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Old 22nd May 2005, 06:41
  #121 (permalink)  
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No Worries MOR
Your correct about the SNOWTAM,perhaps ICAO can come up with an OILTAM.
My point oil as a contaminant is an unknown factor-if in doubt check it out.
Your qoute"even using full reverse we were lucky to stop"

OK time for the Eagle boys to get their thread back.
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Old 22nd May 2005, 09:40
  #122 (permalink)  
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Well I would have been happy with "the runway is covered with oil, it's bloody slippery, suggest you go somewhere else".

However I was with a young captain that day, who felt he simply had to prove how crash hot he was. Silly sod nearly bent the aircraft.

If it had been me in the left seat, it would have been "back to Aberdeen".

Do I get the "saddest person on the planet" for quoting ICAO documents...???

On the subject of Eagle... do they ever take direct entry captains, or would that lead to industrial action?
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Old 22nd May 2005, 20:16
  #123 (permalink)  
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Glory Days,

You find out your contract base on your start date, when you sign the contract. You then apply for permanent jobs at a base of your choice when they are advertised. Remember because it's a "base of your choice" doesn't mean you'll get the job. Welcome to seniority rules.

Don't worry about finding out about your base on Day1 and the lack of notice in arranging a move etc because the training takes about 8-10 weeks including the Sim trip, and whilst under training the company will put you up in the hotels etc. and position you back & forth to your home town for your days off etc. So plenty of time to arrange stuff. After your line check they generally give you 3-5 days (depending on where you have to move to & from where) to re-locate.

Good luck & don't freak over the "3 day" thing. Break it down to the 3 main events
Group Session - Can't really prepare for it, participate but don't "over" participate
SIM - Fly IFR just like you do now, use the same procedures/checklists etc as your every day flying. The only thing you have to learn is the AST-300 power settings and speeds.
Interview - Just like any other interview with personal and technical questions.

MOR - They have the ability to take DEC but there would have to be no suitable co-pilots etc from the 45-55 Co's before they could do that and that would be a very rare thing at the moment.

I know of only 1 DEC in the last 5-6 years who came from the retired NSN metro fleet.


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Old 23rd May 2005, 00:50
  #124 (permalink)  
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Ah well it was worth an ask...!!!
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Old 23rd May 2005, 09:16
  #125 (permalink)  
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MOR??? have you lost all sense of self?.....your not considering going to fly the airborne antenna are you?

Actually..if you could get based somewhere nice and rural...close for fishing/ might not be to bad.......
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Old 23rd May 2005, 09:51
  #126 (permalink)  
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Yeah pretty scary huh? Even considering trading in the shiny jet for the flying broomstick... not a happy thought. Mind you, these days lifestyle rules, so maybe I could tolerate ghetto flying...

Not keen on serving time under some snotty-nosed, know-it-all "captain" though... that might be unpleasant.

(stands back - waits for all the Eagle captains to spring to each others defence...)

But yes, haughtney1 , I hear you...
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Old 23rd May 2005, 20:22
  #127 (permalink)  
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Perhaps the Eagle captains would prefer not to fly with some over-ripe, know it all first officer............
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Old 23rd May 2005, 21:49
  #128 (permalink)  
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Isn't the whole idea of the three day interview to make sure that the first officer's do know it all? And that they are captian material right from the word go so that if anything should happen the F/O can take full control of the machince?
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Old 23rd May 2005, 23:56
  #129 (permalink)  
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No, it's to make sure they're not total dickheads. (it doesn't always work)
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Old 24th May 2005, 02:36
  #130 (permalink)  
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He he he... see that's the thing I like about some of you guys, you always bite...

Scared of having someone who knows more than you in the right seat, are you Cloud Cutter (when you get your command)... such insecurity. Tsk Tsk.

Standing back now...
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Old 24th May 2005, 04:11
  #131 (permalink)  
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Thumbs down


If that is the case, then why do most (not all, but a damn good percentage of them) of the Eagle pilots I meet act like such Dickheads?

Most of them have there heads shoved so far up their own ar$es that they wouldn't even know how to sh!t if it didn't come with flash looking Stabilons, Tailits, Strakes and whatever other cr@p they had to put on those ugly machines to keep them in the air.

They seem to think that because they are flying some of the newest equipment, that makes them the best pilots. I have often overheard them berate the other Link companies, saying how slow and old their planes are. They seem to forget that the SAAB can carry 30 odd pax and the ATR's 60 odd and that both of these aircraft have the 3 D's (as well as an auto-pilot), all of which their "Business Jet comparable" machinery does not.

Come on guys. Put 2 and 2 together and try coming up with 4.

I apologies to all those normal, down-to-earth guys and girls that work for this company.

Last edited by ViagraDependent; 24th May 2005 at 04:56.
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Old 24th May 2005, 04:38
  #132 (permalink)  
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Viagra, F*&^%$ eh!!

I hear that a few of the eagle hero club members are hoping to jump ship to big brother....... air nsn, but I understand the hero club committie have put a stop to this.....
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Old 24th May 2005, 09:01
  #133 (permalink)  
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VD, if you read my previous posts you will see that we are talking the same language. Unfortunately the ones who carry on like you've seen are the ones that get noticed, many of us couldn't care less who's aircraft climbs faster. I for one would prefer to be getting paid more, to fly a bigger plane, with a hostie to reduce my workload (Don Won may be on to something....)

MOR, The same could be said for you, given that my little 'bite' is just a (more appropriate) reflection of your statement. I don't have a problem with people who know their stuff, as long as they're not a dick about it......
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Old 24th May 2005, 09:42
  #134 (permalink)  
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come on kids........settle..or you go to the bad mat!...

When I was last back in NZ I had to chuckle when I chatted to an eagle should have seen his chest pump up when I asked him what he flew..aww blesss (seriously NZ it was pretty desperate for a while..which is why I left)....
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Old 24th May 2005, 11:31
  #135 (permalink)  
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Yeah it makes you laugh, doesn't it. I can't think of any regional in the UK (or Europe for that matter) that flies such basic equipment, but in NZ it is the very pinnacle of technology (or so the Eagle crews would have you believe).

And they are all so scared of knowledgable, experienced pilots returning from Europe, that they invent special hurdles for them to cross.

Flying overseas is a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because you get to fly in the world's busiest and most complex airspace, to seriously big airports, and in some really crappy weather, and in decent equipment. A curse, because as soon as you get back to NZ, you are discriminated against by the aero club mentality that exists in NZ regional operations.

Anyway... what were we talking about? Eagle interviews?
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Old 24th May 2005, 11:52
  #136 (permalink)  
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Ive just read my last post.....and realised it may sound a bit smugg or arrogant.....certainly not meant to sound that way..more just to pass on an amusing anecdote.

MOR I know EXACTLY what you mean...wouldnt it be nice to viewed on as a bringer of experience..expertise..and knowledge..rather than a threat. Ive seen it so many times before in rural NZ..(where Im from by the way and where the heart will always be)..and the sad thing is, the regionals in NZ need as much experience as they can hang onto at the moment.

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Old 24th May 2005, 17:45
  #137 (permalink)  
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Is there an Eagle website please?
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Old 24th May 2005, 21:17
  #138 (permalink)  
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It says they want 1000TT and 100Multi but they arn't calling those with bare mins the moment they are taking guys with 1300 to 1500 with 2-300 multi..but that pool is running out fast so keep your cell phone charged and make sure you got 3 days leave owing
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Old 24th May 2005, 22:11
  #139 (permalink)  
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Experienced pilots are highly valued in eagle by management and collegues alike. Unlike Air Nelson, Eagle has no restrictions on taking overseas or expat pilots. They recently hired a couple of regional jet pilots from the UK (moving back for lifestyle), they were well recieved by other pilots and are valued members of the team. Any experience they bring having operated in the complex European airspace environment is welcomed because (unlike some people) they are humble in its implimentation.

Can we please get past this business about deluded beech drivers thinking their equipment is state of the art. The more rational among us have no problem seeing that we fly archaic, GA technology - the main point is that we enjoy it. It's a good first step to an airline career.

Good luck to those with interviews next week. If you're still waiting for a call, things are moving steadily (not quite the frantic pace of last year). I would anticipate at least two more rounds of interviews this year.
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Old 25th May 2005, 04:37
  #140 (permalink)  
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MOR Hautney

Like CC has said I think you will find that most EAG capts would appreciate having someone in the seat next to them with alot of experience. You are there to do a job and get the plane on the ground safely when all the preverbial **** hits the fan. To have two experienced pilots up front throwing ideas around and solving the situation is obviously a desirable thing. Really at the end of the day it dosent matter what experience you have as long as you can bring logical, usefull and practical comments and ideas into the cockpit its a good thing oh and good yarns

As far as EAG drivers being D$cks i think you will find it is the few rather than the many (as CC said). From personal experience I find another company shocking for never saying hello or just thinking they are gods and ignoring your friendliness, but I also have many mates in said company and dont slag the company cause I know its just the few. (something to think about but I've said this to many times and am getting sick of defending )

Another point to make is that up untill EAG got the Beech they were the butt of many jokes about aircraft performance and so on and so on. Do you think may be just a few of them are getting back for those comments!

Anyway thats enough Shizza for today, happy flying all and good luck to all with interviews.

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