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Old 26th May 2007, 00:14
  #81 (permalink)  
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You would have to be CRAZY !!

censored have to take it all back

Last edited by aviduser; 3rd Jun 2007 at 07:57. Reason: censored
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Old 26th May 2007, 02:44
  #82 (permalink)  
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so my idea is right, then. they dont treat their staff well. as i have observed, their employees are not as happy as other crews from other airlines. thanks for the warning aviduser
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Old 26th May 2007, 03:40
  #83 (permalink)  
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Please be warned

I am seriously not making this stuff up. Sadly the Attitude of the Airline reflects the general attitude towards women in a Whabi Arab state.

The attitude towards their staff is so bad it really does begger belief. Women in an Arab country particularly Qatar the UAE and Saudi have little or no rights. The male attitude is women are there to be mothers to children thats it. After that you mean nothing to them. This translates into the backward attitude towards the staff.

Examples off the top of my head,

You want to be dropped off at the airport by your boyfriend, YOU ARE FIRED

Arrive back home after staying at your boyfriend's two hours before pick up YOU ARE FIRED

Wanna get married YOU ARE FIRED !!

Want someone to stay over nope they are out at 10pm or guess what YOU ARE FIRED.

Yes that's right thinking of getting married, forget it you are fired. Why because the Airline being full of backwards Arabs think you will automatically get pregnant. Stupid really because there are NO benefits for maternity. NONE.

You can do so many little things and get fired ON THE SPOT. No arguing you are out. Remember you have NO rights in Doha, there are no unions. You are on your own here you are their slave and if you don't like it you are......well you can guess.

Qatar Airlines is suitable for girls from very poor backgrounds who otherwise would have come to Qatar or the Middle East to be maids. Compared to that dreadful lifestyle the Airline is a paradise.

Seriously though any one from Western Europe if Qatar Airlines is your last choice or a choice because someone else turned you down or you think you can gain experience. DON'T. My advice before you take that awful turn is to find another career, don't do it to yourself. You WILL regret it.
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Old 27th May 2007, 18:04
  #84 (permalink)  
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Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts we are still at the slavery age....No right ....Just duty!
Just to add another point, make sure that you donīt fall sick too often, you will be in trouble as well...warning letter may no be far away...!!
All the points mentioned above are true!

So be carefull before making any (wrong) decision!
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Old 30th May 2007, 15:53
  #85 (permalink)  
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Suicide at Bin Mahmood

Just to add to the dissussion over Qatar Aiways. Yesterday 29th May 2007 a Korean Cabin crew member commited suicide by jumping from a fourth floor balcony. Obviously we dont know all the circumstances yet. The girl could have had personal issues, its known she had a boyfriend here but the working conditions at Qatar Airways could not have helped her state of mind.

Cabin crew here live under the constant threat of being fired, sometimtimes almost on a whim. Anyone considering a job here should think VERY carefully about the move.

I have outlined before just a few of the petty reasons you can be fired from this company. Firings that in any other country you could quite rightly sue for.

Qatar is not that bad a place, but the Airline under its current regime could be compared to a form of legalised slavery. The restrictions on staff pass beyond any boundaries that one would consider to be fair or balanced.

The company is short of 1500 staff, their appauling working conditions are the reson for this. The amount of staff leaving as soon as they gain enough experience is startling. Ethiad currently does not have an embargo on staff joining from Qatar hence people are leaving in droves every week.

If Emirates took away their embargo chances are the staff exodus would become a flood as people seeking a way out.

Ask your self is being a flight attendant worth giving up ALL your civil liberties. I can tell you its not.

If Qatar is your last choice re think your career, or wait for another oppertunity. Its is not worth the mental and physical drain on you.

I would hate to hear of another suicide possibly brought on by the stress of working for such an aweful company. You have been warned.

Working for this airline is a dehumanising expeirence
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Old 31st May 2007, 16:06
  #86 (permalink)  
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me me!!

hi ,

i am going to the open day in Caro.. did u got an invitation?

send me bck at [email protected]

hope to hear from u
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Old 1st Jun 2007, 05:07
  #87 (permalink)  
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Dear People,

It is racist and prejudiced to say that only "dirt poor people" work in QR. Just because one comes from India or Eastern Europe doesn’t automatically make one "dirt poor" and it doesn’t mean just because one is poor one is fine about being ill treated. And correction not everybody who works for Qatar Airways is "POOR" .

I have many friends from these countries that have left QR, many actually had decent lives in their home countries. They joined QR because they were given the impression that they we’re joining a world class, globalized and liberal company. The destinations and the money were also a magnet

Qatar Airways is a bad employer, no argument on that. The crew stay for many reasons. Some have family and relationships there, some grew up in Doha, some are ok with the fascist management because they live out of QR accommodation, and many have gotten used to the system of whipping.....err doing things . Money may be a good reason but it is not the only reason. Qr crew have a difficult and pressured life, they make the most of it, they try to enjoy themselves in the longer layovers, they make the most out of Doha on days off, these are the least they can do to survive. Majority are frustrated with the system but they try to live with it. They talk about maybe moving to EK or EY, but there is a one year ban with these 3 airlines (don’t know if this is still in effect). The QR crew are a hard working somewhat sad bunch. But I admire them for their tenacity, diligence, MARTYRDOM and desire to maybe stick it out in a company that doesn’t really value them as assets.


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Old 1st Jun 2007, 11:26
  #88 (permalink)  
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well i think for most of them(cabin crew) the primary concern is not the welfare treatment, and the respect of their dignity, but just try to support their family in their countries...
Thatīs why when it comes to cabin crew, Q.A. is only recruiting in a limited number of countries in order to make sure that the "slavery" politic will worked well without to many protest..
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Old 13th Jun 2007, 09:32
  #89 (permalink)  
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Qatar Airways open day

Dear All,

Do you know maybe how the open day looks like? I was invited for the interview and I dont know what I can expect there. Do you know any questions? Discusions topics ect? thanks for your help.
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Old 14th Jun 2007, 11:40
  #90 (permalink)  
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Indeed it's racist and prejudiced to say so, but let's be honest. Have you ever flown QR? Always Asian crew onboard, compared to EK and EY where you will have a mixture of all nationalities (a huge amount of Westerners).

And, they only employ white crew from Eastern Europe because they are pretty much similar to the people from Asia. They are there for the money and it looks good for QR to also have white crew onboard. But, when was the last time you actually met any Australian, British, French or German crew on QR flight?

Also prepare for those going to QR to sign a two year bond! Also heard they have introduced a new contract for "certain nationalities" that include that you have to be home every day at a certain hour, no partying etc...
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Old 15th Jun 2007, 18:00
  #91 (permalink)  
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QRCC2B.... Can I just ask you to stop right there and stop digging yourself a grave. Your comments are not only racist but simply portray your own ignorance.

Now although I am happily out of that airline for over 3 1/2 years and happy flying around with BA which is real flying unlike the slave work I did with QR I will say one thing... I am a privately educated Irish man who joined with similiar. The vast number of asian crew in QR also have university degrees (all the Chinese and Korean crew for example as it was a requirement during their recruitment drives), all crew speak English which immediately proves a form of good education and finally.... who are you to judge people just because they are working there to save money to send home to their families? You can not possibly know any of their reasons for doing that, perhaps they have ill parents who are no longer allowed to work, or their families lost live savings and pensions during the Asian financial collapse in the 90s!

Cop yourself on!

Yes QR is a vile airline to work for any my recommendation to anyone even contemplating it is to go to the hospital and get a labotomy instead, at least your life will seem bliss!!!!

My personal list of work airlines to work for....

Top of the list....

1. Ryanair
2. Qatar Airways
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Old 15th Jun 2007, 18:36
  #92 (permalink)  
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Guys, things at Emirates may be better than QR (never flew for them), but believe you me, even after leaving Dubai over 4 years ago, the 'Emirates lifestyle' was slowly going downhill....great planes (most of the time), fab network but nightstops were going right down to 24hrs, exasperating service on even the shortest routes, and *some* Crew Managers & FSMs/Pursers trained by the Gestapo....don't think Emirates is that much better....I'm also at BA, and it's 100x better in as much as you are treated a little more like an adult as opposed to a 6 year old...
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Old 15th Jun 2007, 20:35
  #93 (permalink)  
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I'm well aware of my comment above. I'm not judging those boys and girls who have to work under such terms only to support their families back home. Many of them haven't got much of a choice! I think it's all very sad they have to work under such conditions and many of them cannot return home even if they want to. Even more sad is that QR is aware and takes advantage of this. I'm not judging the crew, not questioning their educational background (where, oh where, did I ever question their education levels?), not questioning whatever reasons they may have for being there. Let it be saving money or having the blast of their lives. Only stating most of them are there for the money.

Why is QR so intensively be recruiting in mainly third world nations? Why aren't they recruiting in Australia or Europe?
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Old 21st Jun 2007, 08:15
  #94 (permalink)  
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i am not ratcist

Dear ChicDolly,
i worked for european airline and i flew with many european airlines ,
i disagree with you ,but in some way you are right when you are talking about easyjet and ryanair,i attend to ryanair's interview 3years ago in London,i saw crew on that day ,they had their training,most of them slovakian,russians,polish,immigrants in uk.they told me that they have to pay if they will consume any soft drinks on board!!!!and they accept to pay 5000pounds for their training!this is why my dear they dont know to use deodorant and maskara!!!because those airlines are ''poor''and low cost!I dont think that there are many British who work for this airlines and if there are they just start with that small airlines to have the chance later on for something better.Did u see the same situation in BA,Alitalia,Iberia,Lot,Eurocypria,Thomson,Bmi?i dont think so!
QR is a five star company no doubts it is good to have QR in your CV,but the working conditions are the worst,i told u that i expect some changes if not i 'll leave.
if u work for them u know.
take care.
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Old 25th Jun 2007, 14:20
  #95 (permalink)  
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alinaqatarcrew WAKE UP AND GROW UP

yo, do you know that you are a very shallow person.
You are a person who looks down on Asians and even though after reading this you will defend yourself, we all know deep down inside you are confirmed one shallow lousy girl. I enjoy working with QA and I like the fact that we are so multi-racial. I think it is interesting and I feel that this makes the world look at us as very colorful.Sometimes when I work on board especially during meal service, I feel happy because most of the time we work closely together and there is always strong teamwork involved. Isn't it great that people look at us, even though we are multi racial, we can work together very well in harmony on board as a team?
I think that makes Qatar Airways really ineteresting. You said you are not a racist but why do u ask the question , why do QA not hire more westerners and instead hire most staff from 3rd world countries? So what for God's sake???? You won't even bother to think of this question if you are really not a racist.It wouldn't even exist in your head about asking this question. Am I right? Every organozation has its pros and cons. Even Emirates has its bad points. I know QA isnt perfect in crew welfare but give them time, they are growing too fast and they have not focused much yet on crew welfare. I am livng comfortably in the accomodation they provided and am happy with my apartment. I am contented. Blame it on your own era and timing of you joining this airline. Perhaps 10 years later if you are still okay looking, and is still a crew, you can try to QA again and I am sure during that time the benefits are much better.

I am an Asian with yellow skin and I am proud to be a crew here. I hold a university degree and I have worked for big companies including the number one financial institution in the world for years before I joined Qatar Airways.
Have you?
Westerners or not, we are all HUMAN. Get that in your head young lady.
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Old 25th Jun 2007, 17:37
  #96 (permalink)  
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This thread has taken a very unpleasant turn, in a very unwanted direction. Please could we now come off this subject and continue with more general QR stuff.
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Old 1st Jul 2007, 10:14
  #97 (permalink)  
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Qatar flight attendants

Hi all,
Is anyone out there employed as a Flight Attendant for Qatar, my husband has been offered a job in the area, and l was looking at hopefully getting a job with Qatar.
What is the company like to work for?
l am currently working as a VVIP/VIP flight attendant and have many years expereience.
l have looked at Qatars web site and have sent a resume off to them but have not heard anything.
Are they currently recruiting?
Any help would be great.
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Old 1st Jul 2007, 10:45
  #98 (permalink)  
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Qatar Airways

Hi Hostie3333

Have a go at searching Qatar on here, you will find lots of replies some not so good, they do however have Amiri Flight, so you could try going for that, it is way better than the airline, but its also attached to them.

Hope you enjoy Qatar.

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Old 1st Jul 2007, 11:07
  #99 (permalink)  
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Thank you for your advice,
l think l will look at send Amiri my CV.
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Old 2nd Jul 2007, 17:45
  #100 (permalink)  
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Qatar open day in Brazil

Hello Everybody
Iam planning to travel to Brazil for the Qatar open day next july 8 th.
I live in Bolivia, i am male, 30 years old, not cabin crew experience, only five stars hotel at front desk (customer service) i speak english, portugues and spanish.

Do you think that i would have any good or real chance to get it???

please i would like also to know how are the Qatar open days???? are they similar to Emirates open days, what do the recruiters look?, what do the recruiters see? how do i have to behave??, please i would be very thanked if someone helps me with this information and if someone can give me any ADVICE to do it well in the interview, it is very important for me. if someone who has participated of a qatar open day please, please tell me or if there is some qatar cabin crew here
i thank all of you, good luck for everybody...
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