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Qantas London base

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Qantas London base

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Old 29th Jun 2004, 01:06
  #61 (permalink)  
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And Don't Forget...

And Don't Forget Mark Hassell....the smiling assassin
Old 29th Jun 2004, 04:36
  #62 (permalink)  
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Lesley Grant

She is now known as Kylie..on account she is a lot more popular in London than in Australia.
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Old 29th Jun 2004, 08:34
  #63 (permalink)  
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Did anyone else get the letter from QF today?

Mark Hassell reckons they are, quote ' pouring away A$18 Million on accomodation and allowances in London '.

I would say allowances and accomodation are operating expenses and part and parcel of running and airline plus they are tax deductible for the company.

The base pay of uk#12,000 is an insult. With allowances etc. you could make up to uk#25,000 then take off around 30% in tax and NI deductions. Any one know how this compares to B.A.?

Don't forget to attend the FAAA meetings over the next few weeks.
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Old 29th Jun 2004, 10:09
  #64 (permalink)  
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Hey Leemo,

The smiling assasin used a rather ironic metaphor dont you think?

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Old 29th Jun 2004, 14:41
  #65 (permalink)  
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The QF base will open Apr/Mat 2005, but before we all get our hopes up, the new crew based at LHR will have to be Oz passport holders.

I know this for a fact as my old mates at BA are trying to apply through BA/Oneworld, but have been told they have to hold an Oz passport.

There are a lot of angry crew out there!
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Old 29th Jun 2004, 14:55
  #66 (permalink)  
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It will actually open June/ July 2005 .... and at this stage any person who wishes to work for QANTAS ( read - QANTAS ... hang on you will get my point in a bit .......) has to be a permanent resident of Australia ... thats why BA people enquiring to QF HR would get a 'not likely' response ..... cos they are asking about working for the wrong company !!!!!!!!!!!! We wont be working for Qantas ....

HOWEVER ... the crew employed for the LHR base (including current QF staff wishing to go there) will be employed by a UK based company called QF Cabin Crew UK .... this company does not exist yet .... but will do shortly, so you will have to apply to them .... not QANTAS ...

Those of us already here at QF and wanting to be based in LHR will have to take 2 years leave without pay from QF, have to go through a selection process to get the job with QF Cabin Crew UK ..... we will be working for a completely different company ... on a contract ... different conditions .....with approved leave from Qantas .....and maybe with no staff travel etc ...... but who cares ???? what an adventure
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Old 29th Jun 2004, 15:00
  #67 (permalink)  
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Although why do you want to work here?

LHR is an awful airport, and indeed the UK is a ****ty place.

There lots of ex - QF Crew a MyTravel who cant wait to get back to OZ, they are fed up of the extortionate rent, council tax, weather, conditions and immigrants.

I would stay where you are!
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Old 29th Jun 2004, 23:52
  #68 (permalink)  
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Most Australians do not have the right to live or work in Europe (myself included) ..... I do not plan on living in the UK, but commuting from somewhere nearby .... This is the only chance this old gal has to spend a couple of years living and working in Europe ..... with no risk, as my old job will be waiting for me when I finish
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 03:20
  #69 (permalink)  
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read your personal mail
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 04:31
  #70 (permalink)  
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Like your approach.

Good luck to you.
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 06:08
  #71 (permalink)  
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Well Argus ..... it seems come others do not ....

This is the mail L2P sent me :

UK bases
There are far more intelligent people than yourself trying to prevent the export of 400 Australian jobs overseas. Their efforts also include trying to maintain the working conditions of Australian based Longhaul FA's.
Posting what you earned last year does not help the cause. If you have the ability, try thinking about people other than yourself before you post.
If Lesley Grant gets her way YOU wont have a job worth having once you get sick of living in S.E. UK.


Now I arent gonna even really bother to respond to such an attack .... except to say that even the FAAA reps admit there is no possibility of returning the overseas base numbers cap after it expires in December .... so me going to London is making the best of a changing situation at work.

But people such as L2P are one of the reasons that I wish to work in an overseas base .... the people who are there will want to be there, we will have a happy little base without the nastiness of working in SYD. I have put up with the 'crew militant dictators' forcing their opinions on everyone for far too long now...

The people who fail to change with this ever changing industry, are the ones who will be out of a job ..... and like the dinosaurs, those who cannot adapt and make the best of new situations will be the ones that will be extinct.

Oh and before L2P starts some dribble that I am management or have alterior motives for being positive about the LHR base , I arent ..... I am just a humble air hostess who is looking at the positives, rather than the majority of those in QF crew ranks who choose to focus on the negatives.

Plus an old gal like me could do with a bit of adventure in her life - and thats how I see it

Ciao for now, I dont think I will be posting here again - differing opnions I can deal with .... however out & out rudeness and aggression ?? Well, I get enough of from the L2P's of the world at work

Happy flying guys and gals

Oh and PS, sorry about not responding to the hundreds of other PMs, I didnt realise that facility was there till today
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 07:48
  #72 (permalink)  
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No QTee,
you are not management but rather, a fool.
Leaving SYD because you are always on the "outer"?.
Perhaps it time to have a good look at yourself.

Last edited by Left2primary; 30th Jun 2004 at 08:03.
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 08:32
  #73 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up Re: The Pay

Someone asked about how the pay compares to other airlines. If you've got the facts right and the basic is £12000 + allowances, that is actually very, very good. Someone said it was an insult. Thats well above almost every airline here and compares well with BA who are up there with the highest paid. I'm on the old contract with BA with a basic of just over £12000 and earn well over £2500.00 I have friends who've just joined on the new BA contract on £9500 who also still bring home nearly £2000 a month - and thats at LGW. Hardly to be sniffed at in the business. You are far better off being based at LHR as its more money. Of course cost of living is hideously expensive here, but you can reduce that dramatcially if you don't go and live in the middle of London! As for opening it uo just to Aussies, I'm not too sure I believe that. Can you tell me how you came to this info please. Just askling?
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 09:12
  #74 (permalink)  
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No L2P, I am certainly not on the outer ....I am a very popular 'old gal' , you probably know me...and I do my job well, have fun, and dont bother others with militant views and constant complaining ..... as I said I am leaving SYD for an adventure .... if the base wasnt opening I would be happy to stay, as I will be happy to come back after my contract has finished in LHR.

You said I should think of other people before I post? Well, you will find darling, that there are plenty of people who see this change as an opportunity, rather than a 'chicken-licken-the-sky-is-falling' disaster (as you obviously do). So how about YOU try and think of others before you post??? Or before you send rude PM's, attacking someone based purely on seeing the positive out of something?

Get with the picture luv, this industry is changing, there is not a lot we can do about it except make the best of it ..... the overseas base cap is finished, it will never reappear again, so why not make the most of a great opporunity?

I will leave you to now broil in your bitterness (one thing I have never managed to pick-up in all my years of flying .... and I dare say they are a lot more years than you sweetie).
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 10:05
  #75 (permalink)  
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I don't know you. I've never met you unless you've crewed back in the days when I used to fly QF. But it seems to me that, judging from your recent posts, you've got the sort of positive qualities and customer focussed attitude that QF can ill afford to use. But, it's your life, and you are a long time dead. You've assessed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; and made your choice. It sounds like the chance of a lifetime. Bonne chance mon/ma brave


Resorting to personal abuse by either post or PM does your cause no favours. Your profile says nothing about you. Is this deliberate?

You should either address the facts and issues, or keep your views to yourself. Holding forth with abuse and insults while hiding behind the anonymity of these forums merely supports the arguments that either;

• QF is quite justified in putting jobs offshore if its Oz based staff hold views such as yours; or,

• QF should be looking to 'reinvigorate' its Oz based staff by offering redundancy to those who hold your negative views.

To be blunt, stop pulling pud and get a life, son.

And you should also seek some professional advice on the law of defamation.

Last edited by Argus; 30th Jun 2004 at 10:34.
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 10:55
  #76 (permalink)  
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The decision has been made and when QF make a decision they almost never back away from it, when it comes to cost cutting.

Therefore all I hope for is that ONLY Australians will operate out of this base. It is unacceptable to have U.K. Citizens operate all flights out of London on an Australian airline when the reason is all about money not language or cutural reasons, these are jobs that Australian's deserve and no-one else.

If the shoe was on the other foot and B.A. decided that U.K. crew would never operate down to Australia again only Australian crew if a base was ever set up we would never hear the end of it.

Q-Tee I wish you the best of luck with the selection process and the positive contribution you make to prune.

I dont agree with the base opening and London is just the start, you can bet once the cap is removed and QF see the real savings from the London base that bases will be opening all over the place effecting the lives of all Australian QF crew. Not to mention the opportunity for Australians wanting to be flight attendants with Qantas is also going off-shore.

L2P and people that think that way are the only ones that can make a difference, QF need to know that this is not acceptable, and the crew are not just going to sit back and take it, they are out there trying to make a difference and fight for their careers, should they just give in without a fight?

Last edited by GalleyHag; 30th Jun 2004 at 12:52.
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 11:03
  #77 (permalink)  
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the number 1 aviation groupee speaks!!!

My views are out there for all to see.
QF's greed in shipping hundreds of Australian jobs offshore to boost it's already record bottom line.

Plus the reduction in pay, conditions and overall job security for the remaining Australian based staff who are in no small part, responsible for the success QF currently enjoys.

What exactly ARE you views?


Oh BTW- I had a conversation the other day with a retired Longhaul CSM.
He has a 23 year old son in the hospitality industry and was lamenting the fact that the Thais/Kiwis got his job.
It looks like the Poms will get your sons/ daughters jobs too.

"QANTAS, the worlds greediest airline".

Last edited by Left2primary; 30th Jun 2004 at 12:00.
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Old 30th Jun 2004, 12:32
  #78 (permalink)  
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Therefore all I hope for is that ONLY Australians will operate out of this base. It is unacceptable to have U.K. Citizens operate all flights out of London on an Australian airline when the reason is all about money not language or cutural reasons, these are jobs that Australian's deserve and no-one else.

Careful there GalleyHag... QF is also serving the U.K. public, the crew will be living on U.K. ground, relying on U.K. unions, flying under U.K. laws... I find it pretty normal that a percentage of the crew positions should be granted to U.K. passport holders...

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Old 30th Jun 2004, 13:03
  #79 (permalink)  
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I dont work for QF and most likely never will (if they dont remove their upper height limits, which by the way, are completely outdated) but can I strongly strongly recommend to everyone posting on this thread to direct your anger at QF Management and not each other... Bitterness will only lead to division amongst you, and in situations like this you need to stand strong and together and ask Dixon if he wants "the chicken or the fish", or does he want to kiss your a*se!
Above was a post I made only a few days ago

Folks please please remember it.... again I re-iterate that fighting amongst yourselves is exactly what they want

If I can quote from The Simpsons "So we'll march day and Night, by the big cooling tower, they have the plant, but we have the power"

Ok so we are not talking about a Nuclear Reactor here, but we are certainly talking about a hotpot that is just getting stirred and stirred more and more...

Remember folks United they stand, Divided they fall

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Old 30th Jun 2004, 14:05
  #80 (permalink)  
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Good on you. How fantastic to see someone make a conscious decision not to be miserable, and to actually make a positive move in an attempt to experience something different.


Intimidation. If you have taken to imposing yourself on your colleagues who choose to defy what you feel is best for your future, you are no better than the management you detest. It is people like you that is wrong with Qantas.
If you really hate the place as much as you do, are as appalled with management as you say you are, by all means, make a stand. RESIGN. For the life of me I cannot understand why you are still there.
BTW, have you set a date for your fabled stirring beast to rear its head. I can't wait for that one.
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