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British Airways vs. BASSA (current Airline Staff Only)

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British Airways vs. BASSA (current Airline Staff Only)

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Old 25th Aug 2010, 21:16
  #2201 (permalink)  
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You state. I will not allow a temporary, incompetent and unreasonable management to destroy everything because they all of the sudden think that we are too expensive and wanting to replace us with a cheaper workforce.

My bold.

One question. How will you not allow this management to make the cost savings that HAVE to be done for the company to survive, just as all the rest of the business has done. I must be missing something 'cause I can't see how you are going to do that ?

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Old 25th Aug 2010, 21:16
  #2202 (permalink)  
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Jetset Lady

Sooner or later they will be after LGW again. It is the cheapest base at the moment but still too expensive when compared to the costs of what New Fleet are. They are safe at the moment but not for long.


A guarantee of a fair share of route transfers between fleets would be nice and reassuring. BA has only so far been willing to accept to discuss future route transfers with Unite, which means nothing. There are already rumours that BA will transfer SIN to New Fleet and that's a destination which was not even included in their previous document of the first destinations for New Fleet. What destination will be next? PVG? PEK?

To prove your worth and perform to secure your future and employment as you suggest means nothing to BA. Absolutely nothing.
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Old 25th Aug 2010, 21:23
  #2203 (permalink)  
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A guarantee of a fair share of route transfers between fleets would be nice and reassuring. BA has only so far been willing to accept to discuss future route transfers with Unite, which means nothing.
Last time we had a mixed-fleet, the routes moved back and forward every season and sometimes, from month to month. There may be no other rational behind BA refusing to put the routes in black and white than this. They want to keep the flexibilty to chop and change when they need to.
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Old 25th Aug 2010, 21:25
  #2204 (permalink)  
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Do you still believe BA is fighting for its survival? That's yesterday's news and BA has never faught for its survival. It was something our CEO said to send us cabin crew and our union a message. Very clever...

Many of us have taken a firm stand on how we are being treated by our management. How? We went on strike. Even if they have thousands of volunteers standing by to fill our place, the risk of a future industrial actions will still affect forward bookings until the dispute has been settled. It's better than nothing until management realises they need to reach an agreement with us. Sooner or later the City will run out of patience.


There's not a chance in the world that we will ever be getting our LR destinations back once they have gone over to New Fleet. Do you actually think that management will give us SIN back in exchange for DEL?
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Old 25th Aug 2010, 21:28
  #2205 (permalink)  
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Miss M, BASSA tried to negotiate with BA? I missed that one. The only comment about negotiation that came from BASSA was a straight forward NO NEGOTIATION. What makes you think that BASSA tried to negotate? The bit where they said staff travel will be the first of our demands and will be returned within 5 minutes?

All those route transfers and not a single penny of monthly travel payment to make up for the lost payments. If only they had negotiated.
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Old 25th Aug 2010, 21:39
  #2206 (permalink)  
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From Miss M.

Do you still believe BA is fighting for its survival? That's yesterday's news and BA has never faught for its survival. It was something our CEO said to send us cabin crew and our union a message. Very clever...

Many of us have taken a firm stand on how we are being treated by our management. How? We went on strike. Even if they have thousands of volunteers standing by to fill our place, the risk of a future industrial actions will still affect forward bookings until the dispute has been settled. It's better than nothing until management realises they need to reach an agreement with us. Sooner or later the City will run out of patience.

Many many thanks for your reply. I cannot understand how you feel your actions will get you what you want. In fact IMHO I feel the board will run out of patience with BASSA long before than the city runs out of patience with the board, and you will find 90 days notice in the very near future if you continue to threaten the business. I find this a really sad state of affairs, but BASSA has brought this on. All the very best, hope you get things sorted out ( and I mean it ).

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Old 25th Aug 2010, 21:44
  #2207 (permalink)  
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I think Miss M's posts neatly represent the deluded mentality of many of the strikers. In particular her flight crew boycott is a metaphor for the whole dispute; the strikers simply cannot comprehend that their actions have no impact, that the rest of the business has moved on and very effectively sidelined them. They desperately cling to the belief that they are mighty, and yet despite their claims to be in the majority they're crawling the crew forums looking for and fellow striker to keep them company downroute. They live in fear of somebody reporting their bullying tactics to management and their one, their only battle plan is to go on strike. Five times they've striked and been faced down by BA, yet they still believe the tactic works!
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Old 25th Aug 2010, 21:44
  #2208 (permalink)  
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A guarantee of a fair share of route transfers between fleets would be nice and reassuring. BA has only so far been willing to accept to discuss future route transfers with Unite, which means nothing. There are already rumours that BA will transfer SIN to New Fleet and that's a destination which was not even included in their previous document of the first destinations for New Fleet. What destination will be next? PVG? PEK?
All of them MissM. Its a self fulfilling prophecy. By refusing to come to an agreement with BA BASSA are effectively ensuring that their worst predictions come true. BASSA were given a last chance with the way forward agreement which they rejected. BA are now at liberty to transfer any route they fancy without so much as asking. No matrix no formula no nothing and there are only 1100 crew who have protected earnings.

So from no new fleet this time last year BASSA have now ensured the complete destruction of your way of life within a further 3-4. Way to go Duncan!
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Old 25th Aug 2010, 22:02
  #2209 (permalink)  
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There's not a chance in the world that we will ever be getting our LR destinations back once they have gone over to New Fleet. Do you actually think that management will give us SIN back in exchange for DEL?
Welcome back Miss M.

You seem to have overlooked one small point. It doesn't matter to us (non-strikers, happy to serve flight crew colleagues) one jot which route we do now. You see, unlike you, we have a top-up payment guarantee.

I don't care if I do DEL all year if I have to. You see I'll still get paid the same. That's why I accepted the offer. The only people that are fretting about SIN going to Mixed Fleet are......you and your striking colleagues.

You (the strikers) could still sign the offer and relieve yourself of the unnecessary stress that you are inflicting. The only ones suffering are yourselves. No-one else. Surely you must see that?
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Old 25th Aug 2010, 22:29
  #2210 (permalink)  
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There's not a chance in the world that we will ever be getting our LR destinations back once they have gone over to New Fleet. Do you actually think that management will give us SIN back in exchange for DEL?
Well, funnily enough, SFO was a mid-fleet route for a while but used to be swapped regularly with Harare. Of course, BASSA told us it was the beginning of the end for the long-haul agreement and it seems that was just scaremongering at the time. In fact, BA used to move the work around to maximise efficiency. If the company are already guaranteeing paying a minimum monthly top-up, then they may as well use you for the long-range trips as not.
There's a groundhog day feeling about a lot of this for those of us who were here at the birth of the last 'mixed flying fleet'.
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Old 25th Aug 2010, 23:43
  #2211 (permalink)  
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I never socialise with any strikebreaking crew downroute or work a position onboard where I have to look after our flight crew any longer as I find their actions to be nothing but disgusting.
It's taken a while but perhaps there's a positive in this situation after all.
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Old 26th Aug 2010, 06:24
  #2212 (permalink)  
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You would, I'd aver, bring a deal more credibility in your posts if you tried to avoid the oft-trod path of dealing in absolutes. You won't socialise/work on the upper deck with any flight crew because of your disgust with what "they" have done. Effectively you're either convinced that a department in excess of 3000 people have all taken the same stance "against" you or, and I suspect this might hold a little more of the truth, it's a convenient reason for you, and many of your colleagues, to finally exercise your entrenched hatred for all flight crew. It's the same with your (feel free to accept this as the collective your in regard of striking status) attitude to those who went to work - there's no nuance in your thinking at all. Everyone's a scab, no-one has an excuse and rather than attempt to enlighten, all BASSA and the acolytes seem able to pull out of their, now rather worn, magician's hat is "wake up and smell the coffee", "FACT" and "pull your head out of the sand".

Far be it from me to draw any intellectual comparisons other than the first half of this sentence presumes I'm making but the assumptions that anyone who hasn't chosen the way of BASSA enlightenment is an idiot, a lackey or a patsy of some description leaves your arguments as little more than gainsaying and petulant shouting. The ironic fact that many of the high-drama predictions made by BASSA will now have greater chance of coming true due, in main part, to the actions of that mighty sub-branch of Unite will, I suspect, be forever lost on their supporters.

I also find it deeply ironic that you (again collectively) claim that BA are untrustworthy and produce nothing but spin and lies. You've yet to be able to prove a BA lie (that's prove as in provide direct contradictory evidence, not counteracting rhetoric) whereas I, and many others on here, have already debunked a number of BASSA's better BS edicts.

Egually, the fact that you collectively and, as a function of your representation, resort to penny-dreadful dramatic construction, name-calling, insults and mealy-mouthed denigration of anyone who doesn't see it your way in your communications and your other forums leaves you looking like nothing more than childish and infantile, being dragged to the edge of destruction by those at the top of your union, who you dare not question (our reps are working hard, they're all suspended, cult of BASSA etc) for fear of another vitriolic, swear word-laded riposte from one of your colleagues.

It's like the claim that every single suspended or sacked crewmember has been the victim of a cruel and vindictive employer. When anyone questions that maybe, just maybe, some (if not all) may be legitimate they're hounded with howls of derision and then, latterly, abuse. You live in a black and white world apparently. The shades of grey that those of outside the circle of trust perceive are, mercifully for you, absent.

Have BASSA not realised that, in essence, the fight will never be won whilst they continue to use playground nicknames like "Willy, Billy and Silly" in comms they know will go public and then demand to be treated fairly and like adults. There's a massive disconnect in the cognitive process in the minds at the top.

Unless of course DH and his ilk couldn't give a tinker's toss about you all and would much rather use you to wage his campaign against his perceived injustices, all the while pretending to have your best interests at heart. Nah, that couldn't be true could it?

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be put right as to the fact that BA are evil and I'll be next etc etc after this and, naturally, I look forward to the flood of facts which are verifiable and documented in the rebuttal of my points.


Last edited by MrBunker; 26th Aug 2010 at 06:36.
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Old 26th Aug 2010, 06:33
  #2213 (permalink)  
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"Do you still believe BA is fighting for its survival? That's yesterday's news and BA has never faught for its survival"

Talk about sticking your head in the sand.
Get real
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Old 26th Aug 2010, 07:21
  #2214 (permalink)  
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Is this some sort of bad taste joke?

You'd think BASSA would have learned from the uproar over their innappropriate use of Iwo Jima imagery, but it seems not.

BASSA > Latest News
Branch meeting Kempton Park 6th September, 11am - Will be all yellow!

Aug 25th, 2010 by admin

A member has suggested that we dedicate our meeting to our sacked and suspended colleagues.
As a symbol of our solidarity with them, we would ask that you consider wearing either an item of yellow clothing, a yellow ribbon or a yellow flower.
All the yellow flowers will be collected at the end of the meeting and taken to Manchester, where they will then be placed as a tribute, on the memorial for the crew and passengers that lost their lives in the Manchester air disaster.
We look forward to seeing there...In yellow!
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Old 26th Aug 2010, 07:51
  #2215 (permalink)  
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That is just sick, no other word for it. surely their members can see that they have all gone barking mad at BASSA now.
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Old 26th Aug 2010, 08:26
  #2216 (permalink)  
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Of all the crass, ill-judged and insensitive things BASSA has done, nothing compares to what is suggested above. Absolutely sickening and beyond the pale.

No-one could possibly defend this.
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Old 26th Aug 2010, 08:30
  #2217 (permalink)  
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Air disaster memorial?

Somebody stop these lunatics - please. The latest comms is past offensive. I'm officially speechless.
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Old 26th Aug 2010, 08:30
  #2218 (permalink)  
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No no no...

How sick, disrespectful and dishonourable.

This must be prevented, for respect to the relatives of the deceased.

Pro or anti BASSA...stop this NOW.

Associating their 'cause' with such a tragedy is nothing short of VILE, DISGUSTING,REPULSIVE.

How low can this Union sink?

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Old 26th Aug 2010, 08:55
  #2219 (permalink)  
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If proof were ever needed, this shows that the depths of immorality of the BASSA mindset, has no bounds.

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Old 26th Aug 2010, 09:44
  #2220 (permalink)  
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What next - a BASSA memorial near ground zero?

However, I do agree that yellow is the appropriate colour for the BASSAmentalists bullies.
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