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British Airways vs. BASSA (Airline Staff Only)

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British Airways vs. BASSA (Airline Staff Only)

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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 20:28
  #4341 (permalink)  
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Your wish is my command.
Hi All,

What a difference a day makes - yesterday we were all huddled around burning braziers (well not quite) and today Bedfont was like an open air Lido without the pool.

Pleased to report my breakfast bill dipped below £400 but nevertheless the early pickets were well-manned and in good voice, helped by the newly printed song sheets. We are thinking of bringing out a CD of picket songs - watch this space.

Every day I hear new humbling tales of sacrifice. This afternoon I encountered a member who lives in Sydney who has lost her staff travel (Soon, I am confidently expecting to meet the striking commuter from Mars) while I also was introduced a XXXX girl from LGW who is getting married to her (flying) boyfriend later this summer and both have cancelled their honeymoon so they could afford to go on strike. What more can I say except I hope some of those that chose to go to work for selfish reasons are reading this tonight?

At 4 o’ clock - via the PA system we gave a brief report back on last night’s talks. For the first time since 2007 Willie Walsh deemed to allow BASSA reps into his presence although throughout he made no acknowledgement of our existence and even when a BASSA rep asked questions he answered back directly to Tony Woodley. Lizanne said the last time she had been treated like that when as a school girl she had been called into the headmaster’s office to answer accusations of apple scrumping! Seriously, the man has a real problem - even the other managers there nodded a brief hello but Willie merely trembled with anger throughout. And he describes BASSA as dysfunctional?

There was no progress made (hardly surprising when the chap you are negotiating with refuses to acknowledge your presence), and so the sticking points remain the same. ACAS and UNITE are doing all they can to move things along but, as we all know, this is a man famed for saying "a reasonable man gets nowhere by negotiation"!

This dispute is doing damage not only to BA but also to relationships, friendships and even dividing families. I spoke to a retired BA captain today whose son is a young volunteer first officer. Needless to say as soon as he found out he put the phone down and refuses to have anything more to do with him. Very, very sad. All this caused by a one stubborn man seemingly determined to pull down more than half a century of tradition, pride and togetherness.

Although it has yet to be (100%) rubber stamped by Tony, UNITE have indicated to us that the strike pay for this current 15 days of action will now be raised to £50 - great news for those of you worried about how June’s wage slip is going to look. We will also shortly announce plans to lend real hardship cases a year long interest free loan of £1000 - details to follow. Finally it was reported back that the USA steel workers have donated $100,000 to our cause. Don’t you just love them?

So with that good news the day ended on a real high and in true crew fashion everyone headed to the bar for a glass of sweet sherry.

Thanks to all the usual suspects who helped today - we won’t mention you by name but you know who you are and thanks for all those French commuters who turned up this afternoon with all that lovely cheese, pate and bread. Tomorrow Bedfont is bracing itself for the visit of the hordes from north of the border and a return of the bus from hell, sorry I meant the northwest. It will be great to see these "lively and entertaining" people and what an effort they are making. We have told the bar staff at Bedfont to quadruple tonight’s booze uplift in preparation. There will also be the odd "academic" making a speech in support of our cause around lunch-time. All things considering how can you keep away I ask?

All that remains is for me to beg the Manchester girls that should the Sky reporter turn up please do not beat him up again - he really is not such a bad bloke.

And with that I’m off for a beer in the garden to watch the sun go down - see you all in the morning.


Over on CF they are working out wonderful schemes that will allow them to get staff travel back, including one nutter who thinks he can set up his own company to achieve it. Are they not aware that they are actually seeking 'interline' travel, that no airline is going to allow interline travel with a company that has nothing to offer them, and that BA won't enter into an interline agreement with said company?
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 20:47
  #4342 (permalink)  
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We were relaxing in the sun at tea break,when the unite bus went passed on the perimeter road today and they had the cheek to shout through the megaphone get back to work.I wish they would get back to work and end all of this joke of a so called strike.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 20:58
  #4343 (permalink)  
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Gcal, they are in a world of their own, the BASSA bubble deflects reality in all aspects. So sad.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 21:05
  #4344 (permalink)  
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How British Airways' reputation is besmirched abroad

I came across this London - British Airways Red-Faced after Bin Laden Boarding Pass to Washington, DC -- VosIzNeias.com earlier today.

BA publicity flacks need to move fast to correct this sort of scurrilous story.

The sector of the American population that will read this attack spends a disproportionate amount on air transportation in relation to its numbers.

Our employer, BA, cannot afford to lose a single route/kilometre on any route.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 21:15
  #4345 (permalink)  
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Posted by Hiflyer14
We do go round in everdecreasing circles on this forum discussing cc salaries, justifying what cc do, pilots' agreements, ST, VCC, commuters, etc. etc.
Does it matter? Not one jot
Yes it does, to the strikers.
Staff Travel has now become the crux of this whole dispute. Willie Walsh said he would remove Staff travel if you struck but not many were convinced that he would. As far as cc salaries are concerned, aren't cost savings going to affect pay and isn't that what this dispute is also about now? New Fleet and new T's and C's which means lower salaries is why majority of cabin crew I have spoken to, resorted to industrial action.
Furthermore, if the talks between WW and TW break down, according to Brian Boyd, UNITE will have another ballot with the possibility of prolonged strikes if Staff Travel is not re-instated in it's entirety.
If we didn't discuss ST, cc salaries, would there be a debate?

I'm BA cabin crew who's proud to cross the picket line.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 21:23
  #4346 (permalink)  
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Do you think that anyone who has not lost staff travel, will vote to strike to get it back for their striking colleagues and risk losing there own, I doubt it. Could this be the vote that ends the strike. !!!
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 21:26
  #4347 (permalink)  
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A question for those in the know.

DH speaks about stirke pay being increased to £50 and a possible offer of an interest free loan.

Who is paying for this - Unite?
If so, how was/is this agreed?

Reason I ask is that I am in Unite and have been teetering on the brink of getting out. This could tip the balance.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 21:32
  #4348 (permalink)  
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4000 "xxxx"s times £50 times 20 days = £4 million. Have unite got this sort of money?
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 21:36
  #4349 (permalink)  
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Where are the pickets

As I drove into Waterside at about midday both today and yesterday I didn't see any pickets outside Waterside. I was wondering what happened to these pickets and are there pickets anywhere else.

Could the support for strike action be declining.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 21:42
  #4350 (permalink)  
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who came first,

The declaration of intrests that started at the original pre christmas court case listed Unites assets at approximately £161 million.

So whilst we all wish it weren't so, they have the cash reserves.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 22:05
  #4351 (permalink)  
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I don't think that even Unite would wish to blow thier cash reserves on a strike that can claim maybe 30-40% support. Then take into consideration those members of Unite that are not in BASSA but still work for BA, backing BA no doubt.

Come on, we all know that this about POWER and from where I sit BASSA are losing their grip on the decision making in BA. All DH can come out with is how nice the weather was, how nice it was to be amongst friends and not forgetting the commuter sob story.

Well I am sorry, but I hope all those commuters can find work in their places of residence, or fork out for full fare tickets.

I have to say that the loss of a few commuters might not be such a bad thing, many have done a full days "work" just to work - I'll give you an example, I had a Cairo commuter on the jumpseat a couple of years back, departure from CAI was 0700L, arrive LHR about 1100L. This guy was starting a back-2-back checking in at 1700L. Was he rested and fit for duty - I'll let you decide.

Commuters, by choice, sometimes have long (time wise) journeys to work and many rely on ST to get there. Well, you reap what you sow I am affraid.

Roll on 12th June, either ballot and face a day in court or call an end to this debacle of a strike and leave to let others (and there are 1000s that would love your jobs) carry on and restore the reputation of this great airline.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 22:08
  #4352 (permalink)  
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Not entirely sure we are talking cash assets here.

Very few organisations be it plc or trade union bodies have significant cash on deposit as this is a poor use of resources.

There is a certain chap down on an airfield close to the M23 that allegedly has a 2billion pounds trust fund and by definition this makes him a billionaire. The fact is that the fund can be used as security for borrowing so one would never actually know the true equity of the trust fund.

UNITE may have assets declared at £161million but this does not tell the whole story. If one were to view it from an accounting stand point then one would have to consider the liabilities secured on the assets.
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 22:14
  #4353 (permalink)  
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I suppose you are sadly correct.
What I would dearly like to know now is what exactly, and I mean exactly, the few people still on strike are doing this for.
I don't want waffle I just want an exact answer and exact details as to why they still feel it necessary to go on strike.
Chapter and verse, nothing more, the precise reasons?
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Old 2nd Jun 2010, 22:14
  #4354 (permalink)  
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the strike pay for this current 15 days of action will now be raised to £50 - great news for those of you worried about how June’s wage slip is going to look. We will also shortly announce plans to lend real hardship cases a year long interest free loan of £1000 - details to follow
Who is paying for this - Unite?
If so, how was/is this agreed?
That will be the members of Bassa who pay to be a member every month.

Those contributions are paying for those who are choosing to go on strike. (Be that to cover costs of bills, samosas, burgers and beers, or funding the derogatory t-shirts, leather XXXX luggage tags, and hiring of the bus, etc).

My house insurance covers employment legal funding. Cheaper than union membership and probably better representation in my opinion.

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Old 3rd Jun 2010, 00:07
  #4355 (permalink)  
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Staff travel wasn't anything to do with my decision to not strike and really I rarely use it so it was barely a consideration. I do think that it would have been an idea to have reinstated it to anyone who subsequently came to work during following strike periods. As ill informed as it may make me I don't even bother to read BASSA updates any more. I go to work, go home and just get on with it.

I also heard that Open Skies are now striking. I thought they were US based but the crew apparently are all French now. Are they still operating wet lease ex JFK? Surely we can't afford any more drain on resources.
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Old 3rd Jun 2010, 02:03
  #4356 (permalink)  
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Erm the SEA leaves at 1510.

But heres what actually left between 1 and 3 on the 1st

874 DME, 766 OSL, 035 MAA, 716 ZRH, 005 NRT, 209 MIA, 177 JFK, 314 CDG, 850 WAW, 780 ARN, 908 FRA, 287 SFO, 354 NCE, 868 BUD, 119 BLR, 556 FCO, 374 TLS, 265 IAD, 754 BSL, 316 CDG, 856 PRG, 502 LIS.

So 23. Thats pretty good maths wise for Unite.

Plus 1 freighter the 288 PHX. The rest went with good loads of pax.

In the hour the SEA actually went there were a further 11 pax departures.
it is so sad that even UNITE forget, that from FICOs we can actually see FACTUAL dept and A/C loc
UNITE please please please save yourself the time, instead of posting fiction, pop off to BEDFONT and drown ya sorrows in a load more alcohol and mud, bouncing around on a bloody castle!
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Old 3rd Jun 2010, 07:27
  #4357 (permalink)  
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My reward is that BA continues to pay me and that I can continue to pay my mortgage and look after my family. This is why I am backing BA. Nothing more, nothing less!

With regard to staff travel - WW stated at a colleague forum - That he didn't see why BA should provide such a valuable benefit to any employee that chooses an action that costs BA financial pain.

I see this as a reasonable statement.

He also stated the hotlines would remain available even though ST was removed.
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Old 3rd Jun 2010, 07:40
  #4358 (permalink)  
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My reward is that BA continues to pay me and that I can continue to pay my mortgage and look after my family. This is why I am backing BA. Nothing more, nothing less!
Well whoppee for you...and are you aware that your brave colleagues currently standing up to the bully walsh are trying to keep it that way with you. Do not believe the spin coming your way re your future at BA, for that is all it is without any form of written guarantee from our "leadership team".

Openskies crew balloting for strike....BA crew on strike.....common denominator - walsh.

walsh must go asap to stop this once proud company from falling apart anymore.
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Old 3rd Jun 2010, 07:43
  #4359 (permalink)  
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your brave colleagues currently standing up to the bully walsh are trying to keep it that way with you
You should verify your facts before you post.

Every one of my colleagues have stated their availability to volunteer to back BA! ( ground based roles at the moment.... we're still waiting for our slot at cranebank)

walsh must go asap
And finally we have the reason for the strike. bassa don't like change when it knocks on their door.
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Old 3rd Jun 2010, 07:47
  #4360 (permalink)  
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It would be appreciated if Juan can give a list of current employers in the UK who are giving a written guarantee of no changes to your T and C and so on over the whole length of your career with them....doh
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