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British Airways - CC Industrial Relations Mk V

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British Airways - CC Industrial Relations Mk V

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Old 9th Jan 2010, 21:20
  #1461 (permalink)  
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Well you are on your own matey
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Old 9th Jan 2010, 21:27
  #1462 (permalink)  
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Well you are on your own matey
Outnumbered, yes, but not alone.

I dont mind though, history seems to leave the enlightened in a minority, at first...
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Old 9th Jan 2010, 21:33
  #1463 (permalink)  
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Rover90 - Sorry but I have to disagree with your last but one post; there is nothing impressive or fantastic about BASSA.

To continue in the poor taste of war theme analogies (apologies to all), Hitler too built up an "impressive and loyal following", primarily due to the following reasons:
Long-term bitterness
Deep anger about the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles created an underlying bitterness to which Hitler’s viciousness and expansionism appealed, so they gave him support.
Ineffective Constitution
Weaknesses in the Constitution crippled the government. In fact, there were many people in Germany who wanted a return to dictatorship. When the crisis came in 1929–1933 – there was no one who was prepared or able to fight to stop Hitler.
The financial support of wealthy businessmen gave Hitler the money to run his propaganda and election campaigns.
Nazi propaganda persuaded the German masses to believe that the Jews were to blame and that Hitler was their last hope.
Hitler promised everybody something, so they supported him.
Attacks on other parties
The Stormtroopers attacked Jews and people who opposed Hitler. Many opponents kept quiet simply because they were scared of being murdered – and, if they were, the judges simply let the Stormtroopers go free (see point 2).
Personal Qualities
Hitler was a brilliant speaker, and his eyes had a peculiar power over people. He was a good organiser and politician. He was a driven, unstable man, who believed that he had been called by God to become dictator of Germany and rule the world. This kept him going when other people might have given up. His self-belief persuaded people to believe in him.
BASSA have great similarities: they are long-term bitter, they have enormous wealth, they use false promises and propaganda, they attack non-believers both on the inside and out, and they are unstable in their self-belief that "BA cabin crew are the best in the world" (we are not). Their only strength is their solidarity, but that has however been severely dented since the Xmas fiasco.

BA now have no choice but to exterminate this cult and obscene following that threatens our very existence. Some diehards believe that BA should follow "agreements" when BASSA threatened to bring this company down, just a matter of weeks ago. It beggars belief.

Anyway, no worries cos for now, the score is:

BA 2 - BASSA 0. Bring it on.

I am a BA cabin crew member and the above is my own view and not that of BA.
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Old 9th Jan 2010, 21:39
  #1464 (permalink)  
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We as Cabin Crew owe no consessions to BA for the way they have behaved over the past few years is on par with a regime that has been so deplorable beyond words. Villie you have a army that is disaray look towards the future the infidels are coming to show you the door
I couldn't have put it better myself!
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Old 9th Jan 2010, 21:47
  #1465 (permalink)  
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We as Cabin Crew owe no consessions to BA
Actually, BA owe no conCessions to us as cabin crew. And as you and your BASSA cronies are discovering, they are not giving any either.

Still think they can't play hardball?
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Old 9th Jan 2010, 22:11
  #1466 (permalink)  
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I support your views HiFlyer14

HiFlyer14 wrote:
Rover90 - Sorry but I have to disagree with your last but one post; there is nothing impressive or fantastic about BASSA.
Something can be impressive but one does not have to be personally impressed.

In common with many union power bases of previous decades, BASSA has been built up by a group of dedicated union representatives over the many years of it's existence.

The past and present union representatives know union procedures inside out, they thrive on the apathy of the membership and slowly seize power and take control af a very malleable workforce.

No, I am far from impressed or do I think it is fantastic. As an illustration, it is indeed impressive and fantastic how some bank robberies are planned and executed. I do not support or condone bank robbery but I can acknowledge that the operation was very well organised and demonstrated exceptional skills.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 05:33
  #1467 (permalink)  
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Here's the Socialist Worker's take on the whole thing. Notice how similar their Dave Spart nonsense sounds to the BASSA rhetoric.

The union Unite is preparing to re-ballot British Airways cabin crew for industrial action following the court decision before Christmas that declared a planned 12-day strike illegal. On the decision of one judge and at the behest of British Airways bosses, the workers were told that their democratic right to strike was cancelled.

That "disgraceful" legal judgment as the union Unite correctly called it, makes voting in any union ballot almost irrelevant if the bosses and their friends in the judiciary decide to challenge it. Any strike can be declared 'illegal'. The ballot's so-called irregularities would not have made a blind bit of difference to its outcome, as the majority in favour of strike action was overwhelming - 92%, on a turnout of over 80%.

Following the court decision the Socialist Party said in a statement on its website that Unite should defy the law and go ahead with the action, as who can say that other 'irregularities' would not be found in the new ballot? Unite could have called on all its BA members to strike for a least a day in a massive demo at Heathrow against the bosses' law. If the courts then came for the union's funds then the whole of the trade union movement would have needed to mobilise in defence of democratic rights and the trade unions.

The statement added that as a minimum reaction to the disgraceful court intervention, Unite should stop paying money to the Labour Party, as the Labour government continues to support the anti-union laws.

Unfortunately the Unite leaders have not yet gone down these roads, but they have at least announced that "the judge's decision does not mean the end of the dispute" and that "Unite will not accept the imposition of new and inferior conditions on cabin crew". The cabin crew must hold their union leaders to this pledge, and make sure that successful industrial action goes ahead following the re-ballot.

A new strike vote will take around a month to organise and Unite will then have to give BA seven days' notice of any agreed action, so the end of February would be the likely timing of it.

The leaders of Bassa, the section of Unite that represents most of the 12,700 BA cabin crew involved, have defiantly said: "It's not over until the galley girl sings and as we said before, she hasn't even warmed up."

BA bosses are still determined to go ahead with staffing cuts and other attacks on the workforce. But their judicial 'victory' in preventing a cabin crew strike over the Christmas period may come back to haunt them, as the timing of a re-organised strike is likely to coincide with an increased surfacing of grievances involving most of the BA workforce.

In particular, a 60 day consultation on the pension deficit starts this month and there has as yet been no conclusion to talks on staffing levels and the method of working in Heathrow's terminal five. These issues could stack up together, uniting the entire BA workforce around the need to take collective industrial action against the BA bosses.
It's quite clear these scum are hell bent on destroying what they see as an evil capitalist icon. It's also quite clear that Lalaland listens to them, the stupid woman, not to mention the rest of the willie bashers.

Actually I don't think the whole of the trade union movement support the "Socialist Workers" anyway, but at least they are honest in their ideals.

They basically admit they're just a bunch of communist cretins spoiling for a fight with the capitalists.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 08:33
  #1468 (permalink)  
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Strike Timing and the General Election

Well the starting gun has been fired for the next General Election - the exact date is not known, but the latest it can be is June 3, most political commentators are leaning towards a date in May. Either way the political parties are all acively campaigning or at the very least posturing.

What has all this got to do with BA CC? - Well it's more to do with the politics of UNITE and the Labour Party. UNITE, as a major financial contributor to the Labour party, will do all they can to ensure that the Labour Party gets re-elected come the election.

By the time a ballot is organised and a strike called it will be well into any official election campaign. If the strike is to have a big impact you would have to run it over a busy period affecting families more than business - if you doubt that look at the plan for the failed Christmas strike. It is also likely to be a 12 day strike again, for the same reasons BASSA stated in its missives.

So we are facing a long strike probably over half-term. The press vilified BASSA and the BA CC last time they tried to run a strike over a holiday period. There is little chance that the press will change their tune to support BASSA this time.

So during the middle of a sensitive election where the Labour Party have a slim chance of retaining power, who honestly thinks that UNITE will allow BASSA to sanction massively unpopular industrial action? This would undoubtedly play very badly amongst the electorate of Great Britain raising the spectre of the Winter of Discontent, hardly likely to help in the camapign to re-elect Labour to power.

UNITE is already talking to BA behind BASSAs back, why is this? Do they see a bigger picture? Is there more at stake than whether a CSD has to take part in the service? Have BASSA lost their window of opportunity for meaningful Industrial Action? Will UNITE allow a small relatively well paid people do potentially mortal damage to their aspirations for the governance of this country? Discuss.

Last edited by Juan Tugoh; 11th Jan 2010 at 16:05.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 08:41
  #1469 (permalink)  
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Disruption Agreement


We as Cabin Crew owe no consessions to BA for the way they have behaved over the past few years is on par with a regime that has been so deplorable beyond words. Villie you have a army that is disaray look towards the future the infidels are coming to show you the door.
The refusal to implement the DA in precisely the conditions for which it was designed (subsequently overridden by BA, thankfully) sums it all up to me.

1. By refusing to "play the game" during horrific weather, BASSA (and you militant crew) have advertised, to all, the childish tit-for-tat mentality that BA and WW MUST destroy. It's at times like this that a company should rightly expect it's employees to man the pumps and get our passengers where they need to be. To do otherwise, is beyond me.

2. Massive own goal by not doing so. BASSA had every opportunity to gain the moral high-ground by rising above the dispute issues and agreeing to implement the DA. Once again, common-sense was lacking.

3. How does refusing to implement the DA tie in to "the best crew in the world" caring most of all for their customers/passengers? True colours have come shining through.

4. If BA lose money (through strikes, weather etc) then there is less money with which to line your pockets. Even is points 1-3 don't stimulate any acknowledgment of the consequences of your actions, then surely this does? You are killing your Golden Goose.

You have no God-given right to be paid and have a stable job. In the main, people reap what they sow. A trip to the job centre is the just deserts of the militants imo. I just hope we can avoid you taking me and tens of thousands of others with you.

"Disgusted of the moral high ground"

Last edited by Nutjob; 10th Jan 2010 at 08:42. Reason: spelling - as usual
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 08:51
  #1470 (permalink)  
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From the Socialist Worker quote a little higher up the page:
"It's not over until the galley girl sings and as we said before, she hasn't even warmed up."
I don't suppose they realise just how apt that is,lol!
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 09:19
  #1471 (permalink)  
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The statement added that as a minimum reaction to the disgraceful court intervention, Unite should stop paying money to the Labour Party, as the Labour government continues to support the anti-union laws.
This sums up exactly how the Unions think the Government puppet strings should be pulled.

Don't like the law? That which governs our democracy? OK then, one out all out Wolfie! When will these Unions realise that Britain is NOT the industrial powerhouse that it once was, that all of the Heavy Industry was killed off by this sort of Unionist posturing in the 70's in the face of cheaper imports when the Unions refused to negotiate on future Terms and Conditions.

Now BASSA and Unite want to apply the same suicidal rhetoric to the service industries as the Government applies it to the banking industry driving all business overseas. Who then will pay the taxes for the Social Security scroungers?
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 09:49
  #1472 (permalink)  
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Mr Lurker: I note that you do not attempt to correct Watersidewonker in his offensive slatings of BA and the LT. Unfortunately, when you accuse one side of name-calling, when it clearly isn't, you make yourself pretty transparent and people can see them as attempts to belittle the poster because you can't answer their questions.

Look mate, if you don't like the English language, use another one. But, just like the word cancer, obscene - meaning "morally repugnant through being excessive" is, in my opinion, a very graphical description of BASSA. It is, as many of us have made clear on here several times before, the Union that we find offensive - the members unfortunately are being blindly led to the slaughter.

A cult, again a noun and not an offensive word, in the English language, is also an apt description of the way BASSA conduct their shady business of collecting people's subscription fees but not giving them a voice. You may be OK with that. I, and it appears many others are not. It's called Freedom of Speech. Democracy. Free Thinking. Those that, like us, do not agree with it are already contacting our Professional Cabin Crew Council.

OK? So can we stop discussing the dynamics of the English language and let's leave the moderating to the mods who would act swiftly if I was offensive? Now, shall we answer the real questions which you have now been asked, and avoided, several times:

1. How do you feel about Unite negotiating with BA when BASSA have stated it won't happen while imposition is still there?
2. Where, when, and what is the New Pay Rate that you keep reiterating that we will get?

You asked about the Professional Cabin Crew Council - yes you and anyone else who wants to can join because ALL views will be welcome and taken onboard. The email address for initial enquiries is [email protected]. It will be a new departure for BA Industrial Relations.

I am BA cabin crew and the above is my own view and not that of BA.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 10:24
  #1473 (permalink)  
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And market rate is market rate - if the rate isn't good enough for those who have had a cushy number, for decades, then the door out is not blocked, in any way. Those who wish to leave, can!

And it all draws attention to the 'fight' for things that BASSA adherents don't even have details for - priceless!
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 10:37
  #1474 (permalink)  
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What doesn't help is empty sloganeering. BA a terrible employer over the last few years?

Do I or do I not work alongside the best paid, on the best T&C's, best looked after (when I see the lengths BA go to with down route sickness/dependancy issues I am always impressed) with the highest crew to pax ratio cabin crew in the UK if not the world?

Where are all these dreadful edicts that have made the day to day life of CC so awful?

The only solid complaints I have seen on here are catering levels (company decision) CSD's having to explain why the flight was delayed if put down to them (so they should on £40k salarys) and now working one down (though only the CSD actually has more work to do).

Hardly the worlds worst employer then. Yes we all have gripes - I'm working 30% harder than 6 years ago - but get a grip!

BASSA have finally realised they are boxed into a corner. We've been telling you this would happen for months. Why do you think every other staff group negotiated a least worst deal months ago? And that includes the A graders and ground crew who are less than impressed with being used by UNITE as bargaining pawns in a fight for a Cabin Crew they see as pampered and distanced from reality. Just ask them next time they are at the aircraft door listening to your tales of just 36 hours beside the pool in Cairo ad you head off for your MBT's and they head back to the seething mass in the terminal (yep I had to apologise to 2 of them last week...).

Last edited by 52049er; 10th Jan 2010 at 10:54.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 10:42
  #1475 (permalink)  
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What details are they then?
Talk about short-term memory! The pays scales you admitted you, or BASSA, have no details for!!!!!!!!!!! You go on about them, but you haven't a scooby what they are. Duh.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 11:06
  #1476 (permalink)  
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It is the company (and many posters on here) who have brought up the concept of 'Market Rate' plus 10% - not BASSA - one can read by the inference of Mr Walsh when he states that Cabin Crew are on double the salary of Virgin Crew - where he sees market rate - or don't you agree?
What a surprise that BASSA hasn't dreamt up the concept of market rate +10%. Didn't they just offer a 2.61% pay cut? Obviously well thought out and carefully calculated to come up with that unusual figure, or just copied off another Union agreement? Who knows!

Once again, how dare the CEO look at cost cutting in areas where cost cutting is long overdue to ensure the continued survival of the company as an investment vehicle. That is his job, that is why the board, the investors and the shareholders back him.

BASSA don't like him and they, and WatersideWonker, have embarked on a smear campaign because they don't like anyone that attacks their little empire that has withstood weak management for years.

BASSA have no answers as to where they will achieve their required departmental savings, those savings that were continually climbing until BA took the department by the scruff of the neck and imposed. Hence they are grasping at the mother Union apron strings and claiming that BA are bullying them.

Quite sad really.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 11:14
  #1477 (permalink)  
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With regards to your new 'Council' are you planning on being an open, honest and transparent body in dealings with your new members?
As is the current BASSA leadership, according to reports on this thread.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 13:15
  #1478 (permalink)  
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A Lurker

So how much do you think that BA Cabin Crew should be paid?
As it's your fight and your future, how much do you think we should be paid? Once you've let us into that secret, can you please outline for all here how BA can afford that, based on it's current financial success (or lack thereof). Genuinely interested as what you feel we can justify.

I look forward to a reply with some facts and figures.

P.S Just a passing thought as to what Woodley is currently "negotiating" for us with BA. I feel another bypassing of BASSA coming on.

P.P.S Hope you're proud of BASSA's "No we won't activate the Disruption Agreement and help out passengers out during this vile weather" own goal. Care to comment for all the customers we see on here?
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 13:15
  #1479 (permalink)  
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I think you should amalgamate all of the box payments into an hourly rate system. Get rid of the breakfast, lunch and dinner payments. Get rid of late payments and overtime. Get rid of CAT lounge turnaround payments and telephone allowances.

Replace disturbed rest allowance with a sensible penalty payment if proven that no rest facilities were available to the CC, this doesn't include getting a payment if 'only' Club class seats were available but dedicated rest facilities not! Get rid of 'industrial' limits and we ALL work to CAA scheme, including on disruption! It is pathetic that BASSA demand 2 local nights off for the CC when the pilots can fly the following day after minimum rest.

Pay an hourly flying rate and an allowances rate which is paid per hour whilst on duty. Arrange an acceptable taxation rate for the allowances with HMRC.

No 'favouritism' for those big paying destinations. No 'Senior' money trips as destinations will be bid for by destination preference not allowances.

Benchmark, and I mean fully benchmark, other comparable carriers eg. AF/KLM at the top end, Emirates, Gulf Air, Mauritius, United, Delta, TAM, Air China etc. etc. etc. not just cherry pick and then set the wage as Willie Walsh has intimated, at +10%. More than enough to entice people in for a few years and possibly enough for those who wish to stay.

How odd that a similar pay structure already exists and works. The fly in the ointment is that it is costly to those who have been in BA for the past millennium and advantageous to those new joiners. Guess BASSA will never settle for that will they!

CC terms and conditions have never been 'hard won' by BASSA. Now it is time for change.
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Old 10th Jan 2010, 13:19
  #1480 (permalink)  
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How odd that a similar pay structure already exists and works. The fly in the ointment is that it is costly to those who have been in BA for the past millennium and advantageous to those new joiners. Guess BASSA will never settle for that will they!
In a nutshell. And yet, like lemmings........
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