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Old 20th Mar 2003, 07:10
  #161 (permalink)  
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Hi again Airbedane,


Is the simple and safe answer.

The pitch-down at anything approaching sideslip rudder deflections is both severe & sudden.

This, coupled with the (significantly) reduced elevator authority in such a configuration is extremely dangerous near the ground.

Having said all of that - if the donkey stopped on me and I found myself in a situation where I needed to lose a lot of height quickly to get into my chosen field, I would make that decision early and slip some height off at a few hundred feet.

However, to set up a meaninful degree of sideslip near the ground will in my view likely present the pilot with greater risks than he would face by running into the far boundary hedge.

So - In the Maggie - plan the circuit well, get rid of excess height early.

Meet me at OW and I'll demonstrate it to you - my pleasure.

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Old 24th Mar 2003, 10:54
  #162 (permalink)  
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Hi HP,

Apologies, I thought you knew who Airbedane was - we had the conversation on it over dinner a few months ago. (I've left a note on your mobile).

We've already had the discussion on sideslips, too, and I already knew your views, but I was hoping to get some support to convince you that they were a good and safe thing to do in context.

Maybe I'm wrong to so do, and maybe I'm right. The reason was that when I FL'd a maggie, I had too much height over the fence and landed long on the strip - I wasn't the only person to discover that day that the flaps don't work without the engine. I didn't sideslip, and for the life of me, I don't know why...........

I'd still be interested in other pilot's thoughts - there must be some Maggie pilot's out there with a view on the subject??


PS Fly together? - we already did; it was a great pleasure, and I'm sure we'll do it again in the near future.
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Old 24th Mar 2003, 17:59
  #163 (permalink)  
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Hi AB,

Your true identity now revealed and all without the need for you to run into a phone box and put your underpants on outside your tights!

If I were you I would have kept quiet, claimed the ride and then coughed that I had changed my log-in name!

Looking forward to flying with you this season.

(Much embarrassment for bantering with a TP who has more experience and types than most could ever shake a stick at!)

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Old 3rd Apr 2003, 05:09
  #164 (permalink)  
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Hallo all, after a rather long absence!

Whizzing past Shoreham on Sunday enroute Steyning to Frankfurt I noticed with much pleasure Gemini 'KHP outside the Sussex Pad hangar. Believe the door was flipped up. Getting ready to fly?

Popped in to Tangmere too. Nice display, considerate staff.

Have copied some Mmmmiles ads from old 1939 Flights, if anyone would care to drop me a line....
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Old 5th Apr 2003, 18:44
  #165 (permalink)  
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Hi nHP,

No need to be embarrassed, banter is what it's all about, and at least I now know your true thoughts on the subject..........

Notwithstanding, I still believe the sideslip is a good trick to have up your sleve just in case. If you are just about to crash anyway, it would be worth trying - so practice at a safe height to gain the skill.

Talkinf of underpants, did you ever read the 'Fosdyke Saga' in the Daily Mirror in the late 60's and early 70's? If you did, you'd know thet you can always trust a bloke that tucks his short into his underpants..!?!



Lets try that again!

You can always trust a bloke that tucks his SHIRT into his underpants!

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Old 9th Apr 2003, 20:49
  #166 (permalink)  
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Baginton Kings Cup Air Race-old programme

Lets run through some of those famous names in the annals of (Miles in particular) aviation history,that old programme brings back some memories because I am proud to say that I was there and met all of these great pilots,so lets see what they got up to-

Peter Clifford,amazing chap,imported Zlins,agent for Omnipol,ran a maintenance organisation at Kidlington and lived in a little cottage on the airfield visible from the main road,surrounded with old aircraft,flew with him once on an airtest in a Super Aero 45 his attention to detail was astounding,he knew Czech aircraft in and out.

Buster Paine-flew Proctors,chief engineer for Orion Airways (the ones with Vickers Vikings not the later one with Boeing 737's) then director of Derby Aviation later to become British Midland Airways,raced the Miles Hawk Speed Six G-ADGP.

Percy Blamire-Late of the Ring Road Garage in Coventry,founder member of the Coventry Aeroplane club,once held an agency for Auster Aircraft,owner of Miles Gemini G-ALZG raced in all gold with blue trim,well known for his low level flights down the railway line as a practise course from Baginton to Berkswell where he lived,lost one leg in a motorcycling accident and had a special rudder pedal set up,involved with 84 squadron ATC.

David Ogilvy-Well it would take a book to write about this chap,once manager at Shuttleworth,flew De Havilland Mosquitoes with Derby Aviation/Spartan Air Services magnetometer research aircraft,flew for Skyfame museum,excellent author on aeroplane and relevant engine handling,now saves airfields from closure,well I think that he is still doing this ?

A.J.Spiller-Well known for his Miles Messenger G-AKIN which is now with a flying trust after being in the family for many years,had his own airstrip on his farm and welcomed visiting aircaft and their owners.

Jimmy Denyer-Newcastle Aero Club CFI,entered almost every year in the Kings Cup flying Tiger Moths and Austers,amazing navigational skills flew the Tiger down from Woolsington,no radio or nav aids in far from perfect weather.
Had a hearty team of supportors who used to carry him on their shoulders ! he found time for me as a young lad to sign my programme when he did well one year,wonder if he is still around ?

Neil Williams-Once again could fill a book with anecdotes on his life,flipped a Zlin onto its back when the wing bolt failed,flipped it over last minute to land,aerobatic pilot supreme,excellent aviation author,sadly lost his life with his wife ferrying a Heinkel bomber from Spain when it struck a mountain in bad weather trying to get through a gap.
Flew Tiger Moths before he could get hold of a Stampe SV.4 from France.

Beverly Snook-Well known for his long distance ferry flights in Piper Comanches for Vigors Aviation etc long distance fuel tanks strapped right behind his back ! aviation consultant.

Westoby-well known businessman from Blackpool who had his own maintenance company-still alive ?

Noel Husbands-Owner of several aircraft over the years,came from Fairwood Common,Swansea,once he forgot to put the racing number underneath the wings of his Benz Mraz Sokol G-AIXN,I came to the rescue got on my back with my brushes and painted the white circle and black numerals,he asked me what he owed me and I said,give me a flight around the Kings Cup course ! he did and frightened the life out of me,low level and flat out !

If anyone can add any more to the above please do.
What happened to Geoff Marler,Nat Somers ? for whom I know nothing about.
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Old 12th Apr 2003, 06:21
  #167 (permalink)  
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Well Cloudancer100, there's some food for thought - facinating stuff, too.

I believe I was at said race, as well. I was born in Coventry and because of my inborn passion for aircraft, my parents moved to Baginton when I was 6, in 1956 - my sister still lives in the same house now.

I didn't miss an airshow after that.

Percy Blamire was a personal hero for me. I was a member of 84 Sqn ATC, as well as cycling past his garage in Coventry on my way to school every day.

I'm also lucky enough to count David Ogilvy as a friend - he converted me to the Maggie some years ago, the first, and therefore, the most memorable of several Miles types.

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Old 16th Apr 2003, 19:22
  #168 (permalink)  
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'EG' looked great at Turweston last weekend - would look even better at Popham sometime

Did you ever sort out the hangarage for 'KBO' ?? as I may have another possible contact.
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Old 22nd Apr 2003, 14:24
  #169 (permalink)  
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MMMmmmiles Falcon

Hi Paul C.

Dropped into Popham in the Magister on Monday - that is such a lovely machine too. Not much going on.

The owners of the Messenger are based near Shoreham so Turweston isn't that convenient for them. Any help to get it further South will be appreciated.

I will come down in the Falcon - a sensible destination for these types in view of the choice of (grass) runways.

I have a personal limit of around 8kts/90 deg. in the Falcon. The Maggie is less of a problem - one of the less tricky tailwheel machines. A 15kt crosswind limit on the Maggie seems about right.

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Old 20th May 2003, 16:12
  #170 (permalink)  
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A record turnout of Miles Aircraft this year. Nice that we get parked in pole position next to the tower.

Ten Miles Aircraft visited over the 2 days including all 3 airworthy Geminis.

Falcon - Magister - Geminis x 3 - Hawk Speed Six - Messengers x 4

Think about which airworthy UK-based machines 'didn't' attend this year and the statistics make interesting reading.

Shuttleworth Magister and Southern Martlet - Fly-ins aren't within the remit of The Collections operation. There is nothing sniffy about this. They are owned by a charitable trust and need to earn their keep. Some of them get booked for shows elsewhere. However, I can't imagine that anybody would pay The Collection to send them to a fly-in?? Otherwise, If so, I would consider the Maggie (only) a possibility.

Breighton Magister - I think its airworthy. A pity that it doesn't venture far from home.

Sywell Messenger G-AKIN - On an Annual I believe.

Messenger G-AKBO - sitting in a hangar at Turweston, fueled and ready to go. If we could have found a pilot I am sure that the owner, a non-pilot himself, would have been delighted to have seen it there.

I had my hands full with my Magister and Falcon. If the weather had been better on the Sunday I would have gone to Turdy with Alan Cooper, an experienced Miles man who flew my Maggie in - to collect it during the show.

Richard Earls Miles Trainer (MMMmmm!) is nearing completion so will hopefully visit next year.

Peter Lees Messenger project at Earls Colne is some way off I understand.

Hans Kolby Hansens Miles Mercury - Danish registered - is currently in the museum at Stauning. I'll work on him for next year too! It has spent a lot of time in the UK in the past. He has significant business interests here.

THere is also a recently completed Gemini in Sweden and Guy Valvekens' Gemini in Belgium - also airworthy I believe.

Lets see if we can achieve 'the full enchelada' next year!

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Old 6th Jun 2003, 03:55
  #171 (permalink)  
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Messenger force landing in Germany

THose of you who visited G-VFWE @ Kemble on the Sunday will have seen Peter Bishops Messenger G-AJOE - a long-term Kemble resident - depart for its new home in Germany where Peter works on the Airbus project as a stress engineer.

Plenty of stress last week when he lost the donk on climbout from his home base (can't quite remember the name of it..) and greased it into a field.

THe problem was quickly found - the 2 fuel pumps on the Cirrus Major 3 have a single drive (great design that...) and the thing broke = instant engine failure.

At the time of writing, there is a local security guard camping out to prevent the locals from vandalising it (not the most affluent of locations apparently) and Vintec are 'on the case' overhauling some spares.

Fingers crossed Peter will fly it out next week.

He tells me that his girlfriend - with him at the time and a bit nervy of the thing already(!) is unlikely to fly with him again.

Not such a bad thing - us pilots like a nice dinner waiting for us when we get home.

(Just a joke ladies honest!!)

All the best for Peter next week.

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Old 13th Jun 2003, 20:57
  #172 (permalink)  
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Smile 'JOE safe

Happy to report that G-AJOE was successfully flown out of the field by a much-relieved Peter Bishop yesterday and is now safely tucked away in a hangar at Lubeck, Germany.

Well done to Vintec and Gordon Spooner for getting the parts to him.

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Old 1st Jul 2003, 07:18
  #173 (permalink)  
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Miles Hawk Speed Six

I got a shock on Saturday when I pulled open the hangar door at Old Warden and saw Roger Mills' beautiful Speed Six alongside my Miles machines.

What a tease! (though shalt not covet thy neighbours posessions...)

It appears that the Six is going to be displayed by him next weekend so decided to deliver it early.

The aircraft used to be based at OW and was very popular with public and pilots alike.

The plan is to move it from Fairoaks to White Waltham. However, I am on the case to try to bribe him to leave it in The Collection, where it will be lovingly cared for and much admired, rather than stuck out of the way at WW (next to Dalziels shameful pile of poo in the dusty black hangar that was once a lovely Miles Monarch until he decided to have a brain f@rt and allow it to rot despite offers from nutters like me to buy it and preserve it for future generations.)

Roger flies Sally B and has plenty of other exotica under his belt.

Nice guy. He will love the operation at OW. Bloke Heaven!

If anybody out there can help me to persuade him to bring the Six back to OW on a permanent basis he will make a lot of people happy, most of all meeeee!

Fingers crossed.

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Old 5th Jul 2003, 02:48
  #174 (permalink)  
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Hairyplane, I wouldn't hold your breath for the Speedsix to move back to Old Warden. It has been waiting for hangerage at White Waltham since the current owner acquired it. I know that he would acknowledge that Old Warden is an important centre for British aviation heritage and hopes to display the aircraft there as much as possible but it is not currently suitable geographically for him and the maintenance team.

The aircraft was delivered to Old Warden for last weekends Royal Aeronautical Society Garden Party which was a fantastic day. Roger is looking forward to displaying the aircraft on Sunday!

As for coverting the aircraft yourself, who can blame you but again don't hold your breath. The aircraft will remain in the Mills family hands for the rest of it's days. One of Roger's grandsons was trying the aircraft on for size on Sunday and he is only six months old! Like you he was thourghly impressed!
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Old 10th Jul 2003, 22:31
  #175 (permalink)  
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RE: Speed Six at Old Warden

Why shouldn't we hold our breath? As long as the aircraft still exists, Old Warden will be its ancestral home. The current owner may want to hangar it at White Waltham, but minds are made to be changed - ask any politician!

The Speed Six is a delight to fly and display, and looks just great turning round the Tower at Old Warden. Lets work on Mr Mills, at least for more displays by the machine at Old Warden, after that, who knows?!

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Old 16th Jul 2003, 23:55
  #176 (permalink)  
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Speed Six/ Miles Aerovan

Hear hear Airbedane!

The sight and sound of the Speed Six snotting around the tower at OW was a delight to behold. I had never seen it displayed before.

Pity Roger was limited to a 200ft display (his DA limit on the B17!) but it still did it for me (big time). Beautiful aircraft and I want it!

Miles Aerovan -

For those of you who are wondering what that funny looking mystery aircraft is on page 38 - Air Mail - August Pilot, it is a Miles Aerovan.

Quite a bit of history is known on this machine - all being passed on to Dave Calderwood. I hope to see it published in the next issue.

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Old 17th Jul 2003, 17:22
  #177 (permalink)  
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I hardly think that Old Warden could be considered the Speed Six's ancestral home. Yes the aircraft was based there for several years but I think places like Woodley and Wolverhampton hold a stronger claim.

Woodley was where the aircraft was built and Roger often over flies the museum there when in the Speed Six.

Wolverhampton was the aircraft's base for many years when owned by Ron Paine. It is also where Roger first saw the aircraft as a boy and promised himself that one day he would own the aircraft.

The importnat thing is that the aircraft is flying and be displayed again!

Hairyplane, Roger is workig on lowering his DA limit but unfortunately no one was available to sign him off for a lower DA that weekend.

Airbedane, rest assured the Speed Six will be displayed at Old Warden as often as possible, invitations to display at Old Warden will always be welcomed.
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Old 18th Jul 2003, 15:29
  #178 (permalink)  
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OK, it's a fair cop, I was getting emotional, OW is not the ancestral home of the Speed Six. Woodley, however, is not now available as an airfield, but OW is...... As well as in many other ways, OW is one of, if not the, best collection of 30's aircraft going. People come to the displays to see what we have, and the Speed Six would be a good attraction, as it always was.

When she was there, we really enjoyed having the Speed Six at OW, and I have to say, I really enjoyed displaying her. SHe's much like the Spitfire in that her lines and speed diplay the aircraft for you. It would be great to have her back in any form - as a guest or a visitor.

We didn't give Roger a lower DA on the day as it was the only time we could have done it and it's against ours (and the CAA's) safety policy to test for DA deviations at a display. Roger, I apologise for not having time to talk with you on the day. Please get in touch and we will sort your DA variation soonest.

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Old 18th Jul 2003, 23:31
  #179 (permalink)  
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Hairyplane, bit of a light hearted debate going on over at the Flypast forum as to whether that lovely little Maggie of yours is officially a Maggie or a Hawk.

Don't suppose you could pop across and enlighten us at all could you please?

Ta muchly,

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Old 22nd Jul 2003, 19:54
  #180 (permalink)  
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Maggie/ Falcon

I have just nipped across to the FP site - very impressive.

I am so pleased that my 2 Miles aircraft continue to give so much pleasure.

They were at RIAT over the weekend in the '100 years of flight' exhibition.

THe original 1935 Hawk was quite different to the Magister.

The Hawk had the Falcons trousered undercarriage and swept tailplane. It also had identical (tiny!) cockpits, a narrower fuselage and altogether a much more dainty (and drop dead gorgeous!) aircraft. I have to have one!

It was clear that the military needed a much more durable machine and one that you could get in and out of easily with parachutes.

The Magister was borne out of this requirement.

The official post war civvy designation of the Maggie is 'Miles M14A Hawk Trainer 3'.

Thats what appears on all the official CAA documentation. Magister isn't mentioned anywhere.

I'll consult the oracle - Peter Amos of The Miles Collection - and come back if I can find out more.

I will log in to the FlyPast Forum when I get a chance - I honestly didn't know anything about it and was pleased to see such lovely pictures of my machines.

A flight in the Maggie isn't out of the question for the right reasons - especially where there is a a connection with the aircraft or somebody can demonstrate an obsession!

However, the word has got around that I do the occasional enthusiasts jolly in it before or after the shows and I do get asked an awful lot now. This can be a bit distracting when I am trying to get my head into my display routine.

A ride in a Moth is open to anybody at the Annual Moth Charity Rally annually at OW. Not much money and all properly organised.

Any Maggie afficiandos are encouraged to EMail me, especially if they have any old 'unseen' pictures of my aircraft.

I intend to put comprehensive hstory files together for future generations.

All the best.

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