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British Airways vs. BASSA (current Airline Staff Only)

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British Airways vs. BASSA (current Airline Staff Only)

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Old 12th Sep 2010, 10:14
  #2601 (permalink)  
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So this yellow thing in memorial of those killed in Manchester, has it been done every year by BASSA since the accident or is this the first year it has been commerated? Will it be commerated next year?
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 07:52
  #2602 (permalink)  
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They've got bored with Walsh...

....it's all Bill Francis' fault now.

BASSA > Latest News

Sep 13th, 2010 by admin

Psssst, want know a secret?
Do you want to know what Bill Francis and his team really think about you?
You do? Then read on...
It is often said that a man’s legacy, is in the end, judged by history far more accurately than by his contemporaries.
If that is true, how will the Bill Francis’s years in charge of cabin crew be remembered?
A man, who it would appear has almost single handedly destroyed a once vibrant community of crew and turned them from being the envy of every airline in the world, into a vilified, haunted shadow of what they were.
From a community that was on the whole open, respectful, fun loving and tolerant, into a divided, disenchanted and often disillusioned workforce.
Both in CRC, onboard and down route, crew look over their shoulders at who is listening before they speak.
We are now two tribes: those that went on strike and those that didn’t. That divide cannot be good for anybody, but it’s real and it exists and everybody who flies knows it, including the pilots.
We now have a world where rosters are being judged on who went on strike and who didn’t. Some people who volunteered to work during the dispute are writing on their absence declaration forms, “volunteer crew” in the hope of receiving favourable treatment; the fact same is also being dropped into conversations with scheduling and the standby desk. Although to be fair to those areas, this often has the exact opposite effect! But the intent is still nonetheless there.
We have gone from the so-called “fight for survival” to an unseemly and greedy squabble to buy a dozen airlines. Even the most blind of volunteers cannot fail to now see the line that they were deliberately and calculatingly fed.
Mr Francis likes to portray himself as the man valiantly trying to “protect all current crew” - but against what? Surely not the secret plan, that he himself introduced, to replace you over time with cheaper crew and siphon off your work? Evidently, irony has no place in today’s British Airways management.
Working agreements and relationships that have evolved and lasted through good and bad times over the last forty years, have been destroyed in a matter of months.
Yet they are due to spend £50 million on a two-day training course to get crew back to the “top of their game” - wasn’t that exactly where we were before he arrived?
We have had more crew suspended, sacked and disciplined this year than in the previous twenty years added together. Think about that.

The secret?
Here’s why. His department has been secretly working on another plan. In fact it has already started; he has informed everybody, everybody that is except you.
Despite the platitudes about the “great job we do”, not only does Bill believe we can all be replaced by cheaper people, it would appear that he wants this sooner rather than later.
Want to know why crew dare not speak or utter a word out of turn? It’s all part of the plan.
Below is the leaked instruction to all customer relations’ areas requiring them to be on the lookout for ways to get more crew into the disciplinary proccess. Amazingly enough, it actually says exactly that and it’s all at the behest of our very own, loveable management. Thanks guys, we love you too!
No other area in British Airways has introduced this process, nor would even wish to. Only ours. Thanks to good old, honest Bill.
Maybe history will recall his contribution more quickly than he thinks.

Sent by: ************

Trial for complaints about crew
As part of the feedback loop project, the Inflight customer experience
team (IFCE) would like to track details of when passengers have made
complaints about our crew that are deemed serious enough to take
disciplinary action.
We will be running a 3 month trial with effect from 1st September to
feedback specific complaints to the IFCE team, that would be suitable
for feedback to the crew members.
If you get any complaints for the following categories or any other
serious issues, please ensure that you use the following analysis code


Racist remarks by cabin crew
Crew making adverse comments about British Airways
Crew making inappropriate comments about Strike action
Crew swearing
Crew making inappropriate comments about other passengers

The envy of every airline in the world?!?!?! I'm sure Singapore girl must have been desperate to be a BA S.L.O.B.!

Last edited by Timothy Claypole; 13th Sep 2010 at 08:47.
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 08:23
  #2603 (permalink)  
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Hi TC,

Was that it... did BASSA fail to pass on the Categories to the crew?

Maybe the categories showed that this is not what they are making out?

Good old BASSA, Let's not let the facts get in the way.


Last edited by Crash_and_Burn; 13th Sep 2010 at 08:34.
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 08:45
  #2604 (permalink)  
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Sorry, think I dropped the categories, added in the edit above. Why do BASSA think crew should NOT be disciplined for this? I can think of a couple of cases in which crew have been disciplined since the dispute started.
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 08:48
  #2605 (permalink)  
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As I used to work in Customer Relations many many moons ago, I would guess these new 'categories' have been introduced in response to the volumes of recent complaints that relate to Cabin Crew. I dare say as there are currently no 'categories' to cover such complaints then this process is being trialed - it's a department that copes with enormous volumes of work and standard processes and categorising complaints is standard practice.

More BASSA scare-mongering just incase they haven't frightened the life out of their membership enough? Any crew member who comes to work, does the job they are paid to, acts professionally and doesn't involve themselves in inappropriate conversations/acts really has nothing to worry about do they?
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 10:26
  #2606 (permalink)  
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Quite frankly, I am amazed that remarks of that nature were not previously fed back to IFCE. What is the point of getting customer feedback if we don't act on it. As a SCCM I would also like to hear if one of my crew had made a racist remark to a customer and I'd be delighted to fly with them for as long as it took to 'develop' their sense of appropriateness.

Hardly an example of a secret plan to get rid of expensive crew, more like an overdue effort to manage the ones we can't afford to keep.
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 10:48
  #2607 (permalink)  
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.... more like an overdue effort to manage the ones we can't afford to keep.
Which, if monetary costs are the major consideration (salary, allowances, pension, etc), would mean most of them.
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 10:53
  #2608 (permalink)  
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Which, if monetary costs are the major consideration (salary, allowances, pension, etc), would mean most of them.
Most of us earn every penny, but there are just a few who continue to take the pay without delivering their side of the bargain. The damage to our reputation every time a customer comes into contact with one of these people is what we can't afford.
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 11:25
  #2609 (permalink)  
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That diatribe just reinforces my view that BASSA is employing a graduate in English (or twain) to write their flowing prose.
For example:
Despite the platitudes about the “great job we do”,
Platitudes? DH, LM and their peers probably think that a platitude is a semi-aquatic Australian mammal!
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 11:44
  #2610 (permalink)  
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My personal reply to Dave3

My apologies to all especially the Mod who understandably wanted this dropped, but I've been away for a few days and feel that some very strong comments have been made by Dave3 that I'd like to reply to.

I vowed never to post on this forum after reading some of the rants on some of the threads.
However I feel that after reading some of vile comments posted on PPRuNe re the rememberence yesterday at Kempton Park of the crew and Passengers who died in the Manchester Airtours crash I feel some facts need to be posted.
Juan for your information many crew who still work on WW and EF worked out of Manchester for many years. some of those crew worked at British Airtours before British Airtours emalgimated with British Airways in 1986.
Some of us crew worked with the Crew who tragicly lost their lives in the British Airtours crash.. some of us crew kept intouch with the surviving crew and continued to carry many of the surviving passengers on our flights out of Manchester.
I was at Kempton Yesterday (from your previous posts re standing at the back and making a vid of the meeting you could have been their too)
The members attending brought Yellow flowers in rememberence of ALL the CREW & PASSENGERS who died on that tragic day.
The flowers were beautifull and the ninutes silence was very fitting for these brave souls. This year marks the 25th anniversary of that very sad day. A service was held some weeks ago in the Gardens at manchester Airport and surviving members and relatives were all present. A tree and a memorial has been placed in the garden.
I was also on the bus that took the flowers up to Manchester where they were placed at the memorial in the Garden at Mancheter Airport. A little prayer was said for ALL.
The colour Yellow was chosen as a sign of peace (lost on some I now read).. however the colour yellow was chosen.. no big science.. not chosen to upset anyone.. just simply a sign of peace.

Juan how anyone could take anything other than a peaceful rememberence of lost friends collegues and passangers as anything more than that is very upsetting. Your vile comments have upset many crew who knew and worked with those crew members.
You and others realy need to stop and think before you print.
I cant imagine for one moment you are crew.. I could never believe that I would work along side anyone with such hatred in their heart..
it is beyond me that anyone could take anything bad out of the rememberence yesterday. On that note I would like to thank all the members at Kempton who kindly donated such beautifull flowers in such hard times.. You are an insperation and thank you the memorial looked beautifull last night..
Firstly I am crew and do not have hatred in my heart. Hatred to me is a very strong word and even with the word hate, I make a real effort NOT to use it, as I personally find it overused in many situations.

Quite simply Dave3, I'm aware of the history here. I clearly remember watching the news in the Middle East on that fateful day in 1985.

I think its great that crew and pax from that day keep in touch, and that other crew from the MAN base help in this regard. I truly mean it. I also think it lovely that there was the memorial day several weeks ago ( I'm not clear whether you and others attended or it was a private day for the relatives and survivours).

However from then on,this FOR ME is where it gets tricky. PERSONALLY if I had been running this from a Bassa point of view, I would have sent a subtle message out via text perhaps, saying that we are meeting on this date, at this time, and ANYONE who wants to attend can do so. A wreath, some flowers etc, would be laid at the memorial along with appropriate prayers said. Something on those lines - quiet, unassuming and dignified.

What Bassa decided IN MY OPINION was pretty much the opposite. I wont go into detail as its already been discussed for too long, but to LINK an 'industrial action' meeting to the accident was DELIBERATE and TOTALLY INAPPROPRATE. It was all done for maximum publicity and effect using the colour yellow to link the dispute to the accident. It's so typically DH.

Finally as for my VILE comments upsetting other crew, sorry but thats not how I see it. Actually on the contrary, I am MYSELF extremely upset about how this all was conducted.

Apologies to all for bringing this up again.

P.S. Not to be pedantic, but as this was a history lesson, FYI British Airtours ceased operations when BCal and British AIRWAYS merged in April 1988. The charter operation was started up again at the same time by newly formed Caledonian Airways.

Last edited by JUAN TRIPP; 13th Sep 2010 at 11:58.
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 16:47
  #2611 (permalink)  
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BASSA look more and more isolated every day.

Heathrow customer service colleagues vote for productivity deal
British Airways’ Heathrow customer service colleagues have voted overwhelmingly to accept new working practices, agreed with the Unite and GMB trade unions.

The deal covers 2850 colleagues based at Heathrow Terminals 3 and 5 and creates more flexible and customer focused working arrangements.

The changes will reduce manpower by 500 by March 2011 with 300 of the reduction already being delivered using voluntary redundancy and new opportunities for flexible working options, such as voluntary part time contracts.

Significant productivity gains have been secured through the introduction of more flexible working arrangements making staff more able to respond to the needs of customers when required.

This follows agreements already reached with Balpa, the union representing the airline’s pilots and its engineers represented by Unite.

British Airways has recently concluded its pension plan consultations in agreement with its trade unions earlier this year.

British Airways chief executive, Willie Walsh, said: “This is another important step towards securing permanent structural change and the long term future of the company. It also underlines our commitment to working with all of our trade unions, including Unite.

“I’m delighted that our colleagues have voted in favour of the productivity deal that offers them future job security and will provide a more flexible, cost-efficient and customer focused ground operation at Heathrow.”
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 17:38
  #2612 (permalink)  
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Todays comedy claptrap

Fresh from the BASSA forum, apparently BALPA show their lack of backbone again:

Yet again, they think they are above everybody (scroll down) - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... l?ITO=1490
It appears the BASSAmentalists have such a short attention span that they can't scroll down the page and read the first paragraph of the inset titled "Solo delegate opposes strike".

Good work Jim McAuslan I say, and well done for not rubber stamping some ridiculous agitprop motion to coordinate strikes against economic reality.

Meanwhile, Crew Defence, the scheme set up strikers to fund a court case against BA over the removal of staff travel has run into trouble. "10000 crew, £100 each" was the appeal on the BASSA forum. Well it seems the faithful aren't willing to put their £££ where their mouths, and as a result Crew Defence have been forced to abandon their plans to take BA to court on cost grounds and instead will be attempting to take BA to an Employment Tribunal. United we stand?

Last edited by Timothy Claypole; 13th Sep 2010 at 22:03.
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Old 13th Sep 2010, 23:26
  #2613 (permalink)  
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Poor old Crew Defence. No, seriously, these folk were prepared to put together the dosh for court action mainly because BASSA had failed to persuade Unite that there was merit in the case. BASSA had told them that BA couldn't take away staff travel and even if they did, the branch woud get it back, what was it, in five minutes ? Ok so one could say, more fool them for believing BASSA, but clearly some people are hurting more than others. If 6,000 staff went on strike, it follows that 6,000 staff have lost staff travel. I can only guess that the bulk of those 6,000 reckon either that no court action is likely to get returned, so stumping up a few hundred quid is chucking good money after bad, or reckon that Unite should be doing this, or are hanging out in the hope that Unite will succeed in negotiating the return of staff travel. Finally, some may remember that BA offered to return staff travel as soon as a deal is signed and be hanging on for that. Does rather highlight that there may be divisions within the striker community. The longer this drags on , the tougher it becomes for those commuters.

There was a slightly telling comment by Tony Woodley in the Guardian report about the ground staff deal
Labelling the withdrawal of travel perks and sacking of 13 cabin crew as an attack on trade unionism within BA, Unite has pledged to call a meeting of its senior BA shop stewards to discuss a co-ordinated response.
Tony Woodley, Unite's joint general secretary, has admitted that "hearts and minds" of other Unite members need to be won over first before the union can even consider escalating the dispute. Unite has described a further strike ballot of cabin crew as "inevitable" but only if peace talks between the union and BA fail.
Sounds like Tony knows how the other Unite reps will respond to any overtures from BASSA for solidarity. I'd also question the inevitability of any further strike ballot, unless Unite are determined to have yet more egg on face. Time will tell.
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Old 14th Sep 2010, 08:05
  #2614 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Colonel White
BASSA had told them that BA couldn't take away staff travel and even if they did, the branch woud get it back, what was it, in five minutes ... some people are hurting more than others.

I think the pain for commuters could get worse later this year as hotlines run out (staff only get 30 bookings a year). It will be interesting to see how the system is 'worked' ...
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Old 14th Sep 2010, 08:16
  #2615 (permalink)  
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I think, in light of the TUC rhetoric in Manchester yesterday, that BASSA have just become a very, very small fish in a very big pond for Unite.

The private sector has already gone through the job cuts and rationalisation that is currently facing our exceedingly bloated civil service. The Labour Government has successfully surpressed unemployment numbers over their term by employing them into the Government system. Now we are left with a civil service that is highly inefficient, woefully over staffed and dreadfully mis managed.

How surprising that the trade Unions are trying to protect their members within the Government machine from the nasty cuts the rest of the private sector have had to endure. The losses to the Union coffers, garnered over the course of their bought and paid for Labour Government, will be huge.

The plight of a small branch, working in a private company, is about to take a back burner.

Birmingham city council have just sent out 24,000, yes 24,000, letters to staff informing them that if they do not take a pay cut AND increased productivity they will lose their jobs. Is Birmingham City Coucil about to be hailed as a bully as well for imposition?

Perhaps DH could brief them about bullying and intimidatory tactics as well? What the BASSA die hards fail to realise is that the world is turning nasty outside of planet BA and the dealings they have had with the company have been cushy compared to what is about to befall the Civil Service.

If the opportunity for settlement comes along then grasp it. It may well be your last chance.
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Old 14th Sep 2010, 08:42
  #2616 (permalink)  
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The System wont be worked. Crew defence will help them....
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Old 14th Sep 2010, 08:44
  #2617 (permalink)  
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If the opportunity for settlement comes along then grasp it. It may well be your last chance

The sad thing is that DH in particular is on a one man mission to cause as much damage to BA as he can. EG the comment to the Telegraph re telling BA customers not to book over the xmas period. My belief is that last chance may have already gone

I think the pain for commuters could get worse later this year as hotlines run out (staff only get 30 bookings a year). It will be interesting to see how the system is 'worked' ...
I believe they are going to pool their hotlines between them. Good idea - lets just hope DH isn't organising it!
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Old 14th Sep 2010, 09:01
  #2618 (permalink)  
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There certainly do seem to have been overt signs that the BASSA believers are beginning to notice some sense of futility in their 'efforts'. This thread used to rack up dozens of pages in a few days - now it takes weeks to do the same. The noisy cultists have certainly gone quiet! They haven't necessarily gone away, but they are certainly out of ideas, even weak ones.

Wirbelsturm raises a good point - BASSA are but a sideshow to the rhetoric now being raised by the TUC hardliners. I note that these orators all use the same excuse that public sector cuts will be "bad for our members and bad for the public". Of course it will be bad for the Labour-junket collective, but that is a festering wound that needs sorting. As for being bad for the public, I beg to differ - there will be losses of some public services (not all of them necessary services ....) but that, too, will stem the financial haemorrhaging instituted by 13 years of Labour profligacy.

These TUC protagonists have similar views to BASSA, "The rest of you can take pay cuts, but why the hell should we!" [Cue launching of teddy bears, to great heights, several of which burn up on re-entry ..... causing tears and further tantrums.]
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Old 14th Sep 2010, 17:43
  #2619 (permalink)  
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The steam is definately running out on the BASSA engine.

The Comms has all but dried up,nobody is talking to the company and the leadership has engineered itself into ineffectiveness.

If there is to be any sort of a deal they need to get a move on before wider events in the form of government cuts take centre stage and UNITE shunt this one into the sidings.

Last edited by stormin norman; 15th Sep 2010 at 09:05.
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Old 15th Sep 2010, 07:34
  #2620 (permalink)  
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@Miss Ba,
Hows that commuting working out for you from Ddisbury, or did you manage to wiggle out of it all whilst advocating action....Just curious.
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