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Old 18th Aug 2006, 08:18
  #221 (permalink)  
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Quote- "John Howard and your bunch of bowl- lickers.......your days are numbered.!!!!"


I hope so WWW.

Can't for the life of me see why the average Australian would want to see their hard fought terms and conditions stripped in order to increase bonuses for the trough feeding swine that run business in this country.

Then again history has taught me never to underestimate the stupidity of the Australian public......
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Old 18th Aug 2006, 08:24
  #222 (permalink)  
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This is the latest from the FAAA

18th August 2006
Attention all Qantas Long Haul and Australian Airlines Flight Attendants
On 13 August 2006, the FAAA became aware that the Qantas Group would announce the following day that individual contracts (AWA’s) would be introduced by Jetstar International for the international cabin crew that it would be employing.
On 14 August 2006, at a press conference in Melbourne, Alan Joyce, the Chief Executive Officer of Jetstar announced the AWA move, along with some detail of the conditions that the Jetstar International cabin crew would be employed under.
These conditions include working a potential 304 hours per 8 week roster for a salary of $41,000. The $41,000 includes superannuation, “productivity bonuses” for working extra hours, commission on selling food and extra skills such as language. According to Alan Joyce, most people would regard it as “a phenomenal salary” and another Jetstar spokesperson was quoted in the Australian newspaper on 14 August as saying “we believe the overall package is comparable to other industries with similar skill sets such as cafes and restaurants”.
At a news conference in Sydney on 17 August, Geoff Dixon blamed the airline’s “biggest critics” – the FAAA International – for choosing not to negotiate a collective agreement for new cabin crew for Jetstar’s international operations. Other comments by Geoff Dixon directed against the FAAA included “they (the FAAA International Division) are the same group who threatened Qantas quite aggressively last year when we were doing an EBA (with them)” and “we do have to deal with them in Qantas, but we certainly don’t have to inflict them on Alan (Joyce, Jetstar CEO).”
The comments from Geoff Dixon are extremely disappointing and disparaging to all Long Haul and Australian Airlines crew. His reference to being threatened last year by the FAAA, actually relates to 2004 when we were collectively fighting against Qantas’ intentions to send more of our jobs to overseas bases, to exclude us from any London flying etc.
What he conveniently dismisses and doesn’t mention are the co-operative measures we have engaged with the Company since the EBA7 dispute of 2004. These include the JFK Dispensation, the Charter Agreement, the agreement over the Bonaventure, the agreement over LAX allowances, just to mention some of the more significant measures.
It is pretty discouraging that Geoff Dixon is so dismissive of our contribution (i.e. Long Haul and Australian Airlines crew) to the Company’s continuing good health and profitability. It is deplorable that years of accepting wage increases below community outcomes and even a wage freeze by all Qantas Group employees is so easily forgotten.
It is an outrage that Qantas executives take credit for the good years, and reward themselves with massive bonuses, but when times are tough, as they suggest they are now, they blame “external factors,” then move to destroy their employee’s conditions, to send more jobs overseas and still pay themselves even greater bonuses.
At least cabin crew and all Qantas employees now know what the senior levels of management really think of them and what their true intentions are.
Despite this the FAAA will, continue to act in a responsible manner, as we have done since we were elected. We will continue to co-operate with the Company in order to protect employment. We will not be diverted or provoked by the Company, to act in a manner that would be detrimental to our member’s interests.
However, we will always stand up for our members and if that means being labelled as “aggressive” or being the Company’s “biggest critics” – so be it.
The move to AWA’s clearly demonstrates the Company’s intentions to destroy our conditions of employment using the Howard Government’s new industrial laws.
We are working closely with all Qantas unions on this matter and with your continuing support and by sticking together we WILL overcome these challenges.
I urge all of you to write to your politicians and to the Company to register your disgust at these latest developments. I further re-iterate that the defeat of the Howard Government is essential in order to stop a complete onslaught on our conditions after the Qantas Long Haul EBA expires in December 2007 and January 2008 for Australian Airlines.
I further urge those very few remaining non- members to join the FAAA IMMEDIATELY for your own protection.
Written and authorised by Michael Mijatov – Secretary International Division.
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Old 18th Aug 2006, 10:31
  #223 (permalink)  
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United we Stand....

This is the rallying point for ALL QF unions
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Old 18th Aug 2006, 14:15
  #224 (permalink)  
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The Qantas CEO and others of his ilk are only able to manipulate their employees in the fashion in which they presently are because of legislation passed by our federal parliament.

The first and foremost action that any average, fair-minded Australian can take in order to effect some modicum of difference to the abysmal direction in which our society is heading, is to vote against the incumbent government at the next federal election.

Get educated as to how our prime minister with his fellow shabby team of elitist, unethical, mendacious vermin, in league with their army of media sycophants, are, little by little, destroying our way of life, along with so many of the small things that we take for granted, then get angry. Spread the word amongst family, friends and work colleagues.

Last edited by jaded boiler; 18th Aug 2006 at 15:31.
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Old 19th Aug 2006, 00:04
  #225 (permalink)  
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Enough people here have been to the US, including myself. I like visiting the place but I don't want Australia to become like it. Evertime someone advocates change it always sounds very similar to how something is done in the US. And when you point out that it is not all good in the US, we are told we won't make the same mistakes. We will learn from them. Surprise, suprise when changes are made they are almost identical to the US.

Now with Work No Choices and changes to Medicare (slowly going the US model) and various other things happening we soon will be identical to the US and I don't think that is a good thing. You only have to talk to someone (in the US) who is in an average type of job (semi skilled) to find out what the reality is for them, and it is not good.

We have a chance to slow this down come the next election. If anyone at QF votes for JH they must have rocks in there head. If Dixon loves everything that comes out of JH's mouth, then that is not good for my future.

Sorry for the rant, this is just how I see things.
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Old 19th Aug 2006, 08:00
  #226 (permalink)  
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Howard's new underclass.

Don't appologise Rammel for how you feel.
Talk to family and friends so that others can be educated.
What we are witnessing is a fundamental shift in Australian society from one which had a degree of egalitarianism and fairness to one that is something else.

As you say quite rightly it is modelled on the American system.
I for one have spent enough time travelling on the local downtown LA buses to know that I do not want our country to be a part of their system.

A system that sees an underclass of people working mutiple jobs for next to nothing just in order to survive.

There is a term for these people and it is called the "working poor".
Australian society has up until recently been prepared to legislate minimum wages AND CONDITIONS that have afforded everyone who can work some dignity and quality of life.

John Howard wants away with is for ideological reasons.

He boasts of delivering economic prosperity the like of which we have never seen but at the same time his "work no choices" legislation will see ever increasing numbers of people [young, semi skilled, unskilled] unable to benefit from this prosperity.

It stinks and I desperately hope that Australians of all socio economic groups wake up.

Who is going to pay for the social needs of people unable to get ahead in life because they work for next to nothing just to survive??


Australia is about to become John Howard's new America.



I was reading an article in one of our broadsheets recently about these very issues.

Whoever it was was saying that traditionally Australian's have accepted that unless a business can afford to pay a proper living wage then it doesn't deserve to operate or survive.

He pointed out that John Howard is determined to see that this is no longer the case.
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Old 19th Aug 2006, 12:28
  #227 (permalink)  
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hmmmmm what is he looking at?
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Old 19th Aug 2006, 14:52
  #228 (permalink)  
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I see a bat in the cave .... (that means there's a booger in his nose for the uneducated!)
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Old 20th Aug 2006, 01:10
  #229 (permalink)  
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What I don't get, is the way the business news outlets portray him as some sort of tough guy. Personally I think he is weak as they come. He won't address staff/sections personally about decisions he is making that will change their lives. Whatever you think of James, he had the balls to tell you directly that he was going to screw you.
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Old 20th Aug 2006, 03:47
  #230 (permalink)  
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Devil Dixon's and Howard's ...."secret deal"

Talking to a professional govt ( Canberra) lobbyist the other day....he became quite"lucid" after a few glasses of Chardy on board!!!!
We discussed the latest machinations going on at Qantas and he then made the following revelation:
"There is no way in the world that Dixon will introduce any AWA's until AFTER the next Federal election in 2007. Howard has demanded this from Dixon. The trade off for this "delay" will be keeping EK and SQ out of the Aussie market until at least AFTER the next election. For Dixon to steam- roll AWA's acrosss the QF workforce would certainly smash Howards chances of re-election .....Howard is an accute strategist, to screw the Roo would screw his chance of becoming the longest ever serving Australian PM ( formerly Menzies.). Howard is into History and "stats". This is is moment he has lived for all his life".
Lets see if this becomes a reality.
Regardless it won't change my vote:
JOHNNY ........................YOU'RE H-I-S-T-O-R-Y.!!!!!
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Old 20th Aug 2006, 05:28
  #231 (permalink)  
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Uh Oh

Maybe Dixon doesnt think Dishonest John will win and is getting in early?!
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Old 20th Aug 2006, 05:35
  #232 (permalink)  
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Engagement Surveys

You would have to be a complete managerial idiot, if you were head of HR, and not realise that staff morale is low and that the majority of employees are disengaged.
So why have "engagement sutrveys"?
These surveys allow management to target those areas that are more change resistant,more disengaged,more intractable than others.
Why else would you spend large amounts of money to determine what you should already know?
Unless of course you are a complete managerial idiot.
Gee sounds a lot like KB.
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Old 21st Aug 2006, 04:34
  #233 (permalink)  
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Unicef Fiasco

looks like we have been lied to by the FAAA again! or rather that a spin has been put on the UNICEF standown....my sources tell me that it wasn't like the FAAA reported.
It wasn't the case of putting an envelope in your pocket at all.........looks like the FAAA have learned to spin the truth just like the visitors.....what a shame that we are surrounded by lies on all sides.
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Old 21st Aug 2006, 05:03
  #234 (permalink)  
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OCCR....my sources tell me ....

So, what have your sources told you ? We are all waiting for your reply !
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Old 21st Aug 2006, 05:12
  #235 (permalink)  
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Surfside. The reason the HR practices are so poor, in my humble opinion, is that a considerable number of senior managers and Board members have a very high narcissistic component in their personalities, perhaps even to the point of narcissistic personality disorder. I've run across one of these people in business life and also one in private life.

These people have got to where they are by managing "Up' extremely well. They are often very highly talented, highly intelligent and work very very hard, but also go out of their way to impress their superiors.

If you have one of these creatures as a colleague, expect a regular knife in the back.

If you have the misfortune to work for one, leave if possible. To these people, you are an unmentionable thing little better than a dog - to be dispensed with as and when it suits them.

These people cannot empathise with others on any level at all and they have a massive sense of entitlement. Thats why they can shower themselves in perks and pay rises while grinding the faces of their workers into the dirt

The classic example was telling the kids at Tulla that their facility was "under review" and leave them stewing for months while the nobility decides their fate.

(Note to self; Find a copy of the Internationale and play it while writing this drivel)
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Old 21st Aug 2006, 13:52
  #236 (permalink)  
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Thanks 99 !

I assumed as much, but thought I'd ask a simple question before I write OCCR off as a sad fool.
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Old 21st Aug 2006, 22:19
  #237 (permalink)  
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I quite like Johnny , I'll probably vote for him at the next election. Better choice than that fat bag of empty rhetoric that runs the other mob.
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Old 22nd Aug 2006, 05:36
  #238 (permalink)  
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Hmmm.... Fat bag of empty rhetoric, or habitually deceitful, devious, morally bankrupt, wage and civil liberty eroding, big business toadying, corrosive worm.

Tough choice...

Last edited by jaded boiler; 23rd Aug 2006 at 15:05.
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Old 22nd Aug 2006, 06:00
  #239 (permalink)  
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That's one reeled in... plenty to go before the bag limit is reached!
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Old 22nd Aug 2006, 06:06
  #240 (permalink)  
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Danger Narcissism

The reason the HR practices are so poor, in my humble opinion, is that a considerable number of senior managers and Board members have a very high narcissistic component in their personalities, perhaps even to the point of narcissistic personality disorder. I've run across one of these people in business life and also one in private life.

These people have got to where they are by managing "Up' extremely well. They are often very highly talented, highly intelligent and work very very hard, but also go out of their way to impress their superiors.

If you have one of these creatures as a colleague, expect a regular knife in the back.

If you have the misfortune to work for one, leave if possible. To these people, you are an unmentionable thing little better than a dog - to be dispensed with as and when it suits them.

These people cannot empathise with others on any level at all and they have a massive sense of entitlement. Thats why they can shower themselves in perks and pay rises while grinding the faces of their workers into the dirt

This is exactly how Eastern's is run. Employees are leaving in droves.
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