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Local pilots fly off the handle at expat perks

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Local pilots fly off the handle at expat perks

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Old 14th Feb 2010, 01:47
  #181 (permalink)  
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I tried to return to my HOME country last time and got offloaded three flights in a row with my priority 11 confirmed FOC in ECONOMY, and I wasn't going on "Holiday", your point?
CXChildlabour if you dislike this contract you have the opportunity to look at other prospects. Why did you choose to come to HKG on a LEP contract?

Was the prospect of paid training and near certain employment a lure you could not refuse? Now you are not satisfied, is it because the opportunities in your home country are still not as good?

A contract is a contract, resign and then request a new employment contract as your current one will not expire anytime soon!

I would like a car in my contract, but my current one does not allow for it. When my contract expires I will ask for one, but until then I have buckley's chance of getting one.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 01:54
  #182 (permalink)  
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Cathay Pacific portrays itselfs as a Hong Kong airline. It earns it's money from Hong Kong, it exploits Hong Kong.

Hong Kong citizens are entitled to well paid jobs just as much as anyone else.

As a Hong Kong pilot with 5000 odd hours and 1500 hours heavy jet command, I was discriminated by CX by being offered local terms.

Cathay Pacific cannot attract experienced Local Pilots because it refuses to pay the Market Salary. Right now Cathay Pacific is recruiting cadets from overseas citing it cannot find qualified individuals. It's because:

a). They are not offering enough money;

b). They wish to dilute the whole discrimination argument because right now it is very obvious that they are discriminating against Hong Kong citizens;

c). Lower terms and conditions.

Remember not to long ago the Cathay Pacific Group held a monopoly in Hong Kong, by owning CX and KA. To fly for KA/CX, an experience Hong Kong pilot had no choice other than to accept inferior terms and conditions.

Cathay Pacific has no real desire in recruiting Hong Kong pilots:

1. it is giving away cadet jobs to foreigners when it should be recruiting from Hong Kong;

2. it refuses entice experienced Hong Kong pilots; and

3. They have publically stated they would rather hire Expats then to properly remunerate Hong Kong pilots.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 02:10
  #183 (permalink)  
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General Consensus

The general consensus amongst the two pilot groups within the Cathay Pacific Group supports the Local/Cadet Entry Pilots and their pursuit for better conditions.

The 'Locals' are entiltled to their jobs with CX/KA just as much as we are, we not more. They should be properly remunerated as such.

Quote (Cathay Pacific statement)

Employment Policy

Cathay Pacific is a fair employer in strict compliance with anti-discrimination regulations. Pilots are recruited into Hong Kong as locally employed or expatriate pilots on the basis of their experience. All locally employed pilots are treated exactly the same as expatriate pilots in terms of career progression and promotion opportunities.

They also enjoy the same salary and benefits as expatriate pilots in Hong Kong including pension fund payments, medical care, education allowances for children attending international schools and kindergartens in Hong Kong, staff travel etc

This is an INCORRECT statement for Cathay Pacific Group local pilots flying for Dragonair.

Local pilots in Dragonair do not receive the same pension payments, leave days and do not receive any educational allowances.

We need to support the Locals and improve the baseline package as this is would create less downward pressure on the Expatriate Package.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 02:28
  #184 (permalink)  
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So the only issue you care about seems to be the "expat benefits" for Locally Employed Pilots and hence your reason for not previously joining the AoA.
So according to Flap10, the AOA has started this fight about 2 years ago? You guys might be a bit slow in reacting in that case aren't you?

You are a spoiled little boy aren't you and I am not a dude or your mate! When I joined "dude" there were NO 95% plus cash back mortgages around, you had to upfront 30% in hard cash. So there were many reasons for NOT buying and your answer shows your reasons for wanting a housing allowance - envy!
Oh boo hoo , is it my queue to take out my violin? If CEP's could save up enough money with their salary for a down payment without any housing allowance and you telling me you can't, whose fault is it again? Please don't put your incapability in organizing your own financial situation properly on someone else's shoulder and make it a reason for others not to get any improvements. We all pay the same price for rent/mortgages for the same house, if you can't fork out 30% in hard cash with the extra dough you're making then how would you expect CEP's to do that? Sounds like you're the spoiled little boy more than me DUDE.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 03:33
  #185 (permalink)  
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When you joined you knew what your mouthly salary, the amount of housing allowance, your retirement age, your p-fund contribution and that you should NEVER EVER want any increase or improvement in any areas of your condition - yet you still joined CX = so you do not have a leg to stand on next time you ask the AOA to negotiate with the company for a better deal.

Re your post above:-
I would be extremely happy if I had all of the above contractural items that were given to me when I joined CX. The truth of the matter is that the only item there that has not been degraded is the P fund. All others have been degraded (that means reduced) by the Company. So please do not preach to me about the AOA and better deals.

Last edited by firefly2008; 14th Feb 2010 at 08:54.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 04:28
  #186 (permalink)  
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Stop press...

I can see it now..

From The South China Daily Standard

All not well with HK Flag Carrier

Having secured the “Best Red in Business on grey, white and green aircraft based in Hong Kong” award from the Airborne Knitting Club magazine, it would appear that all is not well at Cathay Pacific. Known for long-running disputes with its staff, but particularly its pilots, this time the dispute appears to be between locally employed and expatriate aircrew.

A thread on a popular aircrew forum, PPruNe (Professional Pilots Rumour Network) has highlighted a deep rift between factions of crews; the locally employed pilots striving to be paid expatriate perks and expatriate pilots saying that they’re not entitled to them. What started as a debate quickly degenerated into a bile-filled rant, with posters such as “CXChildLabour” and “iLuvPX”, slugging it out in public for all to see. Mud-slinging, name calling, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh nyeh retaliations, CAPITALISATION - the list goes on.

A spokesman for the company was asked how this was all being received in Cathay City, the headquarters of Cathay Pacific. “Obviously we’re delighted that this is all going on as we can now gauge how united the HKAOA really is in this matter. We were somewhat concerned by the recent recruitment by the HKAOA of a significant number of our locally employed pilots but this latest episode has shown that the move was purely cosmetic and, clearly, we have nothing to worry about.”

“When I was studying for my PhD in industrial relations at Harvard, my thesis was entitled, “The Internet as an Industrial Tool - how to exploit workforce divisions”. It was fascinating to see how a well-timed, anonymous post on a bulletin board could draw scathing attacks from workers without even knowing who they were ranting against - not only was it illuminating, it was really quite amusing. So far, this has been without doubt the most amusing. This is one of the more powerful tools that management has to understand the psyche of its workforce and the best thing is, it's free. It’s obvious that these posters have no concept of the damage that they are doing, not only to their cause but to their Association and their profession. I’m not entirely sure that some of them qualify to post on a forum that has the word “Professional” in its title”.

The debate(?) continues.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 04:35
  #187 (permalink)  
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Self imposed prejudice and bias wlll always allow those few to cultivate a blind and hardened heart. A hardened heart dulls a person's ability to believe or understand another's point of view. So maybe the only thing that we can do is convince by example, whether or not we get their support. Sadly.


I've just realised I've been calling you Timbits. Sorry. Anyhowz:

"Mullah thinks that it would be opening up a Pandoras Box to suggest that the AOA use the A Scale Local Captains $24000/ mo housing assistance as a "fairness meter", and he assures us that it would be unilaterally rejected by the Company....Why would that be an unreasonable yard stick as a means of comparison, but the Expat Housing Allowance isn't???"

As I've mentioned before, you are talking about the basic payscale, an entitlement across the board to all 2500....no matter which basing you take up. This is a separate issue to base parity, which is what we are advocating, though also not something that we wouldn't help the greater pilot body pursue if they felt it was worth fighting for.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 05:54
  #188 (permalink)  
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Mullar Lite,

What really sadden me is the fact that after spending majority of my life overseas, this is the first time EVER to experience racisim in full force, and what's worse is that it's from the so-called "professionals" whom I have to work with on a daily basis, smiling and actiing in person but go on bashing about how Asians can't do the job properly. These people have the balls to say it on an online forum but yet put on a mask when we meet in person, to me that's nothing more than a queer hiding in the closet and worries the general public find out one day.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 06:20
  #189 (permalink)  
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As I've mentioned before, you are talking about the basic payscale, an entitlement across the board to all 2500....no matter which basing you take up. This is a separate issue to base parity, which is what we are advocating, though also not something that we wouldn't help the greater pilot body pursue if they felt it was worth fighting for.
Mullah....don't sweat the mis-handling of my handle,

Do , however, re read the paragraph....what I was trying to suggest, is (like 69 eluded to) it might be a more "sellable" idea to compare the CEP's lack of housing assistance to the A scale Locally Employed Captains $24000/mo Housing Assistance...

IE: They have it, and they are locally employed...why don't we?

This has NOTHING to do with Salary, as you suggest, and it has EVERYTHING to do with Conditions of Service differences between Locally Employed Pilots on the SAME Base....HKG

Child Labour....

I really do hope for two things re: CEP Benefits

1) That somehow, against near impossible odds, the Union can see the error in how they are going about trying to win this battle for the CEP's, change their tactics, and reach some sort of mutually acceptable deal for the above,

2) That they wouldn't dream of using someone like you as their poster boy to try to reach said deal...

Petulant Child!!!!!
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 06:48
  #190 (permalink)  
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What really sadden me is the fact that after spending majority of my life overseas, this is the first time EVER to experience racisim in full force, and what's worse is that it's from the so-called "professionals" whom I have to work with on a daily basis, smiling and actiing in person but go on bashing about how Asians can't do the job properly. These people have the balls to say it on an online forum but yet put on a mask when we meet in person, to me that's nothing more than a queer hiding in the closet and worries the general public find out one day.
Firstly, you are a genuine drama queen, just because people don't agree with what you think you are entitled to, you pull out the racism card...and please don't point out some of the comments made here by a select few.

Secondly, I too experience racism on a daily basis, and this from the local Hong Kong people, and if you think that many of the local Hong Kong Chinese aren't racist, well then you haven't lived here long enough.

Thirdly, if you display the attitude that you have displayed here on the flight deck, I can certainly tell you that no one is going to be hiding behind a mask, so maybe it is you that hides behind the queer mask at work
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 07:12
  #191 (permalink)  
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indeed i was only referring to a selected few, majority of the pilot body r great individuals n i'll be the first to admit that. however, even one of suh racist is too many in the workplace that relies on the support of every single crew. i welcome arguments if ppl could prove me wrong n would even admit it if i'm proven wrong.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 08:00
  #192 (permalink)  
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"....this is the first time EVER to experience racisim in full force, and what's worse is that it's from the so-called "professionals" whom I have to work with on a daily basis, smiling and actiing in person but go on bashing about how Asians can't do the job properly..."

A bit quick with the old race card me thinks. Jut because a small handful of anonymous posters, who may or may not be fellow CX pilots, "bravely" crayon what we all know to be drivel, you feel justified in declaring that we are all racists.

Have a good read of the words in red at the bottom of the page and have a think about who really has the issue with stereotypes and then go outside and have a word with yourself. Following that period of reflection you might see some benefits in using the edit button.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 10:34
  #193 (permalink)  
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Because, Timsbits, where will we get the leverage to push for the A scale if the majority of the expats on B scale aren't pushing for the same?

As you said, this has everything to do with the CoS discrepancies between pilots on the same base, operative phrase 'same base', the only distinction that you and I make are you say it's between the local pilots and I'm saying it's between all pilots.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 12:18
  #194 (permalink)  
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Because, Timsbits, where will we get the leverage to push for the A scale if the majority of the expats on B scale aren't pushing for the same?
Holy Sh*t Mullah....

For the last friggin time....WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT A SCALE SALARY HERE!!!!!




HOUSING ALLOWANCE, as leverage for you to try and get the same!!!!!

Locally Employed Captains........$24000/ mo Housing Allowance


OK Let me paint a Picture for You
THEY....LIKE YOU.....ARE LOCALLY EMPLOYED....are you with me so far??

THEY.....GET A HOUSING ALLOWANCE.....you following me????


Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Bakers Man....... Bl**dy H**L

Just let me know when the Penny Drops Mullah
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 12:25
  #195 (permalink)  
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Having read my post again i probably should've been more specific as to who i was referring to. True that the person concerned might not even be an aircrew, i sure as heck hope he ain't, as a matter of fact could even be press or mgt. So yes i shouldn't have used the race card so vaguely n lightly. Like i said, majority of the ppl i flew with r great individuals, despite differences in opinion most doesn't let it affect the operation.

However, this doesn't mean I'm gonna stop fighting for i believe is right n fair until someone could prove me completely wrong. The whole u "signed a contract so not entitled to it" is an absolute load of bull. U r entitled to anything u fight for and won. Who in this company was entitled to RA65 when they signed their contract except for those new joiners who had no choice but COS08? And also who was entitled to 25 years housing instead of 15 when they signed? R u telling me u can't pay off ur mortgage w/ 15 yrs of housing? Is the place collapsing n u can't live in it for the rest of ur career? If not then to me that extra 10 years of allowance is purely greed n RA65 is envy, the exact same thing CEPs r being accused of w/ their quest. But am i saying they shouldn't make it their entitlement? NO! Everyone has his right to fight for a better deal, just not in the expense of others or try to prevent others to fight for theirs.

I've talked about both issues numerous times n yet everyone seems to conveniently avoided to defend what they apparently believe is their entitlement. Would ANYONE be able to step up n bat before the lights go out?
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 13:14
  #196 (permalink)  
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Level D..

I promised myself I wouldn't get involved with this discussion....

Before I start, I don't consider myself to be racist and I agree that everyone is entitled to strive for better pay and conditions.


You state in your post that A scale LEPs get housing allowance. I understood that it was only Captains who receive the allowance.

I'm not sure about this but could local Captains' housing allowance be anything to do with them being classified the same as Level D managers? I think this is the point at which locally employed managers start to receive housing allowance.

Before I go, I don't consider myself to be racist and I agree that everyone is entitled to strive for better pay and conditions.


Last edited by Steve the Pirate; 14th Feb 2010 at 13:57.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 14:29
  #197 (permalink)  
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I believe the comments made before regarding the expat cabin crew were incorrect. As I understand it, they live in the Gold Coast for the first 12 months, then they as asked to leave the transition housing and receive a housing allowance to live where they wish (the ones that are being “trained” by CX for other airlines do not have that deal). Similar for cockpit crew, they get up to 6 months in the Headland to transition before being required to find their own accommodation.

I think all CNs get housing allowance in HKG, either the expat allowance or the 24k, regardless if the CN started as a CEP, DESO, DEFO, DEC (e.g. ex-Oasis), or extended on B scale on the freighter.

All pilots based outside of HKG are employed on local terms on that base, they do not receive housing or education allowances. This is entirely consistent with the crew who are employed with the home port being HKG, with the exception, the LEPs in HKG do not have to resign from Cathay Pacific to take up their base and now they also get an education allowance.

The SLS treatment of LEPs in HKG was exactly the same as those who are employed as LEP on bases other than HKG, with the exception, those crew that are employed as LEP on bases other than HKG are not generally eligible for any "ex-grata" or 13th month.

I did not understand the representation made by HKG LEPs to management about taking more than their fair share of SLS, nor do I understand this representation regarding housing allowance. Has this come to a head as a result of the advancement in KA ?

LEPs with a home port either in HKG or out of HKG are treated the same, if anything the ones based in HKG may get a little more with 13th month, profit share, and ex-gratia payments and now education allowances. The cost of living on bases outside of HKG is not cheaper than HKG when the after tax expendable income is compared to the cost of living.

While I am not against HKG based LEPs getting a better deal, the cadet entry LEP is not the only group of pilots employed on LEP terms either in HKG or out of HKG. The stereotype of LEPs only being HKG born of a similar ethnic background is far from reality.

I think the primary problem is that inflation has been going up, and the wages have not seen corresponding increases, it is a problem for all bases, all contracts, it has nothing to do with allowances.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 15:28
  #198 (permalink)  
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i've already responded to my use of racial card earlier so not gonna do that again here. however, i can assure you that if anyone dare to make comments in front of me about CEP's not being worthy like some ppl claim in this forum, i won't be hesitant in confronting them w/ the same attitude i displayed here. there are things in life u must defend.

Last edited by CXChildLabour; 14th Feb 2010 at 16:13.
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 15:36
  #199 (permalink)  
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...would someone PLEASE put this thread out of it's misery....!!!
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Old 14th Feb 2010, 17:24
  #200 (permalink)  
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Water Check

Only after I thank Timsbits for his omniscient patronage.


"Do , however, re read the paragraph....what I was trying to suggest, is (like 69 eluded to) it might be a more "sellable" idea to compare the CEP's lack of housing assistance to the A scale Locally Employed Captains $24000/mo Housing Assistance..."

Thank you for your enlightened position. Do forgive me for thinking you were making a distinction as you quoted above the local A scale captains as receiving the allowance and not mentioning the B scalers. It leaves me to bid you good night, and hope that gentlemanly adulthood will kick in one day, your enviable countenance notwithstanding.

Last edited by Mullah Lite; 14th Feb 2010 at 17:43.
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