealth mode and all you could see was the "empty" spot where it was parked.

I know, bad joke.
wadda you expect from a cat!

cough, cough, blasted furball
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Old 21st Mar 2005, 23:28
  #23 (permalink)  
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I attended on Sunday, and was amazed at the lack of light a/c on the East airfield. Straight in at 07:45, and start-up and taxy with NO delay on leaving.
If this was indicative of the overall attendance, then I cannot believe the numbers as claimed.

The trade displays were very impressive, and I enjoyed catching up with the AN DC3 crew again.

The flying display, overall, I found somewhat disappointing. There was a terrible "sameness" to it, possibly understandable in light of the difficulty in getting "new iron" to attend.
How many times do I have to be told how the F-15 is the saviour of the free world? How many times do I need to learn the climb rate of an F-16, or that the pilot is pulling a 9G turn, and its physiological effects?

For sheer flying ability, and the ultimate "shock-and-awe", then Jurgis Whatsisname was impossible to beat!
His display was all I heard spoken about round me, he was the highlight of the day for me.

I didn't go Friday evening, I've seen one, that was enough.

I didn't stay for the F-111 display, its ability to turn fuel into noise is legendary, and I was expecting a delayed departure from the East airfield, but I gather I didn't miss anything I haven't seen before.

I was disappointed at the lack of British and Russian hardware, the solitary Nimrod quietly sneaking in to park was a telling story, to me. It may well be that they were invited, but declined for whatever reason, but I was looking forward to a re-awakening of memories of the Tornado display of a couple of years ago.

In summary, will I be there in '07? On balance, considering what I saw, I don't think so.
That, in itself, is a revelation to me, I have been an aircraft nut all my life and can't quite accept that I was, unbelievably, quite bored with the display. If the success of the overall event is measured by the Trade days, then I'm sure the claim of success is valid but, if they are claiming the flying display a success then, with one notable exception, I would disagree.

Kind regards,

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Old 22nd Mar 2005, 05:32
  #24 (permalink)  
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What would you like to see at Avalon? Just a wishlist....

A-380 (one day)
B787 (one day)

Last edited by Obiwan; 22nd Mar 2005 at 06:23.
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Old 22nd Mar 2005, 21:25
  #25 (permalink)  
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There were a number of French Helicopters, or dont they count!

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Old 22nd Mar 2005, 22:04
  #26 (permalink)  
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Ok, reading these posts I felt obliged to add a comment. I had never been to an airshow and are fairly new to aviation having just obtained my Pilots Cert in LSA's but I was "blown away" by Avalon. I spent both Sat & Sun there and I was truly amazed at the airshow of which I felt there wasn't many gaps between them at all (except for the jetstar problem and the over promotion of them).

This makes me think that the organisers have a big problem. How to deliver a show that would take enormous project management skills (and I take my hat off to them for that - could you organise a multi million dollar event like that - can you imagine the organisation that this show would take and being purely subjective to the weather and so many different political suppliers?) and keep it interesting for both new comers and experienced show goers?

I would have liked to have seen more LSA there and more local content in the tents.
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Old 23rd Mar 2005, 09:33
  #27 (permalink)  
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Old 23rd Mar 2005, 10:04
  #28 (permalink)  
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I agree, Avalon has dulled down and this year I voted with my feet and stayed away.

I've been spoiled though. Brought up three miles from Farnborough, as a kid I used to ride my bike down there and sneak in the exits backwards so the coppers thought I was going out, not coming in.

The sight of the early P1127, the Concorde prototypes (man, were they ever noisy!) the Victors and Vulcans, Buccaneers and Sea-Vixens, and the Red Arrows, first with Hunters, then Gnats, then Hawks. I know the Roulettes are pretty good, but after the Red Arrows the Aussie team is very pedestrian. Nothing like a nine-ship team flying jets. Although the Navy did a good job one year with a four-man low-level, low speed aerobatic team performing aerial ballet in Harriers, just in front of the Royal Box.

I even saw an SR-71 there one year. It made the Atlantic crossing in 1h59m...

OK, I'll stop reminiscing now...
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Old 23rd Mar 2005, 13:14
  #29 (permalink)  
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lol Tipsy, the "stealthed" F-117 must have done a fair bit of display flying too then.

OWAP...........................................sorry mate.
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Old 23rd Mar 2005, 22:36
  #30 (permalink)  
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Cheer Up

In a word you lucky son of a gun (I know more than one word)
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Old 24th Mar 2005, 01:41
  #31 (permalink)  
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I posted a rely on the "Who is going to Avalon"

But one improvement I would suggest....

Is to add more of a GA based display somehow, somewhere in the line up!
Yes i know its an Internation Airshow... but aim some more emphasis at the locals, and the local market?
Was there any actual propeller companies displaying their wares??
VH-PIP was on display at the Castrol Tent, and what a nice paint job as well.
Skylines were there..
But I couldnt buy an new ERSA!

This is just a thought !
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Old 24th Mar 2005, 02:52
  #32 (permalink)  
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Can be easily overlooked! Apology accepted.

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Old 24th Mar 2005, 12:28
  #33 (permalink)  
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At the risk of.......................

Dear Woomera,

It's a nice slip.....<g>

I apologise for taking so long to reply, been busy trying to get aircraft out. Have we crossed paths/swords in the past? Did I perhaps fail you on one of your flight tests?

" background..."? Now where did you get that? A logical mind, I think, but no llb here. Perhaps you have the wrong person in mind!

And your: "A smart organisation would take the constructive criticism by experienced aviation people on board and try harder next time." takes a little understanding. Why on earth do you think I bother to open the thread, if not to seek input? And if I get input which is useable/applicable, it gets fitted into the scheme of things.

I have to say that I don't quite understand the significance to you of 1999, - "I see you have been around since 1999" - that (presumably, I don't recall) being the year that I decided that I had enough spare time to stop lurking and start contributing. Whatever, I have certainly over the years valued the inputs of people such as Gaunty and John E, who take time to give/initiate considered and useful replies/comments within a subject thread. Any embarrassment I might have relates to the seemingly unclear English expression I used, and the ease with which you set the wild geese chasing, although imo that is not the role of the moderator. Context, man, context.

The context was the comment by some gentleman who suggested that we "winged" the flying display, and that's what I addressed with my comment. Although I generalised a little out of that trigger-point, sadly, others have since validated my comment, to which issue I shall return. However, to those knowledgeable people who saw fit to take offence at my comment, I apologise unreservedly, for I sought only to put down the idiot fringe.

But first; my comment, to whit: "many people who comment on this forum have zero knowledge or credibility" is sustainable on a daily basis. I'm positive that you read many threads on Pprune, and I would worry if you disagreed with the statement. Zero knowledge of a subject or portion thereof equals ignorance, and shooting one's mouth off from a basis of ignorance surely reduces credibility to zero level, does it not?

Let's drag a couple of examples out of this thread. Critical Reynolds No wrote: "Maybe a trip to RIAT or another large airshow may be the go." Now, whilst the two ASDU executives who worked at RIAT last year might be a bit offended by that, I consider that the imputation that can be drawn, ie that the RIAT Ringmaster on our team (thanks Geoff) and the other senior executive from RIAT (thanks Brian), who between them have in excess of 40 years experience at the tattoo, have not contributed to our show, is quite an unacceptable slur. Perhaps CRN would like me to magically import full-length parallel taxiways, more concrete than there are squadrons to cover it, benign military airspace (and controllers), albeit a bit tight, minimal to zilch RPT considerations, and a charitable environment, which ensures significant low cost support. Do you think that I should allow CRN any credibility on this basis?

Or triadic: is he a politician? Of course the Minister was there, but did triadic try to establish that before his comment? Would someone who had personally committed a significant portion of the Nation's hardware to a show not turn up to see how it was presented? Again, triadic, credibility score zero.

Finally Woomera, there are corporate issues that are better not (from my perspective) dragged through the court of uninformed public opinion because in subsequent years the absence of confidentiality might militate against continued support. I'm sure you have been around long enough to understand!


Gaunty: Your comment about stretching 3 hours into 2 addresses, I take it, the Trade Day displays. Actually, they were always two hour displays. The rest was practice flying by those who hadn't arrived in time to practice during the preceding practice days, if you see what I mean. Something to do with tropical cyclones, it seems. But the significant thing for me is that it is now extremely difficult to get an Exhibition, as distinct from Display, aircraft to actually put on a display, as distinct from a demonstration flight, of which there were many. You may recall that this was the original idea of the Trade Day flying. If there isn't a potential bag of gold to be seen (as there was during the helo acquisition times a few years ago), nobody is going to spend a few grand to please the ordinary punter. For the public days, there were more acts available than we could use in the six hours (minus RPT traffic time) available. Further, may I say that in this business, PT Barnum is long dead. Flying circi are out the window. Deliberately crashing surplus biplanes into barns is forbidden. In this environment, a bit of G&S with sound and light is all that is allowed, along with the rare woman prepared to stand on top of an ultralight doing wingovers.

John E: Yep, the weekend weather was all that could be asked. Don't know why you need to explain your quals, they're already known. For me, of relevance, display pilot in the sixties, ringmaster 70's, boss of heavy jet outfit 80's, also RPT examiner, aviation consultant later 90's, 8 years with ASDU, on the way out (good riddance no doubt!). Also an RPT Surveyor for a while, so very close to your business as well, indeed had about 20 ATC's working for me this show. BTW, I thought the pyros were quite well orchestrated, given the OHS considerations and limits. I'll bet young Larard has never before flown a Kittyhawk with more apparent firepower, and the praccy bombs in the Amberley store don't have quite the resonance that we saw last week.

To those who dream of the so far unattainable: every show we go through the process of establishing wish lists, and every show, it seems, something prevents our wishes being fulfilled. We don't decide who or what comes from far away, more is the pity. Too many opposition airshows (eg, the Baghdad Airshow in '03, other considerations this year, surely that must be obvious to anybody who reads the international pages) interfere with due process. Hornetboy, neither have I seen Harrier or Jaguar or F5 in Oz, but I would very much like to. How do you suggest we "bring back" the Tornado, B1 or Super Hornet? Who is "they"? I'll go talk to them if I can find them. Who would you have fly the Tiger? Night Owl, your penultimate para is prescient.

May I philosophise a little? Subject to Woomera pulling the plug on me, I'd like to give you an opinion. I have taken a hell of a lot out of aviation in 45 years, and in the last decade, I have tried very hard to constructively return something. It seems to me that there is a huge amount of negativity about at the moment as we go through a low in the sine curve of aviation activities. I see in the media (including Pprune) a lot of bad-mouthing everything to do with GA and RPT. There is often nothing but idiot input to serious discussion. Many folks don't have a positive bone in their body, it seems. Better to denigrate and slang off than to actually do something to promote the industry. However, I will take bets that the forthcoming inevitable shortage of pilots and LAMEs will have a very positive effect on the employability of the next generation (possibly the fourth generation in my family, so I certainly hope so). The current generation will have to put up with being at the low point because there is no alternative, no more, no less. However, aviation is always in a state of flux, look to the future and make plans based on what is more likely to happen, not on what used to be.

All you people with bright ideas, how about putting your skills and reputation on the line, and assist at Avalon in the future. Answer one of the periodic advertisements in the aviation press if you are qualified, or even pm me with credentials. As a volunteer (one of about 750 or so) it will only take about 14 days at 12 hours a day out of your life each two years, but you will be doing something positive for aviation. If you really wish to wring yourself out over several months, go for a senior job.

However, I've done my dash, so to speak. Rant over. One job left, that is to write a biography of one of Oz's unsung pioneer heroes, AA Koch. That'll take a few years, no doubt.

Good luck to you all, even the idiots.

Toodle pip chaps,

Takes of hat, hangs it on hook, walks slowly to the exit, sets off in the general direction of the golf club.

Young whippersnappers.......Bah!
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Old 24th Mar 2005, 23:49
  #34 (permalink)  
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Your rant is perhaps justified. However one should always try and see comment in a 'constructive' light wherever possible. It is the sad Aussie custom to be a knocker first, a part of our culture we should all be used to. (for better or worse!)

Or triadic: is he a politician? Of course the Minister was there, but did triadic try to establish that before his comment? Would someone who had personally committed a significant portion of the Nation's hardware to a show not turn up to see how it was presented? Again, triadic, credibility score zero.
Of course I don't know the guest list, but I was there every day and did not see any media comment from Minister Anderson about the show or him being there. Usually such visits are subject to media comment and for an aviation minister, much fanfare... sorry, but did I miss that?

You should not take the comment here to heart, but some of it is perhaps valid and might be used in the future. As always you have to filter it somewhat!

Job well done, nevertheless.
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Old 25th Mar 2005, 00:25
  #35 (permalink)  
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Thanks for the considered reply, and I accept the points that you made.

Call in for a decent coffee next time you pass Hangar 3?
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Old 25th Mar 2005, 00:47
  #36 (permalink)  
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I managed to get to Thursday's trade day and quite enjoyed walking around the halls and aircraft displays. My only gripe for the whole day was the ridiculously overpriced food. $12.50 for a very small bowl of 'hot meal of the day' and $4.00 for a 600ml softdrink! Bugger selling missile defence systems and engine components, I'm bringing a hotdog van in 2007!

To assist those of us with a passing interest in photography and if it's not too much of a hassle could you perhaps move the runway to the eastern side of the viewing area. With the flying displays taking place in the afternoon the sun is currently behind the aircraft on display and as such the conditions are not conducive to taking photos.

See you in 2007 and look forward to the new runway setup!


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Old 25th Mar 2005, 01:40
  #37 (permalink)  
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Good points made by the last few posters but I asked about the food and drink prices and was told up to $10,000 for a site phew no wonder you would have to charge like a wounded bull to recoup the outlay then make a profit, I too was a bit piss*d off at the prices but calmed a little when told that. Will bring my own tucker next time 2007

Last edited by Lukeatme; 25th Mar 2005 at 11:30.
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Old 25th Mar 2005, 13:33
  #38 (permalink)  
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Everybody loves going to a good airshow... but these things cost money. Yeah, the food is overpriced; there isn't enough GA; too much focus on industry. Thing is... it almost seems like a trade show designed to drum up big business that wants to make a bit on the side from the Australian public. How dare they!
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Old 25th Mar 2005, 21:59
  #39 (permalink)  
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A good show but like others have said the food price was way over the top.
I think Piper and Cesna should have had a stand and Qantas and VB didn't seem to be around. No new baron B58 to look at, or really good GA aircraft. I was thinking airshows were like car shows, you looked then went out and spent money.
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Old 26th Mar 2005, 20:13
  #40 (permalink)  
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Maybe Piper, Cessna & Beech (piston) stayed away because Cirrus, Diamond and Airvan are the big sellers and the show is not worth it (too expensive to display) if no sales result.

Cessna sells steady numbers but it's been a while since Piper or Beech have sold anything new here.

As for QF, DJ etc.

Jetstar had a display and I don't think QF would want to take the gloss off little brother by having a display. Also, having Jetstar RPT arr. & dep. during the show was a marketing coup.

Why would DJ waste money on a display - in an area they don't service - when Jetstar steels the limelight several times a day.
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