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Old 14th Apr 2007, 08:45
  #321 (permalink)  
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that's correct. I know someone who began with impulse in late 2000 and his mainline position only came up last year!
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Old 14th Apr 2007, 08:54
  #322 (permalink)  
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Making the MAM's permanent in short haul is considered external recruitment as far as the career progression for Eastern, Sunstate and Jetsar goes. It has already happened once (i think at least) about 18 months ago.

MAM don't have a transfer or career progression agreement its just about QF picking who they want, making them permanent and sending them to Perth, well at least thats what happened last time.

Apparentely the attitude is that if QF want full time staff it will be MAM f/a's to get the job because their already security checked, trained, working on the a/c ect. It just paperwork to add them to the full time numbers.

the only thing about career progression in the EAA, SS, JQ EBA's is that the airlines are committed to it. The real details, salary transfer, numbers to go etc is in the actual career progression agreements.
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Old 14th Apr 2007, 09:34
  #323 (permalink)  
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QF skywalker:
I knew that QantasLink-Impulse is the airline who formed JQ, but what i didnt know is that they carried on their years of service. Sorry !!! It certainly makes sense.

I know an ex MAM casual that currently flies out of PER ( he has been there for almost 2 years and still waiting for a transfer to the east coast ) and another one that currenty flies out of MEL ( he went over to PER and on the first day on the job as a FT applied for a transfer back to MEL, and I guess he was lucky. ). plus there are quite a few ex mam casuals flying FT out of PER.
My point is, why did ur friend had to wait from 2000 till 2006 to get accross to mainline QF. I guess its not fair on him, because casuals were offered FT positions 2 years ago. Shouldnt him had been offered a positions back than?
I was also on a flight from MEL-CBR ( as a passenger ), and spoke to the Qantas link FA who told me that in 2 years on the list he has moved from number 105 to 100. He said that he will probably have to wait until retirement to come accross to mainline.

As a casual myself Id like to ask u guys if anyone knows what the criteria is? Because, If I were in one of the above mentioned positions, I would certainly be pretty pissed off, knowing that some casuals were being offered FT positions before me.
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Old 14th Apr 2007, 14:23
  #324 (permalink)  
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Am I not mistaken but if MAM (or anyone for that matter) are made permanent full-time with S/H, then career progression is activated? Ie when x permenant SH are put on x career progression slots come up. So regardless of who gets positions, under the progression agreements QF would be obliged to take from JQ and Link anyway? Someone correct me if I am wrong.

Also just to clarify it will be an eternity before anyone "pure JQ" sees career progression ... the top of the list is still very much in Impulse/Link days.
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Old 15th Apr 2007, 00:55
  #325 (permalink)  
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Roughly around 700 JQ crew.
QF Career Progression has seen about 20 people go across inthe last 3 years.
So if you just joined the list you have about 112 years to wait til you can go across. At least your seniority transfers across.
JQ crew will most likely be back in a QF styled (note : Styled) uniform by then.
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Old 15th Apr 2007, 06:20
  #326 (permalink)  
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3 Theories...

1. Something to do with the A380.

2. Perth SH.

3. Stop the mass exit of casuals leaving and calling in sick.
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Old 15th Apr 2007, 07:59
  #327 (permalink)  
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in regards to ur quote:
"3 Theories...

1. Something to do with the A380. ( ummmm about 0.5 % probability )

2. Perth SH. ( another 0.5 % probability )

3. Stop the mass exit of casuals leaving and calling in sick. ( BINGO, 99% accurate )
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Old 16th Apr 2007, 14:10
  #328 (permalink)  
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Thumbs down Think twice...

I'm a MAM casual who once flew for another airline.I will not reveal much about myself however I have another name for this airline that I cannot publish.The people that work here are great but the company is screwing them

When I started my contract I was promised all the hours I wanted and all the money I wanted to earn was endless...What a load of rubbish!.These guys should be politicians because they seem to back the liberal party and vica-versa.

When I began at QF,I was working on average around 140hrs a month which is far from the hours I am begging for now.MAM has introduced the very unfair contract C that most of you are aware of and is now applying bully tactics to make all casual crew sign it.

Not only is this contract un-Australian,it is very unfair and a huge health risk to those who sign it.Many of the contract C crew are getting 1 day at home out of 13.Great if you have no family,friends and don't care about feeling unwell.

They'll work you hard until you eventually have to take unpaid sick-leave and then they will demand you provide a medical certificate.Although an entire crew has just called in sick for the past 7days after a trip,they still will not compensate you for financial loss.

I'm now struggling to reach 80hrs a month and suffering quite heavily financially due to this jerk off the records telling us on the other contracts that we will be begging him for work and wanting to sign the new contract!.I'm now lucky if I bring home around $900 a fortnight.

Today i have applied for several other jobs as I refuse to sign contract C.At least 20 crew a month on contract C are resigning yet they can't accept the fact that it is this new contract behing the resignations.So far he is getting away with it but let me tell you that it is the calm before the storm.

We have serviced him and QF well and this is how he rewards us...I ask you,do you really want to work for someone who abuses the workers rights?

Last edited by Doofus; 16th Apr 2007 at 14:53.
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Old 16th Apr 2007, 14:26
  #329 (permalink)  
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what planet are you from?

I find it hard to believe any full-timer works harder than a casual...What planet are you from?.It seems you think you are far superior to casual crew!
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Old 17th Apr 2007, 02:17
  #330 (permalink)  
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nothing personal, unfortunately its the system

not sure where to start here; but first of all, I'd like to mention that its not personal, we r all adults here right? its not A X B X C, its the system. I agree with a few of ur points and disagree with others.
What everybody seems to be forgetting ( A's, B's and C's ) is that what MAM offers is a CASUAL job. Assuming that u r a B contractor, it says on ur contract that u have to provide the company with 12 days and the company has to give u only 3 AV spans. hasnt the company been doing that ??? I understand that ur hours like many other contractors have been reduced. Just a few things to keep in mind: this is a ruthless industry and a ruthless company, that changes faster than u can say F*@k ! and a company that couldnt care less about rewarding its employees, because they have hundreds of wannabes banging their heads on the door to get a job.
Im a C contractor, left a well paid FT job ( shift work as well ) to become a FA. My lifestyle hasnt changed a bit ! well, i guess a little bit, cause im much rather do a MEL-SYD-MEL ( 4.5 hours duty ) than spend 9.5 hours sitting on my butt in a crazy office working environment. having said that, Im having a ball !!! loving it ! You just have to adapt yourself, not saying that its heaven, no, far form it , but u have to do what suits u ! the problem I find it is that everybody wants to have a FT living out of a casual job ( where the income as well as the hours fluctuate more the Qantas share price lately ! ).
Now in re to (...)"Many of the contract C crew are getting 1 day at home out of 13. Great if you have no family,friends and don't care about feeling unwell."(...), this mth out of my 20 days I only have 1 single overnight. I guess it varies a lot from base to base.
All contracts have its pros and cons, but as a B contractor u have an awesome flexibility of getting another job as oppose to the C contractors. Once again, u have to do what works for u, if u dont wanna swap contracts, than get another job, its all about CHOICE. u choose to stay, go with the flow, or so be it. I have spoke to a number of B contractors, including a few close friends, that will turn around and say, " I dont wanna give up on my weekends ", well u have chosen to work in a industry that works 24X7 , 365 days of the year, well so be it !
I understand that thre is a huge discrepancy in between the allocated hours, amongst all of us. I know B's that provide the company with 24 available days per mth, and 1 will get 50-60 hours at the end of the mth and another that will get 140-160 . I agree that its not fair, apparently they are working on that ! id like to mention that this sort of discrepancy also happens amongst the C contractors. thats they way it is, lets hope that a new fair system will take place soon.
Now. I hear a lot out online that a lot of C contractors are resigning, I have been online for a number of mths and I only know ( officially ) of 1 girl that has resigned.
Since the company has to provide the C's with 20 allocate working duties, it makes sense that they allocate the duties to them first, since they only has to LEGALLY provide the B's with 3 AV SPANS. I understand that all the B's were in the past able to make awesome money but again, as mentioned before " this is a ruthless industry and a ruthless company, that changes faster than u can say F*@k ! ", sorry but its reality.
Honestly, if u want to stay in this industry, change to C contract, its really not all that bad. Dont wanna get into politics here, but as u mentioned, the C contract is an unfair contract, and thanks to Mr Howard, companies like MAM, can get away with employing casuals with a FT commitment but without all the trimmings....... But at the end of the day Im here because I chose to be here.
In re to ur last quote “I find it hard to believe any full-timer works harder than a casual...What planet are you from?.It seems you think you are far superior to casual crew!”. i believe it is related to the comment made by QFskywalker. Correct if im wrong but there are a countless number of Full timers as well as a casuals that shouldnt be doing this job anymore, due to their laziness as well as their attitude towards the job. Like in any other industry there are the goods and the bads, all mixed in one big metallic bag!!!!
happy flying !!!
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Old 17th Apr 2007, 04:42
  #331 (permalink)  
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VR offered to short haul today

All permanent short haul crew received a letter today, inviting them to submit an initial expression of interest in voluntary redundancy.

The letter did not state how many people they are looking at making redundant, but did say that it is part of the ongoing management of the crew surplus.

Based upon this, I seriously doubt that any permanent positions will be offered to any MAM, J*, Regionals or anyone else in the near future.
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Old 17th Apr 2007, 04:53
  #332 (permalink)  
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Sleepy pilot leads to 13-hour flight delay

April 16, 2007 - 3:17PM

Passengers on a British Airways flight from New Delhi to London faced a 13-hour delay as the pilot felt he was too sleepy after a noisy night in a New Delhi hotel, newspapers reported today.
Angry passengers were offloaded from the plane early yesterday morning after the pilot refused to fly until he caught up with his sleep.
"The crew hadn't had enough rest ... the entire crew had a disturbed night," Radhika Raikhy, spokeswoman for BA, was quoted in the Hindustan Times as saying, adding that the airline's safety rules did not allow its crew to operate in such conditions.
The Times of India said the flight and cabin crew complained of not getting enough rest as their hotel was too noisy.
The flight, BA 142, finally took off 13 hours later to the fury of passengers who were sent to city hotels to wait out the delay as the crew rested, newspapers reported.
"It was very chaotic," Sunil Thapar, a passenger, said.
"Due to a shortage of rooms, some people, including me, had to share rooms with strangers," he was quoted in The Times of India as saying.

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Old 17th Apr 2007, 05:56
  #333 (permalink)  
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With regards to the short-haul voluntary redundancies, does this mean MAM may be recruiting again shortly? Or does this mean MAM won't be recruiting either as there is a surplus. I've done an application for MAM last week and really would like to know when the next recruitment day might come. Anybody got any info?
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Old 17th Apr 2007, 06:00
  #334 (permalink)  
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I too am interested in the Brisbane MAM base. Anybody know whether non-language speakers get to fly regionally to Asia as well? Do language speakers generally get different patterns to non-language spekers (i.e. fly from bne - syd, then fly an international leg)?
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Old 17th Apr 2007, 06:28
  #335 (permalink)  
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MAM may still be recruiting. Even though the company have claimed to have a surplus of crew for some time, there have still been mass intakes of MAM contract C.
I think basically the company just doesn't want permanent crew employed by Qantas. There will probably be very limited (probably no) opportunities for permanent employment with Qantas in the future. However MAM will probably continue to recruit large numbers. Its just the changing dynamics of the workforce.
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Old 17th Apr 2007, 07:39
  #336 (permalink)  
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Quote- "Its just the changing dynamics of the workforce".

No. Its the changing dynamics of the country.
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Old 17th Apr 2007, 07:51
  #337 (permalink)  
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I've closed this thread as it has reached such a large size - please continue your MAM discussions on the new MAM thread
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