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Old 25th Mar 2004, 09:57
  #21 (permalink)  
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Hello sirs and madams,

Yes, road shows is extreme good appointment. I not find roadshow I since attend a any time wasted, however I am many thousand’s hour turbo-propellor together also jet (Tu-134) in Poland, Czech and Estonia over more recently 5 years. It would disturbing also seen the lots hungriest look virgins pilot’s wearing the nice smile and the new lounge-suit. But hanging in there you all and will outrival!

Horrahh! Best of British, every-one!!

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Old 25th Mar 2004, 10:11
  #22 (permalink)  
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skyman stinks like a certain frenchman me thinks...
Lets wait to see who or what he moans about next, i might even offer prices...
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Old 25th Mar 2004, 11:44
  #23 (permalink)  
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Why is it unfair what Easy Jet does? Should the pilots with less experience not be treated the same?

Is more experience = better pilot??


Any airline should pick the guys they think are right. And I don't think that one "unexperienced" (which I think is the wrong expression anyway...) guy in the cockpit is bad, more risky or whatever you want to say... Looking at the left seat is different, of course. I know, it's hard to say who does a good job because you can't measure it - but that's why you shouldn't prefer the ones with more hours.

Sadly, this is how it's done nowadays. Guys in the airlines just look at the hours and you can have the best qualifications - you'll never get a chance!
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Old 25th Mar 2004, 12:28
  #24 (permalink)  
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Is more experience = better pilot??

Of course more experience = better pilot, what planet do you come from mate?

Whether it's brain surgery or flying aeroplanes or making hamburgers at Mcdonalds, more experience = better at doing the job.

That isn't even worth arguing about, it's just something that's accepted and understood by the human race in general.

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Old 25th Mar 2004, 13:13
  #25 (permalink)  
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explain me what is wrong, because I do not really undertstand if it worths to pay more money for a flying training?
To answer correctly: Yes in your case it is not worth to pay more for your (a) flying training as you do not grasp the industry as it has been for years. Thank you and bye bye. May I suggest some of the excellent language schools in Bournemouth as an alternative place to leave your money.

Get a life!
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Old 25th Mar 2004, 13:19
  #26 (permalink)  
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not a day to be called skyman.. isee..
Easyjet hires low time pilots, just like Ryan does, so they can get fos for a long time and not pay them bearly anything for the first 6 months..but you have to pay your dues one way or the other. I believe ryan takes good pilots,eh they went through the selection didnt they? as for experience they ll be line training for 6 months with no secure contract for the first probation 6 months.
Whichever the way ..good luck to all.,

No more seats on the brazilia at the moment at skyeurope.
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Old 25th Mar 2004, 13:26
  #27 (permalink)  
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Of course more experience = better pilot, what planet do you come from mate?

I can see Luke why you think it does and Voeni says it doesn't and it depends on the context.

More experience in their profession will make each one of us, as an individual, a better pilot, but having more experience than another doesn't neccesarily make you a better pilot than that person, A lot is down to individual finesse/skill level and environment in which your experience is derived.

Is 18 yr Old Wayne Rooney a better and more desirable centre forward to any football manager than 36 year old and highly experienced Brian Deene or even 30 year old Andy Cole who's been there and done the lot and got the medals to prove it?

Whilst you are right Luke that more experience in your role will make you a better pilot, I think Voeni is saying that it doesn't automatically make you better or more desirable than the next person with less experience
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Old 25th Mar 2004, 19:59
  #28 (permalink)  
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Not a fair comparison Kinetic, because football is a young man's game where physical fitness and speed are king, and it's all downhill as soon as you're past the ripe old age of 25 or so.

The best pilots in the world tend to be grumpy old b@stards with 30 or 40 years of varied flying under their belts.

All right I accept that there may be situations where the incredibly gifted 200 hour wonderkid with the 737 rating may indeed be a better pilot than the mediocre instructor with 1500 hours of C152 time, but that same wonderkid with a couple of years worth of experience will of course be a better pilot.

The point is, that if you employ a 200 hour guy you can't really be quite sure if you're getting a good one or a lemon unless you run them through an arsenal of tests ... whereas if you employ someone who's already got a decent amount of experience, then you can automatically assume they are capable of doing the job.
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Old 25th Mar 2004, 21:39
  #29 (permalink)  
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Experience is not always a true judge of capability.

An example?

If a guy has shagged 200 women (ie, is very experienced) does it make him better in bed than someone who has shagged only 10 but studied tantric sex for a few months? No

Does it depend on the individual? Yes

(apologies for introducing gutter level examples, I am clearly sexually frustrated - sorry!)

I have flown with a few pilots approaching government-issued-bus-pass age, some are great, some are not, same goes for those who have only just learnt how to use a razor!

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Old 26th Mar 2004, 06:52
  #30 (permalink)  
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ESY roadshow

The guys from ESY were very clear - sort of.

- 300 FOs +50 Capts required this year (22 airbuses x 2 crew x 5 crews/acft) + leavers
- If you attended the roadshow they promised to at least look at your online application.
- TRSS would be the main route for most of us, but anyone with turboprop or jet time would be preferred

CONCLUSION: where are they going to find 300 FOs in right seat of Regionals this year, willing to come over?
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Old 26th Mar 2004, 08:10
  #31 (permalink)  
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By attending the roadshow, they may well dig your file out, but if you don't meet the requirements they ask for, they will put it straight back. And it's no secret that they have a lot of files and no way of knowing who is available etc., and they need people to point to individuals who are - or a roadshow. I suspect this is somewhat compounded be the inability of anyone to get hold of recruitement staff by any means.

What I don't understand is for a company so mindfull of costs, for what it costs to run a roadshow, why don't they employ someone with the know how to go through their database and:

1. Filter out duplicates and those now employed @ EJ
2. Send an Email to those meeting the requirements

I bet they would get enough of a response to save on the roadshows for a while!

Just my 2d's worth.

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Old 26th Mar 2004, 18:16
  #32 (permalink)  
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sorry, english is my 4 th language!so please stop to advice me to send me to a language school. I know better EU languages than the average citizen in the UK.
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Old 27th Mar 2004, 07:55
  #33 (permalink)  
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I agree with what you are saying about easy. There are a lot of us unemployed people out there. And whilst every one says that experience means nothing, us more experienced people are not being given the opportunity of having a job. At the moment it feels like the only people getting jobs are those with type ratings and with only 200 ish hours. So what about us people in the middle. I think that most of the replys are not fair and are unkind to you. And may be they should wonder why themselves that they have not got jobs.
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Old 27th Mar 2004, 08:57
  #34 (permalink)  
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skyman and everyone else,

Easyjet are a successful airline who now have the power to hire and fire who they like. Easy employ a great deal of pilots with 3000+ hrs, a great deal of pilots with 1500+hrs and then they take on a select number of low houred FATPL pilots. This is to ensure that they have the correct spread of experience across the whole flying staff and do not get any bulges at first command or retirement.
Secondly they can be choosy, this is where CTC step in. They dont want to employ some muppet straight out of school with the legal minimum for a CPL get him half way through a type rating course and then discover than he is incapable, lacks the apptitude, whatever.
The way the job market is at the moment you still need time on type unless you get through these new approved methods, GECAT,CAE,CTC.

My suggestion to you all would be to keep knocking on the door keep the pressure on these people who do the hiring, just dont become a pest.

hannny your lat comment is pathetic, a differing opinion doesn't mean your are completely unsuitable for employment, get a life.

skyman68 - i sugget you improve your english if its your 4th langauge. an English airline will stipulate a good + standard of English. Although i think yours is fine.

Its all about right place right time chaps, nothing more.
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Old 27th Mar 2004, 09:48
  #35 (permalink)  
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skyman68 sir,

easyjet too takes experience pilot perhaps. much polish pilot coming having tremendous jet. not only employed virgins pilot 200hr! May-bee you safe than contemplate and o.k. flight easyjet. Yes.

Also easyjet having the nice cabin womens. excepting orange color blouse.


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Old 27th Mar 2004, 11:23
  #36 (permalink)  
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Eagerbeaver, well said on your last post!

Hannny, the only reason Skyman is getting negative comments from so many people is because it comes accross (to me) that he feels the world owes him. Most just accept their bad luck and move on eventually, without launching an attack on every company that won't employ him. A business has the right to implement whatever restrictions they want, after all it is their business. If I dont agree with their ethics, I dont apply, simple!

Krzysztof, keep the posts coming, you cheer me up!!

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Old 28th Mar 2004, 09:52
  #37 (permalink)  
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I agree with eagerbeaver, Easy select who they want, what experience level(s) they want and so on and so forth. That is their right.

I can also confirm that they do take pilots on who are not type rated, who have much more than 200hrs so that contradicts this point hanny
us more experienced people are not being given the opportunity of having a job. At the moment it feels like the only people getting jobs are those with type ratings and with only 200 ish hours.
You also say
So what about us people in the middle.
Well, I would suggest you keep trying to do whatever it takes to get yourself in a position to be employed by easyJet, if that's who you want to work for. I would have thought that most pilot wannabes would not assume easyJet was a 'first job' option, rather that you need to get some experience from elsewhere before applying. They set the bar where they want it. The last I heard they wanted 'x' number of factorised hours. If you don't have them then you are not in the mix. Perhaps pushing to get into other employers at the same time is what is required.

It seems that some of the comments on this thread are about how 'unfair' it is that certain pilots are not getting a shot at the job when others are with easyJet. I don't think fairness comes into it. They simply have enough applicants to be choosy, like most employers currently do. Why bleat about them requiring 'x' amount of time, it's no different to Virgin Atlantic requiring 2500hrs with heavy jet experience and I never seem to see many complaining posts on these pages about that requirement?

The market is difficult and we all know some who have got breaks who are doing nothing more than us and it can appear unfair. It's not. Keep plugging away, keep applying, but do keep expanding your network portfolio. I have said it before and will say it again. All the guys that I know who are getting the breaks with no previous airline experience are the ones who are being extremely pro-active with regard to making contacts and nurturing opportunities. If you want it enough you will make it happen, eventually.

Good luck.

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Old 29th Mar 2004, 08:20
  #38 (permalink)  
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Thanks for clarifying, Kinetic. Question is how you would judge a pilot's qualities.

Experienced = better pilots? Know a guy, flown 747 for 30 years, crossed the Atlantic hundreds of time but didn't know that the Krueger flaps are located towards the wing root! Depends on the individual.

Don't know your problem guys, almost every job offer is for people with 1000+ h ore more. So the most difficult ones to find a job are the unexperienced with <1000h. Believe me, I do experience it personally! :-(
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Old 29th Mar 2004, 12:41
  #39 (permalink)  
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Lightbulb Just move on!

Hi all,

I applied a few times, attended a road show or three and even got asked for my telephone number, but nothing happened.... easyJet, all talk no action!

There are other operators out there with more interesting opportunities in other parts of the world, if someone does not mind leaving the U.K.
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Old 29th Mar 2004, 15:27
  #40 (permalink)  
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"Experienced = better pilots? Know a guy, flown 747 for 30 years, crossed the Atlantic hundreds of time but didn't know that the Krueger flaps are located towards the wing root! Depends on the individual."

Gosh how awful ! I wonder how many questions he did know that would that would have made you feel small ? He has safely flown his 747 around the world for 30 years and you have flown your threads around pprune for how long ?

For an airline 200 hrs or 1000 hrs, mean you really don't have any experience ! If you are fortunate enough to secure a position it is important that you knuckle down to study and ensure that you embark on a steep learning curve. For sure if you do not and fail to impress those in the left hand seat you will not last long, even if you do know all about krueger flaps.

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