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Old 26th May 2004, 04:46
  #21 (permalink)  
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sam 2m

True they have given a lot of people jobs, just the same as they've taken them away!

If you think it's ok for the things that have been mentioned on here to be going on then fine, just give us a clue for which airline you do work for so we can avoid them like the plague. It's bad enough working in those conditions let alone having to pay for them when we book our holidays, not that'll be until next winter now, courtesy of the new contracts!

Interesting to note that the only people with a good thing to say are those that don't work in those conditions.

Shame they don't run a course 'a day in the life of a FJE employee' because I would recommend you sign up immediately, I guarantee you would be shocked.

Sure this new CCM is saying there changing things, but the last one (who was approachable) kept asking and got no-where.

As for your acorns grow into.......... , equally a leopard never changes it's spots.
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Old 26th May 2004, 08:15
  #22 (permalink)  
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The grass ins't greener
I think you'll find it is, it's just a case of finding the right field.

I think the crew from FLYJET need support rather than people telling them to get on with it and are lucky they have a job. This type of attitude really annoys me as there are lots of flying jobs for Cabin Crew and airlines should remember this as it is costing them a lot of money for training and recruitment. And why should crew be treated like that?

Cabin Crew is a fab job but too many airlines are spoiling it by having the wrong type of management at the top. I have NEVER worked in an industry where the attitude to the workforce has been so bad.

I hope one of these airlines does fall flat on it's face one day and let it be a lesson to the people who they put in charge, it will serve them right and let's hope it will make an example of them.

It seems that most airlines are Cr@p to work for because of the people incharge however I do think some are not as bad as others.

Good luck to your all at FLY JET don't take any s**t from the company and give as good as you get!!!
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Old 26th May 2004, 08:28
  #23 (permalink)  
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ah ha, MH is still there. The phrase "2 faces" springs to mind
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Old 26th May 2004, 09:03
  #24 (permalink)  
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Just popped in to say that I have just had my first experience as a passenger with Flyjet, to Egypt and back. Mrs p and I thought that the cabin service was excellent. Service was prompt and cheerful and the whole trip was as good as any other charter airline I've flown and better than many schedules. Thanks especially to the crew who brought us smoothly back from Hurghada last Friday.

My only concern as we boarded for the trip out, having never heard of Flyjet before, was the four bald tyres on the port side MLG.
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Old 26th May 2004, 09:35
  #25 (permalink)  
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as i have stated

As i have stated i use to work for Fly Jet, but i have now moved on to a better company, and i suggest other people should move on to other companys. All the things on this web site are true, which is one of the many resons i left. Maybe if people keep leaving management and crewing might relise they have problems which need sorting out asap. Yes if they keep recruiting and doing training courses it will cost the company a lot of money, may be thats why in the new contracts, you have to give 3 months notice or you pay a fine of 500 pounds which will cover training expencess. There is some great people at Fly Jet, even Flight Deck are brill you can talk to flight deck and they do listen to all the problems about Fly Jet but even they can not sort them out. I just hope the new CCM does sort all these problems out,there is a lot of people working there and this is why i would like the company to work there is some great cabin crew (and of course some NOT so great cabin crew) i would not like to see them unemployed, So Fly Jet try and sort your problems out asap, before it does end up in the papers. And give the new CCM a chance she may be some one you can talk to and go to with problems maybe she will sort it all out good luck everyone left at Fly Jet
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Old 26th May 2004, 10:01
  #26 (permalink)  
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I really think the damage has been done but if the new ccm thinks she can turn things around then she must'nt listen to certain people and I think we know who I mean. Prehaps an HR department would help at flyjet as the proper procedures for hireing and fireing would be in place rather than one rule for one and another rule for others!
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Old 27th May 2004, 10:16
  #27 (permalink)  
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So we gave them the benefit of the doubt in May, that it was the beginning of the season, although all other charter airlines were as busy in May as they will be in August, and we then get our June rosters - 3 flights, 18 stand bys seems to be the norm!!

Quite why there about to start an ab-initio course is anyones guess - another group of poor souls who will arrive with the promise of caribbean, and other far away destinations to be faced with a couple of flights on behalf of MON, shabby old planes and wash up the catering equipment on turnaround in preparation for the inbound cos yet again not enough is provided. And before you start, no it can't be checked before cos it's in the hold.
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Old 28th May 2004, 10:06
  #28 (permalink)  
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I have to say this post seems very similar to the last one. A lot of issues and concerns raised but also a lot of bitching. Plonky kit are you a friend of FlyjetBitch!? Also it is obvious Sam 2M is BA, Clues being that they work for a large sheduled airline, and mentions Dan Air
I agree there is no perfect airline, if you think that other airlines don't ring people on days off or rest days then you're mistaken, but the job is what you make of it. And as for the grass being greener it could be pink with white spots who cares so long you're happy And if you're not then do something about it

Have you heard this - my first airline job was for a start up airline and I joined from the very begining and it lasted 2 years. I got made redundant after 18 months because the MD was not interested in the pax side of things only the cargo. The director of flight ops was, and propably still is , the dodgiest person in aviation. The people all worked hard to try and make it work but failed so i can speak from the otherside of the coin. But i now work for AEU and have to say things are good and with the introduction of the 757 things should are looking up.

To all of you good luck and i hope you find the perfect job
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Old 30th May 2004, 02:12
  #29 (permalink)  
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Lots of interesting reading. Not being employed by FLYJET it is interesting to see that all the Cabin Crew are not happy and that morale is rock bottom, with Crew on rock bottom it is always
and issue that staff wont be giving 100% to there job because Line Managers aren't coming forward and ironing out the problem.

With 2 x 757's cabin crew should be having busy rosters and earning there money now. But I have heard that there is only One Tour Operator that is using them now which is there Backer.

I know alot of people that jumped and went to FlyJet as they though New airline, Long Haul Routes going to be better than the
Charter outfit they work for. Seems that NS took alot of people with him when he left AEU and has now left or was pushed.. Not sure which.

I accept all Crewing Officer try and ask people to work on there Days Off I dont believe there is any airline that doesn't do that but again there is a way to communicate with people after all we are all human.

From the discussions that are being talked about, if the 2 757's are going at the end of Oct then maybe crew should look to other airlines. There are alot of Crawley Based airlines looking for more crew and fd.

Good Luck to you all
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Old 3rd Jun 2004, 13:19
  #30 (permalink)  
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more nonsense

Well here we go again.

Do you know that when the aircraft went to lasham the other day the engineers only knew about a new carpet and nothing about the seats, why doesn't that surprise me. So things are getting better are they, why is it then that the company have just had to pay out loads of day off premiums as 10 people were uncontactable on bank holiday monday including trainers!!
7 crew on an aircraft now but only for this month to 'bring up the standards' might have been nice then if we had had some information on what the standard is meant to be with this extra person as certain ifm's think there now there to 'float'. maybe if they looked at catering and aircraft standards it might just have a little more impact but then how can this be done when the new CCM and a certain Director are off on a jolly in manchester for a night(!?) and day to say 'Hello' to some new entrants - cos it would take 2 of them wouldn't it. Maybe MH needed directions as he's only been there once in the last year or maybe TB is living up to her reputation and maybe that's why she suddenly appeared from nowhere and took over this role . Exactly what is her past 'experience' and in what field?
Oh and finally have heard that the new entrants contracts end on the same day as the aircraft are due to go back - is SD about to do a deja vu Airworld?? Oh how I love to feel secure at work, wouldn't mind if they could just be honest with us. Sure other companies aren't perfect but I've never known a company to be so sly and secretive.
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Old 6th Jun 2004, 05:02
  #31 (permalink)  
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I think everyone has been told so many lies no one believes anymore. I have heard most crew only have 2-3 flights a month
and they wonder why they are losing crew and getting a bad
name for themselves.. It does seem like airworld all over again.

Get out while the going is good guys
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Old 9th Jun 2004, 03:19
  #32 (permalink)  
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you know guys enough is enough, plonky kit you seem bitter and upset about youre whole career. if youre not happy , sort youre self out and stop upsetting others who are very happy. there are many different ways to look at things in life, and what you are not grasping is that youre job is not youre life. you will never ever be happy with a company unless you are running it so go and set up youre own airline and see how that works out for you. im sorry to be harsh but get a life, move on if you have too. flyjet is a nice place with great people but like anything else it is what you make it. dont upset the rest of us with youre childish atittude, the majority of flyjet crew are happy to be in a job and are more than happy to be flexible to this fledling airline and help it to be what it aims to be. we know the aircraft are crap but that doesnt stop us from delivering outsatnding customer service, which is all pax care about.
you have a great job that many people would only dream of, so instead of being a thorn in the side of flyjet be a branch and someone they can rely on, life will be a lot better for you.

i know you will want to reply to this but just bear in mind i dont know you and couldnt give a hoot,so just sort yourself out out and tryand get a job with b.a. its for the best for everyone.
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Old 13th Jun 2004, 16:36
  #33 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up flyjet

may i just say to u all that im presently on the flyjet course and im thoroughly enjoying the course and my new employers,they are a great bunch of cabin crew and management,and as for terry brown i flew with her some years ago,and i can assure u that things will change at flyjet,AND FOR THE BETTER,IN THE INTERESTS OF THE CABIN CREW AND THE COMPANY AS A WHOLE.
as for the 767,yes they are still in present talks regarding the a/c,but hey i dont mind operating on the 757,who wudnt,an a/c is an a/c,after all,it gets the pax there in one piece and safely,with as previously stated,extremely good,proffessional cabin crew.
give the airline a chance,we have after lasted alot longer than AV8air.
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Old 14th Jun 2004, 21:38
  #34 (permalink)  
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for a start im not a mikey...
unfortuntly flyjet have recruited there crew,however should they do so in future come and try for yourself,better paid than most charter,good layovers,nice new uniform,and will expand..
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Old 17th Jun 2004, 12:23
  #35 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up Well done flyjet!

Well after the base meeting on tuesday,I have to say thankyou and well done to the management team at Flyjet.
It was long over due and well needed,and I have to say my trust is put back in the company once again.I think our new CC manager is great,shes clearing all the out and starting from the foundations to build a new and improved airline! and I really think she can do it Well if you had any any questions or problems with the company that was the day too voice them!
I for one can say I really do believe that Flyjet are going places,with new long haul destinations,new and bigger aircraft and a new head office builing,we are on the way to much bigger and better things!
So for any of you crew members who are still going to bitch and moan and dont want to stay and see what happens,why dont you off and leave those who believe in Flyjet behind to let us make Flyjet a great airline! and were see whos laughing at who in the furture
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Old 18th Jun 2004, 23:31
  #36 (permalink)  
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If anyone can sort the comapny out it is the new CC manager. Ive only a known her a few months but I believe shes the right person for the job. I know her ex company miss her already ;-)

Good Luck 2 all of you at FlyJet. Im sure all of you slagging them off will soon be eating your words.
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Old 20th Jun 2004, 13:15
  #37 (permalink)  
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CC Manager

Who is the new CC manager and where has she come from?
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Old 20th Jun 2004, 17:45
  #38 (permalink)  
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yes i have seen a vast improvement of morale and cabin services and so far think the new cc manager is doing an excellant job.However there are a lot of issues that still need to be resolved such as flight duty pay, deadheading allowance(as we now operate tlv) travel concessions, 3 months notice on contracts, and allowances for trips.T.B keep up the good work but please talk to M.H about our dreadful salaries
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Old 25th Jun 2004, 13:17
  #39 (permalink)  
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Hi guys. Its been a while since i last read this but i'm glad to see that a bit of faith has been restored.
Good luck to you all.
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Old 12th Jul 2004, 13:30
  #40 (permalink)  
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Hey LOVEGERD your comment about lasting longer than AV8Air is a bit rude, try having some respect for all the crew on permanent contracts losing their jobs after so many hopes and promises and now jobless so late in the season think yourself lucky your ok for the season and send some apologies out to all the late av8air crew.
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