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Old 19th Aug 2002, 08:29
  #1 (permalink)  
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If ever there were a worthy cause for armed intervention then Rhodesia/Zimbabwe is it. The expulsion of white farmers (Rhodesian nationals) from their farms and homes will have ghastly consequences for the country as a whole with famine a certainty.
President Blair's obsequiousness towards the intellectually challanged George Dubbya will involve HM forces in military action in the desert where the motive for such action is questionable as no evidence of duplicity has been offered from Washington, whereas evidence of rigged elections, brutality, state sponsered murder was in such quantity that Mr Mugabe banned the BBC from the country.
Aside from the political tyranny within, millions of innocent children's grisly fortune is being written by a marxist despot. Time to drop the troops before we have to drop the food aid.
Old 19th Aug 2002, 09:18
  #2 (permalink)  
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It's called Zimbabwe, and has been since 1980. The persistence in certain quarters, in calling it by a colonial name, associated with historical exploitation and Apartheid, is food and drink for the left wing press, and does the cause of those that remain, no good at all.

However, I posted this on the other means last week

Dear Mr. Blair,

How long are we going to wait, before we are committed, in concert with other African Commonwealth forces, to do something about this man?

The arrests of Farmers, their families and workers continues, and we still stand idly by.

On the 12th of September, you promised to fight terrorism, anywhere on the globe it occured.

Terrorism is happening, on a daily basis, in a former British colony, and still, we do nothing. Are we really that much America's poodle, or are we a Sovereign nation in our own right?

We intervened in Sierra Leone, and restored order, with the grateful thanks of the people there, what makes Zimbabwe so different?

How long must we wait? Until the President starts "disappearing" farmers, their families and workers?

The next stage for Mugabe, will be to declare these people, "Enemies of the State" at which point, British subjects and their dependants, black and white , will be in mortal fear of their lives.

You seem to believe, that Iraq will benefit from a regime change. Would the same not be true for Zimbabwe?

Come on Mr. Blair, when are we going?
Old 19th Aug 2002, 10:26
  #3 (permalink)  
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Did you know, if you say "Mugabe" backwards, you get "E, ba gum"?

I know what you are saying solo and I commend you for so doing, but FEBA has a valid point;
These people who are my people were Rhodesians long before they were forced to become Zimbabweans, which they are now about to be denied the right to be.

I can't hope to save even a fraction of the world that needs saving, but if I have to prioritise, then I will begin with those who are my people.

In that particular part of the world I still identify them as Rhodesians. Whatever their colour may be. If they were still Rhodesians, they probably wouldn't need saving. Nor would those who have long called themselves Zimbabweans.
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 12:03
  #4 (permalink)  
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So far I have been ticked off and picked up on politically correct issues. Not quite what I was after. Should we jump out of the back of a Herc' over FLLS or not.
(Forward Edge of the Battle Area)
Old 19th Aug 2002, 12:37
  #5 (permalink)  
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How old is Mike Hoare? Still alive? Chance to redeem Seychelles '81.
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 12:39
  #6 (permalink)  
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I don't think the name of the country has much bearing here, although it's history might.

From what I've read in the press, it's completely unacceptable what's going on over there, and as said before, we'd have a much better reason for military intervention there than in the desert. Personally, I'm fed up of Britain being dragged along by the Americans on their highly selective war on terrorism. If it doesn't cause them any immediate problems then it doesn't exist, huh? I'm getting bored of being the latest American state...
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 13:25
  #7 (permalink)  
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The reason that Bliar will stand by and watch this thug is that he is 'countering the forces of conservatism' in best New Labour fashion.

And whether you PC hand wringers can take it or not, it's because the wronged happen to be white, and the oppressor Black
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 14:23
  #8 (permalink)  
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You didn't seem to read beyond the "PC correct" part of my post, you didn't even read that properly it seems.

There is only one answer, everyone of us knows it. The issue, is far bigger than 5,000 white farmers. It's about their families and dependents, and the workers.

Mugabe is trying to acquire Mig-29's. He is trying to acquire MBT's and generally upgun his forces. At long last , old Mbeke is thinking "Cripes"

Look at the big picture here. Farms is a sideline, a smoke screen if you will and, the White Farmers, are like Hitlers Jews.The best way, to turn peoples anger from the ruling class, is to pick on a minority, and blame them, for ALL your countries ills,especially, if you can throw, slavery , oppression and apartheid into the volatile mix.

Black Bob got a taste for adventurism, and it's rewards, with his forays into the Congo, and sooner or later, he will turn his gaze outside Zimbabwe's borders.

He will marshall the poor, oppressed, starving and generally fcuked about, with his Marxist rallying cry of "Africa for the Africans, everyone else is a puppet state, Liberate your brothers"

If ever, there was someone who needed a regime change, it's Mugabe. I think most of us are agreed, or at least think, that Iraq is based on Oil and revenge, not a coherent policy of anti-terrorism.

I believe, Bluppet really did rally to the cause on 9/12 , because he believed, that there was a chance, to do something about terrorism. I also believe, he absolutely never saw the Iraq issue coming, but, like the gambler who doubles his stakes chasing a losing streak, he's too far in to say "Fcuk off Dubya, this is about cash for you and the rest of your corrupt campaign funding corporate twats"

But we can do something about it. As much as I detest the old trout, and as much as I personally believe, her motives were political and self-serving,and as much as I will never forgive her, for my best friends death down there, we went and liberated a hunk of rock. Ostensibly, because UKPLC does not take crap. But all the other reasons are well known.

If Mugabe is not stopped now, then "Rascism against white farmers" is a mere bagatelle, compared to what the average African is capable of, when the words, food, tribal and diamonds get mentioned.

....and I know, I was in Rwanda in 1994.

If we don't stop him now, you will see a war in Africa, on a scale you've never seen before, it will make Angola look like a minor fracas.

Then what, shall we empty our wallets, and wring our hands? Shall we committ ill-equipped forces enmasse, with an invasion from South Africa, Malawi and Zambia?

Or shall we lift the Air Mobile brigades and the Armour now, and make our proposals from a position of strength?

Someone mentioned Mike Hoare. The man's a buffoon. However, it does touch on an important point. How many combat experienced veterans, Black and White, in South Africa and Zimbabwe are there, willing to help overthrow Mugabe?

Original poster...MabhunuNumba1

Zanu PF Thesaurus
Democracy: We will beat/kill you until you agree with us.

Rule of Law: We will steal from you, or imprison you if you dare to compete with us, or refuse to give us backhanders.

Economy: Something which has no meaning in a Sovereign African State. It is an imperialists method of suppressing Zanu supporters.

Agriculture: Pamberi ne 3rd Chimurenga, land to Zanu chiefs; everyone else p1ss off.

Police: Willing agents of State sponsored terror.

Army: Better armed Mahobo thugs than the police.

CIO: A gathering of inept and corrupt individuals whose role is to further Zanu PF whilst enriching themselves.

Reserve Bank: Print money and give it to comrade bob.

Inflation: Just look at how much you get paid now!!

Whites: Racist /imperialist / zionist / colonialist / vestigial oppressors.

The West: Neo Colonialists.

Farm: An attention deflecting device which should be stolen, destroyed, desertified until the people love us again.

Vote: A lighthearted murder fest, where the peoples will is irrelevant unless it coicides with ours.

Corruption: Its all lies, now leave me alone I'm on the phone to Switzerland.

Last edited by solotk; 19th Aug 2002 at 15:06.
Old 19th Aug 2002, 16:06
  #9 (permalink)  
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In the mid 70's I was offered a position in the Rhodesian Air Force...decided not to accept...regretted that decision ever since. Any short term contracts out there that might tend to shorten Black Bob's tenure? Count me in....this time!

I sure hope the US and UK governments are proud of what they allowed to happen.....where is the willpower to intervene in what is a just and proper cause? You can bet your socks that the UN will want us to feed the starving masses that are caused by this evil man's bid to stay in power. This time I hope we turn our backs on them and tell them why. They have made their bed....let them lie in it.j The Security Council should be passing resolutions that will result in Mugabe being sent to the place all deposed dictators wind up in.
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 16:37
  #10 (permalink)  
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Just Cause

I hope that the hacks and journos might pick up on this thread. Indeed there have been numerous perusers but only a small number of contributers. Time is running out for the white farmers, but more importantly the black masses whose bread baskets are depleting fast. The cause in Zimbabwe (see I'm learning SoloTK) is compelling for all right minded people, civilian and military and one which would receive the blessing of a nation should our government be brave enough to order military action. Dubbya's unsubstantiated quarrel with Iraq does not warrant our support. Surely we have more pressing engagements. Does everybody share my opinions?
Old 19th Aug 2002, 17:44
  #11 (permalink)  
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How long will it be before MUGABE IS ASKING FOR FOOD for his poor country???,
And BLAIR will be one of the FIRST to say "YES".
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 18:25
  #12 (permalink)  
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Labour will do nothing, they simply don't care - there seems to be a 'whites deserve it' attitude at large.

[Copied from another board]...
Our esteemed government is attempting to prevent entry here to Zimbabweans who were forced by Mugabe to renounce their UK citizenship, and forcing others to pay black market rates [10x normal] for UK passport renewal. This comes barely a month after NuLab awarded full British citizenship to 35,000 east African Asians - Labour say that these people need "an insurance policy in case their circumstances change in the future."
Staggering hypocrisy.. even by New Labour's standards.
The Government is being accused of placing unnecessary obstacles in the way of white Zimbabwean farmers trying to flee to Britain from the Mugabe regime.
Shadow foreign secretary Michael Ancram said former British nationals who had been forced to renounce their citizenship by President Robert Mugabe were now having difficulty resuming it.
He also said the British High Commission in Harare had started using the black market exchange rate when it came to calculating the fees for UK passport renewals or extensions - raising the costs more than tenfold. [...more]
Tens of thousands of east African Asians left without the right to live in any country are to be allowed to take up full British citizenship after 30 years of waiting.
Home Office Minister Beverley Hughes says the government to right what he calls the "historical wrong" inflicted by the Labour government in 1968.
The passports of about 35,000 British overseas citizens, many of whom had worked for colonial administrations, were made effectively worthless by new immigration rules.
Ms Hughes has announced an amendment to the Immigration, Nationality and Asylum Bill to give those people the right to live in the UK.
Ms Hughes added: "They are likely to see it as an insurance policy in case their circumstances change in the future."

Last edited by Smoketoomuch; 19th Aug 2002 at 18:32.
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 18:51
  #13 (permalink)  
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call me cynical but if Mugabe were white and trying to commit genocide against black people we would be half way to Africa by now.

The times reported that six million people face starvation, that is the six million people in electoral districts who voted against him at the election. He is starving the opposition to death. That is genocide. Better not tell President Bluppet - if he finds out he might try the same against those of us who oppose him.

The sooner we go in and look after our own, rather than letting innocent men women and children die the better. Blair is shaming the reputation of this once proud country with what he's doing - ie nothing.

I bet every person in the forces would volunteer to go sort out Mr Mugabe - I certainly would.
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 19:17
  #14 (permalink)  
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Make a poll Jim, if you build it, they will come.

Suggested format.... If ordered to go, which do you think is the right and proper action, as befits the traditions and ideals of British Forces



Like we don't know the answer already
Old 19th Aug 2002, 20:22
  #15 (permalink)  
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People seem to have forgetten that these are the same white farmers that declared themselves independent from the British Empire back in the day. They didn't like the idea of giving the black man the vote. What do we owe them? Nothing. They made there choice years ago and so their going to have to live with it.

Zimbabwe's president for life is no different than 95% of all African Presidents. He takes what he wants and shoots those who say no. Perhaps we should invade every single country in Africa that does this?

Last edited by A Civilian; 19th Aug 2002 at 20:28.
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 20:31
  #16 (permalink)  
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For an alternative view, read this:,00.html

These things are rarely as clear cut as they seem.
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 20:37
  #17 (permalink)  
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Just the ones whose policies, ensure that yet another burden is put on taxpayers, when a situation is preventable.

It's not just White Farmers, it's 6,000,000 people.

But of course, we'll just wait till it goes to rats, then we can put in food aid, and a toothless, bureaucracy-bound UNPROFOR, to make sure we spend billions more then we had to, and the people we were trying to replace, just become big wheels in another organisation.

I have no doubt, that some land distribution is needed in Zimbabwe. However, right now, that land, seems to go to Zanu PF supporters, and convicted UK criminals, as oopposed to being for the benefit of the indigenous population.

Sometimes you are left with no choice, but to instigate a regime change, for economic and humanitarian considerations.

Time this diverted to Jet Blast methinks........
Old 19th Aug 2002, 21:13
  #18 (permalink)  
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A week's a long time in politics

A Civilian,
I wonder if the crew of HMS Tiger would share your views. You have point, however that was then and this is now. I doubt whether Ian Smith would have predicted the calamity his country no finds itself in, neither would he have thought that the calamity would come from his fellow countrymen whose education had been paid for by the wealth of a nation run by whites.
May I suggest that if you want a political insight as to how the majority of the nation (GB) feels towards a foreign issue, then the Guardian should be your last port of call.
The real issue here is whether we allow millions of zimbabweans to die of starvation whilst we watch a high tech war in Iraq on TV, a war which doesn't have a lot to do with us, then drop the relief aid into Zimbabwe, or do we DO SOMETHING ABOUT ROBERT MUGABE AND HIS CORRUPT GOVERNMENT NOW.
I know what should be done, do you?
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 22:22
  #19 (permalink)  
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If you really want to give some "aid" to Zimbabwe then perhaps we (us as well as other european countries) should stop selling arms to both the governments and rebel's in African countries. There maybe rules against arms sales to Zimbabwe but there are no bans on selling arms to the Isle of Man. Nor on the Isle of Man selling them onto Zimbabwe if you catch my drift

Does everyone remember BandAid in the early eighties. And all the other aid that was sent to Eithopia. Well the reason why they were all in such dire straights is not because of drought but because of some mutil-year war between different fractions. Most of this aid just went to feeding soldiers who simply prolonged this war. Maybe if a "proper" arm's ban occured half of these wars would end over night. And therefore the acompaning "droughts" and "crop failures" would cease too. But does anyone think that will ever happen?

And as for all this ongoing strife in Zimbabwe. I doubt the average British person really cares. He'll read it in a newspaper at the breakfast table saying "dear dear" before turning over the page to read the sports pages. I personally think we've become so used to seeing terrible images of starving Africans on TV over the past 20 years that we've become immune to them. They dont really effect me at all nowdays.

Last edited by A Civilian; 19th Aug 2002 at 22:27.
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Old 19th Aug 2002, 22:28
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How is it then, that Botswana is doing very well indeed yet a few miles over the border in Southern Rhodesia the place is going to rack and ruin?

Corruption, greed and institutional incompetence. It really is time the skids were put under Comrade Bob and his thieving henchmen once and for all......
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