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Qantas is a joke......what's the address for Virgin OZ

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Qantas is a joke......what's the address for Virgin OZ

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Old 18th May 2000, 03:38
  #21 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

**** Quantas couple of years ago I applied for the same position so,I know what it feels! Take-care buddy you are better of applying for Virgin!.
Old 19th May 2000, 11:33
  #22 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Cabin_bunny/ cabinboy etc

I was not trying to put you guys down, believe me.... I realise how hard it can be....but your comments basically sound like you are laying the blame squarely at QF for you not being successful !!!

Qf is a business like any other, which will use the most cost effective way of recruiting as they can. I believe the current system is the fairest they have had for a while....EVERY person who wished to apply for the position got a chance to meet with QF and impress them. In the past, only >10% of all applicants actually had that chance - I really was not trying to put you guys down - but your comments were putting my employer (which I am proud to work for) down !!

All I was trying to do was provide you with info on what is happening with recruiting at QF ~!~!

Cabinboy, No, I was fortunate to get the job the first time I applied, but there were two people in my training course who had applied five times each for the position, and were finally sucessful - and 'yes' I had to go through a similar process (minus the line-up) - 4 interviews and two medicals to be precise.

And as for Gear_up, I'm not to sure about nepostism in the tech crew ranks (nor do I care), but there is none (as far as I am aware) in the recruiting dept of cabin crew, especially considering an outside firm does the first part of the process. And no QF are not 'kicking young people in the guts' considering the majority of the current batch of new recruits are b/w 18-24 !!

All I can suggest if you wish to fly for QF is that you get 'relevant' expereince ie. customer service (hospitality), nurising expereince (try red-cross volunteering - they love that), make sure you meet every criteria, try doing ground-work first (theyre alway hiring ground staff - but never advertise), try regional flying first - Southern, Sunstate, Eastern, Kendell, Skywest, Flight West, Air North, NJS/ Airlink....theyre all great expereince, great fun and QF loves the expereince !!

Hopes this helps !!
Old 19th May 2000, 23:12
  #23 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

"YOU LUCKY THING"!!!...not everyone is like you soo "FORTUNATE".QUANTAS still sucks!!!
Old 20th May 2000, 15:11
  #24 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Thank you evacu8....point taken. Will keep trying!!!

Cabin Bunny
Old 22nd May 2000, 02:19
  #25 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

Learning to spell the name of your potential future employer is a major step in the right direction.
Old 22nd May 2000, 02:55
  #26 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I thought it was spelt "QUAINTA@SE"

Then again it could stand for "Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services"
Old 23rd May 2000, 16:20
  #27 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face

Milehighclub8, mate, not think you are just a little bit out of order? Maybe better to sit down and 'chill' before you go jumping down the throats of people to post rubbish such as the previous post.

(Unless if you were joking, in which case I apologise for jumping down your throat )

[This message has been edited by Azzurra (edited 23 May 2000).]
Old 23rd May 2000, 20:14
  #28 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

My point is valid:
Most companies will throw away your resume without even reading it, if you haven't even bothered to find out how to spell their name properly.
as for the attitude...puhleeze!
Old 24th May 2000, 03:49
  #29 (permalink)  
*Wonder Woman*
Posts: n/a
Red face

Oh Dear Me!!!

It appears someone has No manners!!


is it just Sour Grapes....
Old 24th May 2000, 07:21
  #30 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

Milehighclub.....I have one thing to say to you " GET ON YOUR BIKE " .....you haven't taken this bulletin board seriously since you have first arrived..so bye bye

If Tarantella hadn't mentioned the point of spelling "Qantas" correctly I would have. It was good advice and something a hell of a lot of people don't even think about when applying for jobs, I should know I have employed many people before and read through hundreds of resumes with the employers name spelt incorrectly....needless to say I dumped them in the garbage.

If you have good advice for this bulletin board you are welcome to share it..otherwise you know what to do.

Cabinboy - Shorts 360 doors Armed and crosschecked ( wink wink cabinbunny )

Once you get hooked on the airline business, it's worse than dope.— Ed Acker, while Chairman of Air Florida
Old 24th May 2000, 15:08
  #31 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I did not open your email entitled "ILoveYou".
Nor would anyone else in this forum since we are all quite well informed about viruses with such names.
It's not that I don't trust you (actually it is).
Have a nice day.
Old 25th May 2000, 09:21
  #32 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


If this did actually happen, i suggest that you report it to the Kelly Gang and have this person removed from Pprune.

As they say, this sort of thing just isnt cricket!!

Old 25th May 2000, 10:14
  #33 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


silly boy....if you look closely at each individual posting you will see that everybody's IP number is logged...bad move cowboy.

No one mucks with my " Tarantella " ..heehee
Old 25th May 2000, 20:06
  #34 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Hey guys,

Dont jump to conclusions!
There was no ill intentions on my path,I was merely trying to make up and be friends.Sorry for being a jerk...and there wasn't any Viruses and I am no hacker just plain old "milehighclub".
Sorry no offence
Old 26th May 2000, 00:52
  #35 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Have sat back and just read this thread with great interest.
I have been involved in Aviation, and in particular, 'Major Airlines', for at least 20, of my 27 years. I am NOT a flight attendant, nor have I ever aspired to be one, however, I have had a very intimate view of the entire process because of my involvement in the industry, and because of the acquaintances I keep.
I am of the very strong opinion that no matter what you know, or how much you dazzle/glisten or shine, what it comes down to, is who you get on the day. Of course this is my opinion only, and possibly seen as a gross generalization, but I make my judgement with more than a little bit of knowledge.
I can definately empathise with the likes of Cab Boy and Bunny, as I have seen all too often, potentially FANTASTIC, very professional and enthusiastic young men and women, (and sometimes not so young!), bust their gut for an opportunity to prove these skills, only to be 'outclassed' by pompous, inexperienced-of a customer service nature-and sometimes, just downright arrogant, competing applicants.
(Someone out there is sure to come back at me with a wonderful statement on how this should be so, but I am sorry, unless you have personally been involved in the recruitment process, then I suggetst that you take your comments elsewhere.)
I have been privy to both Mainline and Regional recruitment selection, and I have seen how it works with certain recruitment officers, and quite frankly, it is appalling how the selection process is managed/mismanged, and abused by those with 'the power'.
An example........
Currently an investigation is underway with regard to a certain Medical Officer.....again outsourced......and this Medical Officers' 'Method'. Not only did this person find it essential to place a stethascope on the nipple of a potential young recruit....to take her heart beat....puuuulease, but then decided to intimidate her even further, by explaining that his assesment would make or break her chances of success with the company.
This investigation has arisen after SEVERAL complaints from applicants both successful and not.
The relevence of the story? Well, if it has not been made clear, then let me spell it out; At every level of the recruiting process, you will run into corruptness, nepotism, and downright unfairness, but it is not about to change either. Like the wise words from other contributors to this post, hang in there if you are really keen, do everything you can to make yourself an attractive package. Because there are some really good recruiters out there who are very proud of the company they work for, and are not just in it for the power trip.
If any of you are successful though, try not to adopt the 'Holyer-than-thou' attitude that seems to come as natural territory to those, who not so long ago, were in the same boat as you! (How quickly we forget)
And listen, on a more defensive note with regard to some of the recruiting issues, It's an axxhole of a job, and there are a lot of weirdos out there....approx 5000 every time a 'Drive' is on. It does not excuse the abovementioned issues though.
I do recommend starting out with the regionals if you can. Not only will you gain the experience, but you will also find that it is a lot more 'presonal' than mainline, therefore, more opportunity to learn.
I have not written any of this in the hope of offending anyone, merely to dispell some untruths and myths surrounding the whole process.
Old 26th May 2000, 11:17
  #36 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


You haven't offended ANYONE...( well me anyway ) ...thank-you so much for your post - very informative, thank-you for understanding, thank-you for keeping with the topic, thank-you for caring about wannabe's enough to share your info...your a champion...and everything you said is TRUE.

Cabinboy - Coffee, Tea or Me ?

Once you get hooked on the airline business, it's worse than dope.— Ed Acker, while Chairman of Air Florida
Old 26th May 2000, 19:36
  #37 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I know of quite a few Aussies based out here in the Middle East who have become more than disgruntled with Qantas. There is quite a few of us who have been sent that informal letter saying that you have "now been placed on a short list for 12 mths" & that is the last we've heard. I love my flying & would be proud to come home & fly for my airline however their stuck up & blaze' attitude that has followed any polite enquiries as to how this short list is progressing has left a lot to be desired. Do Qantas actually know what they are doing? For a company that has always prided themselves on their professionalism, the way they have handled the last round of interviews were far from it. And for someone who enjoys reading the local newspapers in the different countries we nightstop in , Qantas is certainly getting a lot of bad press everywhere. ARe Qantas F/A's still wearing their uniform proudly? Or do they too see that their airline has a lot to answer for???
Old 27th May 2000, 20:50
  #38 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

If you read the thread on most of these sites, all cabin crew tend to knock their own airlines. Majority of EK crew have nothing positive to say about them - equally, Gulf Air crew hate working for Gulf, BA are in a mess and moral is at an all time low, Virgin do not really pay well and now here we are slating of QF. I've been flying for 14 years now and I've heard it all. I've met and worked with crew from just about every airline and it's the same old complaints. I can fully understand how frustrated people get with QF, but my point is, they're not the only vilans out there. As an airline, they're second to none when it comes to customer service and safety which is why so many thousands aspire to work for them. I don't think anyone would disagree that they're staff turn-over is low, therefore, postions only arise when people either die for retire. That speaks volumes. Look at the turn over other airlines such as EK have. They can't keep crew for love nor money!!
Old 28th May 2000, 17:56
  #39 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I've been with EK over 5 years now and I still enjoy it. Yes, EK has a high turn over, thats the nature of recruiting a largly ex-pat work force. Dubai isn't everyone's cup of tea but if new-comers can keep in mind that it isn't like "home" and never can be and savour the experience then
Old 28th May 2000, 21:31
  #40 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Cabin Bunny,
If you do go to Virgin watch out for the 1000's of ex-easy f/deck that have migrated back home. Good blokes all of them, but just sick of the sight of orange. Is it really that hard to become a FA in Oz? Makes me feel a bit guilty, I just applied on the off chance after Uni. Why don't you try coming to the UK, you should be able to get a visa for two years, then back home with airline experience. One of my Oz-mates has done that, don't know what she's doing now, kind of lost touch. Anyway good luck to any FA wannabes (why, pax are xxxxx).

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