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British Airways vs. BASSA (Airline Staff Only)

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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:05
  #1121 (permalink)  
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Liz Malone

This confrontation is as much about the leading chacacters as anything else. We have seen and heard a lot from WW and all the Unite leaders, but where is Liz Malone? She is a key player, yet she has been invisible. I don't have access to the Bassa forum, but I don't remember seeing one quote from her posts or texts on here.

So where is she, what are her views ............has she been at Bedfont?

I sure would like to know because at the end of the day it is her that will call off or extend the strike ............can anyone enlighten me?
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:10
  #1122 (permalink)  
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Cabin Crew Support

I did a volunteer crew support shift today. There were no problems witnessed by myself or by any of the other volunteers I spoke to at the crew car park and T5. Clearly several cabin crew members had not driven to work as usual as there were several parking spaces available in the crew car park. Undoubtedly some were on strike whilst others had made other arrangements, such as parking at alternative car parks such as at T5. I'd also say that the crew buses had fewer cabin crew than flight crew.

You couldn't deny that tensions do exist: a driver told me that yesterday Unite members by Arora were saying not very nice things as the buses went by, and a pilot said that the atmosphere on a flight between the strike days was not the best.

One CC did ask why they were being checked against a list when entering the crew car park. What happens is that only crew who are rostered to fly are allowed in, so that's why IDs and destinations are checked by the volunteers.

I have to say that crew support isn't the most exciting job in the world, but some crew did appreciate our presence. And if that presence helps to reassure crew and inhibit intimidation or damage to cars, then it's a job worth doing.

The one bright spot in the day was the unexpected chance meeting with Tiramisu who boarded my bus, so we were able to chat for a bit. And then whilst Tiramisu probably went jetting off to some exotic destination, I kept shuttling on the bus.
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:12
  #1123 (permalink)  

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Never one to disappoint, Thare Machi, here is her latest:


First there was me (swimming pool in LAX). Then there was BASSA’s resident kitchen fitter, Mark. Then there was Duncan, the pink-jacketed militant. Now it’s Nigel’s turn to be the victim of BA’s poodle newspaper - The Daily Mail.

In tomorrow’s rag, you will read details about Nigel Stott and his personal and private life. The Mail have been calling Nigel on his personal mobile continually over the last few days. Very few people have this mobile number, yet somehow the Daily Mail have managed to obtain it. We wonder who gave it to them? Their continual ringing is just another form of bullying and harassment of your reps. Does that sound familiar?

Anyone that knows Nigel will realise that it is all nonsensical manipulation and lies that are being fed to Willie’s favourite propaganda machine by (un)known person or persons!

I will leave it to your imagination as to where this "non story" originated and also leave it for you to draw your conclusions as to who is behind all this. (Don’t spend too long pondering). However all joking aside, while we try to laugh some of this nonsense off, a lot of it can be hurtful to our families and loved ones. That is not funny.

So, that is now 4 of us from the Branch Committee that have appeared in this apology of a newspaper, leaving 5 Branch Committee members still to be targeted.

Stay strong - see you all tomorrow.



Branch Chairman
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:29
  #1124 (permalink)  
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Thanks mouse; the only fact of any interest in the the text was "......see you all tomorrow". So, I'm guessing thats Bedfont....? Does she do TV interviews?
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:29
  #1125 (permalink)  
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OK Here goes............

After swearing to myself that I would never read or post on this thread again ( after being attacked last time) , there are a few things I would like to add.

I was a Yes voter at the 1st Ballot and a No voter 2nd time round. The reason for voting No was that I thought we were/are fighting the wrong battle (esp after the court ruling in feb went against us). New Fleet is the threat and I feel we should have waited until this was introduced before coming out all guns blazing.
Have I worked over the strike? No because I am lucky enough to be on part time at the moment. Will I strike if more dates are announced in april.....? I honestly dont know, the worry of what to do keeps me awake at night.

Now before you all reply with your "crc is the best place in the world at the moment" posts, I will tell you that I dont believe a word of what BASSA AND BA are saying at the moment they are both spinning like mad. What I do believe is my hubby who has worked on both strike dates (as a driver!) and my brother also working at the pointy end. Hubby has operated all flights with a mix of vcc and regular crew and my brother has only operated on empty aircrafts out and bringing pax and crew back.
My brother on reporting was told he was operating empty, 20mins later he had a crew of vcc, in the end they took off empty!!!! Doesnt sound that organised to me.
I have also heard horror stories from other flight crew (friends) that crew ARE meeting strike breaking crew downroute. ( I heard about photos being taken on the tarmac...I hope that is a rumour).

I agree with a previous post that WW will never reinstate Staff travel..........But I would readily bet that as he is leaving soon it leaves a lovely bridge building exercise for our next CEO. Watch this space.
At the moment the choices for the crew are limited, you either dont strike and risk becoming a leper for the rest of your flying career or strike and maybe loose everything.
I will think carefully what I will do if a new strike is called, if I go into work then I will resign from unite. Unfortunately there is no credible alternative at the moment (please do not state the PCCC, If they are so proud of what they are doing they wouldnt hide behind a name. CC89 had the balls to come out in 97 and got good following, so I cannot take PCCC as a serious alternative, that is the one thing i do agree with WW on!)
At the moment I can stand on the outside and applaud the strikers for their courage and conviction, equally I can applaud the crew coming to work also for their courage and conviction. I feel neither should be punished for standing up to what they believe is the right answer. It is their basic human right.
I would also like to add that the demo video at the arora is sickening. There are ways to protest, that is not one of them.

After all this, all we will be left with a big mess. Distrust within the CC community, distrust of the FC community ( years ago I had "pilot wife" digs all the time, was I to be trusted or was I just one of "them"), . In the last few years I have seen us grow together, we have laughed together and cried ( when the bar closed ). We have worked together as a team, from bringing up the First breakfast to dealing with a fire or Death on board. We were/are not just collegues we were/are friends.
Now I read alot of posts on here. FC sometimes braying for blood, hoping that people are sacked, ENJOYING that people have lost their ST just because the stood up for what they believed in, basically just enjoying others misfortunes. I cannot sometimes believe that these post are coming from one of our own.
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:30
  #1126 (permalink)  
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I do not work for BA and I'm not a Unite member but it does seem that many people on this forum are talking of quitting the union. It seems to me that this means that the militant few will have an even stronger hold over the union and will be able to prolong the dispute that is harming BA and all of your careers. Surely, if you're not happy with the direction the union is taking, you stand more chance of moderating future action by staying as members and making your voices heard.
I do work for BA, and was a Unite member.

My philosophy entirely. However, our union reps were not interested in the fact that we were worried about the effect of the union's actions on our job security. In their words it was the cabin crew's choice about whether this was a battle worth fighting or not and we weren't to interfere.

Hence my resignation from Unite last week.
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:35
  #1127 (permalink)  
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miamimike and others

Re "there are no winners we all know that..."

A manufacturing company losing hundreds of millions a year would be in trouble.

If it closed a few plants and made 15% of the staff redundant, so be it. No feast for lawyers here.

I can imagine a new BA re-born from this mess, initially a bit smaller, shed of the militants who will inevitably leave.

After this sad winter, it will grow anew.

No winners? Really?
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:40
  #1128 (permalink)  
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Another acronym from me please. What is an MBT?
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 20:43
  #1129 (permalink)  
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MBT means Minimum Base Turnaround, its Worldwide term for a day off after a trip.
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 21:06
  #1130 (permalink)  
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Why are striking crew surprised they've had pay deducted and further surprised it wasn't just the odd days pay ? If I recall, rather like staff travel, the company clearly communicated what would happen and that pay reduction would reflect trip duration etc. and not just the single day you failed to turn up.

Let me guess, the union convinced everyone that BA wouldn't or couldn't do it and also not to bother reading BA comms anyway. I wonder how long it will take for the penny to drop that WW is saying it how it is and follows through with his promises.

How many blatant lies do the union have to tell before people will wake up
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 21:08
  #1131 (permalink)  
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re: Lizanne Malone (#1137)

So where is she, what are her views ............has she been at Bedfont?
Lizanne HoMalone is a singularly unusual leader of men and women: unlike most commanders in the field, she leads from her bunker in the LAX suburbs.

No one has seen her in the United Kingdom, let alone in or near the London airports, for more than a year as she is on long-term sick leave from her CSD position with BA.

Her views were expressed very succinctly at the beginning of this dispute when she notoriously told BALPA to FOXTROT OSCAR.

Len McLoosekey et al could definitely do without her - and her kitchen fitting sidekick.

Last edited by Chuchinchow; 30th Mar 2010 at 21:33.
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 21:41
  #1132 (permalink)  
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At last!!!!

I'm a newbie so not sure if I am replying in the correct place. But IheartMBT has portayed the feelings of the average cabin crew member perfectly. And its strange and quite sad that many posters here don't seem to understand that. If you can't put yourself in the situation that the Cabin Crew are experiencing right now then I'm not sure what kind of human being you are.

All this talk of "Bravery" and "Stepping up to the plate" is BS. The reasons for strike breaking are simple:

1) Cannot imagine trying to work without ST
2) Can just about pay the bills with out losing anymore wages (especially if this weekend was the better paid trip you were counting on).
3) Cannot afford to have your whole roster wiped out and not know when you will be working again. Have you seen the wage slips for strikers? Pretty punitive.
4) Do not know who is telling the truth if either and don't trust either camp.

The Bassa photos of totaly empty crew car parks don't prove anything as many will have got lifts, taxes, or parked well away. Many come to work in plain clothes. This is not for fear of intimidation or bullying.... this is because of a gnawing guilt that maybe they have got it wrong. Maybe the strike breakers are in the monority, and they know that by coming into work they going against there colleagues wishes whether they agree with them or not. Maybe some of the strikers are their friends.

But because of the financial situation they cannot risk losing wages, ST or their job. No strike breaker is waving an anti-Unite flag. They are just trying to keep a roof over their head and have been put in an intollerable position by leaders who should know better.

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Old 30th Mar 2010, 21:48
  #1133 (permalink)  
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UNITE's assets "in excess of £178 millions"

Review of 2008 to date
Savings derived from the integration and rationalisation of service departments and the officer force will continue to release
resources for the organisation's vision for the future. This vision is comprised of three components.
Firstly, heavily resourced domestic organising and recruitment activity designed to exploit the membership potential in industrial
areas where the Union already has a presence and a comprehensive drive to organise in developing sectors will aim to minimise the
decline in our membership base during the recession and reverse it once economic growth has resumed.
Secondly, a proactive policy of pursuing international trade union mergers, which seeks to increase the Union’s influence on
employers and governments to improve the service we provide to our members. To this end we have signed an agreement with
the USW, a union of over a million members in the US, Canada and the Caribbean, to form the first global union. Exploratory
talks are already underway for further merger with unions in Scandinavia, Australia, South America and Africa to continue this
Two years after the formation of Unite, the industrial and political benefits of the merger between Amicus and the Transport and
General Workers Union are clear for all to see. On the 1 May 2009, the transition period established by the Amalgamation
Agreement ended, meaning that from now on Unite is one entity not an amalgam of two Sections. From a financial perspective,
while Unite achieved a £339,000 surplus of income from members in 2008, the credit crunch recession had a significant
detrimental effect on the value of Unite’s properties and investments as well as considerably worsening the funded status of the
union’s various pension funds. However, despite writing down the value of its marketable securities and the properties it intends
to sell to their market values as at year end, the financial position of Unite overall remains strong as demonstrated by the fact that
its net assets remained in excess of £178 million.


And yet they are grubbing around to cadge £700,000 for a last-ditch "fighting fund".

Makes you wonder where the fabled United riches were squandered - it wouldn't be on jollies to Thailand, would it?

As the long absent and little missed BASSA chair, Lizanne Homalooney, said so memorably, "FOXTROT OSCAR"!
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 21:50
  #1134 (permalink)  
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The one bright spot in the day was the unexpected chance meeting with Tiramisu who boarded my bus, so we were able to chat for a bit. And then whilst Tiramisu probably went jetting off to some exotic destination, I kept shuttling on the bus.
Caribbean Boy,
It was lovely to meet you too!
Thank you so much for looking after us and making it safe for us to come to work. Your efforts, and those of all our colleagues on the ground are much apppreciated.
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 21:56
  #1135 (permalink)  
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Thank you so much for looking after us and making it safe for us to come to work. Your efforts, and those of all our colleagues on the ground are much apppreciated.

An amazing effort by so many BA staff. Well done , and huge respect!
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 21:59
  #1136 (permalink)  
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peterlike, welcome to the forum its good to hear what other people are saying and thinking.

Just going to point out something:

The Bassa photos of totaly empty crew car parks don't prove anything as many will have got lifts, taxes, or parked well away. Many come to work in plain clothes. This is not for fear of intimidation or bullying.... this is because of a gnawing guilt that maybe they have got it wrong. Maybe the strike breakers are in the monority, and they know that by coming into work they going against there colleagues wishes whether they agree with them or not. Maybe some of the strikers are their friends.

I am going to have to disagree with you on that one. I have been in work everyday of the strike and the reasons a lot of us are wearing our regular clothes to work is because we are afraid of bullying and intimidation. Have you seen the video of the strikers shouting at the arora on the Bath Road? And some of us are genuinely afraid that when the strikers come back to work, they will make life difficult for us. I also saw a police officer standing at the bus stop this morning, first time I have seen that since the dispute started and it really concerns me because something must have happened. Does anyone know what? And there have been reports (which i believe to be true) of nasty comments from crews and one from a bus driver that was made on day 1 of the strike.

I know I have done the right thing coming into work as I am not prepared to go on strike because of the imposition. I have come into work with my uniform on in the past few days with my head held high and if I get any hassle at work, anything at all, I shall definitely take it further.
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 22:20
  #1137 (permalink)  
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I take your point. But I still think it is not so much "intimidation" as but being "found out" that worries a great many. Actually I do know that for a fact.What is strange that down route no one is even discussing the situation. It seems to be a taboo subject.

I am using staff travel in a day or two and I must say, I'm not really looking forward to it this time and I don't know if I will ever again. Maybe I will misinterpret a look from a crew member..... who knows.... its unchartered territory.

Ok I can pretend (to myself) I was on part time or holiday and something at the time of the strike. Not that there would be any confrontation, I'm sure ..... But certain crew can look at you and think things - and its hard to respond to a thought.

Like I say this is no way for a company to operate and Mr Walsh should think about giving back the STs (especially as it costs BA nothing - the 10% covers that). No one will think any less of him, in fact he would probably find the gesture quite rewarding ... not to mention the Karma :-)
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 22:26
  #1138 (permalink)  
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Hi Peterlike

No strike breaker is waving an anti-Unite flag.

I am.
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 22:30
  #1139 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Speedmeister
By the way, what does the FM in Galley FM stand for?
It's just to make it sound like a radio station.... It doesn't mean anything (other than Frequency Modulation)
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Old 30th Mar 2010, 22:34
  #1140 (permalink)  
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By working during the strike for me it was never going to attempt, hope or in anyway change the chain of events and related financial losses incurred by my employer but simply to stand by my principles, try to limit the unavoidable damage that another flight cancellation would have caused and ultimately back my employer for what I believe was and is a reasonable compromise and an easily achievable proposal-solution.
The hard facts remain unchanged unless we adapt we are going to lose or change some of our T & C with or without the union cooperation.
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