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Old 12th Nov 2008, 08:07
  #41 (permalink)  
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Here we go.....bashed the RAFP.....move onto the Movers.....


Bags lost......

Wouldn't let me on theflight 2 mins before take off.....

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Old 12th Nov 2008, 08:30
  #42 (permalink)  
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easy answer pal...

turn up ON TIME !!!

you wont get away with it on easyjet or BA etc...

Some WC... sorry Wg Cdr thought RHIP...!! he turned up late for his flight, and duly told to go to Hannover to get back to UK as the aircraft was full...!!
Indulgence pax loaded in his seat .. unlucky !!
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 08:45
  #43 (permalink)  
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Log loader, might I suggest you boot onto arrse and see what the brown thinks of your trade abilities. It's a bloody good job they have a sense of humour about the whole movements game. And for the record neither the RAFP nor the movements trade inspire me with anything other than sheer dread. All my experiences are of petty self serving jobsworths who delight in enforcing bullsh^t and making others look small. I'm not saying there are no good pigs or movers but I have never met one - they nust be very rare indeed.
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 09:34
  #44 (permalink)  
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 12:43
  #45 (permalink)  
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LogsLoader.....Mr E.....h - that was a sarcastic post - trying to save everyone time by postings the typical comments that are always used to bash the movers.

btw.....I was a mover for 22 years
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 16:28
  #46 (permalink)  
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I was a mover for 22 years
Did anything actually get "moved" during that time?

Sorry, couldn't resist...
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 19:05
  #47 (permalink)  
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Scottish Cop said:

As for the other topic, I think you will find that, that the RAFP have more training than a Civilian Cop, just take a look at there training course!!! Its longer, and more indepth especially with investigations, report writting, statement training etc. Hence why Hampshire Police started copying alot of RAFP course design.

As a Met student officer now I think I am in a position to offer the facts regarding his ridiculous claims mentioned above.

1. Training Length. The RAF careers website informs us that the basic RAFP course is 22 weeks in duration. Mine is 25 weeks followed by the balance of a 2 year probation during which 6 further weeks of training are carried out. All this just to be confirmed in role.

2. Statement taking is not difficult as it is all about following the correct sequence and ensuring all the details are noted in full. Even as a student I have lost count of the amount of statements I have taken during my practical "on Borough" training. I am led to believe that to be PEACE (the method of conducting an interview) trained in the RAFP is not the norm. All officers in the Met are taught this on the student course.

3. Investigation is our bread and butter. I doubt very much that the average RAFP person investigates in a year what the average PC investigates in a month.

4. Hampshire have not copied any of the course design from basic RAFP training as all Police training is laid down and conducted through the IPLDP process under the auspices of the NPIA (National Police Improvement Agency).

In short I would suggest that RAFP and Met Police training are entirely different, and so they should be. They are used to meet an entirely different set of challenges for the recipients.

Your training is not better than ours or vice versa, just different.

End of sensible reply.

Start of sarcastic reply.

I am not a COP. I am a police officer, or constable if you wish to be nice, or a plethora of derogatory terms if you don't.

Your course must be outstanding if it as indepth at "report writting" as you claim

No matter what you are still a RAF Copper and are by default loathed.

Fiat Justicia my friend!
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 19:40
  #48 (permalink)  
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T'was just a simple question................
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 20:02
  #49 (permalink)  
I don't own this space under my name. I should have leased it while I still could
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Not a copper?

does not stand for "constable on patrol" or "constabulary of police".
The noun "cop" (first attested meaning "policeman" in 1859) is short
for "copper" (first attested meaning "policeman" in 1846). "Copper"
in this sense is unlikely to derive from copper buttons or shields
worn by early policemen. Rather, dictionaries derive it from "to
cop" (first attested meaning "to grab" in 1704 and meaning "to
arrest" in 1844). "To cop" may come Dutch kapen = "to steal"; or
it may come from Old French dialect caper = "to take", from Latin
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 20:24
  #50 (permalink)  
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Did anything actually get "moved" during that time?

Sorry, couldn't resist...
Occassionally.... not necessarily to the right place or at the right time but...every once in a did..
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Old 12th Nov 2008, 21:16
  #51 (permalink)  
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Start of sarcastic reply

I am not a COP
Quite right young fellah ( ), as you already pointed out earlier in your post, you are a student and will not be accepted into your new, and exciting, profession till the end of your probation.

Statement taking is not difficult as it is all about following the correct sequence and ensuring all the details are noted in full. Even as a student I have lost count of the amount of statements I have taken during my practical "on Borough" training
Producing a couple of sheets from a witness is not difficult, recording a detailed statement with useful, usable, information requires some effort. You might want to ensure the correct questions are asked and try to comply with a couple of the rules of evidence as well, stops the legal people ripping the p!ss out of your paperwork. Most Forces now employ civi staff (ex CivPol / Mil Pol) to record the more complicated statements as their young thrusters don't have the time to pick up the required skills whilst rushing from shoplifter to shoplifter throwing out crime numbers as they go.

Fiat Justicia my friend!
Another requirement is a good eye for detail, something that can be encouraged, not taught.

Bored now, never did see the point in baiting the sprogs...

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Old 13th Nov 2008, 07:18
  #52 (permalink)  
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Why do the RAFP come on here and leave themselves wide open to ridicule?

Sit back, read the responses and laugh or in some cases identify with them. When you have to start justifying or explaining what 'we' do, then that just starts the snowball of abuse rolling.

'If you cant take a joke' and 'broad shoulders' spring to mind.

We all have a different job to do and as long as its done well and fairly, who cares what other trades think.

Chill !!

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Old 13th Nov 2008, 11:20
  #53 (permalink)  
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However they are not permitted blue lights which is why their cars carry amber flashers as well as bue ones for use on base.
- utter horlicks! 'Amber flashers' are required for all vehicles which have a regular requirement to use the manoeuvring area.
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Old 13th Nov 2008, 12:25
  #54 (permalink)  
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It is not the explaining of what they do part that upsets folks. It is their smug supercillious (sp) attitude that they must be the lynch pin inside every deployment role and every major action. Let us not forget the RAF have been sandpit side since 1990 and regularly heaved ordanance at soddum and friends.

Not been much of a need for snowdrops and movers till they have to do some urgent job spec based visibility.

Lose the movers and I grant you there will be difficulties for a while but the improvisational and adaptable nature of British forces will shine through. I am not, of course, refering to the comp A scheme which is a special case and has taken years of skill and dedication to set up.

Lose the pigs and we will have to get some landies rerigged to allow the dogs to drive themselves...........

Even chocks have more uses than a snowdrop.
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Old 13th Nov 2008, 12:47
  #55 (permalink)  
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I can only agree - recently had my bike stolen from inside Sqn hangar (locked) over a weekend. Limited list of key signatories (contract engineers only, no aircrew or mil access), wouldn't have thought that it would have taken much investigation to narrow down the already small list of possible suspects. The RAF Police response - "well sir, we'll keep an eye out for it on the Station". When I pointed out I had already been round everywhere - twice - to ensure it had been stolen, not borrowed, their response was "sorry sir that's about all we can do".

It would seem that issuing parking tickets is the limit of their ambition. In which case, why don't we just get rid of them or retrain them to do something useful?
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Old 13th Nov 2008, 16:49
  #56 (permalink)  
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RAFP – Lying, slimy, cheating, conniving, self righteous scumbags!
And that’s the decent ones. Normally the dog handlers, who’s promotion doesn’t rest on how many innocent people they can fabricate evidence against and stitch up.
Just what I’ve heard - never dealt with them meself!
Old 13th Nov 2008, 17:34
  #57 (permalink)  
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I'm Off!,

If true (not that I'm doubting your version, but there may have been other factors you were unaware of) then that is a disgrace.

I take it you are mega rich and don't mind buying a new bike.

Me, if I had that response, I presume from the shift coppers, I would have been making an appointment with the SIB.

If I had no joy there then SNCO RAFP or OC Police would be next on the list.

Please let us know how you get on.
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Old 13th Nov 2008, 18:45
  #58 (permalink)  
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Talking The RAF Police

Getting a bit cheesed off with the non-team player banter aimed at the Police and movers. I shared a tent in Basrah with the sheriff when i was on my all-inclusive a few years ago - where we had the opportunity to chew the dirt on numerous occasions . The job they did when stood on the gate did was outstanding - 60 degree heat everyday with body armour with Tommy Taliban doing his best to wack us from all angles.. get real folks, if we did not have them keeping law and order we would have people wondering about thinking that are above the law... Easy to have a pop at the movers too, i know its only the master race and engineers that make the world go round- but there are bad guys in all strands of the RAF.. maybe some of you don't get out that often?

Rant Over - back to reading about Team Work and all singing from the song sheet...
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Old 14th Nov 2008, 09:04
  #59 (permalink)  
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Well f4ck me. An RAF copper on gate in the sandpit. I seem to remember lots of sh7te training from the tame rocks on the sqn about how we were supposed to defend our own airfield after doing a shift of spannering so that they didn't have to do it.

You don't need policemen to enforce law and order, you need a sensible set of rules given to you by a reasonable boss and then everyone to take a mature self-disciplined approach to them. the best oic det I ever worked for would lay out the days tasks and then tell us that when finished to report to him at bar/beach/hotel where the beer would be waiting. Never had to redo the work as we knew it was on trust and we were to behave as grownups.

What you seem to forget is that the more b*ll*cks that the troops get given the more they revert to childishness as an acceptable way of getting back at the PTB.

I think that there is the possibility of a good copper or mover but as the old adage goes, if it looks like sh*t, smells like sh*t and behaves like sh*t then its proabably a sootie. Oops, wrong one. If the cap fits....
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Old 14th Nov 2008, 16:54
  #60 (permalink)  
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I shared a tent in Basrah with the sheriff....with Tommy Taliban doing his best to wack us from all angles...
Was it long distance Taliban ops, or agency work?

I'm not puerile enough to bring up you and the copper in a tent taking turns to chew dirt...oops, maybe I am...
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