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Old 21st Dec 2006, 21:09
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Ok I am going to be a tad bit outspoken now.

Why are the moderators so bloody anal at times on pprune!

For example just noticed two threads closed. One was with reference to Emirates. The closing comment from the moderator was:

"Try posting this on the existing, massive thread in this forum, cunningly entitled "Emirates"

Oh well I half expect to have my membership of pprune withdrawn but hey ho if thats the price you pay for speaking out so be it.

Moderators you need to chill out.
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Old 22nd Dec 2006, 03:44
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In all fairness I must say I agree, I have witnessed some things that are very unfair but I guess you are right in saying we can't say anything. It is upsetting thou
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Old 22nd Dec 2006, 06:46
  #3 (permalink)  
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Watch out ozzie, you'll get hit with the ban stick.

...eep I might too!
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Old 22nd Dec 2006, 08:01
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LOL I'm waiting for it anytime now!
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Old 22nd Dec 2006, 10:08
  #5 (permalink)  
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... is everyone who has posted on this still safe so far...
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Old 22nd Dec 2006, 10:10
  #6 (permalink)  
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Still here! Maybe the moderators haven't noticed!
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Old 22nd Dec 2006, 13:08
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No, they have, but maybe they were too busy moderating posts by people who don't bother reading the site rules and the sticky cunningly named : Forum FAQ & useful links: please read BEFORE YOU POST A QUESTION !!

a nice PM to the member next time

If we had to send a PM every time someone breaks the rules or a thread needs to be moderated, we'd have to give up our day job
, before you make them look like a idiot

"You make them look like an idiot"??? Ah! Someone manages to start a thread asking if XYZ Airlines is recruiting when there's a thread on the Forum page called "XYZ Airlines recruiting" (like three times a week) and we make them look like an idiot???
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Old 22nd Dec 2006, 13:28
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I wonder how many who think the moderators are too anal or too tough moderate boards. I spend some time moderating on another board, and the inability of people to read directions (such as a thread that says "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING"), or make excuses why they're exempt from the rules is astounding.

I've not seen anything out of line here. In fact there have been some cases where I've thought, "Wow, maybe Tight Slot hasn't seen this yet."
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 01:46
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point taken, keep up the good moderating then

Last edited by DJTibby; 23rd Dec 2006 at 11:07.
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 07:44
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I was away down route on the longhaul trip from hell, and when I finally log on, this is the welcome. Thanks for that...

This board is moderated because without moderation, it would very quickly descend into anarchy: In short, this board is moderated for your benefit. The mods do their work in their own free time, of their own volition and without pay.

Unlike the casual visitor, we have to read every post, on every thread in each of the multiple forums that many of us moderate. That means we have to read the good, the bad, the stupid, the pointless, the mundane and the trivial as well as the occasional posts that remind us of why PPRuNe is such a good and useful thing to have, and justify our daily work. Incidentally, this thread isn't shaping up that way so far. A small number of those posting, including Middle Seat and my colleague flyblue, (whose patience, tolerance and understanding far exceed mine) have taken the time to explain on this thread how things stand. None of you have actually responded to the points they have raised, preferring instead to simply ignore them and carry on whittering about how we should be nicer.

For the record, here's where I stand. I think it is breathtakingly rude and lazy for people to come on this site and post, without bothering themselves to read the information that others have already taken the time and trouble to post. Similarly, it is rude for them to be too lazy to read the forum rules and guidelines. It's not rude to us mods (well I suppose it may be) but to those Cabin Crew who have already contributed to the information flow. An increasingly small number of contributors to this forum are actually employed as crew, and an increasingly large number are wannabees. Those of us who are crew understand that life and work have rules and guidelines with which we are required to comply: Those seeking employment in the industry would be well advised to understand that too, from the outset.

This forum exists for Cabin Crew members to exchange views and information - I'm not prepared to apologise for attempting to keep it so. If you want to be cuddled by a moderator, go somewehere else.

Nobody on this thread will get banned. That is not what PPRuNe is about. However I do think that some of you could raise your game a little: There are many things about our interesting career choice that could be discussed, many issues affecting us. I would suggest that, as professional crew, you concentrate on such issues rather than sniping at those that work hard to help you, the users of PPRuNe. I'll leave this thread open in the faint hope that this might actually happen!
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 08:04
  #11 (permalink)  
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 10:37
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I clicked on this thread expecting to read about rude pax!

If you read the sticky in the Cabin Crew forum, you will notice that the Emirates link appears below a rather large bold heading titled "Applications & Training Topics by Company." My question was not an application or training question, so it wasn't posted in the "ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications" thread as it would have been deemed 'off-topic.'

My question was also not related to the other Emirates thread as it wasn't a post relating to 'Emirates recruiting CC in Brazil..' and didn't include, 'Emirates is coming here in../ I got an interview/ I passed the medical/ YAY!' So, it wasn't posted there either as it would have been considered off-topic in that thread as well. Incidentally, a search of this thread returned minimal information relating to salary and pay and several searches of the forums returned snippets of the required information but not all the information I was looking for.

So, yes, I read the stickies, read the threads - which interestingly enough related to applications and recruitment, searched the forums for the information and then started a new thread which was subsequently locked because I followed the rules in the sticky, ran a search and refrained from submitting an off-topic post.

Figure that one out
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 13:07
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Your post was a series of specific questions relating to Emirates salary, posted with the stated intention of making a decision as to whether or not to join/apply to Emirates: A Training & Recruitment thread is therefore not entirely irrelevant to your question.

You could have posted your comments on the EMIRATES thread in this forum (actually a seperate thread to that linked to in the FAQ section). The on-going EMIRATES thread was originally intended to be for precisely this kind of question: Sadly it has been hi-jacked by a large number of very immature wannabees, thanks to Emirates global recruitment drive, posting trivial and tedious text messages to each other: Off-hand, I cannot recall the last post on that thread by somebody who actually has experience of either Emirates or flying. I can see that this might have confused you, therefore please re-post your question on a new thread and we'll let it run for now.

I'm also going to have a conversation with my mod colleagues about wannabee threads in general. All the Yippee/Yay/Wow/I'm so happy for you posts throughout several threads in this forum may be fascinating for those involved but are not actually of any interest to the world in general, are not what this forum is intended to be about and are certainly not what I wish to spend my future (very valuable) free time reading and managing.

The future value and function of this forum is not in the hands of the mods, but actually in the hands of those posting here: If you choose to allow it to become a wannabee forum, then gradually it will become less and less useful to Cabin Crew themselves. It's your call...
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 13:22
  #14 (permalink)  
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Nice one tightslot.

I personally make use of the pprune forums to find real and useful information relating to our industry. I'm glad you mods are doing something about the wannabe's, it does get pretty tiresome and the lack of actual factual and useful info over here in the last few months has been less and less.
I think the mods do a fab job, yes, you can be slightly harsh, but come on, are some of us not thinking exactly what the mods post? If we all wanted to read txt spk and congratulate every single person 'lucky' enough to get an airline interview I can think of a certain cabin crew website where it would be most welcome, seeing as the average age over there is about 15

Merry Christmas everyone!
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 14:44
  #15 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by TightSlot
[COLOR="Olive"]This board is moderated because without moderation, it would very quickly descend into anarchy: In short, this board is moderated for your benefit
I thought it was moderated to keep the owner from legal difficulties...

The fact is, there are one or two mods around here (esp the cabin crew forum) who are somewhat precious and quite taken with their positions of "authority" and who swing the stick with little provocation.

Check out the recent fiasco on the JB forum and you'll get the point.
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 14:48
  #16 (permalink)  
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Well said MC.
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 15:03
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U know what TIGHSLOT I still mean what I wrote earlier - that this is a great forum - however, I just realized that it is NO THANKS TO U .. ITS because there are so many great and helpful people on here!

U on the other hand actually do like to play GOD .. U make it sound like u are simply forced to do this - this might come as a chock but ur NOT! If u dont like what people post on here close ur eyes stop reading it!

I think that threads like EMIRATES cabin crew are great! People from ALL OVER the world, pulling together to help each other make that dream come true! If u cant see that I suggest u relax on the flying and come to ur senses!

I say this full aware that u might ban me - but its worth it!

U also wrote that if u didnt moderate it the way u do this would turn into anarchy - well u know what RIGHT NOW its dicatorship and that, MY FRIEND, is far worse!

To all I guess I should say HEIL TO THE CHIEF or u shall be banned!

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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 17:09
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Tightslot ..
You need to chill out and don't bring your bad mood into the forum , Just because you have had a bad flight etc ..

Think out the box .

Merry Christmas all !!
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 20:22
  #19 (permalink)  
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Perhaps it would be of benefit for everyone to chill out a bit and look at the basic issue here ,then look at how the issue could have been handled.
Yes the person who posted the initial thread should have checked to see if their question was covered in another thread,but equally the moderator could have simply posted a reply similar to "there is an Emirates forum which might answer your question" without the sarcasm which I think is what really gets up peoples noses.
Nobody is perfect and everyone,yes even the moderators make mistakes,it is how those mistakes are dealt with which will shape the future of PPruNe.
PPruNe is an excellent resource for people working in,or with an interest in aviation,and I have been treated with a great deal of respect by the members here despite the fact that I don't work in the industry,nor do I want to but I hope my posts are relevant and courteous and I think that is what everyone should try and strive for.
Merry Christmas to all Cabin Crew and in fact any "Prooners"
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Old 23rd Dec 2006, 20:46
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If u dont like what people post on here close ur eyes stop reading it!
There's something that I should clarify here. We thought it was clear enough, but obviously not for some: you, my friend, are the guest, and the Mod is the person personally appointed by the owner, which is the one who decides the philosophy and the main axis of the site and Forums. We don't come to your house and dictate the rules, don't we?

tightslot has already (beautifully ) said it:
If you want to be cuddled by a moderator, go somewehere else.
PPRuNe is obviously not what you're looking for in a website.
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