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A young female in aviation?

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Old 1st Aug 2004, 12:06
  #1 (permalink)  
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Talking A young female in aviation?

Hi everybody

I would like to introduce myself first... my name is Anna, I am 21 years of age and I am currently finishing my studies in law and science in Sydney.

Needless to say that I am here because aviation takes a large part in my life... Since the age of 3 my goal in life was to become a commercial pilot (surprise surprise )

I am hoping to join one of the numerous Sydney flying schools sometime next year and get on with making my dream a reality (about the time I got stuck into it). To be honest, I am a bit nervous as flying is very much a "boys club" ... or perhaps I am wrong?

Meanwhile, I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to meet people who are in the industry (the more, the better), so PLEASE, PLEASE feel free to drop me a line and say "hi" ... I am new to this forum and yet do not know any members, but hey, if there is a will, there is a way

I would love to know what is the general situation with female pilots in the industry? I heard that around 40% of pilots employed by Qantas are females... not entirely sure if its true... if anyone can share their knowledge/thoughts on this topic, i would greatly appreciate it.


Last edited by splannie; 1st Aug 2004 at 12:23.
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Old 1st Aug 2004, 12:26
  #2 (permalink)  
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Hi Anna,

Welcome to the greatest escape TO reality known to mankind.

Don't hope to do it Anna, DO IT!

We'll be looking out for you.......

Whoops! - Here comes the edit - I was so fast in wanting to be the first to welcome you that I didn't see your question.

About all that boy's club / brotherhood / sexist crud, there may still be a few dinosaurs out there, but the ladies are here to stay, and very welcome at that. Pilots are pilots are pilots......

Last edited by Old Smokey; 1st Aug 2004 at 12:39.
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Old 1st Aug 2004, 12:36
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gday Anna, welcome..

the best advice i can give you is dont take crap... aviation is a fun and rewarding career path.

Your best bet would be to go out to bankstown and candem and have a ask around at the flying schools and ask them what they have to offer you!.. maybe start with a intro flight as well.

No there is not 40% female pilot in Qantas prob 5% if that.. but that does not mean you should not persue your dream... have fun and hop in!
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Old 1st Aug 2004, 12:46
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Thank you so much for the reply and encouragement.

It's been a long way around for me and, as much as my family tried to discourage me from doing my CPL, I realised that if one has love for the blue sky, it will be there forever. And so... now that i am just about to get my law degree and also a degree in science it seems like I'm back to where I started, ie, lifting my head up every time I hear an aircraft noise above my head...

I wana say that you guys have the best job in the world... and I am hoping to join you soon

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Old 1st Aug 2004, 12:55
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Hold onto your dream - Dreams DO come true, but ONLY if you make them.

Invest in a neck brace, I still look up at every aeroplane 53 years down the road.
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Old 1st Aug 2004, 13:04
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Hi Anna,

Go and have a look at the Dunnunda & Godzone General Aviation forum. You'll find everyone there.

Cheers Les
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Old 1st Aug 2004, 13:06
  #7 (permalink)  

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g'day Splannie,
Why don't you have a look at AWPA.
There are some really inspirational female pilots there and plus they have scholarships as well.
40% female pilots in QF... no, definitely more like 5%. I don't think there's any airline in the world with more than 10% of their pilot group that are female.
Don't let that worry you though.

Good luck.
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Old 2nd Aug 2004, 03:28
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G'day splannie,

Bit more on AWPA: they're currently offering a $6,000 scholarship/grant towards a woman obtaining a GFPT.
If you want details on how to apply, just PM me.

Edited: Sorry, the grant for GFPT is only for females. They do provide a Basic aerobatics grant for a male and a female. Appilcants must hold a current PPL. Details on the website

Last edited by PILOTGAL; 3rd Aug 2004 at 00:54.
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Old 2nd Aug 2004, 04:09
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Hi Slpannie, just though I'd voice some idea's for you. G.A is a hard game, but essential if you want an airline career in OZ. If you can play the game well then you will suceed.

With a science and law degree under you belt you could consider starting your own business down the line. There is a lack of service in the bush as you may well know! Try combining your other disciplines with flying.

Grandfather says....Keep your mouth shut and your nose clean.

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Old 2nd Aug 2004, 04:17
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Welcome Anna

Don`t dream your life..... Live Y0UR dream and become a pilot! All the best and allways happy landings

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Old 2nd Aug 2004, 04:31
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A HUUUUGE thank you to everyone for their kind words and encouragement! They are very much appreciated. I must admit that its not often one comes accross people that are so supportive. It looks like aviation industry is not all that "scary" after all lol. A very warm start for me...

thank you
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Old 2nd Aug 2004, 06:02
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Oh, it's G.A is scary alright...

Keep your eye on the goal, there are gonna be times when you gonna wonder why the heck your doing it...

There are also gonna be times when your sittin at 5000 ft watchin the sunrise thinking I get kinda paid for this...

All I can say is keep your intregrity, don't sell out to the usual G.A bulls#it and as I said, keep your eye on the goal.

There are some nasty b......s out there... and there are some really good b......s out there.. you job is to meet and help as many of the good ones as you can.

As for females in the industry... no problems there... I personally have no problems with workin with a female on the flight deck (yeah, stayin P.C ) However I have come across a few that seem to have something always to prove, and they aren't popular.

Good luck splannie, don't take cr@p from no one..
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Old 2nd Aug 2004, 23:27
  #13 (permalink)  
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I think its time we had more female pilots, too much testosterone in the air sometimes (and on this forum).

Live your dream so you can change your handle from splannie to atplannie.

Go girl!

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Old 3rd Aug 2004, 01:53
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Been at the dictionary again, DP?
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Old 3rd Aug 2004, 02:21
  #15 (permalink)  

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Welcome Annie,

My first Instructor was a woman and I've flown with female Captains on Jets. I've known female pilots along the way and the best of them all had in common the fact that they loved aeroplanes.

With your qualifications and an ATPL you can go as far as you want.

A few hints though.

When the lads give you a hard time about being 'a girl' give them a hard time about being 'a boy'. They are just testing you (usually with tongue in cheek) and if you give as good as you get with good humour you'll be fine and have some fun as well. I well remember being 'sexually harrassed' by Trudy White while doing my Instructors Rating with her years ago...God did we laugh!!!

Also many fond memories of flying Bae146s as the ONLY male crew member...**** did I learn some 'secret womans business' on those flights

When you meet the odd male chauvinist pig, of whatever age, just show them how good you are by doing the job as well as you can and they'll soon back off and show some respect.

Always remember respect is earned, not conferred by 'Positive descrimination' laws.

I wish my 15 year old daughter had your drive and determination. She's smart and beautifull and a bit lazy...having a bit of trouble convincing her the world can be a mean place and that in a few years she'll be out there competing.

Remember always...Integrity, honesty and professionalism. Those three combined with hard work will get you there with the respect of your peers.


"She's smart and beautifull and a bit lazy..."

Inherited at least one trait from Dad?


Yeah...she also has my sense of humour and she's quick

I was struggling to remember something at the Yachty t'other night...coulda been effects of Red Wine...when from the other end of table comes "Wanna ring a friend?" Broke the whole table up!!

Last edited by Chimbu chuckles; 3rd Aug 2004 at 07:00.
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Old 3rd Aug 2004, 03:32
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Hey thr Annie ..

you hang on to that dream and run with it!

Another female to swell our ranks .. good thing!!

I have a girlfriend who flies with QF .. I think you're a little bit like her .. I wish I had just 1% of her drive and ambition to make it to where she is today .. it isn't easy .. not by a long stretch.

She made it and I'm sure you can too! She had some great times and some hard times but that happens to everyone regardless of whether they were male or female.

Congrats to the guys that have posted .. you aint blowing sunshine up where-ever and I applaud you lot for being supportive but telling like it is .. onya Chimbu great post.

Mate if you can earn a double degree with those disciplines at the same time .. I reckon you can cut the mustard for this as well.

Good luck! Keep us posted along the way and use this forum to ask questions and seek assistance if need be.

There is a wealth of information/support out there in proonland.
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Old 3rd Aug 2004, 03:33
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You might find something of interest in here:

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Old 3rd Aug 2004, 04:44
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Ahhhhhhh Fresh Meat

The more additions to the sisterhood the better
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Old 3rd Aug 2004, 05:48
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Thanks for all your responses guys (and girls ).

to be honest I was a bit nervous when I put up the initial message as I happen to know one male QF second officer and he is ... um well... put it this way... god help any female who will come in his way...

i suppose it is simply a human nature to make conclusions based on limited examples... but I now see that there are trully great people in the industry and I cant wait till the time I can finally introduce myself on PPRuNe as a commercial pilot

all your support and encouragement made me want to start ASAP, sooooo Im booking my intro flight at Bankstown withing the next month or two SO EXCITED

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Old 3rd Aug 2004, 05:51
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Just a tip splannie, get you're theory subjects (CPL, IREX, ATPL) done while you're still in study mode, get them out of your way early and it's a non-stop ride to the top!

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