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Old 8th Apr 2004, 18:38
  #61 (permalink)  
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Luke SkyToddler

Believe me, when you've had your jet job for ten years, you'll look back on what you do now with a certain fondness. Don't wish your life away. Flying for the airlines is hard, tiring work with lots of tedious bull**** thrown in!
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Old 8th Apr 2004, 19:02
  #62 (permalink)  
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Unwiseowl-obviously an experienced chap:sensible reply !

Tom24:wake up mate,its people like you that cause pilots T+Cs to spiral down,for airlines to make people pay for type ratings without the promise of a job.

Picture the scene in the airline accounts dept,'oh,tom will do anything to fly a jet........right get him to pay £20000 for his own type rating up front,call him a cadet and pay him £14000 for the first three years, theres one born every second !'

I didn't mean to give the impression I don't like it,because I do (mostly)however I am realistic:I have a family to support and a mortgage to cover.

Try the whole summer with virtually no weekends off,constant roster changes from early to late to nights,abject fatigue and disruptive passengers.....

Flying is a desirable job for many,however it is not a religion,not some calling:just a fun job.

Believe you me,the size of your aircraft has no reflection on the size of your mojo:If you think it impresses people it doesn't (try explaining to civilians what you do in reality and see their eyes cloud over)the only benefit of flying the big jets is that they used to come with inflated pay scales (not any more).

Might I suggest you make a pilots uniform and walk round the terminal in it if you are that shallow.
Old 9th Apr 2004, 11:24
  #63 (permalink)  
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With regards to EAAC pilots, a couple been offered jobs already with ezy, and quite a few going for assessment the next few weeks.

Lots of interviews/assessments going on with other airlines at the moment too
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Old 17th Jul 2004, 11:10
  #64 (permalink)  
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Angry easyjet and their damn computerised answers


what about easy jet??. I have applied on their web site. and nothing. What I dislike in this system, is we do not have any human feedback. did they threw it away, is my CV application still there, should i reapply???.

So please, if anyone works for easyjet, I would like really to know what is going on. I spend hours to send CV and I think it would be right to have a HUMAN and not a COMPUTER who can answer!

so now what I do, I copy/ paste 300 airline adress, and in one click on my PC, I send all my CV and wait the answers.

I am even thinking to have this job done by my computer without to do it myself.(kind of spam)
if some airlines want work like that, and place a computer as a HR guy to answer to our application, well, I think I can do the same, no???
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Old 17th Jul 2004, 16:43
  #65 (permalink)  
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Skyman if you carefully read your post again you might see the irony ?
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Old 17th Jul 2004, 17:09
  #66 (permalink)  
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mmh, I miss maybe a point. English is not my first language.Did i say something wrong , do you understand my frustration?
something to do with ladies???
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Old 17th Jul 2004, 22:31
  #67 (permalink)  

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Since you found the 14 JAR exams a joke then surely an online application shouldn't present too much hassle?
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Old 18th Jul 2004, 02:21
  #68 (permalink)  
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Was waiting until someone pointed that out.
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Old 18th Jul 2004, 14:28
  #69 (permalink)  
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Sorry, but your posts are not painting a very pretty picture of you. You think 20k for a type rating is just 35 hours in the sim at 700 per hour as you point out here are you on this planet?? Your maths doesn't even add up for one who found the ATPL's a 'Joke'

Now you are criticising easyJet and their 'damned computerised answers' I think as a wannabe the only way you will get in there is through CTC, but I should imagine easyJet will now be as we speak shutting down ops as they have missed out on you, their soon to be most prized asset.

You will find that most airlines now employ this 'computerised' system. They are a bit cheaper than 'HR Guys'. You wait until you paste '300 airline addresses' into a standard cover letter and see how you feel after you get 100 PFO's (Please F*ck Off) letters which might not even be addressed to your name, and that is just the airlines who have an 'HR Guy' to take the time to reply to you.

Did you want someone sitting at the other end 24/7 waiting for responses to give you a human response?

This system is a way of cutting out 1000 CV's arriving a month i.e. less paper, and all your contact details are then automatically in their database for when they need to contact you rather than an 'HR Guy' tapping it all in....

Sorry mate, but welcome to the real world. It's not all the bed roses it was whilst you were at Bristol Groundschool sitting those jokey exams eh?
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Old 18th Jul 2004, 20:14
  #70 (permalink)  
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Ok, let me explain you something: these JAA exams are a "joke". you just have to study the feedbacks, and you pass the exams by answering a,b, c, or d.You can study the binders , up to you.View my experience in this field, I did not have any problem to understand the "udge amount" of knowledge you have to "learn".(oh yes, it was bloody hard, studied day and night, I even divorced and my kids are in jail...) Sorry tron, if it was hard for you, for me it was a pure pleasure thanks to Bristol (30 to 180 minutes study a day for 1 year).

then where is the oral exam when you do your flight test??, it s non- existant here. in the USA, I was worried about the 45-60 minutes interrogations with an FAA examiner(5 hours for my FAA CFI, yop!, all morning and 2 hours flight). So this is my personal point of view and I would like you respect that.

Like many of us I come from the USA and I am at my second log book.Yes, I found the JAA written not very hard!In France, several years ago, it was 5 times harder.Any french guy will tell you the same.

Ok,back to this computer' story!

I can understand that a company have a computerised system to select applicants, but it is not right to not have any feedbacks. I have sent my application 6 months ago, still nothing and I know guys who wait for 2 years....I know bigger airlines who have the amability to send you an email telling you they do not hire pilot at this time, Easy jet: NOTHING!!!! and there is not only easyjet.

By law, a company can not keep your application if they do not hire you .Or they have to ask your authorisation .Ok, on easyjet website, u can erase ur datas but it s not the case everywhere!

I think this sytem become crazy. we are selected by a computer based on a certain number of datas.Years ago, people were complaining when a company was asking to send a handwritten cover letter .Now you just check the box.

I do not care if an airline receives lot of C.V. I am a human pilot and not only a CAA number and I just ask that someone tell me if they have kept or throw away my CV. is it to much to ask? or should I pay 50 quids like ryanair does to get a negative answer???.

sorry for my broken english.

Last edited by skyman68; 18th Jul 2004 at 20:24.
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Old 18th Jul 2004, 21:31
  #71 (permalink)  
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For a FI rating, its a similar test here too, lasting pretty much a whole day.
Lectures and question and answer sessions on any possible topic.
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Old 18th Jul 2004, 21:42
  #72 (permalink)  
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skyman68 if you don't like the licensing system over here and how companies recruit then why don't you just go back to the US?.
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Old 18th Jul 2004, 21:53
  #73 (permalink)  
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Got to second that. It can all be frustrating, but currently them's that pay the piper, call the tune.

T&G check your PM's.

Last edited by Say again s l o w l y; 18th Jul 2004 at 23:49.
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Old 19th Jul 2004, 15:57
  #74 (permalink)  
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Hmm is this topic getting into a battle between the two sides of the pond?

I have to agree in some of what skyman is trying to point out. Having an e-business myself running a decent sized community on the internet, I have to say that most airlines "recruitment-systems" do not make the grade!

First of all a decent system should have the applicant create a user account with a login, that way you can allways login, and change or delete your details, as you have changes in eg. hours, flying-time, availability, marital-status!! ... don't you just hate filling in the same form again and again? After completing the application form, the applicant should receive a confirmation letter along with your login information, explaining that the application is now on file, and how the airline will use the data in it's recruitment process.

The airline should remember that many applicants are actually interested in what is going on in the airline, making a quarterly newsletter would not be a bad idea!!

Last point is a standardized application form, my god the airlines want all different splits on your logged hours, they are of course never as it is split up in your logbook .. the result, it will take you a VERY long time to fill in each application form.... the JAA should really make ONE standard logbook for professional pilots, a standardized application forms can then be based on that logbook!

Just my 5 cents worth
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Old 20th Jul 2004, 16:10
  #75 (permalink)  
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I do not like the system and it is not a reason to be beat up by the system.
it is really frustrating when you apply on a dial up system and the communication hang up after you have filled all their damn requirements.

Most of you are not at this stage yet, and believe me, it s a real pain, when your computer says:" ERROR 404" after 2 hours of application and you have to start from scratch without knowing if you application will be accepted by their computer.

In the USA, it is the same problem.and we have the bad tendency to copy the USA. good or bad! technology and computer system should help us, but more and more we are in a sytem where the computer decide for us.and it s not in aviation, I have experienced this, but in the taxation system.and I have been screwed for months becasue computers are conected togetehr and I got plenty of bills to pay.

many times you heared, :"but our computer tells us you have to pay this...." com'on, you damn computer is wrong!!!

some airbus have crashed years ago, and we do not know even whyy? simply becasue a computer does nt do any mistake...and whay about my computer crashes??, and all this damn virus???.

Do you want live in this world and be a slave of the computer' generation, not me!!!

i like computers , but I do not like to be treated by a machine. I am human!!!
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Old 21st Jul 2004, 11:19
  #76 (permalink)  
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Are you going to tell your prospective employers in the interview that you thought the JAR ATPL's are a joke and that you just memorised feed back to pass the exams?
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Old 21st Jul 2004, 11:43
  #77 (permalink)  
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Do not be wrong and do not say what I did not say, the ATP was a" joke" for me, but I fly now since 12 years, so all I have learned pratically in the USA, came back in the books when i did my course at Bristol.The US way is not so bad after all.

It is probably hard for people who have a limited experience. the ATP is a lot of study I agree, but it is for anyone who is willing to study 1-2 hours a day.

to pass the CAA exams, here my secret: study all feedback you can get.You must score at least a 95% in all feedbacks if you pass want with a 80-85%.You must be very confortable with the feedbacks.

Off course, you must know the subject. but heh! you just have to read what your school has sent you and work on the Progress test( modular training and non residential course).

everyone should develop his own technick to study, for me, I spent 40% of the time in the binders, and 60% of the time in the feedbacks.

I read my binders when I was in the train, or just before sleep.Took me 1 year. instead to watch TV, I was answering to the progree tests.

then during the brush up course, i studied in my B and B from 6pm to 1 am. week end included.It worked for me, because I studied a little every day, Yes a little only!

so yes, at the end, this ATPL is a "joke"and I do not really understand why guys say it is so hard...I do not think I am smarter, I am not a genius, so what???maybe I am good to answer to some dumb CAA questions.

so if some of you are worried not to have the level or the intelligence(u do not have to be a genius). Do not worry, your school is here to help you and if you have 1-2 hours of free times in your day, it can be done .

my background as an FAA pilot helped me, but I think I could have done it without.
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Old 21st Jul 2004, 11:44
  #78 (permalink)  
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Well yes Cat3c that's more or less exactly what I said, the management pilot doing the interview laughed and completely agreed with me, and I ended up getting the job.

Employers already know the ATPLs are a joke, that the only way for mere mortals to get through that stuff is by parrot fashion rote learning of thousands of dull irrelevant facts.

If I was conducting an interview and someone sat there looking me in the eye and said no, they didn't struggle through it, or that they just learned everything first time and didn't need to memorize shed loads of feedback because they were such a sh!t hot natural talent, then I'd cross them off my list right away, because they are either a liar or a boring know-it-all b@stard
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Old 21st Jul 2004, 12:09
  #79 (permalink)  
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I think its about time that our friend from the USA focused his attention gaining a good command of the English language.

Maybe he should get off his a*se and pick up the phone and ask Easyjet whether or not they are dealing with his application. I suggest that when they recieved it they all had a damn good laugh and tossed it in the bin where it belongs.


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Old 21st Jul 2004, 13:47
  #80 (permalink)  
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I’ve been meaning to ask you, now that you have got yourself a JAA licence have you got the requisite “yellow tattoo” that you used to be so fond of telling us about?**


No I have not gone mad, those who used to frequent this forum a long time ago will know what I mean.
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