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Old 5th Sep 2005, 17:33
  #101 (permalink)  
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I don't know which test you actually did. Did you do the diagrammatic and numerical ones as well?

Maybe someone else can comment but I think the numerical tests on that site are far from what you should be expecting!

The verbal reasoning ones are likely to be the same though.

I've been visiting that site for years, it wouldn't be fair for me to do the test and then give you an answer!

I just wanted to know how many out of the 16 or so verbal reasoning test questions you got right.
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Old 5th Sep 2005, 17:57
  #102 (permalink)  
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I did the Verbal Reasoning test. There were 28 questions, and I managed to answer 27 of them, before the time ran out. And out of the 27 I got 24 correct.

If this is the level of difficulty I can expect at the assessment, I really don’t worry anymore. But since many natives have problems with the verbal test at Thomsonfly, I think that the level in this test most be lower than the test at Thomsonfly.

So if there is anybody who has attended the assessment with Thomsonfly, please tell me about the level of difficulty..?

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Old 5th Sep 2005, 18:59
  #103 (permalink)  
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Verbal reasoning.

I have recently done the Thomsonfly assessment, ( and failed) I found the questions there much more vague than the the ones that I practised. From memory I think there was 5 sections each with a slightly different format, eg:
Short passage followed by questions with 5 possible answers: true, possibly true, not enough information, possibly false, false. or
Short passage, with statements about, you then had to say whether an assumption had been made in these statements or not.
3 other sections, with, I think, a choice of 2 answers, all slightly different.
I have searched for similar on the web, but so far haven't found the same test.
regards gdn
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Old 5th Sep 2005, 20:55
  #104 (permalink)  
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Thomsonfly Recruitment Update

Dear xxxxxxx

Thank you for agreeing to attend our assessment day on xxxxxx. Regrettably our requirement for pilots for 2006 has changed
we will only be considering Direct Entry Captains and First Officers.

Therefore we are withdrawing our invitation for you to attend the

I do appreciate that you will be disappointed by this decision however
hope to be able to offer opportunities to Second Officers towards the
end of
next year.

In the meantime we will not keep your application on file as these are
subject to change. For further information please see our website at
the end
of next year.

Thank you for the interest you have shown in Thomsonfly and I would
like to
take this opportunity of wishing you every success with your chosen

Kind Regards

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Old 5th Sep 2005, 21:05
  #105 (permalink)  
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Sorry to hear that, just waiting for my PFO!
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Old 5th Sep 2005, 21:24
  #106 (permalink)  
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i am really not a happy bunny!

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Old 5th Sep 2005, 23:36
  #107 (permalink)  
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It's very sad for all involved and I understand how you all feel....You get my sympathy. Do bear in mind that TFly were one of the few jet operators to take direct entry S/Os with minimal hours, most have some sort of tie up with a 'scheme'.

I know it is no recompense, but due to the large number of S/Os taken on thus far, it was only a matter of time before the door had to be temporarily shut in order to preserve an experience balance on the various fleets.

Keep plugging away and it WILL happen. What happens today will make you stronger tomorrow, if you are determined enough.

Best wishes to you all

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Old 5th Sep 2005, 23:39
  #108 (permalink)  
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Thanks for your sympathy.....reminds me of the old saying "what sounds too good to be true, probably is...!"

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Old 6th Sep 2005, 07:25
  #109 (permalink)  
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Guys don't despair too much... All they are saying is "Not for the time being". The same way they shut the doorr so suddenly, they can re-open it.
Just be ready when it happens so make sure you keep your finger on the pulse.

As for more waiting, if you get in this outfit, I can tell you from personal experience that the wait is well worth it.
By a mixture of bad luck, company restructuration, 911 etc.... From the moment I passed the last stage and the moment I properly set foot in the company, it nearly took 4 years.
Now how does compare 4 years in the career of a pilot? Well it isn't that much, specially when you are talking about joining a career airline such as Brit... sorry Tfly.

As for those of you heading passed the big 30... I was selected at age 28 but as you know, I had to wait until in my thirties before getting in.

In the meantime go chasing other flying jobs because it would be wrong to only rely on that particular interview.

Best of luck
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Old 6th Sep 2005, 07:35
  #110 (permalink)  
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true, possibly true, not enough information, possibly false, false
Damn, that makes it even more vague.
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Old 6th Sep 2005, 08:58
  #111 (permalink)  
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Keep your heads up.

I compleatly agree with AMEX,

Come on guys keep the fight going, so this one was TEMPORARILY shut, it will be open again soon i am sure.

You have got this far dont let the dream go the next job will be just around the corner.

Good luck to all

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Old 6th Sep 2005, 10:27
  #112 (permalink)  
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Verbal Reasoning

One of the Tests that they have used in the past is called the "Watson-Glasier Critical Thinking Analysis".

I think it is the one that gdnHalley is talking about. And there is quite alot of stuff on the net about it. If you know anyone in recruitment circles they may even be able to get a copy for you but otherwise they are tightly controlled.

Comprises of 5 Sections with short passages about random stuff and then questions following each passage relating to a particular definition. i.e. "can you deduce from this..... etc. "deduction", "assumption", "inference" and a couple of others are the sections. Each section is designed to highlight your comprehension of these terms - I suggest getting a dictionary and looking the terms up to arm your self with at least a basic uderstanding of the very subtle difference between the terms.

I wouldn't worry if english is not you first language as there may be an allowance made in the scoring of these types of tests for non-native speakers but in any case I'm guessing you'll know the language better than most of us native speakers anyway!!!

I don't think its the actual language skills they are too bothered about but rather what that says (or 'Infers') about your other faculties and how you think things through.

Be advised though that this test has been used by both BA and Virgin for both flying and ground positions and is a favorite in 'Graduate' job type recruitment, so don't be surprised to see around a fair bit.

Good Luck
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Old 6th Sep 2005, 10:35
  #113 (permalink)  
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yep , keep trying, it will probably open up again in a few months. I'm 33 and managed to get in as a SO, so there's hope for everyone.
Best of luck
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Old 6th Sep 2005, 12:52
  #114 (permalink)  
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Just got my PFO email, what really hurt was they didn't even get my name on the email, that was some other poor sod called rob.

Never mind chaps, things do seem to be moving so we'll just have to keep trying. What's another few months when you've spent years of your life getting to this stage!
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Old 6th Sep 2005, 16:18
  #115 (permalink)  
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Does any know if it is just people waiting for stage one who have received this e-mail, or are those waiting for stage 2 out of the running as well?

I have a stage two assessment early next month and have heard nothing so far.


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Old 6th Sep 2005, 20:16
  #116 (permalink)  
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Well what a bl**dy shambles. If the HR department were to do that at any other major carrier they would certainly expect heads to be rolling !

If their recruitment processes are so messed up what does it say for their other departments ???

I think that TFly have certainly been left with their pants down on this occasion and the poor sods who have been let down probably wont forget the awful and down right rude way that they have been treated.

So take my advice, dont worry about the PFO letter if you recieved one. Chins up guys ! This is not the norm for other airlines.

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Old 6th Sep 2005, 21:14
  #117 (permalink)  
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One of the dissapointed

I too was absolutely gutted to find out yesterday that I had to cancel the Hotel, put the new suit in the cupboard and forget about studying bloody maths every day for the last month. Had an all mighty sulk yesterday, met a mate for a quick beer and to remind myself why I am putting myself through all of this(he's just started on A320 and has stories to tell allready)spent the night trying to get to sleep but you know when your brain just wont turn off. Got up this morning, turned on the telly and guess what...bloody Thomsonfly advert, you have got to laugh.....sure a telephone call might have been better than an e-mail but these depts. are busy places and what seems to be the end of life as we know it because it is all that occupies our minds is I'm afraid not the be all and end all to those very busy guys and girls at Thomsonfly who are probably snowed under trying to tell us lot the bad news in addition to trying to sort the rest of the recruitment out, not a nice job.

Anyway, my reaction was then sod this! After turning the channel to BBC and scoffing down some toast I got in the car and motored to a local jump site. Walked up to the chief pilot, couldn't let me fly the big boy due to hours restriction 'but hold on a minute, we are getting a smaller one in soon and we need a pilot' I'm your man I say's you are indeed they say's and bobs your uncle. I know it's not TF at the moment but it's hours and it gets me back in the saddle. Smile back on face, Thomsonfly who? well not quite!

I realise some of you guys are more experienced and have been hunting longer than I have and I'm not trying to detract from the obvious dissapointment but we all need to keep going and get that job.

Good luck to those who got the e-mail and I hope we all laugh about this day in the future when we are all sat at Luton trying to sort out that the butler did it in the library with the bloody candlestick.

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Old 6th Sep 2005, 21:22
  #118 (permalink)  
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blueb0y: I am with you in the call "chins up guys" it will happen if you try. However I disagree with your points about the company. Yes this is not the norm for other airlines but how many other jet airlines are currently outwardly hireing S/Os. Unfortuately its still not the norm for S/Os to walk into a job without paying bond or TR cash.

At least Thomsonfly have stated there may be a chance next year. Hang on in there all of those that applied, in 12 months time with a few extra hours under your belt you may just find yourselves on a Tfly B757 course to fill the gap created by pilots moving to the B737.

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Old 6th Sep 2005, 22:28
  #119 (permalink)  
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Take a look around. I know of a few airlines who are recruiting low hour pilots even as direct first officers. I know that for a fact because i work for one ! But ill let you figure the others out for yourself ! More and more opportunities are arising for low houred guys. It's only a matter of time before they all start treating them with a little bit more respect.

So im sorry but you wont find me waiting until next year thank you very much !

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Old 6th Sep 2005, 22:51
  #120 (permalink)  
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Good to hear you have got something already. Still you can't go around beating down airlines that have recruited low hours pilots as S/Os just because the door has closed for 12+ months.

As for other airlines:
I have mates in Flybe hold pool they haven't heard from Flybe for months.
BA CitiExpress want 50 hrs flying in the last 12 months not to mention the possibility of some integrated vs modular hang up. First Choice and Monarch Loads of hours required.
Thomas Cook get on line they are looking. Great if you can be "introduced" by a guy already flying for them.
Jet 2 go to CTC.
Easyjet go to CTC.
BMI admit i don't know.

I know it is hard to break into the world of aviation and I am sure most of us who go through training know this aswell. Just one message don't loose faith, the jobs are out there somewhere for low houred guys and gals.

Even if you have to wait a year as I did.

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