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Rude Cabin Crew

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Rude Cabin Crew

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Old 17th Nov 2002, 17:40
  #41 (permalink)  
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No, that certainly is not the basis of my argument. The basis of my argument ON THAT POINT is that you have interpereted the reading of the law to suit yourself: Your own inexperienced, and very loud self (now that I base on having followed a few threads back and read a large number of your recent posts)!

My argument goes to the point that I have personally been shunted around by very young cabin crew on EZY & FR without provocation. That I have personally witnessed naive and inexperienced crew make absolute fools of themselves and lose all credibility amongst passengers on these flights. My argument goes to the point that in aviation, it is difficult for most to take criticism constructively, even if it is meant so. My argument goes to the point that cost cutting inevitably ends up corner-cutting. My argument arrives at the point that your argumentative ignorance is irelevant and without any intellectual basis!

And no, you don't have to make an even bigger fool of yourself by trying to respond in your broken German.
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Old 17th Nov 2002, 19:53
  #42 (permalink)  
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If you dislike the treatment you receive on any airline, or if you disagree with their interpretation of regulations, may I suggest you donate your fare to another carrier....you won't be missed!

You may have noticed that this is an English language forum by the way.

I refuse to sink to your level of insults.

If you cannot make a reasoned argument leave these fora to those that can.

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Old 17th Nov 2002, 21:57
  #43 (permalink)  
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I decided to sit back and watch this forum unfold as I realised early on that this was going to attract some antagonistic waste of time, and sure enough......

However, 126.9, I must give you credit for looking into your facts and not just spouting off deliberatley to p**s us off.

The way I see it....I dont request anything of a passenger that I dont think reasonable (unless it's in the manual) and if questioned by said passenger about why Im asking them to do something, I will endeavour to explain. Its has to be said however, that there's not always time to give an in-depth explanation (nor is it sometimes appropriate). In that case, I try to return to the passenger at a later time, and then explain.
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Old 18th Nov 2002, 12:56
  #44 (permalink)  
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What the passengers often fail to understand, and sadly in this litigation environment the crew should not really be telling them, is that in the regulations the term "reasonable" does not apply to what the passenger may feel is "reasonable" or what the cabin crew feel is "reasonable" but as a statute regulation it applies to what the regulatory authority are prepared to advise a court of law is "reasonable" That is where "REASONABLE" is determined.

Secondly the air navigation orders issued by the CAA are generally a pain in the a^$e but are there for a good reason, often to fll a gap in international regulations that will be dealt with at a future date.

As to the waiting skills of cabin crew.....they carry out this duty as a service to passengers and as a commercial conduit for their employer, if they sometimes don't do it too well it is worth remembering that the real reason they are there is to get my little pink body out of thet aircraft in one piece with all systems functioning. if some of you would rather sit on board a burning aircraft with a waiter from The Ritz then best of luck, I'll stick with the nice lady with the lifejacket.
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Old 18th Nov 2002, 13:54
  #45 (permalink)  
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I've been following this thread for a while and am still not quite sure what to make of it - the original point seems to have been swamped with other aspects. However...

I have two views in general - one as a pax and another as someone who works closely with CAA, DTI, Operators and a/c manufacturers.

As a pax - yes, I am disappointed when service levels seem to be left on the ground. However, we all have bad days, don't we? Or are FAs exempt? However, I believe that if it were required, the FAs would be making sure we were alright, as much as might be possible.

But, from the point of view of a pax who might fly once a month or so with different operators, they will find that the 'regulations' appear to be different, and don't think it unreasonable to ask 'why?'. These could lead to general narky exchanges, unlikely to end happily ever after.

But being a regular jump-seat occupant, and even more regular pax - I am amazed at the general 'shut-up and belt-up' approach from some FAs. I do wish that FAs would recognise that the possibility exists that one or more of their pax have flown more than once.

Pax do NOT know that CAA, DTI, the operator, the leasing company, the manufacturer, JAA, JAR (and there are probably more) all contribute to the 'Regulations' and not all of them are cast in stone.

Take EZ and FR - both 73 operators - safety briefing is different why - 'regulations?' - whose? In this case it's operator. Is that the case with cardigans in row 3?, maybe - maybe not.

But many are cast in stone and that's for a reason - ie the a/c doesn't burst into a ball of flames on take-off, it doesn't fly like a brick and finally, descends gracefully to a safe landing. Then there's the usual rammy of people desperate to get on with their lives, trying to get off before the thing has stopped.

What am I trying to say? Hmm.

Consideration. From both sides. Irritable (or 'I know about planes' attitude) pax are going to p!ss FAs off. I find it best not to do this.

FAs - you do a great job, but sometimes you've got people on board that have flown with every major operator in Europe, on all the major manufacturers, and we've picked up a thing or two along the way about flying. If someone like me or 126.9 with a little knowledge (always a dangerous thing) oversteps the mark - just tell them which regulation it is - that way they might learn something and you retain a calm and cheery cabin, and less stressed yourself!

If I've offended anyone with this post - I apologise in advance - that is not the aim!

I will say in conclusion (yes I've finally got there ) that I have observed FAs being treated absolutely abominably by either 'I'm superior' executive b!tches or by arrogant, sexist pigs. No matter what anyone does for a living, no-one should have to tolerate this.

FAs - I couldn't do your job - but I'm grateful that you can.

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Old 18th Nov 2002, 17:56
  #46 (permalink)  
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An excellent post.

I agree that many operators even using the same type of aircraft have differing regulations. It has always been so and, I suspect, will always remain. Life would be a whole lot easier all round if we shared exactly the same rules and regulations.

As long as the FAA/JAA permit operators to further restrict their regulations there is little prospect for change. Overall it's probably a good thing but can give rise to 'grey areas' as far as the travelling public is concerned.

In essence the 'Authorites' legislate on those matters it considers to be essential for safety whilst the operators further legislate on what they consider 'appropriate' to their company style.

Different safety briefings for the same type of aircraft can be confusing but, legally, as long as each contains the minimum required safety information then that's OK as far as JAA/FAA is concerned.

Cabin Crew are in the front line here. If one airline allows them to carry an item of clothing on their lap during take off or landing but another doesn't, it's the poor CC who has to explain most of the argument that has been running on this thread!

Obviously that's impractical - so a polite statement to the effect that it is a company policy/regulation should suffice.

You are so right to say that CC do a great job, often in very difficult circumstances. Occaisionally they let themselves down by, perhaps, being a little less than polite - but don't we all? I have been in this business for 24 years and have only on very few occaisions witnessed anything like what was being described earlier in this thread as almost commonplace. That statement goes for both the high cost and low cost ends of the market as I consder myself fortunate enough to have significant experience of both.

Well said!
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Old 18th Nov 2002, 18:15
  #47 (permalink)  
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Well, I'm glad that this post has finally taken back control from the hijacker!

The points made in the last few postings, in my humble experience, are all founded and based on the principle, which started the thread in the first place.

On my LAST FR flight, I sat in a row next to a gent who had a PPL and apparently a few hundred hours. Also in my opinion, he had a reasonable level of knowledge of the aviation industry. Without me offering too much input, I found that he was as disillusioned as I was with the mushroom treatment. Also, the high incidence of blatant profanity on this and other flights, appeared to shock as many as heard it in the first place. Of course this does not mean that all cabin crew behave in this way. Far from it! It does however mean that I personally am happier taking my business elsewhere. I've done exactly that and am happy to say that the AF crews (in general) approach and treat me in a way I find amicable, and deserving of a loyal customer. After all, that is what I am!

The fact that I hold ATPL's issued by three different authorities, have flown more than 10000 hours as pilot-in-command in the public transport category, and graduated from an aeronautical university, perhaps make me more sensitive to the idiot explanation. Granted, procedures vary from airline to airline and that is to be expected. What is not expected (by me anyway) are the gross differences in procedure and passenger handling in the same aircraft, let alone airline!

I rest my case.
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 03:49
  #48 (permalink)  
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I agree with most that you have stated, except for the stuff about how highly qualified you are etc,, really who give a rats ar%e
In the end when we travel we are customers, PAX as we are called, but in the end with out PAX the airline no longer exists.....

Something most of the Cabin crew have forgoten, I find that taking the cabin crews name and details and forwarding a strong letter of complaint to the Airline works wonders......................
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 10:05
  #49 (permalink)  
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Enough already...

This thread gets more depressing by the moment.

Some FA's are good, some are not: Most are in the middle. Some would benefit from more training. Some (even the good ones) have bad days when they make mistakes or say things that they should not. This is hardly revolutionary stuff. I'm sure that almost anybody who flies regularly can come up with a true story about how some FA failed to come up to the standard required.

What is surprising is the level of vitriol directed at FA's in general on this thread. There is an underlying contempt from some contributors which is not attractive to read.

If I, as an FA, were to post a similar thread about pilots in a pilots forum, the flames might well reach firestorm levels.

Isn't it time that this thread was allowed to die a natural death?

I find that taking the cabin crews name and details and forwarding a strong letter of complaint to the Airline works wonders
How do you know ? It is very rare for a customer relations department in any industry to contact a customer with details of specific disciplinary action taken against an individual as a result of a complaint. Your post makes it sound as if you are a regular writer of these letters. Could you share with us all how many FA's have been disciplined, suspended, demoted or dismissed as a result of your comments. What action taken against an errant FA would satisfy your requirements for justice?
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 12:33
  #50 (permalink)  
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tightslot, I don't agree.
I think that even if a subjet brings out the worse of some people (I am not talking about insults), it should be allowed to live. I am genuinely interested (like most) in other people's ideas, even if they don't coincide with mine. I am even interested in knowing that some people may concoct bizarre beliefs about Crime and Punishment like the one Chopper Pilot expresses. After all isn't he one of those guys we have to deal with in everyday life?
Are we saying that we are not able to discuss about a subject like civilised people? I think we are grown up enough to ignore the stirrers and the short sighted and take what's good in the bunch.
I know the subject is very delicate, and there is the danger of hurting feelings. But if I, or someone else, is wrong, I am more than willing to change my mind with the help of contribution from other members that may know something or have an insight I don't have. This is a more important thing in my opinion than the fear of discussing an unpopular subject. Stupidity, short-mindedness and pettiness are born of ignorance. So we need to exchange our knowledge and points of view and be strong enough to put up with the fact that someone may have a different one. And maybe try to understand.

And if the thread is withering folks, let's revive it with some intelligent posts.
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 13:10
  #51 (permalink)  
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If the Cap Fits Then wear It !




Your response to my post is typically what i expected to recieve, you obviously have a problem with exepting the fact that without paying customers you no longer have a JOB!

As i have stated through out this post customers are the life blood of any business, just because you are a F/A what makes you any different?

I have entertained many a F/A in my home and socialise with many others, they all have tails to tell about the pax who really pissed them off etc etc, but in the end its the ones who value their job! consider themselves profeshionals that i admire, it can be a thankless job and not one that i could do,

I have no problem with F/A's who do their job to the best of their ability, My sister is a Qantas Purser for gods sake...yes i hear all the stories and i have experienced for myself the poor service that many provide, I am the typical pax that sits down shuts up and generally enjoys the experience but when i find that F/A's are being rude, and not treating me with the respect i deserve then i complain. as i have every right to do!
When that fails i vote with my feet and my wallet...................

remember you are providing a service! Maybe some of you who have a problem with that need to find a position were you are not in contact with the people who pay your wages...........................
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 13:35
  #52 (permalink)  
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A fascinating rant that sheds more light on the writer than on the subject.

I've just checked back on my previous posts and am unable to locate anything that warrants your response. May I respectfully suggest that you read (carefully) what has been written: At no stage have I, or anybody else, condoned FA rudeness or poor performance, quite the reverse. P.S. FLYBABE does not appear to have posted on this thread.

If you respond, please include an answer to the questions asked.


I'm not suggesting that the thread be closed down, but that it be allowed to whither on its own. By posting here, I'm helping keep the thing going, so this will be my last post on this thread, whatever happens.
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 15:10
  #53 (permalink)  
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posts like the ones you sign are the reason why threads like this should go on. If someone lowers the tone, what I wish is that someone like you post to raise the level and articulate a good answer. Please keep posting.


what's your problem? It seems you are taking up a defensive position. As tightslot says, no one ever said F/As are allowed to be rude to pax. It is something I can't bear myself.
I was just objecting to the way you approach the problem. If a company has rude F/A (I mean a widespread problem, not the occasional black sheep) it's the company and not the F/A him/herself who has a problem. I'd rather turn to the company to inquire as why it keeps its F/A so unsatisfied and obviously ill customer care trained. Writing a letter to bash the occasional F/A won't change a thing. Four years ago I flew BA longhaul ( I had bought the ticket instead of going for an ID for personal reasons), and I was so impressed by the F/As that I wrote a letter ending with "...whatever you are doing to keep your staff so well trained and motivated, keep on doing it because it works". Good F/As go with good F/As management. (By the way, a good management should also chose people-oriented F/As).
And ultimately, as you said, you will chose with your wallet (you may chose AF like 126.9, nothing to object ).

Last edited by flyblue; 22nd Nov 2002 at 19:18.
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 18:25
  #54 (permalink)  

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Obviously the main idea of posting in a forum is to let others know your ideas, and to know what other people think about a certain topic.
I believe we are all adults and capable of a good "ideas exchange", otherwise we won't be here posting.
By my own experience I do agree with capcat 100% that not all trainings are the same, and that companies with a high turnover of CC leave new ones with no one experienced enough to learn from. An initial training changes from airline to airline, but the real learning process carries on "on line".
Let's keep the conversation on
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 21:08
  #55 (permalink)  
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Fly Blue - Tight Slot

A typo on my part with regard to flybabe, should have been flyblue.........

Sarcsasm is the lowest form of wit !!

i have voiced my oppinion and dont believe there is much more to say, I have also had some wonderful flights and also on B/A and QF.

But have most of the time the crew appear to have the attitude of i cant wait to get off this aircraft and when performing the meal service behave like they are serving meals at the zoo..................

As for me writing a letter of complaint to Airlines when i receice poor service! what would you have me do! ?

Like i said before you are a customer service based industry, i guess you dont agree, and there lies the problem......................

if you are willing to except poor service, bad manners, and generally rude crew thats up to you, but for the rest of us there is some form of redress..................................................... ...........
funny if airlines didnt think that service was important i wonder why they have a customer service and complaints dept??
also with out customers making complaints when this happens how is the airline able to single out the bad apples? and importantly fix the problem by way of more training etc...........oh i guess they must be mind readers like the rest of us,,,,we all have bad days, i also work in a customer service enviroment even though i am the capt i always remember that the customer is paying.....
I have not at anytime said ALL F/A'S are a problem! seems to me that you TIGHTSLOT have the attitude problem....
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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 21:20
  #56 (permalink)  
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Chopper Pilot

Whats the real problem here? Tell us your real beef with F/As. Its obvious that you have experienced something not to your liking and have decided to tar all F/As with the same brush. Do you have any nice flying experiences?...we'd like to know. And your sister is a purser is she?..well you should know better. Do you travel on her concession? and if so voting with your wallet wont make the slightest bit of difference, im sure of that. So please give it a rest, you made your point so try and relax a bit. We all know their are bad seeds in every industry but rest assured you are talking about a very small minority as the vast majority are excellent representatives of their company.

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Old 22nd Nov 2002, 23:24
  #57 (permalink)  
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I think its you that has the problem.!

Whats the real problem here? Tell us your real beef with F/As. Its obvious that you have experienced something not to your liking and have decided to tar all F/As with the same brush. Do you have any nice flying experiences?...we'd like to know. And

What part of my posts do you not understand, did you you in fact read any of them? it appears not! ......................................................
At no stage have i decided to tar ALL F/A's with the same brush as you state, but hey if the caps fits then wear it !!

Yes i have had many enjoyable flying experiences, met some great F/A's and sadly have met some real A/Holes,
What has my sister being a Purser have to do with my oppinions ( Please do tell ) i am sure it will make facinating reading............

Oh an no i dont use staff travel benefits, so dont even go there!

Last edited by Sick Squid; 26th Nov 2002 at 00:55.
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Old 23rd Nov 2002, 16:37
  #58 (permalink)  

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Chopper-Pilot-AU ... fly down baby
Uhmmm .... just posted yesterday about having adult and mature conversations! what's next?? bla bla black sheep or the wheels on the bus??

Last edited by Xenia; 23rd Nov 2002 at 18:46.
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Old 24th Nov 2002, 15:43
  #59 (permalink)  

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Sarcasim or sarcasm? excuse me Chopper but not being British it gets difficult to me to guess meanings of words I don't know and that I can't even find in the dictionary!
(Same for stoop) :o

Regarding Moderators ... yes, I am a dictator, we all know it, and I am very proud of it!
So be aware Chopper as it takes me a sec to ban you!

Now, shall we get back to the original topic?

Last edited by Xenia; 24th Nov 2002 at 18:30.
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Old 24th Nov 2002, 18:57
  #60 (permalink)  
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Edited by Xenia
1) Spelling
2) I said "back to the original topic" and NOT behave like kids and argue to each others!
3) Just to remain inside the topic... being rude! to both moderator (moi ) and fellow ppruners.
Chopper, this was your very last chance! next time you are out of our Forum!

Last edited by Xenia; 24th Nov 2002 at 19:37.
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