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Old 15th May 2006, 14:16
  #101 (permalink)  
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Hi T Girl!!!!!!!!!!

Biggest congratulations!!!!!!!

I didn't realise my phone was switched off, but Claire left me a message.

I just called and she has left for the day! Can yo believe it. Now I have to wait for another whole day!!!!!!!!!

I am at the doorstep of my dream........... Will anyone be home?

And by the way... So many people dream of this opportunity. London is an amazing city! Take the leap! You won't regret it, and after 12 moths, if your not happy, you can come home!
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Old 15th May 2006, 17:11
  #102 (permalink)  
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Hi Guys

Wel ljust wanted to say " congratulations "

I worked for Easyjet from East midlands airport for 2 years and loved every minute. They are a very good company to work for, yes you will work hard but they are a fantastic bunch of crew, passengers were brill ( well most !!!! )
But once again wel ldone and Enjoy, the uk is a lovely place, explore all of it, out of london it gets a lot cheaper, like any major city in the world.
Take care guys

Mike x
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Old 15th May 2006, 22:55
  #103 (permalink)  
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Old 16th May 2006, 00:15
  #104 (permalink)  
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Congratulations Auspomme!!! and I Just Want to Fly - i'm sure you'll get the job as well!!!! I'm not sure where i'll be based yet - i couldn't think clearly enough to ask relevant questions like that last night and i also have the accommodation issue as well. I've checked out and that lets you search for share accommodation there, so that might be helpful. I also only have ideas of what we'll be earning from the interview day, so I don't think i'm much help there, but i'm going to go off that info anyway cos that didn't have commissions or anything in it. oh well - i'm so excited. If we're all based in the same place, maybe we could look for accommodation together?? Just an idea - anyway, good luck I Just Want To Fly - i'm really hoping that that door opens right up for you.
And thanks Mike - your comments have put me at ease a bit. It's good to know that others have had good experiences working with easyJet.
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Old 16th May 2006, 05:58
  #105 (permalink)  
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Hi guys

Well house prices and that in the uk are very high, for example, i brought my house in 2001 for £58,000 , it is nice worth £196,000, so it is good for me, but bad for people just starting out.
When i was at Easyjet, they have an internal website for crew, and one of the chapters on there is a for sale room, and people advertise room shares, house shares etc......
Typically to rent a room in a shared house say, expect to pay about £280 to £330.oo per month. The nore you pay, the better the accomadation i suppose or the landlord is ripping you off. So be careful.
When renting you normally pay a month up front as a deposit, then another month down as your first months rent and around 100.00 or so in Admin fees,
Or if you are all going to the same base, why not house share together, Gatwick as it is very close to london and also a high demand area is going to be a bit dearer, but once you are out of london, the prices do drop a bit.

Pay wise, when i was full time, if i was on an average month, i was taking home after tax etc.... around £12oo. oo amonth, good months where you work your Bollocks of £1600.00 , so the pay is good, compared to other airlines.
Well good luck guys.
Another rental site to try is and press the rental tab and go from there, at least this will give you an idea to prices.

Goood luck x
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Old 16th May 2006, 09:50
  #106 (permalink)  
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I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Easy Jet Here I come!!!
Thank you so much to all Pruners for your support, advice and occaisional Telling Off (all waranted)

To all other Aussies who got through, please PM me.

Last edited by I Just Want To Fly; 16th May 2006 at 11:35.
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Old 16th May 2006, 16:47
  #107 (permalink)  
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Congrats to all of you who got in! :-)

It's a good company to work for and I'm enjoying it loads. I'm sure you will too! If you have any further questions just post them!

About the money, in the first couple of month it can be a bit tight because you are not flying (or not getting paid for it yet as payment is a bit delayed). After that you can expect to take between £1100 and £1300 during your first six month. Afterwards it goes up to £1600. But that would be a month were you literally woked yourself stupid. This is all after tax, including basic and sector pay and comission (comission is more than you might expect, but depends a lot on your base eg I heard in SFX it's considered a good month if you get £80 worth comission, in BRS you can take home £300).

Enjoy your training!
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Old 16th May 2006, 19:57
  #108 (permalink)  
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Old 16th May 2006, 20:50
  #109 (permalink)  
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You are limited to flying 900 hours a year so you wont want to be doing overtime! How long is your aussie contract for, congratualtions by the way. When do you start your training?
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Old 16th May 2006, 23:09
  #110 (permalink)  
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Commissions are based on Kiosk sales, including drinks, snacks and duty free. It is then split amongst the operating crew of that flight.

We don't know when we start, but probably early-mid July.

There are two contracts for Aussie crew depending on the visa.

Working Holiday Visa - 12 month Contract.
Ancestry Visa - Permanent Contract.

Both contracts are subject to the normal bonding and probation periods.
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Old 17th May 2006, 11:59
  #111 (permalink)  
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Firstly Guys and Girls - CONGRATULATIONS! You guys should be so excited and proud, you did well!

Secondly - I was booked for an interview in Syd with the easyJet team, however i couldnt attend due to personal reasons. Luckily they have said they will keep me on file untill they again recruit aussies! yay!

So im wondering - would someone mind filling me in on the package that you recieve including contract, bases, pay, company conditions etc. PM is fine. I know u may not know all the info right now, but little bits is better than none! Thanks in advance.

Please keep us up to date with how your going once your over, from the flying to the friends! Youll all have a ball!!!!!!!!

Thanks Again...
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Old 17th May 2006, 20:54
  #112 (permalink)  
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Thanks 744F0,

I have been offered a permanent contract as Iam a British citizen,I hope to start my training by August at latest,have no details yet,just told them on the phone that August was a realistic time for me to be over.

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Old 18th May 2006, 19:41
  #113 (permalink)  
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Congratulations to all of you that got in.

Are Easyjet going to fly from Australia or are you going to work in the UK?
Still no one out there whos going on the assesment day in Berlin the 1 june? Maybe its just me Once again Congratulations to you!!
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Old 18th May 2006, 19:56
  #114 (permalink)  
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Are Easyjet going to fly from Australia or are you going to work in the UK?
Paula, easyJet will NOT be flying from Australia. easyJet is a European airline, flying within the EU area only (apart from our new routes to Turkey & Morocco).
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Old 20th May 2006, 15:00
  #115 (permalink)  
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currently working for EasyJet..If you have no problem with collecting people's rubbishes or babies' nappies, emptying toilet bins, hoovering scattered Pringles & Maltesers & basically working 6 days on end ( with four take-offs and landings a day), four 30 minutes turnarounds ( which means four cabin cleanings, no time to go take a leak, really i'm not exaggerating), then you'll probably enjoy it, specially if you like resembling a clown wearing orange tramp clothing that are as flammable as oil... Working for EasyJet has nothing to do w/ the noble & glamour image of a flight attendant...and the money seems good but it's only a decoy...I mean, you work really hard to have it..Be prepared to be basically worn out whenever you get back home.
I envision leaving the company as soon as I get a new opportunity w/ a major carrier. just can't take it anymore...

PS: the only advantage of EasyJet is in fact your cabin crew colleagues...most of them are friendly and laid back...that's the only plus of the company
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Old 21st May 2006, 02:35
  #116 (permalink)  
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Easyjet is a low cost carrier. One of the ways airlines like Easyjet, Ryan Air, Virgin Blue & Jetstar keep their costs low, is by having quick turnarounds, this also requires crew to do the not so glamorous sides to the job.

If a person thinks that Easyjet will be anything like "Paris, First Class, International" then they are extremely naive.

The people at Easyjet are their asset, but obviously some bad apples will get through.
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Old 21st May 2006, 06:22
  #117 (permalink)  
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As some of you have read,I was offered a job with Easyjet the otherday,I am thrilled to be offered the chance to start a career in the Airline idustry and look forward to working for Easyjet.
The ONE problem I have at the moment is unlike allot of the Aussies who are young and a ready to leave within the next month,I have a house and mortgage,and will only be able to get over to the U.K once my house sells,I initially told recruitment that August would be the time,but realistically I think maybe Oct/Nov,as 3 months is leaving things pretty tight to sell house,wait for settlement then give work notice(4wks).
My dilemma is should I hold off telling Easyjet I may not be able to make August on the off chance that I can sell soon or should I get in touch with them now and ask if they could give me a Nov start for my training,what do you guys think,I will be gutted if I cannot take the job on,especially as I am a British citizen and would be able to work for them indefinitly, as they are recruiting all the time I thought they may be able to give me a later start?I can't just get up and leave my house,thought about renting but that brings it's own problems aswell.

Any suggestions?
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Old 21st May 2006, 20:20
  #118 (permalink)  
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I would actually call them and tell them about your situation, auspomme.
It happens that people can't make their original training course and they will just be re-scheduled to be on the next.
I know a girl who fell sick during training so she had to take a break and then join into the next one.
And especially with something going on like relocating from Oz, I'm sure they'll be understanding. They are usually good with things like that.

About the glamour of the job...well, I agree, we have to work hard and get our hands dirty but I don't think it's anything as bad as it's been painted but one of my collegues up there. I guess it's all about what you expect and your attitude. I like the job and I'm really enjoying it. Ok, not the toilet bin bit but every job has things going on that you won't like about it (and honestly, even on a four sector day I will spend about 30 seconds doing the toilet bins so what?!). And yes, if you don't look after yourself you will be shattered at the end of your six days and tired either way. Personally I'm doing quite fine with the hours and the work load. I guess, it's just like every other job, either you like it or you don't. It's defenitly not 9 til 5 and it needs some getting used to but in my book it's worth it. So everybody who's interested should just go out there and see for themselves if it's for them or not. And if not, stop moaning and get another job ;-)
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Old 22nd May 2006, 13:49
  #119 (permalink)  
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Any current crew have a sample roster. I'm really interested to know what to expect. Probably best to PM me, so I can provide an email adress.

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Old 23rd May 2006, 11:46
  #120 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by I Just Want To Fly
Any current crew have a sample roster. I'm really interested to know what to expect. Probably best to PM me, so I can provide an email adress.
It's not possible to provide sample rosters as our rosters are viewed on screen and can't be emailed.

But, to give you an idea, if you are coming to LGW (Gatwick) you can expect to be working mainly 4 sector days working around about 120-130 hours per month. This might not sound like a lot of hours, but when you take into account pre-flight and post flight duties and 20-35 minute turnarounds, this does mean around 21 days of flying with the vast majority of your day spent at work.

It is always hard for new recruits as they really do get hammered with their rosters as they have the fresh new 900 hours to play with - if you have been there a couple of years like myself, you can only be rostered the amount of hours that you had in that month the previous year.

Remember - the above is speaking from an LGW perspective, smaller bases such as EMA or GLA & EDI will be different!!!

And following on from Swashbucklers comments above, I really do wonder what (s)he expected when they joined easyJet. When I was on my initial training course, the trainers made a point of constantly saying "You will be working hard, you will not be having regular nightstops, you will be having to clean the aircraft" etc, so they do let you know constantly that the job is NOT GLAMOROUS and that if you want glamour & nightstops, you should apply to another airline.
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