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Old 10th Oct 2001, 02:33
  #61 (permalink)  
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Yep its the nav who can't spell, as for my 'friend' before, leading a 16 ship over nellis may be good fun,i've got many friends who do such things and i'm sure its wonderful but don't knock something you don't appear to have any knowledge about. Before you pull the Scoland card where is the current GR4 ocu based? the kipper fleet and tonka boys tread the same tarmac at spanners each week, fighting for the same buckie fish wife! I will admit that the truckie fleet seems less appealing but the mulits life often comes with alot less pressure,and a damn site more dets to nice places.I never wanted multi's but now i am here and know what goes on (unlike a lot of the airforce) i am having a great time. So don't knock it till you've tried it!! enjoy the hoasties!
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Old 10th Oct 2001, 03:23
  #62 (permalink)  
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curry chap.

didn't mean to offend, well maybee but only in a bar banter type way. As for the scottish card, don't get your banter old boy. live in glasgow and spent 2 1/2 years at the St Andrews fighter club on 43.

Be honest though dude..... would you join in 3 years time to be in a band of small, and yes talented, group of truckie / nimrod boys? As a civvie truckie at present i can state that all the cheap first class air travel and nice hotels are not a patch on being a young nav on a fj sqn.

As for the spilling, what can i say, product of a comp sec education i guess.

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Old 10th Oct 2001, 10:15
  #63 (permalink)  
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'comp sec education'? An oxymoron perhaps?
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Old 10th Oct 2001, 14:23
  #64 (permalink)  
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Ok, so i got a little bit excited, but having been up north for a few years now fairly used to getting grief about the location of kinloss from the fj world. some of them seem to forget that the tonka ocu is only 8 miles away and some of them will end up posted to the sqns there. However i have to say that living in Glsagow is a world apart from elgin and forres. Tis often the case that the boys will go south for a weekend to get back to civilisation i.e Glasgow/ edinburgh. The nimrod job is one of the best kept secrets in the airforce, few people who don't work here know the job and are the first to knock it, i for one am enjoying myself. As for your point about joining in 3 years i have to agree, it has been pointed out that the man on the street sees no future in 10 years time. however that is the man on the street, as for those of us already committed, there are enough aircraft left to keep us busy for years. You cannot join the raf on the assumption that you wil get a branch change, you have to be happy with the job you apply for or don't bother. They are avaliable but only to a few and with the recent cuts in the civvy world the cross over boards will now be even more selective. . i am sure that there are navs out there who don't agree in fact i can think of a couple of mates right now, point is life is still good, navs are still needed just not in such large numbers, i am already thinking what to do in 10 years time, well maybe tomorrow, hope you enjoy your hoasties and the duty free!
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Old 11th Oct 2001, 22:45
  #65 (permalink)  
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Done it again boys - 2 threads with the same (or similar) title. Look - I'm a pilot with a desperately short attention span and a dislike of long words; I'm unlikely want to go hunting around to find out the difference between two "Navigators". Rant over.
On the subject of navs: The ones who know where they are(location, not seat)are the dogs b***ocks - at least there isn't a debate/fight about who's go it is to fly. It also saves the pilot the embarassment of having to admit that he has little idea what all the squiggles on the map mean - that's enough - back to the bar!
PS: it is a shame that it's no longer PC to incinerate them though.
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Old 16th Nov 2001, 18:14
  #66 (permalink)  
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Apologies for taking so long to come back to you. Was hoping the old man would be able to do it himself but he's swamped and has been away from home lately.

I am assured that the Feasibility Study for the Railway IS included in the Local Plan. His nibs is due to give a talk to the Green Party on this very subject in the not too distant future. e-mail him if you want the details.

Anyone stupid enough to think the other half sits around on his laurels all day should try looking him up on - even I was gobsmacked by the number of entries for him, and I KNOW what he does. Trust me, the piles of paperwork in the study make my heart sink every time I look at them. Glad I'm not the one who has to sift through them.
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Old 16th Nov 2001, 19:32
  #67 (permalink)  
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Shutupand Drive....can I email you off forum with some questions? I talked with you in the bowl one night not long ago, when my mate ST was still on your course.

[email protected]

cheers, hope to hear from you.
Old 16th Nov 2001, 21:37
  #68 (permalink)  
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So are all you Crabs single seat or what? Havnt read such drivel in years.

Carl if you are a sensible young man you'll consider Dark Blue. As well as all the advantages of being in the Senior Service, left hand seat rotary is As for Jobs after:
a)Civillan companies would great respect for you simply from seeing you choice in service.
b)Anyone and his dog can fly Comercial, ooo shooting an ILS approach is hard, and so what if your compatriots have had a couple more hours stick time, Airlines gloss over that.
c)Not much use in civvie street for supersonic anyway.
d)All the crabs will need soon are UAV operators who are all going to be ex NAVs anyway.

You choice mate, besides the light blue uniform looks crap anyway, seen a woman go up to a Crab at a Cocktail Party, I dont think so. As for Cocktail Parties, in the RN, it's your Cab on the arse end, no one eles!!
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Old 21st Nov 2001, 13:46
  #69 (permalink)  
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Back to the top. Just for the hell of it
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Old 21st Nov 2001, 14:12
  #70 (permalink)  
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Oi, Fishboy

Talk about drivel and then have the audacity to post that lot! Is that all Jockspeak then?
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Old 21st Nov 2001, 14:41
  #71 (permalink)  
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Hi Carl.

W*nkers like The Curator, Trash 'n' Navs, 6nobs, Yozzer Wotsizface (that's enough egos -Ed) are one of the reasons I left after 11 years as a Nav. Don't let their juvenille attitude put you off as operating fast jets is one of lifes best experiences.

Join, enjoy (despite aforementioned idiots), make an escape plan and then execute.

What do navs do when they leave? This one has became a Captain on Boeing 757/767s and is having a ball!!
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Old 21st Nov 2001, 20:37
  #72 (permalink)  
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Is there any reason why you are not after joining as a pilot? The reason I ask is that as you see there are fewer career opportunities in aviation after retirement for navs than there are for pilots.

As long as there are pilots to be trained there will be a need for ground instructors at flying schools and this is a role filled almost exclusively by ex-navs.

May I suggest that you aim for pilot and if that does not work at at the selection stage then maybe nav will be offered. Also, should you get selected and fail pilot training the nav route is usually (but not always) offered.

It is, however, very difficult to crossover from Nav to Pilot in the RAF - once they have their teeth into you they don't want to let go.

BTW - the best man at my wedding was a Nav - but then yoiu always want to look cooler than the surrounding company in those photos!
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Old 21st Nov 2001, 20:41
  #73 (permalink)  
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Noody you old git - why did you do your JOC at ATP rather than in the sun here? I would have been nice to you - unlike when I was on the sim at Leeming!
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Old 22nd Nov 2001, 18:04
  #74 (permalink)  
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I tried to join as a pilot, passed the aptitude tests but failed the medical due to eyesight problems.

I have had my eyesight tested for the Navy and I've been informed that I'm ok.

I don't know if the navy have the same eyesight requirements, but this is what I've been told. The Navy have been sent a full opticians report and they have said I'm ok.

I am applying at the moment.

I have only one problem! I understand that you can only take the aptitude tests twice at Cranwell. If the tests for the Navy pilots are done at cranwell does this mean that if I'm not accepted into the Navy as a pilot then I won't be able to join the RAF as a nav as I won't be able to take the aptitude tests again? Even though I've passed them before!
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Old 22nd Nov 2001, 22:00
  #75 (permalink)  
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Carl, I was chopped from flying training in the RAF, was not accepted to retrain as a nav and so left the service. The Navy however took me on as an Observer. I've since chosen to return the air force though! All things are possible - be clear over what you want.

Best of luck
Old 26th Nov 2001, 23:17
  #76 (permalink)  
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with regard to your questions on eyesight, aptitudes, the RAF, RN and how many times you can take the apptitude tests, well I just don'tknow.

What I would suggest is that you write to both the RAF and the RN to ask them for yourself. Don't tell each that you have written to the other - an independent answer will be useful to you.

I believe (but can't promise) that the "2 goes only" rule means two goes PER SERVICE so you get 2 bashes at the RN and 2 at the RAF. However, if you have passed the RAF apptitude tests then the Navy may not even demand the full works from you (at least, they may let you off the piloty tests - they will still want to see you on their officer apptitude tests).

Again I can only advise that you write to them and then keep hold of the letters when you get the reply - the people you deal with on a particular day may not know what Joe Bloggs to you last month.

Good luck - if you get into any service in any aircrew role you will enjoy it.
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Old 28th Nov 2001, 20:17
  #77 (permalink)  
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I have sent letters to both services. Navy sent me their eyesight requirements.

And the RAF told me that I was not acceptable, and that was the end of it!

Cheers for the advice!
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Old 1st Dec 2001, 22:36
  #78 (permalink)  
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All the above stands for the good and the bad. I have experience of both non-FJ disciplines. Rotary you get a chance to poll. Top fun it is too and the crew element (pilot, nav, loadie) is awesome and the flying, well, 50ft rocks. On the other side of things, I agree truckie navving per se is not exactly stimulating A to B, however Fat Albert in Swindonia does tactical flying too. Okay, maybe its twice as slow as FJs, but its still mixing it low level in big numbers. Again, loadsa fun. Low level is the key. If you want job satisfaction, I can think of no better. Mates off my nav course who went FJ are loving it. others went to the nimrod and after initial reservations, also love it. Those on rotary, they love it. Its camourarderie like you will have never expereiced - friends for life, beers inthe bar and all that. There is no comparison. Those who say its a naff job, well, just point out a Flt Lt navigator on flyiing pay gets the same money as a Flt Lt pilot with FP (time in the same of course). As for the captaincy tick for pilots, they get that extra pay don't they....sorry my mistake.
Carl, the military is shrinking and as a result everybody knows everybody. Its an excellent job/career/way of life but there is also a lot of bull - its the military. Good luck and enjoy.
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Old 4th Dec 2001, 04:16
  #79 (permalink)  
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Whatever you decide, for God's sake make sure you have a robust back up plan. I went through the UAS route some 10 years ago with a view to joining as a pilot (thoroughly recommend the UAS - what a blast!!!), but chose not to join and left Uni only to find myself unemployed. No back up plan to a lifetime of wanting to go FJ you see (oh, the violins!!!).
However, did end up spending 8 years in retail management (dull, dull, dull), saw John Nichol in Woolies at Ripon (cheapskate didn't even buy any of my lovingly tended pic n mix! - sorry Mr. Nichol sir) and only now am I pursuing a flying career with the airlines. As much as I enjoy my current situation, I'm really not sure that I wouldn't be VERY interested in a job back seating in a FJ, even if it had to be as talking baggage. The lifestyle can be great (I only said CAN), and from experience you wil meet as many plonkers regardless of the branch (or service) you eventually decide on.
Whatever happens, good luck. Oh to be young again.
As far as career opportunities, well the only Navs I know are now (or rather, were) civvy pilots or ground instructors at my FTO.

Flying sure beats working for a living!
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Old 5th Dec 2001, 20:58
  #80 (permalink)  
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I myself am at the very start of the interview process for The RAF as pilot (P2 talk at the mo ), however, if the RAF were to rule me out for eyesight (I do not wear glasses) how would I go about applying for the FAA or AAC, would there be any complications due to previously applying for the RAF?

Only asking as I have heard that the FAA and AAC have slightly less stringent requirements for eyesight than the RAF. (If this is true, does anybody know why this is and why the RAF does not have the same requirements as the FAA and AAC?)

Thanx guys

Eagle 1
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