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Old 28th Jan 2011, 20:28
  #81 (permalink)  
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Fresh video off BBC for you all,

THe aircraft definately doesn't look happy

I also question the filmers choice of music
Sorry but.. what? It looks like a typical approach with gear down or am I missing something?
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Old 28th Jan 2011, 21:36
  #82 (permalink)  
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You're not missing anything, there is no way that that vid shows the accident aircraft given what I've read today. The Scottish pieman has clearly never got over Culloden (sorry I've been drinking) and everyone else who doesn't need to know really should wait for the BoI.

BZ to the coastguard, ARCC, D&D Scottish and all the Tonker crews involved because the system appears to have worked. Speedy recovery guys!
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Old 28th Jan 2011, 22:15
  #83 (permalink)  
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I believe the Tonka in the video was a solo who had been to EGPO for Fuel. The ditched aircraft was one of two on a sortie in the area at the same time rumour has it. Good work by all the Services in the Emergency phase and hope all goes well for the crew. BTW there are some planks posting
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 07:56
  #84 (permalink)  
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"I would have hoped NHS Scotland had the skills needed".

BBC News - Scots back pain patients sent to England for treatment

Off thread but the above item from to-days news indicates it does not.
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 11:11
  #85 (permalink)  
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The story refers to chronic back pain - treated in Bath! - so irrelevant in this case.

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Old 29th Jan 2011, 13:50
  #86 (permalink)  
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If anyone who ejects in the UK and suffers serious back injuries then they normally end up in the location given by the link:



Tiverton crash pilot Dan Arlett tells of dramatic landing
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 14:08
  #87 (permalink)  
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"The story refers to chronic back pain - treated in Bath! - so irrelevant in this case."

Sorry, the earlier post expressed a believe that NHS Scotland should have the skills for serious back injuries as we have people falling off mountains, getting hurt on skis/ski boards and some important Military low flying areas. I posted the link as evidence we don't.
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 14:29
  #88 (permalink)  

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Piss Off Biggles indeed Piemonkey! Why not copy the welsh chap's sentiments and write the same on your roof? Let me know how it works out for you though!

Top effort by everyone involved in getting the crew home safe. Beers all round methinks
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 15:16
  #89 (permalink)  
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Oi, Piesupper,

You sound just like a typical Labour sucking Jock, If indeed the English( are we all not British, or are you still clutching a broken Claymore) removed all their toys and industry from north of the Blacksmiths shop, despite a lot of hypocrital moves by the former Prime minister who himself is a Cyclopian inward thinking Jock, then you girlies who wear the skirts would be back to the hills and peat burning cottages to keep warm.

So why not try to be totally different and set an example to the rest of your type, think of all the money the English pour into your country, also.. just to remind you,... a load of pinkies wearing red tunics beat seven colours out of you lot several times, thats why we look after you all now ,.... Oh and on March 13 we will do agin at Twickers.

so get a life wear some tighter underdraws and think of the English money, that you lot splash on the ceramics most days..

Peter R-B
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 15:31
  #90 (permalink)  
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"are we all not British"

"think of all the money the English pour into your country"

Think you need to decide too Peter RB

As ever silly to rise to the bait and with a response that just adds fuel to the fire. Can we all avoid this c**p.
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 16:42
  #91 (permalink)  
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Peter R-B,

You appear to be as much of an English (or British) @rse as piesupper is a Scottish (or British) @rse.

yours aye,

a kilt wearing Duncs
(whose wife comes from south of the Blacksmith's - only just though!)
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 20:54
  #92 (permalink)  
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Well this thread demonstrates PPRuNe's worst trait. That every other thread degenerates into name calling, one up-manship and petty squabbling is a sorry state of affairs.
Given the target audience of this forum it seems reasonable to expect that a large majority of contributors are or were commissioned officers. Makes me glad I never ascended to such low ranks.
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Old 29th Jan 2011, 21:54
  #93 (permalink)  
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Dear oh dear; you lot need to wake up...

If the cross-border willy-waving doesn't cease I suggest the Mods lock this thread and block the principal offenders; you wanna carry on, then pi$$ off to 'JB' where this guff belongs.


Hope the 'driver' and 'rear' are looking forward to receiving their complementary Martin Baker ties. Speedy recovery from the lumps'n'bumps chaps.
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Old 31st Jan 2011, 14:41
  #94 (permalink)  
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Dear, dear dear, I go away for a quiet weekend and return to sheer unadulterated racist bile (with some honourable exceptions)

First up: the video and the "inappropriate" soundtrack that first aroused my ire (see post #48) would now appear to be of the wingman making a perfectly safe approach to EGPO for refuelling - I totally withdraw any suggestion that the pilot was too close to the traditional orphanage with a sick jet and apologise for any implied slur. TBH it didn't look/sound sick to me but I was stupid enough to initially believe that it WAS the aircraft that crashed and I am no expert on how a sick turbine sounds.

My basic point remains, we're sick of the low-flying in the Highlands and even sicker of the attitudes expressed by the flyers and the organisation (in the loosest possible terms) that employs them.

Some of the cr*p posted is perhaps not worth rebutting but I'm sat here twiddling thumbs waiting on a batch process to finish so I might as well..... I'm happy otherwise to take this to Jet-Blast and debate with those of you who are at least capable of rational discourse. The rest of you can "Piss off Biggles" to put it mildly.

#49 At least our own "3rd rate poet" wrote all his own stuff unlike your turgid Shakespeare. BTW just when is Shakespeare night? My desk diary does not show it, but Burns night is celebrated around the world and not just by ex-pat Scots.

#55 You will find that (and perhaps Mr D'Sorderlee (hat-tip to Mrs D'Sorderlee- I've been in Raigmore too often myself recently and appreciate all her colleagues work) will concur) the "hassle/danger" footprint is much larger and barely contiguous with the "benefit" footprint of the bases in NE Scotland.

"be glad we don't have 2 fatalities" indeed sir, I'm even more grateful that the fatalities do not include the crew of my nephew's or any other boat. Remember the "Antares" out of Carradale? To be fair, that was the RN...

#56 just racist cr*p

#57 very poor joke regarding Scotland's newest political prisoner. Would have been a trifle funnier if you had used his correct name "Tommy" just goes to show how little you know

#58 see 56 but even more ignorant

#60 at least the boat confirmed the position visually. Just maybe could have made the difference....

#61 dear dear, so ignorant on so many levels....

"However, nor was my nephew in the Edinburgh hospital that had its snow cleared by the military to enable essential access because the local authority lacked the ability."
First useful thing the soldiers have done in many years - my thanks to them for finally being of some worth for the taxes we pay to keep them off the dole

"Nor was my nephew one of the several Scottish people I spent numerous hours of my life looking for as RAF and RN Search and Rescue assets support Scottish civil authorities."
Do we not pay tax and are therefore entitled to the same service as any other part of the "United" Kingdom? Your point is?

"Nor was my nephew one of the Scottish people that my team administered life saving first aid to while waiting for the Scottish Ambulance Service to arrive."
Thank you for your basic humanity - FYI I have also administered first aid at the side of the M40 - don't think it was life-threatening to be fair but do we really have to count?

"Nor is my nephew a Scottish student PPL who, no doubt, flies in airspace covered by ScATCC(Mil) or could need to use the Service of the (military manned) D&D Cell"
Again, do we not pay tax and are therefore entitled to the same service as any other part of the "United" Kingdom? Your point is? I also note that I do NOT receive the same level of "service" as do those in the S and E of this "United" Kingdom. Regardless, I am glad that service is there but am FULLY aware that it is primarily for the military and and civilian "benefit" is merely co-incidental.

"Nor is my nephew one of the 20% of the adult population of Morayshire whose employment is provided as a direct result of the RAF's presence in the area..."
I refer to the above answers re tax and grovel respectfully at our imperialist masters feet for the crumbs that are so graciously thrown for us. I KNOW this is money that would be far better spent in Tonbridge Wells or somewhere where they talk properly and the natives arent so tiresome but hey, **** happens .... A fresh "Piss Off Biggles" just for you, matey.

#73 Dunno who or what you think you are defending me from. You arent doing much of a job of it if Tavistock Sq et al and Glasgow Airport are anything to go by. The threat from the USSR disappeared a long time ago and so did most of your mob's raison d'etre.

#83 Your remarks re Culloden are extremely distasteful given the genocide that was perpetrated for many years following . Would you dare to trivialise and/or express similar sentiments to anybody of the Jewish faith? I thought not. You would potentially (and rightly) be prosecuted if you did so. Bevvied or not.

#90 Tssk tssk - Let me guess, Daily Mail reader? If you repeated that in the street, I'd have you for racially aggravated breach of the peace.

#91 Tashengurt - so true.
I expect racist bile from the underclass Engerlund supporters but to receive such hatred from the so called educated "officer" class simply reinforces my belief that there is nothing "United" about this Kingdom.

The whole "subsidy-junkie" crap0la is really quite funny. This was a Big Lie put about the Unionists in Scotland to support their "too wee too stupid too poor" rebuttal to the idea of Scottish independence. The English were never meant to hear this Big Lie. However the redtops and the Daily Mail got hold of it and repeated it as gospel leading to the ignorant p1sh spouted by our correspondent from Lancashire and now you poor saps think you need rid of us cos we cost you money. That @rsehole Brown, the North British person that was PM (you know, the one that tried to tell us all he was British, not Scottish) was so spectacularly bad that it ignited the recent rise in anti-Scots racism. Tony Blair (who was equally as culpable for the present screw-up ) was just as "Scottish" as GB but managed to hide it through his accent and did not attract the same amount of abuse and hatred - just goes to show what a bunch of racists your average English punter is, really..or is it how easily you are led by ignorance in the Daily mail etc. Personally it hurts a bit because there are many English up here who are good friends and colleagues but politically its wonderful for the Nationalists - keep it chaps, you are playing a wonderful game. ;-)

Remember its the oil in the sea and the whisky ageing in the barrels that Call Me Dave and his Tory toffs are mortgaging to try and keep your pathetic service-sector Kingdom afloat, not the value of your semis in Surbiton.

Gotta run know, my compile has finally finished - must get on and earn money, pay tax to keep you chaps in the style you are accustomed to.

A couple of links for you who can follow them. not you PeterRB - it will only hurt your head

World Renowned Economist says: 'Scotland subsidising rest of UK'
Precious Few Heroes: The case for Scottish independence on Vimeo
Tax receipts from financial services sector fall 13% - 25 Jan 2011 - Accountancy Age

PS in spite of all of the above - genuine best wishes to both crew members. I wish you a speedy and full recovery.


Last edited by piesupper; 31st Jan 2011 at 15:04. Reason: cut'n'paste failure - now sorted
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Old 31st Jan 2011, 15:15
  #95 (permalink)  
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For what it's worth as a fellow Scot who values this Aviation Forum,I would be far happier all for political points to be on other forums.

However, you state that "we're sick of the low-flying in the Highlands and even sicker of the attitudes expressed by the flyers and the organisation" Who is or are we? On what basis do you believe that you represent anyone other than yourself?
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Old 31st Jan 2011, 15:17
  #96 (permalink)  
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Old 31st Jan 2011, 15:19
  #97 (permalink)  
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piesupper, i think your mummy should use the parental control feature on your computer........
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Old 31st Jan 2011, 15:30
  #98 (permalink)  
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Or maybe his daddy should have used the parental control feature that traditionally comes in packets of three.
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Old 31st Jan 2011, 15:48
  #99 (permalink)  
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take it to Jet Blast

draken55 - as I said, quite happy to take it to Jet Blast but I will NOT let racist bile as you saw above go un-challenged.

As for the low-flying, ask around in the NW Highlands, ask around Tain/Dornoch, ask anywhere they don't have jobs directly dependent on the bases.

Sled dog, lurkio - is that the best you can do? very poor...

Last edited by piesupper; 31st Jan 2011 at 15:48. Reason: typo
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Old 31st Jan 2011, 15:54
  #100 (permalink)  
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the flyers and the organisation (in the loosest possible terms) that employs them
I guess all future requests for (free) information from the (military) posters on this board, freely given in order to help you build your PC simulators, may go unanswered in future ....

No racism implied or intended. I would have said the same regardless of piesuppers colour or race.

(Check out piesuppers post history and this will make a lot more sense!)

Last edited by Wrathmonk; 31st Jan 2011 at 17:21. Reason: Remove the unsubstantiated dig at piesupper. Not annoyed at the piesuppers posts, just curious. Still wouldn't help him, volunteer or not!
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