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A thread where ex PNG geriatrics lapuns and long longs can live in the dim distant past.

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PNG Ples Bilong Tok Tok

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Old 4th Apr 2005, 08:14
  #381 (permalink)  

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Most definitely official travel, to attend a forum meeting in New Zealand that involved the PMs from most of the Pacific Rim. I don't know whether or not Australian authorities were notified as I'm not privy to the activities of the PMs Department.

It doesn't seem to matter much anyway because Downer has already extended the diplomatic forks to PNG on the incident...
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Old 4th Apr 2005, 09:21
  #382 (permalink)  
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I used to act as PNG meet/greet bod in Cairns for the Papua New Guinea (almost a Consul!!) and met many a PM and senior minister coming through the airport and there was never any trouble. Why? I always made sure that offialdom knew who was arriving. On departure we always walked through the metal detector, but were never stopped... I used to take metalic objects off the VIPs and pass it to the security bods at the airport for a quick check. No panic.

PNG Consular officials have access (or used to have) airside and the Customs Hall... they could smooth the way. Mind you a few years ago I saw the PNG BNE Consul meet the PM at Brisbane airport dressed in shorts and thongs (be nice - feet type)... which might give an indication of the organisation. I point out that this happened many years ago.
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Old 4th Apr 2005, 21:58
  #383 (permalink)  
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My Dear Sharpness Heads of State are usually excluded from security checks and have no need to go through the machine that goes "Ping" This IS in the security manual, but other, lesser mortals are NOT..... The Brain Dead politisen who took the gat on the Bus, nor are the Pollys who subscribe to Rootsies column in the Poscuria. 006.5 who is well up on these things will confirm, and will also confirm my undying opposition to the side door from airside to the boarding corridor in the "new" terminal provided by our Mahrawubby friend in the DCA project Department when you and I were trying to persuade them that it was a good thing that busparangs were not really a smart carry on item, as were defens fors Rifles or flares. However, PNG Prime Ministers usually can be trusted.....not to hijack their own aircraft....if they can be trusted.
BTW Sharpie.... Nelson's Birthday or Deathday or something here today...he was a sailor right.?
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Old 6th Apr 2005, 05:50
  #384 (permalink)  

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Read about him somewhere. Did he not travel the southern oceans in a converted coal packet, or was that Cook?

Twas on the good ship Victory as she lay in Trafgalgar Bay, for miles and miles and miles around the gallant Frenchmen lay.
with every true blue Englishman drinking tots of rum in jest,
bur what did the lowerdecks say, but ...BEER is Best!
Makes you fit makes you strong, puts more muscle on the old tumtum. Beer builds bonny babies, Beer has stood the test, what did Adam say to Eve but... BEER is Best!!.

No problem with Chuckles. He is a dear lad really Just make sure the fuel cock is off.
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Old 6th Apr 2005, 07:10
  #385 (permalink)  
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Bit of logic from Trevor Michie's PNG Gossip Newsletter (available free to all)

** Plastic Bag Ban **

Major supermarkets are confused as to whether there is a ban on plastic bags for customers. The ban on plastic shopping bags was supposed to have come into effect on the first of April. According to previous reports by Environment and Conservation Minister, William Duma, the ban on plastic bags by retailers was set for the first of April and the first of June was set for manufacturers to stop making them. This seems to be the wrong way around as it would be logical to stop the manufacture first and then ;let the supermarkets and other shops phase them out as stocks run out.
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Old 6th Apr 2005, 11:00
  #386 (permalink)  
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Animalclub; You're using the words logic and PNG in the same context????
And pray tell, just how much did you have to drink at the Club Dero all those years ago?
Actually for that matter, talking about logic and any Govt. together is somewhat of an oxymoron!!

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Old 6th Apr 2005, 16:20
  #387 (permalink)  
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C'mon Pinky surely you saw my tongue in cheek... banning the use of plastic bags before banning the manufacturing of them.

Didn't we call that oxy word a "PNG Welder"?
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Old 7th Apr 2005, 08:16
  #388 (permalink)  

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As of this afternoon, my local supermarket (Boroko Foodworld) is still happily using plastic bags to pack one's shopping. There is no sign of them even loking for an alternative, so I guess they're planning to ignore the government order.

Probably just as well because I'd be lost without these things as they get a second use as a garbage bag. Hmm... there's a thought... nobody has said anything about plastic garbage bags!
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Old 8th Apr 2005, 00:35
  #389 (permalink)  
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One notes the PNG government has put the Enhanced Co-operation program on hold until Australia gives an apology to Somare.
Cant be any money in it.

Human Services Minister Joe Hockey said PNG's action would only hurt its own people.

"I just find it astounding I must say," he said on Channel 7.

"It's going to affect the people of Papua New Guinea who need the aid.

"We're not in the business now of throwing dollops of money through the Papua New Guinea Government ... we actually spend it on projects that help people with water supply, sewerage and so on."

Old 8th Apr 2005, 07:32
  #390 (permalink)  

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In the 20+ years that I've been associated with this place, there is one thing that's been proved over and over again. This is that the PNG Govt. has no problem with shooting itself in the foot whenever it wants to. This trait is not confined to Prime Ministers and members of parliament - it can be seen in action right throughout the PNG society.

I think it's locally known as "nobody cares"...
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Old 8th Apr 2005, 10:45
  #391 (permalink)  
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Once again I find myself in agreement with you Ozmate, re your comment about PNG Govt/Politicians etc shooting themselves in the foot.
However; I wish that some of those so-called 'Big Men' would go and ask the Tapini Village Elder why he used to ask me
"When taim bilong Masta come back?"
nearly every time I flew into that God forsaken place!
Actually I used to be asked that question in quite a few places that we flew into.

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Old 8th Apr 2005, 21:42
  #392 (permalink)  
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Sorry Pinky Tapini is not a God Forsaken place. It is positively, utterly, IMHO, the best ples on dispela spot bilong PNG.
The Tapini Hotel (Now defunct) and Biccy's Bar and Diner were places of distinction and spots where one could hang up yer cares and woe until you got back to Port Effing Morbid.
The tapini ILS was a great approach to make and afterwards made you feel as if you had achieved something aviation wise.
Ask Ozex...I terrified him up there.
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Old 9th Apr 2005, 03:27
  #393 (permalink)  

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I'll be passing through POM to/from the Talair reunion and will make an effort to re-read both PX and CAA Security Manuals to see who is exempt. As I asked in a previous post, was the pm travelling as PM, as a registered VIP,( with Oz authorities notified), or was he(as happened a lot in my taim) travelling as jo-blo M.S. wearing leather thongs held together with metal rings. (just the gear to set off alarm bells in the 'walk-thru!)

Beautiful spot. Did many landings there in Pigs, Navajo's as well as the Pievans. No problems if the the ILs was followed.

Saw Max MacCrae take-off in the Pilatus, climb straight ahead over the mountains to Woitape. Great performer the Porter.
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Old 9th Apr 2005, 06:10
  #394 (permalink)  

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Yeah I loved going to Tapini...been there multitudinous times in C185, Bongo and Twotter. The Koiari and Morobe Prov were the best flying in PNG and PNG is/was the best flying anywhere.
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Old 9th Apr 2005, 09:07
  #395 (permalink)  

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Sharpie... In Friday's PosGuria, there was a letter to the editor from Leonard Louma, PM's Chief of Staff. In this letter, he confirms that the PM was on official, notified travel. He was met on arrival by Australian "close protection" and protocol officers, as well as PNG's Brisbane-based Consul General, who had given all the necessary prior notice of the trip.

So there is no excuse that they didn't know who he is.

While you're here, you might also want to read the "Joint Declaration of Principles", which was agreed a very long time ago between PNG and Australia.

To suggest that ANY Prime Minister or other type of national leader can be subjected to the same PUBLIC security checks as "Joe Blow" is pure fanciful poppycock. If that was the case, surely they would've done the same with the Indon PM, not to mention the Malaysian PM!

Get real mate. If the Security Manual says it's okay to do that, then the Security Manual is wrong. Simple as that. I might have to take a look at it from that pespective myself.
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Old 9th Apr 2005, 11:01
  #396 (permalink)  
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Sorry Taildragger, Sharpie et al; I heard all the good stories about what the Hotel, Biccies Bar and Diner (love that description) were like back years ago.
However; when I was there I assure you that to call it a God forsaken place as I did was an understatement. In 1990/92 it was generally a run down, raskol ridden shadow of what once was! It was one of the few places in the Goilala where I always had a slightly uneasy feeling.
Must admit that the Tapini ILS made landing there oh-so-bloody easy!!! Still remember a tiny Cu just off the end of the runway which you could see around and behind just before the turn onto final. For about one second I was totally IMC on short finals. Would'nt have missed that experience for quids!!

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Old 10th Apr 2005, 09:11
  #397 (permalink)  

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Or even the fog that covers the eastern 3 quarters of the approach end of the runway, very early, eh Pinky? Real fun having to sideslip around it with full flap...

The last time I went to TAP was in 1987 and the said "hotel" was a very run-down place where, fortunately, I never had to spend a night.
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Old 10th Apr 2005, 17:58
  #398 (permalink)  
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I never spent a night at the "Hotel" either, but it was upmarket in days gone by.
I did, however, attend an Easter Grog up and Barbie/Buffet on the lawn with ..... wait for it...... Tablecloths.!! There I have said it. THAT was very upmarket, and one of our fellow guests was a past Captain of the Wallabies.... Spit.! We stayed in Biccies bar and Grill down below where he entertainedus greatly and I had a drunken (Me) chat with him long into Taim bilong dakniss discussing his deals on the early Islanders. cant buy occasions like that for quids...or even any more since he Gon die pinis long jesus. No question, Tapini WAS an upmarket place and the trouble only started when the track was opened to Port Effing Morbid. A man could hide in the Goilalas easily from Justis Bilong Masta.
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Old 10th Apr 2005, 23:16
  #399 (permalink)  
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Taildaragger you've hit the nail on the head as to the cause of strife in PNG. Building bloody roads!
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Old 11th Apr 2005, 03:21
  #400 (permalink)  

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Red face OZEXPAT


Thanks for that as it seems that once again I am wrong. I accept your recommendation and if time permits, review the document.

(if you can find me, I may have to buy a few SP's)

(1155am RP time: I have just read Friday and today's Posguria and believe that Ozzie may buy ME the SP's)

Last edited by Sharpie; 11th Apr 2005 at 03:49.
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