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A320 line training

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Old 14th Apr 2008, 19:22
  #61 (permalink)  
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Angel A320 line training

Hello, would you help me to find anywhere for line training on A320.thank you.
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Old 14th Apr 2008, 19:30
  #62 (permalink)  
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help for line training

hi,would you help me and inform me for 300 hours line training.thank you
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Old 21st Apr 2011, 16:27
  #63 (permalink)  
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Dear All,

Does anybody know where I can find an airline offering line training for A320?I would like to buy some Hours.

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Old 22nd Apr 2011, 15:41
  #64 (permalink)  
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Going to join the bandwagon here and say:

Do not pay for line training

you will not get a good job afterwards

you are ruining pay and conditions for everyone

And on a separate note, picking up from earlier comments, I'd rather be well paid and bored than poorly paid and bored. I'd also rather do very little work and earn shed loads of money than work 100-120h a week and earn shed loads. A girl I the other day is a corporate lawyer: her starting salary was USD160,000, and she's been working for her company for 3 years. So I'm guessing she takes home about GBP 180,000 a year. She lives in a sh*thole of a flat, and she says she's not bothered because she is never at home. She works around 120h a week and frequently gets called in on days off. We worked out that my hourly rate is more than hers...

... and I've never paid for a TR or line training.
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Old 23rd Apr 2011, 08:47
  #65 (permalink)  
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If you think its useless then I guess you are just another contributor to the problem.
Unfortunately I'm not a contributor. I had to work several years before being able to pay for my training, I mean PPL to fATPL, and now I'm back again into an office, working as before in the I.T., trying saving money should an option arise.

If I spent all my hard earned money in my training is just because this is I always wanted to do: make the flight deck my office. Might be it is not the same for you, but every time I hear a jet engine in the distance, I look at the sky wishing I was there.

You've been probably lucky enough to live in the right place where it is still possible to find "low houred" jobs. Europe is not the same, doesn't work like that here. So, should I finally save enough money to do it, I'd jump in a p2f scheme, not blinded of course, only if I can see I'll be given the chance to stay in after the line training or whatever. That will be my money and my life, since if I'm doing it at 33 probably means I could afford it before.

By the way, what I really don't like is that all the time you bring back every single post to your hate against p2f. It's going off-topic, that's it. You're not even changing people mind, just showing everybody your feeling and might be other people is not interested in it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you can't do that or so, it is just useless for the other people questions.
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Old 23rd Apr 2011, 09:54
  #66 (permalink)  
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you will not get a good job afterwards
Wise enough to say so, but not enough experience to actually know the reality of it. I know 8-9 guys who have secured employment within months of completing their line training assignment. Who be the fool?
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Old 23rd Apr 2011, 12:18
  #67 (permalink)  
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No we do not let people pay to fly here
That's good! cos over here (Europea and ME) they seem to lap them up! Different standards wherever you go. Guys unable to beat the system (i.e. get a fair and equal assessment opportunity) are getting in on the back of p2f schemes. We didn't invent the rules.
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Old 23rd Apr 2011, 12:48
  #68 (permalink)  
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Never said that if you pay to fly it means you are not able to fly. It does however mean that for whatever reason you are not good enough with a descent enough CV to get a proper flying job.

Proper flying job is in a C150 making minimum wage if that is all you can get and would earn the respect of all your future colleagues by doing so, something anyone who does pay to fly will never have. If you go down that route I hope when you are 50 in your left seat of an A320 doing many sectors every day making next to nothing you finally realize that it was pillocks like you that made the industry what it is today. If only you had something to fall back on but hey you spent all your money paying to be a pilot of a nice shiny jet.

It is a good job still but fast becoming an average one with long hours, lots of days away from home. IT IS A JOB though, do not pay to do it.


Opinions is all you get on Pprune, if you take anything as fact your are a silly silly man.
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Old 23rd Apr 2011, 14:07
  #69 (permalink)  
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Just a small thing: when I was talking about the money I spent for my training, I meant PPL to CPL. Unless you got it for free in a lottery, you should know it is quite expensive.

Anyway that's it, cgwhitemonk1 is right, this is not the right thread to talk about this.

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Old 27th Apr 2011, 18:02
  #70 (permalink)  
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cerealkiller wrote:

So, should I finally save enough money to do it, I'd jump in a p2f scheme, not blinded of course, only if I can see I'll be given the chance to stay in after the line training or whatever.
and now I'm back again into an office, working as before in the I.T., trying saving money should an option arise.

How would you feel if you went back to your IT job to discover that someone else, fresh out of University/College with no experience, is now doing your old job for free or even paying your former/potential employer to do it??
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Old 27th Apr 2011, 18:35
  #71 (permalink)  
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line training
Line "training" is such a misnomer! Many of you fail to realize that you are not going to receive some sort of specialized training through these schemes. You are buying line "experience" not "training".

You will be given a line indoctrination and a line check after which you are considered a line pilot. You will not receive 500 hours of training and will be a burden to the line captain who is not receiving any sort of additional pay or training to "train" you. As a line pilot, you are now performing a job for which you are not being paid. In fact you are paying your employer to do the work, which is absolutely ludicrous!
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Old 27th Apr 2011, 18:37
  #72 (permalink)  
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...but every time I hear a jet engine in the distance, I look at the sky wishing I was there.
A few years old and geared towards the US regionals but it still relevant.

Page 2 of the story continues here:,85.html
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Old 28th Apr 2011, 09:58
  #73 (permalink)  
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How would you feel if you went back to your IT job to discover that someone else, fresh out of University/College with no experience, is now doing your old job for free or even paying your former/potential employer to do it??
Actually it is what happens almost every day in my country, not only in the IT. Market situation is so bad, at least here, that companies are looking for the cheapest resources and doesn't matter if they're good or bad for their business. I'm not saying I like this situation, just stating what it is.

...but every time I hear a jet engine in the distance, I look at the sky wishing I was there.
I put down the sentence in the wrong way, probably since english is not my first language I concentrate on the grammar and less on the contents.

What I wanted to say is just that I'd like to be flying every time I think about aviation. It was like this since I was a child, is a passion, can't avoid it. That's why I'm working in the IT and I've been working in that field for so many years, 'cause it's my other passion. Of course they're different, way different. It's not about the "jet" itself, I swear I wouldn't mind flying a PA28 around just being able to get enough money to live. I knocked many doors and made hundreds calls for any kind of flying job. Have friends sitting in Africa waiting for a job since months but honestly can't stay there doing nothing, I need to pay bills and eat.

By the way, don't worry about me regarding your working situation, salary or whatever.. I won't have the chance of joining any line training or p2f scheme, so be happy. No money for that now and not even in the future, that's it.
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Old 28th Apr 2011, 12:11
  #74 (permalink)  
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Its very easy for a lot of people on here to give out about people paying to fly when they are sitting in a shiny jet everyday. Try working in a supermarket for 18months on minimum wage all the time looking up at the sky at every plane that goes overhead wishing you were flying it, then you might change your mind on the p2f idea! After all,what choice do we have?! Continue to work in such places for the next 2, 5, 10 years?
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Old 28th Apr 2011, 13:05
  #75 (permalink)  
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Exactly shiver. What most people don't understand is that this topic is not black and white. Depending on who you are, what age you are, where you are and what work/employment rights you have in any one particular country, there is a for/against argument when it comes to p2f. Well I've sold out, I'm about to bite my p2f cherry after so many years siding with my thankless morals, watching others get hired and waiting for a proper assessment opportunity
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Old 1st May 2011, 05:29
  #76 (permalink)  
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if you think you will get a paid job after the magical P2F scheme.why not buy a DVD of cinderella in wonderland?

get real, if pilots had a job at the end, there would be billions P2F or P2W all around the world.

Then every job around this planet would be P2F. doesn't make any sens.

P2F is not working, P2F will go to bin. only bad pilots join them becasue nobody want them. probably they ar5e too bad to fly a piper and pass their IR th or 5th attempt.

I know 8 guys who paid to fly, none got a job at the end, they still sit at home with their 700tt, 500 hours on 320/737.

if you look online, companies want guys with 2000h, 500h on type in the last 3 months, current,... it means it s only pilot cuurently flying who can apply. When you are out with your 700h total , I can guaranty you that you won't find anything except a position at Tesco.

I can tell you, aviation is deeply f...up! there is no way to jump to airlines.
WWW wrote a post about it. even military pilots with thousand hours on jet can not fly an airbus.

again, get real! just throwing money won't solve your problems!
it 's not because you are desperate that you have to become a kamikaze with your money.

Grow up, and see the true reality of this market.Give maybe a break, do something else, go on vacation for 2-3 years, open your own little business, and give yourself a break instead to bite your nail all day long.

This market is still very unstable, low $ value, expensive gas/fuel, basic food going up, ... more airlines will go out of business, and you certainly don't want risk your money, would you?

Last edited by captainsuperstorm; 1st May 2011 at 07:53.
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Old 14th Jun 2011, 11:08
  #77 (permalink)  
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I am buying 500hrs next year , I had enough.

I dont care what people say, i used to be like everyone else, dont buy hours but as years are passing and times are more difficult to get a job , I am finding myself panicking as i am entering the no fly zone due to age.

Yes is destroying the business but I had enough and i prefer taking my chances with 500hrs jet than none

off the subject : been to an interview and we went to a sim session where a captains son was flying with me and was holding the SID upside down.

Guess what: He got the job.........
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Old 14th Jun 2011, 12:15
  #78 (permalink)  
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I almost can't believe that statement. I have heard from several people that they got a job in GA after completing the integrated course.

If you have been looking for a job for years there clearly have to be something wrong with your CV. You might not get to fly a jet after getting your licenses but it's not impossible to get a job.
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Old 14th Jun 2011, 13:27
  #79 (permalink)  
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I dont understand u dont believe that statement.
Obviously if you are following the thread you are considering it also.
Try owing 90 000 euros and live in a country with three flight schools with an instructors salary of 600 euros plus 10 euros per hour and tell me how in hell you can pay off your loan.
You live in Denmark, go to Sweden via the bridge probably , so you have good chances for GA jobs but some of us live on small islands.

I am a lucky lady as i work for an airline in the admin and it pays the bills.
Dont tell me to relocate because obviously the salary will not be much better and i will end loosing my house.

Please if you see some GA jobs around for me, send them my way by all means.

all is relative Danske venn so dont come here selling your Viking spirit because there is no right or wrong when it comes to this.
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Old 14th Jun 2011, 13:29
  #80 (permalink)  
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Wow what a statement there..
I'm from the Netherlands, where there is almost zero GA, I was lucky enough to get a job there but 90% of my classmates were not that lucky and are still unemployed.
I think the same applies to many countries and many students looking for a job.
Not saying the best way to get into the jets is buying your way in, but saying that if you dont have a job its a CV issue, really?
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