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Qantas London base

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Qantas London base

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Old 5th Oct 2004, 02:36
  #381 (permalink)  
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Thanks. Like M2M, an excellent post that puts some relevant background and balance into the debate. I now appreciate more fully why there's such a head of steam building up.

Over the years, I've been close to both the union and management sides in various industrial disputes. In my experience, no one wins when strikes occur. I suggested earlier today that the crewing numbers matter be arbitrated. This could be done privately or under the auspices of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission. While this is going on, work continues normally.

The Federal Court handed down a decision last week in which the matter of lockouts was extensively canvassed - see here In short, the Court confirmed that when responding to industrial action (protected or otherwise), the employer is under no obligation to give three days notice, provided notice is given to the union. The FAAA should note the lengths the employer went to in this case to ensure the union was given notice - para 20-35.
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Old 5th Oct 2004, 08:06
  #382 (permalink)  
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Moderator Edits

Gone through a number of posts on this thread today, removing some personalised comments and bickering. This is not censorship, just housekeeping: This is an emotive and important thread - let's not let it drift into abuse!
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Old 6th Oct 2004, 02:04
  #383 (permalink)  
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5 October 2004

Attention all Qantas Long Haul Flight Attendants

Crew may have heard all sorts of rumours about strike action and Qantas training strike breakers. The FAAA has set out the facts below:

• Crew cannot be sacked or demoted for taking protected industrial action (going on strike).

• Qantas cannot sack their current cabin crew workforce and replace them with a new one.

• Qantas have said that they have contingency plans in place and the FAAA is aware that they are training 170 crew to work up to 3 months on a fixed term contract.

• Qantas employees have contacted the FAAA to advise us of Qantas calling for volunteers from within the company to under go emergency procedures training.

• 170 contract workers and some management volunteers will not lessen the effectiveness of any strike action that long haul cabin crew decide to take.

The FAAA believes that strike action should always be the last resort. We will be negotiating with the company right up until December in an effort to reach agreement on the things that cabin crew have told us are important such as job security and a decent wage increase.

Further there are a number of types of protected industrial action that cabin crew can take and going on strike is only one of them. If industrial action is necessary the FAAA will direct the most effective industrial action in the circumstances.

Written by Matt Warburton – National Industrial Officer authorised by
Michael Mijatov - Secretary International Division

46 Section 170MU(1) prohibits employers from dismissing employees or otherwise acting to their prejudice for engaging in protected action:

‘(1) An employer must not:

(a) dismiss an employee, injure an employee in his or her employment or alter the position of an employee to the employee’s prejudice; or
(b) threaten to dismiss an employee, injure an employee in his or her employment or alter the position of an employee to the employee’s prejudice;

wholly or partly because the employee is proposing to engage, is engaging, or has engaged in protected action.’
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Old 6th Oct 2004, 23:43
  #384 (permalink)  
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ALP 'open mind' on Qantas

ALP 'open mind' on Qantas
Katharine Murphy
October 07, 2004

LABOR has given its strongest hint a Latham government could overhaul regulations restricting foreign ownership in Qantas if it helped Australia's dominant carrier to preserve local jobs.

Labor transport spokesman Martin Ferguson said yesterday he had an open mind on the question of foreign ownership restrictions.

"Labor has said it is prepared to have a realistic discussion," Mr Ferguson told The Australian.

"I have an open mind on working with Qantas to ensure Australian jobs are protected," he said.

Qantas would be a strong supporter of any change in the current regime as the airline has campaigned in Canberra for years for an end to the restrictions that cap foreign ownership at 49 per cent.

Mr Ferguson pointed to recent developments in the aviation industry as being critical to Qantas's future.

Market watchers are expecting Singapore Airlines to seek partnerships with Qantas or Virgin Blue after its recent decision to sell its shares in Air New Zealand. British Airways has also recently sold its $1.1 billion stake in Qantas.
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 03:41
  #385 (permalink)  
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"I have an open mind on working with Qantas to ensure Australian jobs are protected,"

Interesting comment

Could we see a trade happen here? QF ditches the LHR base if the Govt lifts the cap?
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 04:03
  #386 (permalink)  
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hi girlfriends!

the latest rumour doing the rounds up the track is that the flight attendant union movement is about to split right down the middle
apparently the short haul division are going to break away from the longhaul international division short haul will take the 200 plus crew who have opted for the london base with them because short haul union has promised to maintain the seniority number while the boys and girls are in london and also try and improve the unattractive conditions being offered in london

tell me it isn't so

the split is being organised by somebody named Playford

if this is true, it may impact a tad on our solidarity and unity issues come strike day.

are we going back to the boys and girls union days?

and remember guys, when that strong urge overcomes you to mate with a marsupial..........

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Old 7th Oct 2004, 04:14
  #387 (permalink)  
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They are already split and have been for many years. John Playford is the Industrial Officer for the FAAA Domestic/Regional Division, who does a fantastic job, therefore I suppose he is protecting the interests of his members who choose to take up the London positions (not that I agree with it) but thats his job.

Am I confused? Or do you really think we are all part of the one union?
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 09:25
  #388 (permalink)  
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thank you for that info on mr playford I've never taken much notice of short haul personalities up till now.
actually I've just jetted in from MEL where I had lunch with a few of the longhaul based girls. they are not happy campers either. one branch member told me that mijatov, smedley and reed want to close down the mel and perth union branches and centralise all power in sydney. I suppose that's one way of removing dissent amongst the members. apparently mijatov, smedley and reed blame the perth base branch for getting the last EBA 6 across the line. with a vote of 53% to 47% it would indicate a fairly divided group of people. perth is seen to be aligned with the old warner broome and bremm faction and the syd based union members loathe them because they feel they are least likely to strike. I used to love johanna's pithy little 'yours in solidarity' slogans but it appears that the bases are causing divisions. each base seems to have its own problems and issues that are unique to it . the girls in mel were not overly concerned that syd based crew could no longer attend wimbledon or shop at marks & spencers or harrods. the new jurraisic park base in brisbane will not be that fussed on not going to london as long as they keep their beloved narita patterns. probably no bases should ever have been launched , but they are there each with there own individual problems requiring complex , specific answers. I'm afraid 'strike, strike, strike!' just won't cut it darlings

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Old 7th Oct 2004, 12:11
  #389 (permalink)  
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unfortunate indeed for us longhaulers that much of what you call your, "growth, flexability, stability and regional flying " has come at our expense.

Band payments for tranferees.........?

L2P "S.T.R."
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 13:10
  #390 (permalink)  
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Your constant labelling of any ppruner who dares have a "non L2P view" of the FAAA as QF Management, is particularly boring. Take Argus Moon's advice to me and get a 'broader perspective' will you.

Whether you believe it or not there are many cc who do not agree with the way in which the FAAA are currently 'negotiating', and i use the term loosely, our future.
As Emu E has correctly pointed out the division amongst bases is concerning, and confirms that the cc unity is not as sound as you would have everyone on this site believe.

Ask any flyer what they are striking for and nobody knows anymore - are we trying to stop the London base or stop short haul taking our flying - how about a 3% payrise or maybe 6%, who's getting 330/380 flying, and what was that about a base cap - or let's forget all of it and just keep rehashing how those imbeciles in Perth along with the last idiotic FAAA regime voted the EBA 6 in.

The FAAA does not appear to have a handle on all this. The company is, unfortunately, one step ahead all the time.
When the December strike action is over, whatever the result, negotiations will need to begin again.
I can only hope the FAAA execs are better at it the 2nd time round as I don't believe any of these issues will be any less complex.
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 21:53
  #391 (permalink)  
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Okay folks - Here's the score.

This thread has degenerated into a series of posts that are causing the forum moderators a whole bunch of problems: Every day, somebody is reporting somebody else, or breaking Pprune posting rules, or abusing somebody else.... and so on. We all, as moderators, have other, better, things to do, than break up squabbles and edit posts to protect us from lawsuits.

This thread has been much discussed among forum moderators, as a result of which, a whole series of warnings have been issued. It is only the fact that this thread is really important to so many people, that has kept it alive.

So, for one last time, may we ask you to think carefully about what you say, before posting on what is a contentious, complex and potentially difficult subject. It is worth remembering:-
  • You do not know the real identity of anybody posting - they may, or may not,be managers. Disagreeing with something you say does not, de facto make them so.
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From here on in, anybody breaking these, or other PPrune rulees, on this thread, gets banned from the thread for 24 hrs, and on subsequent events, banned from the thread completely, andd then from Pprune. We are aware that some people may be deliberately posting contentiously, in an attempt to get this thread closed by the moderators - This will not work

No exceptions, no negotiation, no bull****.

P.S. - and stop reporting each other to us all the time! If you need an explanation, RE-READ THIS POST!
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 22:52
  #392 (permalink)  
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Im interested to know how you are privy to the details of negotiations being held now between QF and the FAAA.
Given that these negotiations are being held in secret it does beg the question of just how you obtain information re the FAAA efforts?

You and emuenema seem DESPERATE to convince those reading this thread that striking is a lost cause but once again, please............. dont worry.

QF have an army of 10 000 to step into the Longhaulers shoes if/when we decide to "pull the pin". Given the cirmumstances I would have though it self evident that striking will have no effect.........................

So, anyway. Tell us "how" the FAAA are negotiating and where you get the information?

L2P " S.T.R."

Oh BTW. Ive NEVER complained to the moderators about a response to this or any other thread.

Interesting to learn that others seem to make a habit of it........................I wonder why??????????
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Old 7th Oct 2004, 22:52
  #393 (permalink)  
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some clarity less rumor

just a few reminders to pdreaming and others
there is a confidantiality clause in the eba negotiations so the faaa or qantas can not reveal all there wishlists. but as you all have seen LG put out a few carrots in her comments on the cabin crew website. whatever the proposal that the faaa and qf agree on you will see and commment/vote on.
its not about one issue but a whole range of issues, some affect various bases in a different way. therefore different bases some /maybe little different issues apart from wage increase and general split of flying. yes i think we all agree the last faaa exc left a few (huge)holes in the last eba and unfortunatly the current lot have to deal with it.
as in not having a handle on it you only can be the judge once you get to see the final agreement and thats then your choice to support or reject the next eba.
as for emu e god bless our domestic collegues out for lunch gossiping. eg. an australian union cannot represent a base overseas.
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Old 8th Oct 2004, 03:31
  #394 (permalink)  
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Firstly I am not privy to any negotiation info - I am only reading the emails I am receiving from the FAAA along with the letters LG keeps posting on the CC website.
My opinion on why I don't believe the FAAA is negotiating well is as follows-
- 4-5 months ago QF Management proposed a London base without prior negotiation with the FAAA.
- The FAAA responded by proposing strike action in December and taking on a widespread media campaign promoting this fact.
- The FAAA and QF have had closed door meetings endeavouring to sort this situation out along with the new EBA 7
- At the current point we now have:
1. apparantly 170? fully trained non unionised strike breakers
2. ground staff training as F/a's
3. approximately 200? non-unionised UK nationals currently being recruited
4. approximately 200 soon to be non-unionised Aus LH & SH cc who are heading off to London
5. A loss of LH flying routes which are going to SH
6. If rumours on this site are correct then an obvious union division between long and short haul, along with strong divisions between various bases - In short a lack of unity

I am sorry but I do not see the above situation as a successful outcome of the FAAA negotiations. We are in a worse position with less cards to play. Maybe if the FAAA had tried to get better conditions and wages for the London base and 480 Australians had taken the base then maybe we wouldn't be sitting here now discussing all this.
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Old 8th Oct 2004, 06:39
  #395 (permalink)  
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ah, so now I get it. we're actually going on strike because the new recriuts have to wear king gee pants and a polo top.
fashion wars!
surely the king gee pants and polo top (lacoste?) are a vast improvement on the morrissey sack that has been inflicted on us?
how come the new recruits are having all the fun?
I believe if you put it to a vote, cabin crew would prefer king gee over morrissey mayhem anyday
if they throw in a pair of r.m. williams, the company is on a real winner
can we get fashion issues included along with everything else on the EBA table?
actually when I read that the faaa was now commencing FORMAL EBA meetings with the company I imagined the senior union officials hiring tuxedos to go to the boardroom.
however, if they don't change their ostrich attitude, I'm afraid no matter what they wear, they'll still look like losers.
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Old 8th Oct 2004, 07:43
  #396 (permalink)  
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interesting and rather tragic to see that you have had to resort to the ridiculous to push your point of view [whatever that is....................?]

You have inadvertedly hit the nail on the head regarding the reasoning for Longhaulers to strike.

So fed up, disengaged and disillusioned with their treatment by QF management that they hardly need cause.

The overwhelming sentiment out there across ALL factions is "bring it on".

Dont believe me?
Remember. I dont have to try to gauge sentiment by calling into briefing rooms and asking CSMs.

I fly.

L2P "S.T.R."

BTW. Im looking foward to my first Christmas and New Year at home in ,oh, fifteen or so years.
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Old 9th Oct 2004, 05:34
  #397 (permalink)  
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if the only reason you are taking strike action is to be home for Xmas, I suggest you learn how to use the bid system.

actually your agenda of unecessary strike action will ensure that many thousands of australians whose travel plans are disrupted will be spending Xmas at home too, whether they want to or not. looks like plenty of empty seats at family xmas lunches this year courtesy of the faaa.
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Old 9th Oct 2004, 07:32
  #398 (permalink)  
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emu enema,

there are plenty of other international carriers around so people should not be missing the holiday period with their relatives because of Qantas crew being on strike. I doubt any of us really want to strike but as Qantas managers are continually treating us like dirt I don't think we have any choice.

Also, many travel agents are no longer booking on Qantas unless they have to. You may have read that Qantas are now screwing them as well, paying the travel agents less commission means even more money in Dixons bonus.
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Old 9th Oct 2004, 12:22
  #399 (permalink)  
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emu enema,

as I've been at pains to point out before, Qf are training [abusing] an army of 10 000 young Australians to step into our shoes if/when we decide to pull the pin.

Surely therefore no one booked with QF over the holiday period stands to be inconvenienced in any way, shape or form.

Hey, I even have memories of Geoff saying the whole situation was a "hypothetical".

So dont worry, darling.

L2P "S.T.R."
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Old 9th Oct 2004, 13:49
  #400 (permalink)  
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Hey all !

Havent been on here for a while! Glad to see the union movement still is harping on .... it would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything!

An update for those who are actually interested in the London base ( and not mere "Lets strike, Lets strike, Lets strike" sentiments).

This old gal is still going, have put my name down for the first wave. QF are moving current crew over in different waves, first wave in Feb 2005 - they will take over all the LHR-BKK flights, second wave in March will take over some of the LHR-SIN, third wave in April will take the remainder of the LHR-SIN flights, final wave in may will commence the new LHR-HKG sectors.

About 230 current crew have put in expression of interests, they are going start advertising in the UK in the next few weeks. All applicants will have to have unrestriceted access to all QF ports, and have the right to live and work in the UK. I have heard the first training schools will be in Jan, continuing through to May .....this is all hand-me-down info from others going, so it may not be precise !!

I still cant wait to go! Have even got lodgings lined up ( kensington no less, how posh!!!! ) there are a lot of really nice crew heading over there, so it will be a great base to work in. They are currently completing the interviews for those wishing to become CSS's and CSM's.

L2P, enjoy your strike. I still am of the opinion that the FAAA wont get an awful lot of support over the xmas period -- but hey I have been proven wrong before. Either way, I still wont be striking regardless.
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