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fireman sam...

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Old 13th Nov 2002, 23:01
  #21 (permalink)  
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Rumour control says

That the F.B.U. have said in their strike conditions that if the Military break the picket line to use a fire engine the F.B.U. members will refuse to touch it ever again!

Nice one lads, good to see your priorities are in the right place!

Petrol driven vehicles are not allowed into some major chemical plants!

I suspect that if you gave the military the proper kit they might just do too good a job for the F.B.U.'s liking!

How did the union ever let it get this bad! On their website they state that the F.B.U. "has as its ultimate
aim the bringing about of the Socialist system of society" well how about less worrying about systems of govt. and more worrying about your members interests.

If you hadn't been so wed to your Battle honour/pay formula for the last 20+ years then maybe you wouldn't be in this hole!

You want professional pay for a professional service how about getting a professional union!

P.S. good luck to everyone on Fresco you can only do you best!
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Old 13th Nov 2002, 23:28
  #22 (permalink)  
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Interesting - if true, Becksian logic (that's logic fuelled by a bottle of Becks for those unaware of this important element of philosophical reasoning) suggests:

1. FBU members won't touch fire engine again
2. UK left with large numbers of nice, shiny red fire engines packed full of up-to-date equipment...
3. Therefore, new owners required: MoD, anyone, replacing the Green Goddesses?? Be a shame to let them go to waste. After all, we, the taxpayers, have paid for them.
4. Fire fighters discover that a) chaps and chapesses on FRESCO do as good as or better job. Embarrassed return to work the only credible option.
5. No fire engines any more.
6. Local authorities have to buy new ones.
7. 'Sorry, Mr Gilchrist - we have to buy new fire engines, so we can't afford any pay increase at all for your members. Of course, you can insist on the pay increase, but without any fire engines, you can't work, so we'll have to sack all your members...'

I don't think that the FBU have thought this one through: don't use the fire engines, the government has the right to point out that as taxpayers property, they'll have them all, thank you. No fire engine, Sam, no job. New fire engine needed? No money to pay you with. Your choice...
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Old 13th Nov 2002, 23:30
  #23 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up

Well hurrah with big brass knobs on.
Needless to say first GG hit the streets minutes after 18:00 hrs, appearing on ITN within half an hour.
Must admit it was reassuring and, call me sad, a bit moving to see it lumber off in to the night to raptuous applause and rousing cheers from on-lookers. Later tonight I was in town and one went past (off call) and the place ground to a halt as everyone, even those in cars and pubs, came on to the street to cheer the crew home.
The Blitz spirit is clearly alive and well.
Keep up the good work boys 'n' girls. You are clearly appreciated.
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Old 14th Nov 2002, 04:01
  #24 (permalink)  
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Just a thought.
The striking firefighters on the picket lines are obviously not on
duty. Shouldn't they be wearing their own clothing instead of the
nice warm firefighters clothing supplied by us hard working taxpayers?
I also hope I don't start seeing families complaining that they won't have enough money in the run up to the festive season.
Easy solution, get back to work!!!!

All the best to the GG crews from one who did it in 1977.
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Old 14th Nov 2002, 09:40
  #25 (permalink)  

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For those on Op Fresco, civvy firefighters are starting to post tips & advice on ARSSE (Pongo's PPrune thingy) Some seriously good advice.

Thanks and Good Luck to all involved, stay safe.

Last edited by Gainesy; 15th Nov 2002 at 08:53.
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Old 15th Nov 2002, 18:13
  #26 (permalink)  
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The firefighters should be offered a one-off, inflation-busting £5k pay rise in exchange for a permanent no-strike contract and an agreement to modernise their working practices.

If they don't agree, all firefighters involved in the strike should be sacked (a la Reagan and the US air traffic controllers). The fire service should then be turned into a part of the armed forces. If they want to re-apply for their jobs, the firefighters will have to join HM's finest. In the interim, the fire service will be a detachment for the armed forces and the Country will just have to get used to a reduced level of fire and rescue service.
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Old 15th Nov 2002, 18:22
  #27 (permalink)  
Gen. Bombdabastards
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Copied from another post

Well Done to all those on Fresco.

Why shouldn't our guys cross the picket line and use superior equipment, it may save more lives and make the going easier. Our guys do not belong to a union so sod the picket lines, why should we recognise them.

The "poor" firemen only earning 21K for a four day week, I bet a lot of the military wouldn't mind that if they could go home every night without the threat of being sent away at short notice.

Did anyone see the "poor" fireman on GMTV this morning? He was interviewed in his luxury kitchen complete with island hob etc. How can he afford that on only 21K. Because he's got another job to fill the rest of his normal working week. He was being interviewed because his son who is in the army was manning a green goddess. Talk about putting the lives of your own family at risk.

I went past a fire station earlier and a sign said honk if you support us, I slowed down and shouted that they should get back to work and stop whinging.

I have just heard that part of the trigger of the dispute is that the fire service want to restructure the shift system which will prevent most firefighters from holding down a second job and therefore threaten thier extra salary.

Public support is waining, befare the strike 65% supported it but by this morning it was down to 42%.

Go on boys get the red fire engines, it was always the dream of young lads to drive a fire engine, now's you chance.

Best of luck, don't take too many other chances.
Old 15th Nov 2002, 22:13
  #28 (permalink)  
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How nice to have a common enemy for once, insted of ascot v's kipper fleet, aircrew v's groundcrew etc. The FBU seem as popular as the "Judean Poular Front". I think we should reward them for their efforts to unify our community!
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Old 16th Nov 2002, 10:09
  #29 (permalink)  
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I am amazed at how quiet the other Public Servants have been. We have already talked about how the covering servicemen are getting less money, in many cases, than the workers they are covering. We have also mentioned ambulance workers.

Nurses undergo a minimum of 3 years of demanding training . I know; I did it! The pay was so crap I joined the RAF and trained as a pilot, served 19 years, and am now a civil pilot, earning approximately 4 times what the average nurse does. I had to study just as hard to get my nursing qualifications as I did to get my wings, and I had to put up with a lot more ****....literally.

These nurses get just as much abuse as the police (try A & E in a City on a Friday night), are often qualified in very specialised areas (Coronary and Intensive care for example), and the average nurse still gets paid about two thirds of a firemans wage. Not only that, but they DO have the right to strike, but the main nursing union, the Royal College of Nursing, will NOT do it, BECAUSE IT WILL RISK THE LIVES OF THE PATIENTS.

It would be interesting to see, if the nurses did choose to strike, how well the services would be able to fill in covering a shift in Theatre, Intensive Care, or Coronary Care, never mind routine post operative care of a spleenectomy. I suspect it would take more than a week of training strapped to a fire hose.
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Old 16th Nov 2002, 11:52
  #30 (permalink)  
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Consider this:

What is the probability of these items coming together:

a. A UK based fireworks factory catching fire (consider all the UK's HSE, fire protection, explosive storage and other rules and regulations presumably being applied).

b. Within hours (minutes?) of the first Firefighters strike for 25 yrs.

c. Within a few yards of a (striking) Fire Station.

d. That JUST HAPPENS to have a TV crew there to film the whole thing.

just a thought....................I'll join the Cynical Queue over there shall I?

Good luck Lads and Lasses..... You won't need it though, 'cos you are The Business.
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Old 18th Nov 2002, 14:17
  #31 (permalink)  
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Talking Fireman Sam

Grob driver,

You have got the right idea mate. No one forced them into joining the fire service did they?
The thing is, this is just what happened the last time we had a labour government in power. You watch, the dustmen will be next, followed by the postal workers, followed by the rest of the left wing, labour-loving commie bastards!
Just to add another note on the firemen, my mate is a fireman, and he tells me that the number of perks they get is unbelievable!!
He gets discount at virtually every store in his town, no matter what kind of shop it is, DIY, Bookshop, Decorators etc blah
Anyway, I hate to say it, but it WILL cost some poor sod his,her, their lives, and then the FBU will have it on their concious for ever.
To all GG crews - well done boys & girls, don't worry about the things that go wrong, the public love you all, and thats what matters - keep smiling!

The Swinging Monkey
'Keep Swinging Boy!"
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Old 19th Nov 2002, 08:20
  #32 (permalink)  
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Can vouch for the above!!

Went out in a Northern town last week and at the nightclub door we asked if Fireman got in for free... "yes" Said the asian doorman...on production of a fireman ID card.

We showed our Mod 90 and were refused entry.... We said that we were the stand in Fireman for the area whilst the real ones were on strike.

We were disgusted... evey one paints the fireman as a hero, and after completing two shifts I now know that he is an Idle cardplaying TV and DVD watching comfort scoffing layabout who very Occasionally has to go and put a fire out. All this rubbish about risking life and limb is a benign argument if you ask me.

Its time for the macho image to be played down. The Army/RAF/RN risk their lives more in terms of danger and job hazards every day, much more so than the Firemen.

Paramedics get a derisory wage compared to the Fireman and they actually SAVE thousands of lives a day. If anyone were worth a payrise it would be them.

Andy Gilcrist or whatever he calls himself is a Militant left wing un-educated tosser who is well out of his depth. Has anyone checked if he has links to Al-Q?? Great new terrorist tactic to bring the country to its knees by means of a strike...

This is not the Mod view just mine and a few other servants who wish that the Fireman would take a reality check and bog off. £21k a year is not bad at all when you consider they only work half the year!!!! These idiots need to go to some poverty stricken country such as Afghanistan just to see how lucky they really are. It makes me sick. Bring back Maggie, she'd never had stood for any of it. Sack 'em all and bring in new recruits who want to do the job......

Rant over...
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Old 19th Nov 2002, 09:17
  #33 (permalink)  
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Fireman Sam


You are so right my dear chap.
As a former 'dope on a rope' I risked my neck far more often and for a bloody sight less money than the firemen get, I can tell you.
All this moaning and whinging about pay - blah, utter crap
As I said before, they knew what they were signing up for didn't they? And as for your comments about free entry into pubs/clubs etc. yep, its all true.
Maybe its time to stop swinging 365 days a year and maybe join the fire brigade! let me see now, £21k+ for 180 days a year work, hum, most of my mates are spending more than that out out the uk, watching sod all in Afghanistan every day!
Yeh, lets all quit the mob and join up for the fire brigade, sounds a pretty cushy number to me.
Keep up the good work all you GG crews
You have the total support of the British public, unlike those left wing commie firemen, who are rapidly losing the support of the nation.
Keep smiling
The swinging monkey
'let more line out Johnny!'
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Old 19th Nov 2002, 09:27
  #34 (permalink)  
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I’m not going to say anything this time… The swinging monkey & Grimweasel have summed it up perfectly.

Grimweasel, I’m just getting an application form now…. Do you want me to get one for you!?

Oh, any one know of the likelihood of this next strike going ahead?... Need to know if that’s my weekend ******ed up!
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Old 19th Nov 2002, 13:15
  #35 (permalink)  
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Just a quick message for Dicky the Pig. As you have some sympathy for the fire fighters cause I thought you may be interested in how the FBU came to their justification for a 40% rise.

Whilst sat in a JOCC on Op Fresco last week I had an interesting conversation with the Senior Fire Officer present. The report that the FBU are using as their basis for a rise has been seen by minimal members. The 40% they insist they are worth was agreed apon over pint at a pub lunch. Without quoting the individuals concerned it went along the lines of, "So what about £25,000 then?" "Why not make it a nice round figure, 40% takes us to £30,000." "40% it is then."

So those hard working dedicated firemen who are spouting off on the news about how much they are worth might like to provide the fuel for all this hot air they are spouting.

And if you really believe a job with a 48 hour week, the ability to run a second job(declared to the inland revenue of course!), is worth a 40% rise then could you tell me where I get a flight to your world.....

Red Sky at night, Goddess is on duty......
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Old 19th Nov 2002, 15:01
  #36 (permalink)  
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Nice one Grim W + Swinging M

I was reading a local wrag whilst on a night shift the other day somewhere in deepest Wales and a very interesting topic caught my eye.

They covered the top 50 most hazardour/dangerous jobs in Britain. I am sure you will not be surprised to here that our military colleagues fell in at numero uno.

The firemen only managed a mere no. 28 which was well after doctors, nurses and paramedics.

But just to rubbish these lefty bas----s they actual came after rufuge collectors who put their lives on the line every time they pick up a rubbish back which could contain users needles.

So i propose we pay people not bey what they think they do but exactly how hazardous their post actual is. ummmmmmmm
i work out that the firmen are over paid by 40 %
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Old 19th Nov 2002, 22:33
  #37 (permalink)  
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Target Seen

And you beleived it? I see you're from Oxford....obviously not at the university then.
These guys aren't just a group of drunken louts in the pub, they're professional people with what they consider to be serious greviances, just because you don't agree with them doesn't make you right and them wrong.
As regards the "job with a 48 hour week and the ability to run a second job" drivel you spout, how often do you work 48 hours a week and then go and do a second job. I'm yet to see any aircrew up here at Ice Station Kilo do it.......maybe I should go to work more often to see it.
Oh and by the way..... timetable to my planet is in the post to you old boy!
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Old 20th Nov 2002, 12:46
  #38 (permalink)  
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Dicky the Pig

Obviously those northern extremes of Ice Station Kilo have made you forget that there is an Air Force out there where the aircrew work for a living - 7 months in a tent in the extreme climates of this world gives me some authority to comment on this matter - And before you ask about the remaining 5, they were just as busy all week and weekends and equating to far more than 48 hours. And don't consider that a whinge - just doing my job.

I was not suggesting that I was right and the fireman are wrong - merely echoing Grim W, Swinging M and Paradoor - they are paid well for a short week, the job is not that dangerous(comparatively I grant you, but ask a certain ex-fireman, now Crewman who had to increase his life insurance considerably on change of trade) and who do you think is going to end up paying for such a large pay rise which will end up being for all public sector workers??? - We are - the tax payer.

All public sector workers do a valuable job and should receive a wage to reflect such. I think fireman should look at the skill level and pay of their peers, and then ask themselves if they are really worth 40% more - in my opinion, not.

Oh, and thanks for getting personal - helps no end to back your argument!!! What will it be - standard banter response next???

Tried to get tickets for a flight to your world...didn't have any in my class...
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Old 20th Nov 2002, 15:13
  #39 (permalink)  
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Politicians lead from the front, award themselves a HUGE rise without any justification, everyone else wants a piece of the cake, too many Midland Bankers at the top, what we want is all firemen seconded to the armed forces on Squaddie Rates of pay that way when the balloon goes up 'orf to Iraq wiv em' and let the Squaddies have the REAL Fire Engines to fight fire. No one deserves a 40% rise, not politicians, firemen and certainly not NANCY BOY FOOTBALLERS!
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Old 21st Nov 2002, 07:54
  #40 (permalink)  
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Fireman sam

John, Gary, Mr Cooper,

Love it!!
couldn't have put it better myself. Still, it looks like the commies may get 16% after seeing the news this morning - bas***ds
Interesting to see CDS on TV last night making Geoff Hoon like like a third rate numpty eh? At last, someone at the top has put his cards on the table and let the country know that we cannot cope. Good man.
Just a bloody shame it was a Fish-head, and not a flyer.
Don't put away those GGs just yet boys, you may just be needed one more time, but it looks like the baddies won again.
Regards to all GG crews, hope your all back home soon.
The Swinging Monkey

More slack Jeeves!
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