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Collective Colour Vision Thread 4

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Collective Colour Vision Thread 4

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Old 14th Sep 2017, 19:19
  #461 (permalink)  
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Yeah, let me know what you find!

Is this thread mainly dead or are there still some active peeps on here? Really interested to hear if there are any updates in regards to CVDPA? Basically, I'm part of the incredibly long list of y'all who wants to be a commercial pilot but are forbidden by these primitive rules!
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Old 19th Sep 2017, 13:15
  #462 (permalink)  
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Positive Developments in New Zealand

Please see below:

Positive Developments on CVD
Dear Friends and Supporters,

As reported in the previous update, much work on the CVD front has been occurring behind the scenes. As you will read below, this is beginning to result in some positive and encouraging developments.
New Zealand CAA publishes amended Colour Vision General Direction

Last week the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority released its long awaited amendment to the proposed Impaired Colour Vision General Direction (GD).

A GD is a notice issued by the New Zealand Director of Civil Aviation to specify the requirements of aviation medicine related matters for applicants of a medical certificate. A GD is issued after consultation with interested parties.

A copy of this proposed amended GD is available via the following link:


The GD outlines a testing process including colour vision screening (Ishihara) and secondary testing (several options including Holmes Wright Lantern, Farnsworth and CAD test). A pass in any of these tests entitles the applicant to an unrestricted class 1 or 2 medical certificate.

The significant difference with the amended GD is that if an applicant elects not to undertake secondary testing (or if they fail this testing), then they will be entitled to a medical certificate subject to only one restriction:

"Not valid for flight in the vicinity of a controlled aerodrome unless the aircraft is in radio contact with aerodrome control."

While this single restriction is arguably nonsense with modern day technologies, it has been included to satisfy the lawyers in case of the very rare possibility of a CVD pilot having to rely on signal gun lights as the only means of communication in the event of a total radio failure.

Importantly, there are no other proposed operational restrictions, which means that a CVD pilot would be entitled to progress their career to the fullest extent in New Zealand, including at CPL, ATPL, night and IFR levels. These proposed changes are summarised in the GD as follows:
"The GD also updates the restrictions that are applied to those who fail initial screening and then either fail, or elect to not undertake, secondary screening. Restrictions against the carriage of passengers (class 1), night flying (class 1 and 2) and instrument flying (class 1 and 2) are removed. The body of clinical and empirical evidence considered by the CAA during the development of this GD supports the removal of these restrictions.

Such was the significance of material considered in the development of this GD, the CAA established a Colour Vision Deficiency GD Assessment Panel comprising specialists in aviation medicine, vision science, general aviation, airline operations, regulatory oversight and law. The panel considered written and verbal submissions from various international contributors and experts, empirical evidence and clinical research relating to colour vision deficiency in pilots. Noting that current clinical test methods and restrictions result in significant limitations for some applicants who would be able to operate unrestricted in some other jurisdictions, the panel produced a report recommending the adoption of a practical demonstration of competency as well as alternative secondary screening tests, such that these individuals may demonstrate their competency. These recommendations were accepted by the Director with the exception of the practical flight.

Rather than requiring a one-time flight test to assess individuals for the effect of their colour vision deficiency on all aspects of flying, pilots will instead progress through the standard programme of training and flight testing, applicable to the privileges they seek. They will then be required to further repeatedly demonstrate competency during subsequent renewals of their privileges alongside all other pilots. Evidence indicates that such practical assessments are an appropriate means for pilots with colour vision deficiency to demonstrate their ongoing ability to perform the tasks required of their particular piloting role."

Hopefully things will start move forward elsewhere...
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Old 19th Sep 2017, 18:39
  #463 (permalink)  
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I woke up to the facebook post of this. This is amazing news!
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Old 20th Sep 2017, 07:44
  #464 (permalink)  
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It is! Let's hope it's a success and Europe/UK take notice.
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Old 20th Sep 2017, 12:52
  #465 (permalink)  
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I'm certainly trying to get as many people as I can to send an email to the NZ CAA agreeing that this is a good decision! The sooner they implement the changes, the sooner it'll hopefully spread!
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Old 22nd Sep 2017, 11:33
  #466 (permalink)  
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I'm certainly trying to get as many people as I can to send an email to the NZ CAA agreeing that this is a good decision! The sooner they implement the changes, the sooner it'll hopefully spread!
The full GD is available via the below link:


Also from the CVDPA update:

What happens next? Your help is needed!

This proposed GD is open for a period of public consultation for just over 5 weeks.

Provided there are no major obstacles or issues arising as a result of this process, the GD will then be implemented into policy. This will in turn make New Zealand the new world leader in certifying CVD pilots to fly and will arguably lead to flow on influences around the world.

It is vital that all CVD pilots and anyone else with an interest in this topic have their say as part of the CAA's consultation process so that we are not outnumbered by any opposing responses. It has been confirmed that all interested parties can be part of this process, whether residing in New Zealand, Australia or any other country internationally.

The final page of the GD contains a response sheet which can be used as a template for submitting feedback. For your assistance, a pre-populated response sheet is also provided via the link below (you only need to add your name, address, phone number, email and if applicable, CAA client number):


Please take 5 minutes to show your support and acceptance of this GD without change.

Responses must be emailed to [email protected] and are due by 26 October 2017.

Your assistance in participating in this consultation process is appreciated and will help to ensure that the many years of hard work to get to this point do not go to waste. Feel free to pass this response sheet onto others who may not have received this email.
Let’s get as many submissions in as possible
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Old 27th Sep 2017, 06:42
  #467 (permalink)  
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Hello everyone! This is my first post here. I also have a problem with color blindness. Few years ago I tried to do class 1 medical certificate. I wanted to do ATPL licence, but I didn't read some Ishihara plates. I've already done a lot of tests in the internet (however I know it's not accurate), and most of the tests give me the result, that I have slight-strong deuteratopia (depends on the test) On the other hand, I see the difference between nav lights, PAPI lights, and different caution lights in the cockpit.

Finally, I would like to try to do 1 class medical certificate one more time, especially after reading PART-MED with GM and AMC:

(c) Those failing the Ishihara test should be examined either by:

(1) anomaloscopy (Nagel or equivalent). This test is considered passed if the colour match is
trichromatic and the matching range is 4 scale units or less, or if the anomalous quotient is
acceptable; or by

(2) lantern testing with a Spectrolux, Beynes or Holmes-Wright lantern. This test is considered passed
if the applicant passes without error a test with accepted lanterns.; or by

(3) Colour Assessment and Diagnosis (CAD) test. This test is considered passed if the threshold is less
than 6 standard normal (SN) units for deutan deficiency, or less than 12 SN units for protan
deficiency. A threshold greater than 2 SN units for tritan deficiency indicates an acquired cause
which should be investigated.
Does anyone know, where, in Poland, I can do the above tests? I would like to do these tests to know more about my color blindness, and to finally be sure that I can/ cannot be a commercial pilot. Anomaloscope isn't a big problem to find, but if anyone know where to do the rest of the tests, in Poland or EU, please write.
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Old 4th Oct 2017, 14:54
  #468 (permalink)  
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Hey, I think those are the same as the UK CAA, however, from what I've read, the CAA don't really accept anything other than the CAD and Ishihara which they do in-house. It's strange that they still mention the other tests and don't actually accept them... I wish they did because I passed the Nagel!
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Old 6th Nov 2017, 21:31
  #469 (permalink)  
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Hey Folks, anyone heard any updates about the New Zealand CAA changes?
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Old 7th Nov 2017, 12:47
  #470 (permalink)  
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Negative - it will probably take some time.

I submitted my response in favour of the changes. I contacted the CVDPA who said it could be in reality be 'months' before we hear of any final decision.

Whilst I'm here - has anybody got any experience of CVD people being issued with airside driving permits? I'm looking into a career change and an old colleague at Brize Norton passed the colour perception test with ChromaGen glasses.

The crazy thing is I could taxi an aircraft around an airfield, at night, without a night rating - but probably not drive a car?
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Old 10th Nov 2017, 14:22
  #471 (permalink)  
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I'm colour blind but have never had any problems in the past obtaining an airside driving permit (including LHR & LGW). I failed the ishihara test as expected and was then given the Holmes Lantern Test which I had no problems passing.

I'm glad to see that progress is finally being made, even if it is slow, it's absurd that people with CVD cannot pass a Class 1 medical (in the UK) despite there being no proof that having CVD has ever contributed to an accident or incident.
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Old 11th Nov 2017, 15:42
  #472 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by brissypilot
The full GD is available via the below link:

Anyone got a copy of this document that could email to me please at [email protected] ? The link is currently down.

Many thanks
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Old 27th Nov 2017, 13:51
  #473 (permalink)  
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@Webby737 Thanks - will investigate more.

In September the CAA confirmed that they could theoretically issue me with a Class 1 with VCL NCAT restrictions, which would mean I could fly commercially in day time. There are a couple of organisations near me that operate vintage aircraft that are day only anyway, which is why I wanted to know.

But, EASA CPL now requires the night rating.

I emailed EASA to ask whether I could 'hypothetically' be issued a CPL with day-only restrictions, as per the old JAR system, and if not, why not?

Their response:
EASA cannot provide legally binding interpretations of EU Regulations. These functions are reserved to national and EU courts and to the European Commission.
Under the EU Treaties, Member States are responsible for interpreting and implementing EU law in their national legal system.
For that reason, any queries concerning the implementation of aviation safety regulations within EASA’s remit should be forwarded to your Licensing Authority/ Competent Authority.

What is confusing is that my letter from the CAA said, in the context of the restricted Class 1, "This effectively means you may be able to pursue daytime flying instruction or aerial work within UK airspace."

So EASA's view is that you can't, but the CAA say you might be able to?
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Old 28th Nov 2017, 19:11
  #474 (permalink)  
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Hi guys. I'm a new member and a pilot wannabe with deuteranolmally cvd from Turkey.

Yesterday I took both CAD and the anomaloscopy tests in a medical center in my country. Unfortunattely I have failed CAD test with threshold of 11. But after that I took and passed the anomaloscopy with matching range of 2. I don't understand how this happend and I'm realy very confused right now about what to do.

I'm looking for to get my ATPL from Hungary or Poland, so I have to have an EASA medical license. In Turkey there is only one medical center with EASA approvel but this center only gives Class 2 as inital license (They can only re-new class 1). My question is; if I get the class 2 lincense for ppl and after that applie to conversation of class2 to class 1 from another country, are they going to test for CVD again ?

I'm concerned about it because now I can not trust neighter my color vision nor the tests because of the results.
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Old 1st Dec 2017, 01:13
  #475 (permalink)  
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CAD test / London or UAE

Has anyone here taken this CAD test recently?
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Old 12th Dec 2017, 08:49
  #476 (permalink)  
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New Zealand Update. 98% of respondents in favour of the new GD.

www caa.govt.nz/assets/legacy/medical/GD-Impaired-Colour-Vision-Submissions.pdf

www caa.govt.nz/medical/colour-vision-report/
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Old 14th Dec 2017, 16:12
  #477 (permalink)  
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I did the CAD test at Heathrow Medical Services a month ago. I wasn't very hopeful at all as I am terrible at the Ishihara plates, but after a first attempt close to borderline I managed to get a pass (threshold 5.81 with 6 being the deutan limit) after three more rounds. Surprisingly, my yellow-blue vision was considerably better than 'normal' people (0.69).
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Old 8th Jan 2018, 07:06
  #478 (permalink)  
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Anyone did the test recently at Emirates during Interview process?
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Old 8th Jan 2018, 21:28
  #479 (permalink)  
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Aviador which test did you perform in Brazil at the initial medical assessments?
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Old 9th Jan 2018, 23:05
  #480 (permalink)  
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In Brazil I did the Ishihara, but I failed.
In this case they show you a card with all colors separatly, if you know, it’s fine (like In our requirements for pilots)

Last edited by Aviadorbrasil; 9th Jan 2018 at 23:18.
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