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British Airways vs. BASSA (Airline Staff Only)

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British Airways vs. BASSA (Airline Staff Only)

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Old 12th May 2010, 22:33
  #2641 (permalink)  
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Sorry, but I am tears now - I DONT want to lose my job.
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Old 12th May 2010, 23:08
  #2642 (permalink)  
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A change of heart?

Posted by markymark on 1st February 2010
I have voted yes, as I would really rather see the company go bust then work under those terms and conditions. I am 33% and am very fortunate to have another business.
Before you all go mad, I have worked for the company for 22 years, and this is the worst it has got, I really dont care anymore.
I will not tolerate being bullied by a bunch of pen pushers who know nothing about the airline.
Bring on the strike - what to wear on the picket line, what to wear !!

Posted by markymark on 2nd Feruary 2010
No, I am not trying to wind anybody up - it is fact. Why should I have to change my terms and conditions - the company is still making money, and as I said, I would rather it go bust, then work for an easyjet type lifestyle.
As a PSR with BA, I am extremely worried about my job. I am no longer a union member -

BA pay my wages, NOT bassa. What on earth is a 3 week strike going to achieve ? I am so fed up with the whole thing. Dont know what else to say really.
Sorry, but I am tears now - I DONT want to lose my job.
Simple answer, put on your uniform and come to work like the rest of us did in the last strikes and the forthcoming strikes.
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Old 12th May 2010, 23:11
  #2643 (permalink)  
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Its finally good to see that some people here do not carry their brain just for extra weight and balance, but use it too...

I had enough of this silly dispute and the incompetent Union...They just want to protect their own old good contracts and I find it hard to get convinced that they work for our interests... They are never clear of what they are doing or for what they are fighting. Their main purpose is to object to anything that BA has to offer.

I dont say that i agree with WW, I dislike him a lot, but I have a brain and I like to use it every now and then and I like thinking for myself. At least I know why I did not go on strike, and of course i know why the others went on strike, even if they do not know.

I just have to say that I feel ashamed being crew for ba and doing the same job with all those lemmings, that if bassa tomorrow will ask them to jump off a cliff, they will go and do it...

they join ba, not bassa nor unite... But as soon as they join the company, forgetting their previous employers, such as bmi etc, they swallow the bassa pill and everything changes. This pill stops the brain! I am so glad I left them last year!

Anyway, if they do not like it, why dont they leave, so ifs will really be a great place to work?

To be honest, i cant wait for the strike to happen, I really had a great time the other day... full of smiling people, like minded, doing what they are supposed to do, laughing out loud when 25 of them got the message that only 6 crew reported to work!!!

I hope unite asks them to go so we can at least continue to enjoy what we came here for!
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Old 13th May 2010, 00:58
  #2644 (permalink)  
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Some thoughts.

Its important to realise that there is a growing percentage of crew that are completly disillusioned with the unions antics to the point where many are indeed resighning.from the union.some crew who have striked are at a loss with the union, feeling mislead and emotionally exploited.As their staff travel has dissappeared... they will, in many cases continue to strike....on the other hand many will stop due to the financial burden its placed on them
.I do not choose to criticise them when I speak with them, as they are my work collegues and team cohesion is key to a successful flight more importantly the.majority of them are wonderful people to work with who have good hearts a great sense of humour and who have a caring attitude .I just feel that they have been naive in their loyalty to a union that has no clarity in its campaighn.I remind them to be true to their own personal code of ethics but to please not just rely on information on the unions newsletters,text etc...but look at all sides and perspectives.I do not agree with them certainly... I feel sorry for them.

I am.deeply dissapointed that the inpact of their actions is potentially having on the whole BA workforce.job security for themselves,families etc will be uppermost in their minds now as a genuine concern.

There is not a single department in BA that has sympathyfor us cabin crew.Normally some other departments that are unionised by unite vacalise surpport not this time as they appreciate the reckless ness of this dispute.
.Indeed the unions insistance on continuing with its industrial action stratergy despite the volcanic erution that has compromised BAs financial position and may well continue to do so for some time..is complete madness.

I myself resighned from what was the more moderate "amicus" union sometime ago as they were the voice of moderation and reason and could negotiate with clarity and forsight with british Airways....however now, I do not recognse them having merged constutionally with Bassa.Although they are still two separate branches they have now formed a collective with them on the issue of crewing level changes etc
. Indeed many crew like myself did not simply read the controversial union newsletters,but researched the issues in detail...in my case, attending most of the union meetings last year...and then having the ability to attend some of the hearings at the high court..on both occassions.etc

The proposals were reasonable indeed generous given the current econmic climate and financial status of the airline.Thus the response form unite that they would have recommended it to the crew...was a realistic response.
What was not realistic was reject the proposals and to then continue with industrial action due to the non reinstatement of staff travel with seniority levels kept as they were..and the suspensions scenario.

Of the crew who are suspended some are indeed innocent victims who are at home petrified at the outcome of their internal hearings.As has been the case in a few instances they will be reinstated.I mention this as I know of two such crew in this position.True justice is not a gurantee though in this airline...thus industrial tribunals may be the way forward if innocent individuals do get dismissed.

As for the staff travel...how could a situation arise where a striking crew member who cost the company finacially, get on a flight( standby status) ahead of a crew member who continued to work and helped to keep the airline running??
I have worked as crew for over 20 years and have enjoyed it immensly.
This current state of affairs saddens me deeply.
I never know what to expect on flights as interpersonal relations on board as well as downroute are fragile....
Sometines crew interact harmoniously together inclusive of our flight deck collegues and other times group segregation occurs.
As purser I am continually surpporting crew who are in tears over this situation who are on both sides of the fence.

Finally in my opinion I feel that these strikes are a genuine attempt at commercial suicide...one of the latest media notes illustrates this:
Weds(12th May 2010) telegraph page 17 " ...The union is now drawing up plans for another strike ballot which could lead to a second wave of stoppages throughout the summer"! Unbelievable.

I am downroute and sleepy so sorry this postiing is so long.including grammatical errors..I have simply been sharing my reflections with any of you who care to read.this. .
Ps Tiramisu et al you have inspired and encouraged me and many others with your postings ....thank you

Mods sorry..I promise no more posts of this length from me shall be forthcoming!

Last edited by skylight; 13th May 2010 at 04:34.
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Old 13th May 2010, 07:07
  #2645 (permalink)  
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the anger against striking crew from every other depts in BA is immense. Don't kid yourself it's only pilots that have volunteered. It isn't
Although I would not go as call it anger, I also wanted to point out that VCC are not only FC. This all attitude of ignoring other BA dept is ridiculous and these attempt to make this dispute personal has to stop: WW this, FC that!

The world has changed, everybody else have made sacrifices and CC are being asked to do the same. Simple. No hidden intentions. Just pure business.
No need to blame colleagues for what is happening, especially since other departments have negotiated, delivered permanent change and there was no strike.
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Old 13th May 2010, 07:18
  #2646 (permalink)  
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Willie's Forum

Caribbean Boy thanks for your summary. I missed the beginning of the forum but I though the questions were excellent.
It is interesting that, although many people on this forum continue pointing out to the possibility of redundancies, Willie himself has not given CR as an option, but he did suggest we might start recruiting for CC externally. Unite's threat of another ballot is just pushing the situation further and accelerating the rate of events.
If BA starts recruiting crew externally how is Unite going to negotiate a better deal for crew? once the weapon of mass disrupting our schedule has been what is there left for the Union?
This is all very saddening, but in a way it feels like it is unavoidable now. The only thing I hope is that a new BA is born, with people respecting each other and their contribution to the business, not only in empty words, but by pulling all together, making sacrifices where there is a need to and sharing the rewards afterwards.
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Old 13th May 2010, 07:55
  #2647 (permalink)  
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I had an interesting though this morning..

The fines that are part of the BASSA legend of Willie's incompetence. Well at least one of these is now very unlikely to have to be paid. BA have already said they won't be paying the Ģ121.5m the OFT wants and I can't see the OFT winning that one in court.

The interesting bit is that I estimate that the new 23 days of action combined with the previous 7 days will probably cost the company about Ģ120m.... (Based on the ever decreasing number of strikers)

BA has already set aside the OFT fine and accounted for it in previous years accounts. It now looks like they can take that pot of money and use it to offset the BASSA/UNITE suicide train. It would be kind of ironic, if 30 days of strike action, costing the strikes 1/12th of their salary, ends up costing the airline exactly nothing.

I believe the term for the above scenario would be "Justice"

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Old 13th May 2010, 07:59
  #2648 (permalink)  
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Email from Bassa:

As expected the BA rumour machine is now in full swing in an effort to
undermine your resolve for next Tuesday's commencement of strike action.

So we would like to put a few things straight. This strike, despite what
BA are saying, remains about imposition. All the extra things now on the
table like redeployment etc have been added by BA since we went on our
first strike.

The 12 week period when you can take industrial action without BA having
the legal right to sack you, ends on June 12th. This strike finishes
before that date so you are all still protected by law.

Finally WW has said he has been available for talks at all time,
Available? Well who isn't and so he should be, but he has had no intention
to enter into anything with any sort of integrity or conciliation motives.
Over the last 12 weeks all the initiatives to commence or re-commence
talks have come from UNITE. Walsh appears not interested in a peaceful
settlement, preferring it seems instead to dig the hole he has dug even
deeper. We hate to say this but right now anything any manager tells you
please take with a big pinch of salt.

My question being: Ok. So the strike runs its course and BA run a even larger schedule than during the last wave. The 12th June comes and goes. No agreement has been settled upon. So ...... how now brown cow?
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Old 13th May 2010, 08:18
  #2649 (permalink)  
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"As expected the BA rumour machine is now in full swing in an effort to
undermine your resolve for next Tuesday's commencement of strike action.

So we would like to put a few things straight. This strike, despite what
BA are saying, remains about imposition. All the extra things now on the
table like redeployment etc have been added by BA since we went on our
first strike.

The 12 week period when you can take industrial action without BA having
the legal right to sack you, ends on June 12th. This strike finishes
before that date so you are all still protected by law.

Finally WW has said he has been available for talks at all time,
Available? Well who isn't and so he should be, but he has had no intention
to enter into anything with any sort of integrity or conciliation motives.
Over the last 12 weeks all the initiatives to commence or re-commence
talks have come from UNITE. Walsh appears not interested in a peaceful
settlement, preferring it seems instead to dig the hole he has dug even
deeper. We hate to say this but right now anything any manager tells you
please take with a big pinch of salt. "

oh right...sorry a bit confused....so the strike remains about imposition apart from in the last couple of weeks when it was about loss of ST and CC disciplinaries ? ...
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Old 13th May 2010, 08:20
  #2650 (permalink)  
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I normally wouldn't reply to individuals on here but Fume Events ideas are interesting as I had the same argument downroute with a striker.

The FC volunteers did not prolong the dispute. Approx 50 were used in the first 2 strikes, against a higher than normal LGW turnout and a 60-70% turnout at LHR - say 4000 crew in total.

The reason the strike isn't working is because the vastajority of crew don't go on strike, whatever they voted in the ballot. Simples, but why let that get in the way of some good old FC bashing....
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Old 13th May 2010, 08:39
  #2651 (permalink)  
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So here we are again. I was sat with pint in hand at my local last night and listened to a broad spectrum of the general public pontificate over the strike issue. Seeing as this thread is for only Airline workers perhaps I should pass on the general feeling of my 'local', as the British Public deserve an opinion?

They want you all sacked.

I said "But there are a lot of crew who are ignorant to the truth who are innocent victims of a malevolent Union"

They said "Don't care - Sack 'em. If they want to keep their jobs they can go to work on Tuesday"
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Old 13th May 2010, 09:03
  #2652 (permalink)  
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So it begins...

Carribean Boy cheers for the collegue forum update...saving me and others from trawling through the internet.

Sadly the official disruption has already started. On BA.coms arrivals and departures flight cancellations for Tuesday have already begun including my flight on Tuesday......I shall be coming into work as usual .

Tactical cancellations in orderr to streamline the operation and get as many customers flying I am sure.Also as passenger booked loads will potentially be greatly compromised consolidation of customers into flights will occur as the last time.

Flights listed as cancelled include:
BA 125-BAH
BA 063 Entebbe
BA 209 MIA
BA 117/115/183 JFK
BA 0027 HKG
and so on.
Depending on crew turnout hopefully many flights will be reinstated as the last time.

Last edited by skylight; 13th May 2010 at 09:16.
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Old 13th May 2010, 10:14
  #2653 (permalink)  
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The seething fury of all other workers within BA cannot be overstated. No matter what individuals may think of WW they have utterly run out of sympathy or understanding for BASSA. Whether or not the BASSA members have been misled, misinformed or are just downright sheep is no longer an excuse. Fellow UNITE members are falling over one another to Back BA and I am looking forward to meeting them on my flight over the strike.

The cancer of BASSA will shortly be removed from the body of BA, and the airline will be free to prosper without having to pander to the overblown self importance of a minority of the work force.
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Old 13th May 2010, 10:35
  #2654 (permalink)  
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So we would like to put a few things straight. This strike, despite what BA are saying, remains about imposition. All the extra things now on the table like redeployment etc have been added by BA since we went on our first strike
LOL! If ever there was a hasty, hopeless attempt to avoid being challenged in court, again, then this is it!

Despite what BASSA, UNITE and their adherents might say, the reason for this continuance of striking has changed in a fundamental way. You only have to look at most of the very recent diatribes being issued, both in the form of 'official' BASSA/UNITE comms, and the pro-BASSA lot here - it is now a vengeful attack on Walsh, personally (see all the recent comms use his name constantly), plus the usual BASSA crack at the pilots. Hopeless! They just can't see that the entire company is fed with the cabin crew/BASSA/UNITE nonsense now.

But as I saw elsewhere recently, "they will have their matyrdom". Fine! Self-immolate if you want! Just do it quietly, and somewhere that doesn't leave too much of a mess.
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Old 13th May 2010, 10:48
  #2655 (permalink)  
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If there is a 70%+ Crew Report rate as their was in the previous strike then surely come the 12th June BASSA will be completely and totally self-discredited? Why would the company even bother to consult them on any decision regardless of it's triviality or relevance? This is good for BA and ALL employees in the long term but the CC will still need and deserve a coherent and collective voice post BASSA. After all 70%+ have shown themselves to be focused on their careers even if they don't 100% agree with the changes - so they definitely deserve to be listened to. I hope BA are willing to quickly recognise the PCCC on an on-going basis.
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Old 13th May 2010, 12:14
  #2656 (permalink)  
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There I was the other night pint in hand (Youngs),down at the local listening to an alternative broad spectrum of pontification by the locals on the strike issue.They had a vested interest as they have booked on BA to SA on the last strike day.Their banter was more directed along the lines of Walsh having a dilemma had Ireland qualified to go to SA.It was clear from their remarks that they held one person responsible,as opposed to 13,000!.So,just goes to prove all pubs are different!!,Thank God.
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Old 13th May 2010, 12:15
  #2657 (permalink)  
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If the PCCC want to be taken seriously it must now step out of the shadows. This may be unpleasant for those involved as the leadership, but there will no pleasant time to do it. Should the dispute be settled many crew will just stay with BASSA out of inertia. The PCCC must show that it is not a management proxy, it must show that it is a viable alternative to the cancer of BASSA, and if it really is to be something worthwhile going forward it must do it now.
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Old 13th May 2010, 13:03
  #2658 (permalink)  
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For once, Juan, I agree with you....CC must have somewhere they can feel they will be heard and competently represented.
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Old 13th May 2010, 13:47
  #2659 (permalink)  
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Juan you are absolutely right...

Before the first strike, PCCC has sent an e mail asking us to go and speak to them in crc, saying they would be easily identified from the "backing BA lanyard"...

I spoke to at least 5 people during the strike wearing such a lanyard, and when I was asking them "Are you from PCCC?" their reply was "what is that?"

I started having enough of them too... I sent them so many e mails asking to join them and be a part of it, giving them my name and contact details but nothing...

Anyway, I woke up with the thought that BA and BASSA are best buddies, and they agreed between themselves so BASSA keeps forcing crew to go on strike so BA could eventually get rid of them... I know it may sound silly, but I cannot find another logical explanation for this dispute...

Definately Bassa is a big cancerous tumour in the body of BA... an operation to remove it is needed urgently
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Old 13th May 2010, 14:24
  #2660 (permalink)  
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The PCCC people seem to have a serious dilemma.
Their credibility will wane to nothing if they donīt come out of the closet soon.

Their safety, and the safety of their loved ones, could be in danger from the militant BASSA-ists and their incredibly dirty tactics if they do name themselves.

Wouldnīt like to be in their shoes thatīs for sure.

Not answering mails as suggested above is bad form; then again, how sure can we be that the poster is speaking the truth?

The PCCC has come this far, try not to lose your initiative now guys & gals.
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