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Ryanair interviews and sim assessments - 2

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Ryanair interviews and sim assessments - 2

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Old 1st Jul 2021, 20:07
  #1 (permalink)  
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Ryanair interviews and sim assessments - 2

Is the aviation industry really hit the rock bottom? What is up with pilots taking taking offers €16,000 annul salary? Surely you get even more instructing a little Cessna if you loved flying. But for a professional pilot to accept those kind of standards is an insult to every one of the pilots out there. The bloody wheelbarrow pushers on a building site get more then that!

Or are people just happy to portray their lives on Instagram, Look at me, my first flight, this is my dream and how I will spend the rest of my life🤣 Its the euphoria that washes off after 6 months and then the reality kicks in but its too late then.
I wonder would other professionals like Doctors, Consultants lower them selves to a janitors wage just so they can work in a hospital? Dont think so..
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Old 2nd Jul 2021, 08:26
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This is what happens when you are to spineless to join and believe in a strong union, everyone for themselves. A strong union would have never allowed this to happen. To many have been conditioned with fear of company, and lack the understanding of the strength of a 100% united workforce.

I am sorry but the company has on purpose been seeking weak and divided people, where everyone is looking after number 1, and lack understanding of the big picture. And now it is coming back to bite you, you reap what you sow. Or maybe it's just Karma. Time for crews in companies like Wizz and RYR to grow a pair, or they will be one of the major contributors to destroying the industries TC's forever. It probably is already to late to be honest.
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Old 3rd Jul 2021, 12:44
  #3 (permalink)  
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Ryanair is now talking about big plans for summer 2022, again encouraging to apply for their cadet programme. Does anybody know if the entry fee of 30k is still the same? Maybe it went down or even up?
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Old 3rd Jul 2021, 12:46
  #4 (permalink)  
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Applied on 12/2020....never called....
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Old 3rd Jul 2021, 13:17
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O'Leary imagining he's going to knock out some of his competitors. Low fares going to fuel his expansion plans. Will take his MAX orders in the spring no doubt. No surprise for keen watchers of FR. So needs to continue with his flow of cadets, he's looking at longer term. Without his flow of new cadets he would be forced to reduce his expansion or start paying better wages. Can see better terms being offered to prospective cadets if he doesn't get his intake he wants.

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Old 4th Jul 2021, 20:22
  #6 (permalink)  
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Does anyone went to Rome recently for the interview? How was it?

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Old 5th Jul 2021, 14:44
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Still the 30k upfront with no waranties
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Old 12th Jul 2021, 14:43
  #8 (permalink)  
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hi guys, I'm new in the conversation.

I've seen on the Ryanair career page that they are accepting application from non type rated FO with more than 1200 Hrs.
Do you know how does it work?
Do we need to pay in advance the type rating ?
or it is deducted from salary?

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Old 12th Jul 2021, 16:58
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All good questions, however, they are just collecting for the Talent Pool, there are no current job's for Experienced crew. Though I imagine that will change, until then you will have to wait and see. I am sure they will let you know once they start recruitment if you apply.
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Old 12th Jul 2021, 17:22
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Hey guys, I am about to do the CUT-E test, can anyone remember what ATPL questions and interview questions they got? Also I know you can log on and off over the three days but can you do it after each aptitude test?

The complex control doesn't work well on the laptop and the reaction speed doesn't work on the Ipad, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks!
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Old 17th Jul 2021, 15:40
  #11 (permalink)  
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Some rumors say that for non APS-MCC holders the T / R cost will increase to 40k .... has anyone heard this?
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Old 17th Jul 2021, 16:44
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i got 737 type rating in april 2020 but due covid19 my company changed plans...so no more contract to me..
i have 250 hours of flying and only 1 hour on 737...my MEP and SEP expired. only ME-MP-IR and 737 current.
any chance for me to participate an assestment?

Last edited by fiducioso; 17th Jul 2021 at 20:40.
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Old 19th Jul 2021, 08:46
  #13 (permalink)  
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Hello guys. Just a few sentences from pilots who used to work for “this” airline or are still working for this airline.


Regarding the post about type of contracts few pages back. You have only two options. Either you want to work (or have to work) for this airline or you do not want to work for this airline. If you are working for this airline, the company will decide which contract you will get. And most likely you will be self-employed. Definitely not an employee. Simply because it is better for the company, you can’t complain about anything. You can’t organize in unions. There is nothing like collective agreement. Company can send you on unpaid leave anytime. You can’t choose to be employee, the company decides and that means you will be on self-employed contracts and in these times it means you are earning zero euros. You get nothing during winter season.
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Old 19th Jul 2021, 08:46
  #14 (permalink)  
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Hello guys,
after reading through tens of positive comments here and on social networks about you finally reaching your dream job I can’t do anything else but to finally add my opinion regarding your achieved goal AKA buying a right hand pilot seat for 30000 euros.
I have recent personal experience with this airline and from that and from experience of my close friends that are still somehow within this airline one thing is sure. You should think twice before spreading your posts of how grateful you are about getting a chance of joining this airline because this company could actually not care less about you and its pilots. I don't say "employees" intentionally because most of the pilots there are contractors and self-employed guys having nothing to do with this airline legally.
I think it’s a time for a reality check. The reason why you got this job and the pass rate is above 50% is simply because this airline is actually earning money from you. There are recently purchased 737NG, 737MAX and A320 simulators that need to move and fly regularly. And here you are, purchasing the B737 type rating product just at the right time. Regarding this training... Let´s get a little while back to 2019. This airline group had huge plans with its A320 fleet under Lauda AOC. Therefore, they hired hundreds of inexperienced as well as experienced pilots for A320 aircraft. The deal was fully sponsored type rating, uniforms, licence transfer, collective labour agreement, accommodation during the training and much more. When comparing this to the offer most of you are constantly admiring it must sound like a paradise, no? Despite this fact, this deal was considered so bad that lot of the guys I know and that were without a job after Thomas Cook, Adria and other airlines collapsed did not even go for it as the conditions were really low and this airline group was simply not worth their qualities.
Now, did this airline care about all its money invested to all those new A320 pilots when the pandemic struck the world? And once again, we are talking about millions of euros worth of type rating courses... No, they didn’t care. Many of those A320 guys, that the airline invested let’s say 40000 euros in each, are gone (fired during the pandemic) and the company doesn't care. Yes, there were some possibilities for some of the fired pilots to get back in the company when aviation picked up a bit in summer 2020 but the newly offered conditions were so low that lot of those fired guys rather stayed home unemployed with their freely obtained fresh A320 type rating and are waiting for acceptable conditions for work. On this example you can clearly see that this airline group will not hesitate to get rid of you when they don’t need you. And the fact is that they don’t.
Now what is the scenario that is waiting for you? You will spend 30000 euros for the type rating and earn almost no money during the line training. I am sure you will fly as hell during your line training while earning 1000 euros a month. You will make loads of IG pictures and chat with your type rating group colleagues how good decision joining this airline was. But then? The best case scenario is that you will become a contractor with no basic salary and only a flight pay. That means 0 euros a month during the winter months and pandemic times and to be honest like 1000 euros a month in summer season and non-pandemic times with current terms and conditions... The second and more probable option is that that you will become a self-employed pilot. It does not only mean 0 flying hours and 0 euros earning in most of the months but it also means you will be liable for you health insurance, taxation and many more. What I personally believe the most is the option when you won´t be offered any job after your line check and you will be responsible for maintaining your type rating current to be able to re-join when the aviation picks up. That can happen within a year or years... And that is the most probable case in my eyes as I see the aviaion picture every day on my own eyes.
I understand that aviation is a great passion for you guys but being a professional pilot is a job as any other and if it does not cover you bills then it simply have no sense to do it and you should wait for an appropriate job offer. Please, I know a bunch of guys that are at home since autumn 2020. They earn nothing, they do not receive any state aid and they are fighting hard to put a bread on the table from a job in warehouse. I would like to ask you to read my genuine and honest post once again, think about your options and maybe just go outside and ask. Find some guys that are currently within the airline, ask them how much they fly, ask the how much they earn. I am sure that 99% of those guys will tell you to not join right now, stand by and come back when right time comes. By joining right now you will help to deteriorate terms and conditions for you and for your future colleagues within the european aviation. If you wait a bit there will for sure be a moment when it will be a good idea to join and obtain a decent contract with training provided by the company. If you join right now, as soon as the winter/corona hits you will be sitting at home, thinking of your 100000 euros debt hoping to re-join in upcoming months for 5 flying hours a month.
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Old 19th Jul 2021, 08:47
  #15 (permalink)  
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Message to all cadets. Don’t be so happy. Use your head. Nowadays we are facing a very difficult times. Nobody knows the future, but I think we can say it is better to expect the worse scenario => some flying in June-September, zero hours in October-May. After line training you will be on polish self-employment contract, which means you are being paid for planned flight hours. “Planned”, this means not the real hours. During line training you will have priority, this means amount of hours for other pilots will be reduced and given to you. During line training you can expect something around 35 euros for planned flight hour. Deduct health insurance, social insurance and taxes – you are self-employed and you are responsible for correct taxation in the country where you are based. If you do not understand taxation rules in that country, you have to hire tax adviser, who will do it for you (you have to pay for it of course). After line training, expect around 50 euros for planned flight hour. Expect around 200 hours in one year (because you will fly roughly 4 months or do you really think, that the whole population will be vaccinated? I don’t think so.) Then ask a question. Can a pilot with 200 hours and payrate 50 euro gross per hour afford to live with this amount of money on his own? Are you able to repay your type rating cost? (maybe also ATPL training?) Can you afford reasonable housing in your base? Or prepare you parents, they will have to financially support you for couple of years until aviation in Europe recovers. Some of you will be lucky during line training, because some of you will be on temporary employee contract. But in the end, after line training you will be forced to accept polish self-employment contract. Either that or nothing (you can leave the company), you paid the instructors, you paid the sims, company is happy that the simulator centre is working and generating profit. Company doesn’t care about you. Right now you are just a cheap labor work, who will be called during summer and then expect unpaid leave for more than 6 months. Have a plan, have a second job. One day the Europe will recover from covid and things will slowly become better. But that’s not today. And definitely it is not going to happen next year. And one last thing don’t be Ryanair marketing stars on social networks.
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Old 19th Jul 2021, 11:01
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To aviationinsider2

I agree in 100% with you. People who are accepting those crazy circumstances are deteriorating the market. Its a race to the bottom. And all this just for one pic on Instagram.... its simple, if people won't come and accept this circumstances they won't have a pilots, then after some time ryr will pay for tr. And we will be back to situation from 6 years ago where ryr didn't have a pilots.....
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Old 19th Jul 2021, 19:19
  #17 (permalink)  
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I think your experience is from few years back. since 2017 unions are recognised and in fact most pilots are now employees. Only exception being Buzz crews and their Warsaw "tax free" zero hours contract.
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Old 19th Jul 2021, 20:18
  #18 (permalink)  
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Not a very up to date insider...
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Old 20th Jul 2021, 13:10
  #19 (permalink)  
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The current cadets are not direct Ryr employees, unlike the cadets until 2019 were.

To fire those guys you need to go through a union. To fire these new guys you just stop giving them work - they are contractors.
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Old 21st Jul 2021, 08:50
  #20 (permalink)  
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It really wouldn’t surprise me if Ryanair screw the current lot line training but only time will tell.
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