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Old 13th Aug 2004, 19:36
  #21 (permalink)  
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Yet there are times when investigative journalism is to thank for exposing the lies and hypocrisy of government, the cover-ups and so forth a la Woodward and Berstein.

Then, the readership silently nods in agreement that someone is 'keeping the bastards honest'. Now I know that the thread theme is on incident/accident reporting and that my example doesn't bear scrutiny in that context, but I personally would like to balance the opinion of journalist scum with the broader view that art of journalism is stacked with pros and cons.

It is not yet time to burn them all at the stake.
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Old 13th Aug 2004, 21:15
  #22 (permalink)  
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Brisboy, you don't believe everything John Pilger writes do you? He is typical of all the left wing journalists. Why are so many journalists so left wing? The so called "stolen generation" has been proved to be a myth and then they give sympathy to all those illegal immigrants who tried to hijack the Tampa. They should have charged the mongrels with piracy.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 01:24
  #23 (permalink)  
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Actually, a lot of Pilgers documentry work is quite factual and informative - take a look at his work regarding Cambodia. It was his documentry that stirred the Australian Government, in particular Andrew Peacock, into pressing the wider global community to assist the people of this poor country. (Kampuchea at the time)

My favorite moment with Pilger was the infamous interview with Under Secretary John Bolton on the subject of Iraqi sanctions. Bolton was so "put on the spot" by Pilger pushing for answers that he finally responded with "what are you, a communist". About a decade too late mr Bolton.

Re stolen generation. I suggest you do a little more research. I could put you in touch with some folks in Bachelor that would strongly disagree with you.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 03:38
  #24 (permalink)  
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I gave up thinking in terms of left wing/right wing a long time ago. What I do believe is what can be substantiated. You should not discard what John Pilger writes just because of a preconception any more than I should believe everything he says just because I have found a great deal of fact and reason in his writing in the past.
Remember our CRM training. It’s not who’s right, it’s what’s right.

These forums I feel are an excellent example of argument standing on merit. In the VOR/Dick Smith debate it was easy to cut through self - serving propaganda, erroneous information, diversions and irrelevance. A well reasoned argument backed up by fact shines through every time.
It is the content of a post that counts. If this is applied to the media then you can replace pre - disposed prejudices of left/right with a simple is it true or is it crap.

Over the last fifteen years I have spent a great deal of time living and now just working overseas. I have missed much of what has gone on at home.
I was under the impression that in our history there was a time when young part Aboriginal children were taken from their parents and placed in special purpose institutions or foster homes. As a parent I cannot even begin to imagine how I would feel if this were to happen to me. I also understand that this government practice was not one of malicious intent, however I still believe it occurred.
Enema, you intimate that this is a myth and then just shut up. Just because you say something or a President, Prime Minister or anyone else says something does not necessarily make it correct, or for that matter incorrect.
This is where balanced and accurate journalism is essential.

There are many, many incredible journalists. I have the upmost respect for someone who takes the time and in some instances almost super human effort to report accurately. Some can ride around in humvees getting fed and reporting horse**** whilst others uncover a lie with a serial number.
Unfortunately in far too many cases we have to by pass our mainstream media to find the latter.

PS : Enema, from these pages I gain the impression that the aviation employment scene in Australia is far from healthy. I also know from personal experience that there are many good jobs overseas. I can thoroughly recommend the move for both career advancement and personal development.
Perhaps when it is your turn to be the wop, the wog, the spic, the round eye, the white devil or the mongrel you may just develop a little compassion for the plight of other human beings on this planet.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 05:06
  #25 (permalink)  
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Did I say anything rascist? What pisses me off is all of these illegal immigrants that try and get into this country at the expense of the reffo's waiting in line and doing the right thing. I have no objection to them coming in legally but why should Australian taxpayers have to support those that chose to come here illegally? Particuarly when many are exposed to be economic refugee's such as that family that lost their case in the High Court when it was proved he was a plumber from Pakistan and not from Afghanistan. No, stuff them I say. Let them join the cue.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 05:29
  #26 (permalink)  
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I have to agree with the Bandit on this.
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Old 14th Aug 2004, 08:08
  #27 (permalink)  

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A well reasoned argument backed up by fact shines through every time.
Only those with their eyes open can see the light though, BrisBoy. You're wasting your breath here.
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Old 15th Aug 2004, 11:02
  #28 (permalink)  
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The only real contact I had with journos was when I read the report of my prang in PNG in the Port Moresby published Post Courier. Whilst the basic facts, ie there was a crash, were correct the reporter misspelled my name!
What really stands out in my memory is that I was absolutely overjoyed that he had done so!!

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.
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Old 5th Sep 2004, 16:06
  #29 (permalink)  
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Too many questions to answer easily so, if I may, can I offer a little advice to one and all on the obviously touchy subject of journalists.

First, always remember you are under no obligation to answer a journalist's questions. Likewise you are not required to return their calls, acknowledge their emails or do anything else if you don't want to. If you respond, even to say "no comment" you are choosing to do so. In that case be aware anything you say will be taken down and may well be used against you, etc, etc. DO NOT be concerned that you will appear rude or unhelpful by not responding.

Secondly, ask yourself: does your organisation have an appointed spokesperson, and have employees been given instructions on what to do if approached? If you are that employee I suggest you ask your boss for clear guidance on how to handle media enquiries in the case of, for example, an accident involving one of your aircraft. As an editor I have lost count of the number of genuinely concientious and helpful employees who have been hung out to dry by their employers for telling the truth. Owners and senior managers are very good at inventing rules on talking to journalists just at the moment something goes wrong, and not before.

If anyone has a genuine question about journalists and journalism I will try to answer it here, or via PM if you prefer. Similarly, if you're having a problem with the media I will try to offer you advice...all for free, gratis and for nothing.

Why am I doing this? Well, maybe it will prove to some people in here we are not all a bunch of non-thinking non-caring, ground-huggers

Don't all rush at once

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Old 6th Sep 2004, 16:48
  #30 (permalink)  
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...and then they give sympathy to all those illegal immigrants who tried to hijack the Tampa
Illegal immigrants did not try to "hijack" the Tampa, you're welcome to provide evidence that they did.
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Old 7th Sep 2004, 00:49
  #31 (permalink)  
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the remainder of the Australian aviation industry is riven by jealousy, petty infighting, turf protection, bastardry, lies, vicious personal attacks (just ask Gaunty) and behaviours more often seen in the playground at the local infants school. Little wonder the media treats such organisations and people with the contempt they deserve.
Hmmm... sounds like politics... but THEY are given a lot of coverage!

Surely when one gets a group of FOCUSSED, INTELLIGENT individuals into a heated debate, then the argument will be vehement, and reasoned and will eventually be decided on SMALL points and TECHNICALITIES.

I suppose my point was that if our newspapers contained only verified facts they would be very much thinner than they are now, and many breaking stories that the public demands the right to know about would be reduced to one sentence; "A light aircraft crashed today at XXX. Casualties are unknown."
... How about " A light aircarft crashed today at XXX.Casualties are unknown. What IS known, is that the aircraft, a (insert a/c type) had departed XXX at xxx(Time).
The weather here in XXX isGood/Fair/Bad. Police and ATSB crew arrived on the scene recently and have started their investigation.
Rather than uninformed speculation, we will end the report here, but you can see by the photos/video footage, that the aircraft suffered substantial damage and our hopes and prayers go to anyone involved."

Bit more than one line?

Another question wrt DICK SMITH though....

YEs, he is a media manipulist, and yes he has/had the ears of the minister, but surely when SOMETHING is debateable and newsworthy, then there is more than one point of view? WHY then does DICK get MORE spotlight on HIS points of view than the respondant receives when TRYING to reason debate on his diatribe ? IF a NEWSWORTHY item cannot be FAIRLY aired in its allotted time, then either MORE time should be allocated, or the debate NOT aired as a one sided view is NOT real journalism ? but propaganda!
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Old 13th Sep 2004, 07:21
  #32 (permalink)  
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I worked for a company years ago where we had a pilot leave and a few months later had a crash flying for another company.A local jurno wanted to print a story about the pilot and our company.Our management statement was along the lines of ,the pilot hasnt worked here for several months,however our thoughts and prayers go out to the pilot and family for a speedy recovery.

The jurno in question ignored this and our company name in a photo was on page two with the headline former"our company name" crashes aircraft.The rest of the story was just as beefed up,including our company statement according to the jurno was no comment.If thats not poor journalism i dont know what is.

But what is it they say never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
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Old 13th Sep 2004, 16:40
  #33 (permalink)  

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On some counts I agree with Tsnake, and there are some good journos around, who are a pleasure to read, and research their stories. The average bad, ambulance chasing, story manipulating prat does make the news industry a bit difficult to fathom. The cruelty they so blithely inflict is also difficult to swallow. For instance, the publishing of names prior to immediate relatives being notified of a death or serious accident, implicating a person in a dangerous or criminal act when in fact the situation was innocent, and so on. Trial by media is still very common. The political bias of some media is all too obvious as well. I happily agree folks are entiltled to formulate their own opinions based on facts at hand. Why then are the facts so manipulated from the truth!?!

A good journo is hard to find. We did have a decent one up here in Darwin for a while, but allegedly through his constant insistance that his stories be printed as they were written and not changed for sensationalist purposes, he was encouraged to leave. He was about the only one who would source good will stories about emergency services as well.

Enter the new journo... well heres a new experience... in the middle of a 000 call this journo rings up every couple of minutes over a minor prang while I am try to assist a family doing CPR on their loved one! After a number of "I dont wish to comment"'s, the journo persisted so I passed that journo onto the police sergent who quite happily tore strips off it!

Notable though probably not provable, was the degeneration in police reporting for some weeks thereafter!

The other thing, is why oh why when you ask them to get out of the way at a scene, do they further insist on getting under your feet. The last thing a patient in a car prang needs is a flash going off in their faces. Then to read later in the paper or see on the news a very different account of events. If theyd only waited until the media unit gave them the correct info, theyd be somewhat less embarrassed.

Although I did like the "seige" up the road from my house the other day.... It kept em all tied up for at least 4-5 hours
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