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Old 17th Mar 2007, 12:28
  #81 (permalink)  
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Well "Angry Wife".

In an industry on the upturn your husband must be fairly **** if he can't land a job, excuse the pun!!!

Should have bought that kitchen in B&Q

Well I would really like to thank everyone for their support on this post, he has landed himself an interview at Ryan Air. I am extremely proud of him and hope all of his hard work finally pays off.
As for the comment above I think you are the only person who has hit so low below the belt on this forum. Im guessing you class yourself as a professional pilot?! I pity any pilot who flies with you and your immaturity!
That's if you even hold a license!!!
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Old 17th Mar 2007, 12:32
  #82 (permalink)  
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Well done to your husband angrywife, I hope he does well and you and your family can relax a little!
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Old 17th Mar 2007, 18:54
  #83 (permalink)  
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Having read all of this thread, and some of the appallingly negative comments from some of the people allegedly 'professionals' within this industry I can only say I hope the Ryanair thing works. Even if he just does a couple of years there and then moves on he will get a lot of very 'sharp-end' experience in that time.

To those who have been so awful I can only assume no one supported you and no-one gave you a break, aaah. Maybe it was your personality that was spotted before your licence! If this forum is not here for our 'community' to assist each other then what is the purpose of it? Just for bitter pilots to publicly air their own little personality disorders to the world?

A lot of us have had major trauma at some time in this strange industry. Surely the civilised thing to do is to try to ensure those who follow us have an easier ride. If we don't make it so, then civilisation (or our industry) will never advance..

Lecture to the primitives over . If your partner has no luck with Ryanair, a top tip is to contact VLM. They are recruiting furiously and continually, are quite prepared to take low hours/ high hours/ young/ older pilots as it is the quality of person they are after, all else (apart from flying skill of course!) is secondary, they have a quality training dept to shape the rest!

Good luck.
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Old 19th Mar 2007, 18:54
  #84 (permalink)  

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Ignore the silly postings. Aviation has plenty of berks too.

Good luck to your husband, AW, and if Ryanair doesn't work out, going back to airlines already contacted (with a 3-month pause in between) may yet pay off. The situation in any given company can change overnight.

And by the way, don't call yourself Angry, it doesn't help. My guess is you are not actually angry, just frustrated. Congratulations anyway on supporting your spouse. Wish my ex had been more like you in that respect.

And finally, I got going in my early 40's, and even with fATPL/IR managed to fail my first (sponsored) type-rating at the last hurdle,...OUCH... before eventually getting my first job in night freight at 44. Flew old bangers for a while, then got onto Airbusses. It can be done, but there are no guarantees. I have a feeling your old man will make it.
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Old 22nd Mar 2007, 22:49
  #85 (permalink)  
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It's not just tough getting a job in Aviation

Hi Angrywife,

I hadn't logged into pprune for ages and only did today and have just spent the last 45 mins reading all the previous posts.

I just wanted to add abit of support aswell and to try to reassure you it is not just the aviation industry that is hard to find a job in.

The example of this is myself, I went to school, college, then Uni and did pretty well. I then came out thinking finding a job would be no problem. Well no-one went near me, I eventually realised that you can be qualified to the hilt but if your not proactive then no-one will want you.

I got really depressed, but then made the choice to go back to Uni, get my Masters and try again, but this time, I decided to network like crazy. I did this and got my Masters, got a published dissertation, even went and met some of the most powerful guys in retail that sit on the board for Tesco. However could I find or get a job, NOPE!

I finished my masters in November 2005, I then applied for everything in sight, but nothing came my way. I tried to stay positive but I got really down again. I was facing a 25k debt to start paying off, and no job to do it with.

I then had abit of time out and started flying as my gf's Dad flys for BA. I loved it and subsequently realised I had potentially wasted the last 5 years of my life at Uni when I should have saved or started flying, or at least learning.

I then got a renewed sense of vigur, started applying for jobs related to my degrees and after about 10-15 interviews (some of which were 3 stages) I finally got a job, this was now September 2006.

I've now started my PPL, started to save and am just staying positive and putting eveything into flying. It may not pay off, but at least I had a go.

I guess what I'm trying to say, like most of the posts on here is, DO NOT GIVE UP, your husband will do it, he just needs to stay positive. Its hard but with patience and dedication it can pay off. I wish him and yourself the best of luck, hopefully one day he'll have his 4 stripes and ill at least have 2.


PS to help you out, I'm 25 and owe 25k through Uni, and with the flying training it will be nearer 90K, it's a risk, but you've only got 1 life.

Best of luck!
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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 07:46
  #86 (permalink)  
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Gulp. £90k in unsecured debt, 25 and never had a proper job!

Interesting how times have changed. When I finished a university degree in 1996 I owed £4,000 and paid that off in the first year by getting a dull desk job vaguely related to my degree.

I then got a slightly better job, lived at home and saved like mad on £15k. I started the ATPL study course via distance learning to fill my evenings and weekends (what joy). After two years I had saved £14k. I borrowed another £8k off my parents and that was enough to get the a Frzn ATPL CPL and FI rating.

Another couple of years of instructing and saving and I had a Multi CPL/IR Frzn ATPL and 1000hrs TT and could just about pay back my parents.
And I used to worry about my debts and my low pay!

You just couldn't have got the levels of debt you are talking about back then. And we are talking the mid to late 90's and 2000...

At no time did I owe more than £10k and I was in continuous employment of one kind or another from the week after finishing Uni... Save, spend, Save, spend for 4 years... But never paid hardly a penny in interest.

If you can find a way of avoiding such punishing debt then its worth seriously considering. Even if it means taking a lot longer to get qualified.

Good luck,

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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 11:56
  #87 (permalink)  
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Student debt isn't really much to worry about, what I mean is the student loan from the SLC. Debts from card companies is a different story, I have student accounts, but I have money in my account which will be enough to get me through uni, without touching the interest free overdraft the bank is willing to give me. This student loan is paid back only when your earning a min of 15k and then its at around 9£ a week, which is like one takeaway meal, no biggie. It doesn't show up on any checks any loan companies etc do, so when looking for a loan it wont affect you. You have 25 years to pay it back, anything outstanding is wiped off. You only pay it back when in employment and it is taken out automatically, so you wont get "threats" for repayments like the banks would send you.

I'm actually trying to use my uni as an advantage. I like my course its going good atm, enjoying the sport. The slc give 3k to my uni direct for uni fees, but I also get a maintenance loan, which i save and then I can use the total maintenance loan to help towards flight training. It will be around 20k, but it wont be such a burden as if i took 20k from a bank, they would be after me like a pack of sniffer dogs, with the 20k slc loan, you pay back at around a tenner a week and only when earning.
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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 14:09
  #88 (permalink)  
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Angry wife, I'm sure my wife sympathises with you. Take no notice of the negative crap like that on this website, 80% of the negative immature responses probably don't have a licence and therefore aren't in your husband's situation. I've just had my first real opportunity and I'm now waiting on the result of a good sim check with a major UK jet carrier. I wish him all the luck in the world with FR. Hope you can change your nom de Prune to Happywife.
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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 14:35
  #89 (permalink)  
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Even with my mortgage, and as a widebody (the aircraft, not me!) Captain earning near enough £100k, I don't have the level of debt you guys are beginning to see as 'the norm'. You need to step back from it a bit and start getting things into perspective. If it doesn't make sense as an investment decision, you shouldn't be doing it. It is so easy for debt to turn round and bite you, so be very careful what you take on - and have a 'Plan B' in case aviation doesn't work out, which it won't for a significant number of you.
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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 14:50
  #90 (permalink)  
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Please let us know how he gets on with Ryan.
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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 18:30
  #91 (permalink)  
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Even going to Uni is a far more expensive adventure to pursue than it used to be. When I attended between 2002-2005, I lived at home to save cash, and I also worked 15 hours at the weekends for my beer money.

I took out the 3K (1K for fees and 2K for more beer) a year loan, so over the 3 years ended up with 9K. I know of no-one else in my class who came anywhere near the relatively low amount I borrowed. Sadly some of my friends are now up to their eye-balls in both Uni and Credit/Debit card debt.

Times have certainly changed indeed

Let us know how things turn out Angrywife.

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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 20:14
  #92 (permalink)  
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Just a quickie,

Future Captain, trust me it isn't that simple, when you've got living costs, food, petrol, insurance, tax, etc etc, that loss adds up.

As for the £9 a week figure, that probably for someone earning 16K. I lose over £120 to the SLC and 250/Month to pay my Masters off. Thats around 4500 lost each year. And trust me, that is a significant figure.

Just remember it may not sound like much but its 9% of your salary over 15k, and if you start advancing quickly and getting good payrises, then that student loan does start making a dent into your salary.

It's a pain, but hopefully not forever

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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 21:08
  #93 (permalink)  
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Smile Hi Angrywife

I too see my pilot husband using pprune regularly and I never post messages. I was inspired by your original post to register today so i could reply to you. I too am in the situation you describe, I have a qualified husband, large debt and have moved around country & county for last 5 yrs following one progressive job after another...have a little baby...

What i would like to say to you is that for all the high costs and vagrant lifestyle..dont completely forget the things that make it so worthwhile. Things like..your kids being able to tell their friends MY dads a pilot! (which he is regardless of employment)...forcing you to move outside your comfort zone, moving town, making new friends all the time..and usually other pilots and their families...the massive excitements when your husband gets a shot at that next opportunity..and knowing that he's going to come home that day and tell you first as his #1 supporter...and other times being the one who gets to offer undying loyalty to him when well-meaning family and friends loudly question the value of continuing when things dont work out. I think I know how you're feeling right now as my husband is in the middle of a ground course and hopes to do well enough to get a job out of it. I really hope that your husbands interview goes really well - fingers crossed 4 you.
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Old 23rd Mar 2007, 21:17
  #94 (permalink)  
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Guess what your saying is real life. Your experiencing it, Im still doing my degree so wouldn't know to much. I see you to are going down the route of commercial pilot, good luck wit it, and all the best As you say, you only live once, I have seen first hand someone close to me pass away in something he hated, he was just about to move on to do what he always wanted, he didn't get the chance. I am fully aware of how fragile this industry is but unless you don't try, you don't find out.
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