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Old 29th Sep 2004, 11:17
  #61 (permalink)  
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Noticed by whom?

Call me cynical, but unless there is some media coverage (and I note the media hasn't exactly been winding up about this thus far), the only people who are actually going to notice are ATC, pilots and the odd person who bothers to look up at an aircraft going over the top of their house and notices there's a couple more than usual. If it's 8/8 blue that's hardly going to be an earth shattering difference.
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Old 30th Sep 2004, 10:09
  #62 (permalink)  
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So much negativity, no wonder GA is in the poo!!!

In the US GA 'billing' is up 21%, aircraft sales up 6%.

At bankstown a yearly parking permit is $3600, in Cairns it is $235

Business wise, Cairns is booming, Bankstown is dying.

Not rocket science to work out where the p!ss poor management is!!!

Thats why we need a day of action.
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Old 30th Sep 2004, 20:25
  #63 (permalink)  
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YCKT, I am as optimistic as you are about GA. It will boom again - but not at Bankstown and Moorabbin as I have patiently tried to explain elsewhere. The land is just too valuable. The owners MUST get the best return on investment they can. Its a very simple calculation to make, and If GA can't generate the funds a shopping mall can, then GA has to go. Get used to it. Find a chunk of grass somehwere and start again.

Furthermore will someone please, please get some professional PR advice on what a "National Day of Action" will do for the image of GA? All my instincts tell me that it will make things worse, not better. You are P1ssing into the wind.
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Old 1st Oct 2004, 02:57
  #64 (permalink)  

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Barking at the moon is probably more appropriate.

I cannot but agree, the concept is terminally tainted and WILL have the media wheeling out the lunatic affair and wondering just how many "little plane pilots" there are "out there" following their advice.

By definition the pilots most likely to cause a problem on that day are going to be concentrated in the airspace in a manner they would normally not be.
There is always one lunatic in a largish statistical population, from which the NORMAL probability derives, by artificially increasing that number, the risk automatically increases by a large magnitude.

The inept attempt by AOPA to turn it around to their advantage after failing unequivocally to knock it stone dead for the lunacy it is, will backfire big time.

It is now out of their control, and it never was under, they can only pray fervently that there is not an incident or accident, National Day of Action inspired or not, because protestations otherwise just will not wash.

The only safe way out now, is to campaign to keep all of GA on the ground that day.

As that is not reasonably possible, the fate of GA as far as the public perception is concerned is now in the lap of the Gods.
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Old 1st Oct 2004, 07:27
  #65 (permalink)  
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Sunfish & Gaunty - well said. This day of action is a big mistake, and you have to question whether those behind it really have the best interests of GA in mind, or instead are pushing their own agendas.

The only organisation that comes to mind whose operations are doing anything that enhances the public impression of light aircraft & GA is Angel Flight. It's activities like that with comunity spirit that catches the eye, not a demo by a perceived bunch of ratbags with more money than sense who get in the way of commercial jets and annoy the hell out of everybody when they fly over.

How about another poll, Woomera? NDA good or bad?
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Old 1st Oct 2004, 21:53
  #66 (permalink)  
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I beg to differ. Action, any action, is long overdue. This Government and the last is killing GA with its 'user-pays' bullsh!t!!!

I want to fly, I don't want to do it from the passenger seat of an RPT!!!!

Gaunty's response reminds me of that religious saying


Last edited by YCKT; 1st Oct 2004 at 22:26.
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Old 2nd Oct 2004, 01:59
  #67 (permalink)  
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We all enjoy flying and of course we don't want to have to pay thru the nose for it.

This day of action (!!) will do NOTHING to enhance GA to the masses and will achieve nothing politically. AOPA should not be supporting it in any shape or form. It has the potential to backfire in a manner that may even further destroy the association and the industry it purports to represent.

Is it any wonder that GA is perceived as a play thing for the rich and it is this type of action that will only cause many to believe that the rich are also red-neck loonies! Those of us that are flyers know this is not the case, but perceptions sometimes are everything. Are AOPA working to change those perceptions? Not as far as I can see.

AOPA have not handled this well at all. Yes of course we would all like to do "something" but not at the cost of the reputation of GA and the industry at large, which this crazy idea will no doubt be successful in doing!

AOPA and any other Association that may have tried has failed to have either major political party come out with a policy that supports GA or in fact even promotes it. There are just no votes in it. How many Board members have lobbied the cause in the halls of power in Canberra?

The new Board of AOPA has done little or nothing to enhance the standing of their cause (or anything else for that matter) and all reports are that they are still considered a joke by the powers in Canberra. They have shown very little ability (or desire) to communicate with the membership (such that it is) and the AOPA forum is dominated by a small number of members that do little to enhance the standing of the organisation. A few of them (including board members) post to another forum, which again, is dominated in a similar manner. Is it any wonder those with a bit of self respect are not renewing? At a time now, more than ever, we need representation that is strong and respected.

All very sad, as I believe AOPA now is neither.
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Old 3rd Oct 2004, 04:19
  #68 (permalink)  
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YCKT I share your objective, but the method chosen - a national day of action, is the wrong way to do it.

I'll try and explain it as simply as possible.

To change Government policy you need the general public behind you, in support of the changes you want. In other words to get the government to support a GA agenda, the general public need to percieve GA is a very good thing.

Now, in my humble opinion, the General public view of GA is something like :

"what??????" Aviation is about Qantas, Virgin Blue and BIG planes or military jets. Aviation is about me going to Surfers paradise by plane to see Aunty Moira or a B747 from Sydney to London. Little planes are either bringing crayfish from King Island so I can buy em cheap, playthings of rich silvertails, or things that give me a $60 twenty minute ride for a thrill."

So YCKT, if this National day eventuates (and pray it does not), all it takes is press releases from QF, VB, ASA, CASA , Dick Smith or whatever alleging that we are compromising safety in some way (whether true or not) the General public will come to the simple conclusion that" GA is a bad and dangerous thing". And thats assuming that no incidents happen on the day.

Following the National day, I can tell you with certainty that the doors of the Minister's Office and his advisers will be permanently CLOSED to AOPA forever, not because AOPA has a silly agenda, but because AOPA has conclusively demonstrated that they are too dangerous (in political terms) to try to work with because it simply does not even understand the process of policy formation.

If AOPA really wants to influence policy then these are the steps necessary to do it.

1. Produce some concrete statistics about the size and value of GA to the Australian economy, lets start with contribution to GDP as a percentage and dollar figure, employment - especially compared to RPT operators, number of aircraft, hours flown, numbers of flights, passenger miles, number of passengers, tax revenue, etc. etc. The purpose of this twofold: establish the importance of GA to the AUstralain economy, compare it to the RPT operators as well. Are we important to the Australian economy? Do we therefore have interests that should legitimately be considered? Are we merely a wart on the bum of progress? These figures will prove it one way or the other.

2. Build a vision. What should GA look like in twenty years? Ten years? Five years?. Forget about arguing about "user pays" you can't win on that one unless you can convince every other Australian that they should be prepared to subsidise you. The only organisation that I think makes this case convincingly are Surf Lifesaving clubs and rural volunteer fire brigades.

3. Get a first rate PR firm to turn your vision into comprehensible position and policy statements that the general public can understand and agree with. Intersperse the statements with FACTS to support the argument ie: "Did you know that Qantas employs 35,000 and has revenues of 2 billion ? Well GA employs 150,000 people and has revenues of $4.5 billion". " Did you know that Bankstown airport generates x,000 jobs and Y,000 million in wages? " "Did you know that z,000 people are moved to hospital by GA every year? In other words build a simple case about why GA is GOOD for Australia.

4. Sell the message to the General Public for a few years in as many ways possible - (for example, why do you think the motorcycle riders association has an annual christmas toy collection for disadvantaged kids?

5. Once you can PROVE that the General Public has a good perception of GA, and that GA is "at risk" in some way, then talk to the public servants concerned with regulating you and work out whats feasible and what is not. Work out what is going to give you some win/win situations ie: something good for GA, good for the public servants, good for CASA, ASA or whatever, and good in terms of votes for the Minister. And for Chrissakes, let the Minister make the announcements when it is convenient to him and NEVER EVER complain via press release of the treatment you are getting, in other words, be gracious about things and never pre empt the Government or reveal your negotiations - let the Government do it.

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 and start being part of the SOLUTION instead of part of the PROBLEM.

The "national day of action" is at best going to look like a bunch of spoiled children having a temper tantrum. We could just as easily end up painted as criminally irresponsible idiots compromising the safety of the general public.

I would welcome some feedback on this.

Last edited by Sunfish; 3rd Oct 2004 at 05:36.
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 03:38
  #69 (permalink)  
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Perhaps you are right, but that is not my feeling.

First, look at when the NDA is being held, AFTER the election, but very early in the new term, straight after the NAS windback.

Secondly, look at where it will be reported, aviation press only.

Third, and to take a little swipe at Creampuff,

Advisor (AKA Junior Minister) "Minister, there are a whole bunch of little planes in the sky, obeying the law, flying responsibly, submitting flightplans and even making sure their transponders are working properly"

Minister "So"

Advisor "But the AFAP and CivilAir don't like it and Airservices can't cope"

Minister "Stuff the unions, and sack the Airservices board!!!"

What it really is, is a door opener. Recall the previous press releases calling for a GA Whitepaper?? (Look on the website).

Give them some credit mate, especially compared to the last disaterous 'rabble'.

The downside is if the union driven ALP get elected, but then, have you seen the "AOPA how to vote"
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 04:17
  #70 (permalink)  
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What it really is, is a door opener.
'fraid not.

Politically weak groups staging public protests against 'government' simply cast themselves as 'opposition', regardless of which party is in power or the worthiness of their cause.

They are perceived as nothing more than a nuisance.

Unless they can produce a powerful lever, they invariably find the doors shut in their faces.

But if they have a powerful lever, they are no longer politically weak.

Politically strong groups can exert influence through the implied threat of action, without having to resort to throwing a public tantrum.

From where I sit, GA is not politically strong at present and, with the National Day of Action, is on a hiding to nothing.

Sunfish is pretty well spot on.
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 04:20
  #71 (permalink)  
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No aviation group is 'strong' so to speak, because the essential services are duplicated by the military.

Hawke proved that in '88 and reagan in the US controllers' strike.

This however is not a 'tantrum' rather a way of getting a little press time.

We will see, but I am quietly confident. What makes me more confident is AFAP don't like it, CivilAir don't like it and gaunty doesn't like it.

It must be right
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 07:32
  #72 (permalink)  
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You trust the press to accurately reflect the truth behind the action?

The media is a two edged sword, favouring the sensational and managed by professional spin doctors .

Which is the more likely headline, assuming it gets covered at all?

GA Pilots Demand Reform


Light Aircraft Pilots Place Travelling Public at Risk
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 07:36
  #73 (permalink)  

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We'll see I guess, I do sincerely hope that we are not proved correct, but I am a proven political failure so maybe that'll help.

I have also been called a lot of things, but never meek.

You don't have to kick someone in the nuts to get their attention, but I guess if you don't then you'll never get on TV or radio either.

Whatever happened to walking soflty and carrying a big stick as Sunfish and Cooda suggest.

And if;
then, I doubt the right to fly a lightie is much of a concern for him anymore. Or, perhaps that's it, 'If I can't you won't either'
is the highest standard of rigour you can bring to a debate then you will continue to remain irrelevant.

We/you had the doors wiiiiiide open, everwhere, 'till you and your colleagues worked out how to get them slammed and bolted shut again.
I fear this time they will take more effort than a dummy spit to open them again and which, if it blows up in your face and there is a high probability that it will despite your best efforts to retrieve a hopeless situation, will remain closed to you forever. You have given the Govt the bomb the matches and the suicide victim.

Why take the risk.

I see you are all back to "doing it" whilst standing up in a hammock again. with the reincarnated 'Bobbsey twins meet the Dick and Boyd' show, now playing at a circus near you.

Sunfish, Cooda

And if the AOPA executive continue to post here anonymously and make idiots of themselves by calling others cowards for using the same anonymity?? doh. Do they think we are all or are they stupid or what. They're pretty easy to work out. You would be doing them a favour by counselling them on this.

And whilst I am at it if you haven't already, I would move heaven and earth to have the promised ACA Robert Morre show starring various legends in their own lunch boxs and other sideshows buried and get as much distance between you and Smith his outrageous QF/Bennala statements and his Federal Court action as you can manage.

I am not privy to them but there are events overtaking you which you do not seem to be able to recognise.,

Believe me I am not your worst enemy, so start concentrating on those who really are.

And dont make the mistake of doing it just because I don't like it, you are brighter than most, but you do let your prejudices get in the way.
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 10:24
  #74 (permalink)  
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CivilAir don't like it

I can assure you that civil air do not give a crap about lighties flying around with flight plans and transponder checks. They have been advocating this for years. Can we make every day a National Day of Action?
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Old 13th Oct 2004, 11:06
  #75 (permalink)  
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We will see tobzalp, I too look forward to the days of automated flight plans, ADSBs and pilot initiated separation. Not too long now

Just after the non essential towers close down.
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Old 10th Nov 2004, 05:05
  #76 (permalink)  
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The only way to get more people learning to fly is if costs are reduced. Nothing I've heard so far is going to achieve this, just increase them. More people flying means more aircraft flying, where the benefits will flow on to all sector of GA. A national day of action will not help the situation but give GA more bad publicity. If the government has turned its back on GA, which is looks like it has, we just need to put up and shut up. Nobody seems to want to stand up for their rights.

Why waste money painting a bright and rosy picture of GA when in reality it is far from the truth? Similarly, why promote Bankstown for employing x many employees when the owners charge you over $3000 p.a to park your $25000 antique Cessna in the grass, who afford such madness? Does something not sound right here? Let’s not flog a dead horse.
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Old 10th Nov 2004, 19:27
  #77 (permalink)  
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Lets hope the national day of action never happens. If it does, then Aopa will find all doors permanently shut in their faces.

As for GA costs, what do you expect?????

The real estate at Bankstown and Moorabbin is now worth a great deal of money. GA operators either give the owners a return on investment commensurate with the value of the property or leave. Its that simple.

BTW the future of GA is the ultralight. Compare the costs of GA componentry with ultralight componentry and you will see what I mean.

GA ain't dead. Its just going to change into something else, driven by market forces. If you want to be part of the process instead of the victim, then understand about markets and get with the program.
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Old 10th Nov 2004, 22:14
  #78 (permalink)  
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I agree with you, the future of GA is in an Ultra light form, so let's get more people joining the RAA ex AUF and flying ultra lights and home-builts at a cheaper cost. The difference between the RAA and AOPA is that the RAA actually stand up to the regulators and protect their member’s rights, not mandate detrimental rules and regulations that negatively affect Australia pilots

I hope I understand markets being a 2nd year economics student, it seems to me that the owners of the small GA airports around the country are pricing to what the market can stand, with of course to costs of this flowing on to consumers. If the operators there are happy with the current economic situation then I'm happy also, as there are always alternative flying activities for consumers to spend there $ on.
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