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Old 2nd May 2007, 14:05
  #521 (permalink)  
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That's the reason I turned down the interview just not feasible, when you have a family and morgage to support and pay! Still looking for that first job though!
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Old 2nd May 2007, 14:56
  #522 (permalink)  
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…..and that's the reason I've never applied to FR, nor ever will ! That, plus the fact their policies are the ruin of the industry ! ……….and because of that I never have done, nor will I ever fly with FR ! I'd rather pay ££££'s more to fly with another airline !!

727man - I'm with you too. Still looking for that first job, but hey, life is still good and for me, a damn sight better than it would be working (read being exploited by) for FR !!!!
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Old 2nd May 2007, 16:45
  #523 (permalink)  
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I'm also one who is turning down an interview with FR. Not feasible, I have a partner and a newborn baby in no position to take a salary cut with her being on maternity leave.

The more you read and hear FR is not the way to go!
It's the first chance of an interview I've had but sometime principles come first.
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Old 3rd May 2007, 08:27
  #524 (permalink)  
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Was the first interview request I had, my wife said that she couldn't handle me working there. I held out, and thank Goodness. Patience won the day.
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Old 3rd May 2007, 09:04
  #525 (permalink)  
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When I told my wife a few weeks ago that I would never fly with Ryanair (I did qualify that with - under their current regime) she thought I was bluffing. "So let me get this straight she said – you'd pay more money to fly with another airline even if is was 99p with Ryanair ?"
I said "Absolutely !" This she found unbelievable as she considers me a tight wad, which I'm not – just careful !

She doesn’t know the half of what goes on in this industry !
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Old 3rd May 2007, 09:11
  #526 (permalink)  
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I showed my wife the Ts&Cs on ppjn, she nearly fell over, her exact words were, I'd rather you kept your current job than go for that. It's true, I felt quite liberated when I told then to Foxtrot Oscar!!

It strikes me that desperation leads to people going down this path.
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Old 3rd May 2007, 09:43
  #527 (permalink)  
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Judging by the number asking for information on the assessment day on the other thread, there are still many who either.......

choose not to listen

don't care just so long as they get a go on a "big shiny jet"

think they can steal a march on everyone else

try to justify it as a good deal by comparing it to the cost of an FI rating followed by poor pay

carry on through ignorance

.....that I cannot see the situation changing.

I am another who has actively turned down the opportunity to go down this route. Now 2+ years post qualification, hours proving hard to come by, wrong side of 35 and no sign of anything else at the moment. As frustrated and skint as everyone else but still have a bit of pride left. The idea for me is to earn a living doing something I enjoy. I know that within a few months at FR I would be knackered, destitute and miserable, so I would be neither earning a living nor doing something I enjoy.....and so the search goes on.
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Old 3rd May 2007, 09:50
  #528 (permalink)  
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keep the faith it'll happen!
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Old 3rd May 2007, 10:09
  #529 (permalink)  
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BUT....he is getting paid to fly a brand new 737-800 (however low it is!!)
Right here is the ruination of this profession.
The big problem is that once people realise that flying for f**k all pay is a fools game, it's too late, you're already shafted. Who gives a damn if the aeroplane is new or old, or a 737 or a 152, if you're not being treated properly? There is more to life than flying. Flying is a means to an end, nothing more.
You have to understand this: EVERYBODY, EVERY SINGLE PILOT I come across, after a few months flying realises that there is more to life than flying a 737, be shiny, dirty, new or old. They quickly realise that the "privilege" of flying is not a privilege at all, it's just a job, and that they want to be treated properly. Unfortunately their willingness, before they knew better, to accept $hit means that they have already closed the door to being treated properly.
What makes all the current wannabes so arrogant as to believe that they will somehow be different? The naievty and arrogance is stunning. Perhaps if you listened to those who've gone before you, you'd enjoy a better, more rewarding career.
To those who said no to exploitation and near-slavery, well done. You are far more likely to be satisfied in life and in your career. It's almost certain that you will be on large amounts more money a lot sooner than if you joined ryr.
Try EI, they're hiring lots of low-timers at the moment.
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Old 3rd May 2007, 17:36
  #530 (permalink)  
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Ryanair is haemorrhaging experienced FOs at the moment largely due to the latest pay deal. When they started loosing Captains a while back they started paying for type ratings for direct entry captains. If they can’t get enough newbies to pay for a type rating they will start providing them. It’s up to you. It's also worth remembering just cos you buy a type rating doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job, many fail, then you are in a much worse position.
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Old 3rd May 2007, 20:13
  #531 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up

claycomm congratulations and well done, you wont regret it. anyone else care to join him in defeating this madness that MOL has created.its only us pilots that can stop this. THE MORE WE GIVE THEM THE MORE THEY WILL TAKE!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 4th May 2007, 03:38
  #532 (permalink)  
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I just read on that pilots with <1500hrs cannot land in a crosswind >15kts, dont know if this is true but i think its big time BS cos:
1. u are not giving trust and capacity to people whom the company has recruited through what appears to be a difficult (and expensive, for us) selection and TR... hence they should be above avg pilots, and should be treated accordingly.
2. after 1500 hrs u may become captain, since ur license is "unfrozen", which means u may have a capt. who has never landed in Xwinds >15kts...
3. After any ATPL course in any school, modular or integrated, in the UK, Spain, New Zealand or the North Pole (some good schools other there), u should have experienced Xwinds greater or equal to 15kts in a LIGHT AIRCRAFT, which is much more diffucult to land in those conditions than a 737.

I shall definately ask about this if I ever get called for interview, wondering what everyone else thinks if this were true.

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Old 4th May 2007, 04:46
  #533 (permalink)  
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Wahou.......I understand all your post and your anger against the way FR treats its pilots but when I read that one 2 years post graduated still looking for a position......I think he should right now go and try to enter this creepy airline.
Just think that you're not married with FR, you pay for you Type rating (it's more and more the case within most of european airlines), build good time on very modern aircrafts.

Of course you can all wait for the perfect job on a regular company...maybe you'll get it!Maybe not. Ryanair plans to hire 1200 pilot in the next 4 years so the door is fully opened...If your dream is to be above this f*** clouds and piloting fantastic aircrafts, go ahead, you could afford a good position in a real airline once you'll get several hundreds hours on 737-800.

Just see FR as the beginning of your career. Well this is my point of view, and Claycomm don't come and blame everybody once you'll regret your decision.

But I totally agree with you, this is a slave position...Slave for sure but 35 000 feet over the ground
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Old 4th May 2007, 09:44
  #534 (permalink)  
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when I read that one 2 years post graduated still looking for a position......I think he should right now go and try to enter this creepy airline.
I wont be doing that beacause of the way they treat their pilots. I cannot afford to "work" for no or very little pay as I have certain commitments. I do not want to be treated as many attest to on here. I am not waiting for a perfect job to come along, just one where I am treated with a reasonable level of respect and feel valued. Unlike many, I would be happy on a small TP on a very average salary, where I don't have to pay for my uniform, water, etc.

You admit to it being a creepy airline so you are well aware of what they are like, and know where I, and a few others are coming from.

If your dream is to be above this f*** clouds and piloting fantastic aircrafts, go ahead,
I don't want to pilot a fantastic aircraft, any will do.

you could afford a good position in a real airline once you'll get several hundreds hours on 737-800.
But how many good positions in real airlines will remain if people are willing to get into massive debt and then work for peanuts ?
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Old 4th May 2007, 11:35
  #535 (permalink)  
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"spent all savings and equity"

"living in cars"

Aren't these the symptoms of an addicted gambler?
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Old 4th May 2007, 12:43
  #536 (permalink)  
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Following on from v6g, I'm going to start a new support group called Flyers Anonymous, a confidential meeting place for people who are addicted to flight and can't stop spending!

To work for this outfit (FR), is getting worse and is madness to do so!! For those who enjoy being royally rogered up their arse, then enjoy, must be like those who frequent gents on Clapham Common!!

Last edited by SinBin; 4th May 2007 at 13:24.
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Old 4th May 2007, 21:43
  #537 (permalink)  
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I'm a cadet for the company and lets just say my basic is £850 a month whilst training so taking about £700 per month home.

I have just spoken to one of our cabin crew who has been in the company a few months and she takes home about £1000 per month......

Another point - I dont live in a car or know anyone that does might be cheaper to live

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Old 8th May 2007, 11:39
  #538 (permalink)  
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guys, where's the problem?

Hi all,
I have gone through all the pages concerning Ryanair and I do not see the scandal on doing the assessment and pay those 260pounds + extras.
I have a job and I'm satisfied with it even though I'd rather fly a plane for the same salary. I took 2 days off, I'll give ryanair those 260 pounds and amen! If it's ment to be and they'll call me, I'll accept it, if not, I'll forget about it in a few days.
It's not a lot but I'm making as much money as a ryanair FO, so I'd change job for passion, period.
Where's the scandal? paying 4 the type rating? Oh boy... around europe it's full of airlines selling out TR without any sort of agreement, just promises to create leverage onto wannabees... that's a sin.
Or those 'pilots' who enters some airlines (southern europe....) just because they have great connections and no meritocracy at all. That's a sin.
I find already honorable the fact that ryanair offers a crystal clear selection, with a clear outcome.

Oh... and I'm sure that those who didnt accept the assessment had in the meantime plenty of offers from other greater airlines, hadn't they?
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Old 8th May 2007, 11:58
  #539 (permalink)  
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er, yes!! Actually!! Enjoy the naus then!!!
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Old 8th May 2007, 12:28
  #540 (permalink)  
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live is good here , home every night, the money is good, excellant roster, and if i ever come across moaning so/fo like this lot. a lit slapper away from work would sort it out.
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