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Old 14th Jul 2009, 01:19
  #361 (permalink)  
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Who Fired That Shot!!

I didn't know the precise location of Sharkey Ward and Steve Thomas during this action. Only that they were on CAP down to the south east of us. (I think.)
My whereabouts obviously came as a complete surprise to Sharkey evidenced by his exclamation on the radio "Who fired that shot?!"
Whether or not he could have got into a firing position against Hector, I have my doubts. I was flying in excess of 600 kts and fired a very rangey shot at Bolzan. Assuming Sharkey would have been behind me on completion of his intercept, I very much doubt he would have been in weapon range let alone visual.
On another but related subject, I understand Major Luis Puga has expressed a desire to communicate with Andy Auld. I quote:
As I understand that Auld is the one who shot me down, I want to re-live in a positive way what happened on that May 24th, 1982 at 11:08 am.
Seems like Andy is a sought after person. If anyone could PM a contact I would much appreciate.
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Old 12th Aug 2009, 12:06
  #362 (permalink)  
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There was an interesting article in 'Flypast' magazine about the Falklands war crash sites a few months back

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Old 15th Oct 2009, 22:20
  #363 (permalink)  
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Hello and Question

Hello people,

Maybe the experts in the forum could help me (and thanks in advance...)

I´m trying to establish which airplane / piot tried to intercept an Argentine Tracker (a low velocity target) mid morning / noon on May 29, 1982, while it was flying just north off Falklands Sound.

The Tracker (commander Lt. Membrana - a friend of mine, BTW) had a Blue Fox ESM alert while flying at 8000 feet, dived and stayed inside a cloud until the alert dissapeared.

He damaged both propellers in that action and he is trying to find someone to blame!

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Old 30th Oct 2009, 09:15
  #364 (permalink)  
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A newspaper report

My memory of the airwar in the Falkland Islands is a picture of an A4 shootdown from the gun camera of a SeaHarrier.
What was most notable to me was that the reporter tried to elicit a remark from the Harrier pilot about his feeling of accomplishment, but the Harrir pilot said that his initial reaction was nausea, as the man in the Skyhawk had died.
Do you remember this?

Thanks for an interesting visit to history.

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Old 17th Nov 2009, 06:11
  #365 (permalink)  
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I believe the incident you refer to is when John Leeming shot down an A4 using his 30mm Aden cannons.
John was an ex-Lightning pilot who had done the "very" short Sea Harrier course and then come down to the South Atlantic onboard the Atlantic Conveyer. He and several others flew onboard HMS Hermes just before the AC was hit and sunk in an excocet attack by Argentinean Super Etendards.
The story goes that John found himself behind an A4 but had neglected to switch on the power to his missile system prior to entering combat and, no matter how much he was pressing the missile fire button, nothing happened.
Glancing down into the cockpit he recognized the two cannon switches which were, apparently, similar to the Lightning's and smashed them into the on and live position. He then closed to less than two hundred yards and opened fire in a long continuous burst. The A4 literally disintegrated in front of him and he flew through and, luckily, survived the fireball!
I have no idea what he "felt" afterwards. John was killed in a mid-air collision not long after returning from the Falklands so he won't be able to tell you in person.
I doubt you will get much response regarding this question from real fighter pilots who have shot down and killed real people. It is hardly an emotional response most of us would like to talk about. I heard someone once said that killing another human being is the ugliest thing you will ever do and, from my point of view, this is pretty close to the truth.
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Old 17th Nov 2009, 06:32
  #366 (permalink)  
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I was just re-reading your post regarding 1st Lt Mario Callego the other day.
It would be interesting to hear a bit more from his perspective.
I had just shot at Raul Diaz, seen his Mirage hit and catch fire and descend towards the hills near Pebble Island. I remember being surprised that Raul, apparently, was taking so long to eject and my attention was quite focussed on his aircraft. I saw the ejection sequence start seconds before impact with the appearance of the orange parachute being pulled out by the bullet but at that very moment I saw Callego flying almost directly underneath me heading west. I slammed to full power and gave chase and even had a missile lock but my speed was quite low by that stage and with Callego quickly accelerating away I was well out of range.
It would be interesting to hear what Callgo saw, if anything. I would be surprised if he didn't see Raul's Mirage on fire and possibly me as well.
If I had seen him a bit earlier I might have been able to accelerate and lead turn to get a shot off. I certainly had the fuel at that stage.
Is there any way of contacting Mario?
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Old 20th Nov 2009, 18:20
  #367 (permalink)  
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Rod Fred

I hope the recent passing of Lt.Cdr Rod 'Fred' Frederiksen has been noted among your good selves ( of all 'sides', FAA, RAF, Argentinian etc ).
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Old 21st Nov 2009, 05:42
  #368 (permalink)  
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Thanks DZ.
It was indeed noted and with great regret.
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Old 26th Nov 2009, 04:27
  #369 (permalink)  
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Thank you for the information you supplied. I admired Leeming's response to the newspaperman that day, and I am sad to hear of the midair. I will add him to my list of fellow aviators that I keep in my prayers.
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Old 4th Dec 2009, 11:01
  #370 (permalink)  
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Hi Edmund:
I also really would like to talk to Callejo and think we can get it. I´ll try to put an advertisment in Zona Militar Falklands foro.
But I have some doubts. Just yesterday I found a testimony of this mission from 1st Lt Musso. One of Callejo´s fellows in Plata flight. And although I thought he had returned by other way together Cap Dellepiane I´m not actually sure about it:

In spanish (it´s a kind of interview):

- Una vez tiradas las bombas, había que volver a la base…
(once bombs were dropped, then you have to return to base.....)

Llegué a ver a varios infantes con misiles antiaéreos portátiles, y pensé: ‘Acá me pegan’. Empecé a hacer virajes para un lado y para el otro, convencido que me iban derribar.
(I could see some infantry men armed with MANPADS and thought "Here I´m going to be hit" " I started a serie of turnings from side to side, convinced to be downed)
Después de un momento de estar yendo para todos lados, miro el rumbo y me doy cuenta que estaba orientado hacia el Este, para Africa. Me calmé un poco, puse rumbo al continente y empecé a volar rasante.
(After a moment of being turning to everywhere, I looked my course and realized to be heading to the east,towards Africa. I kept calm a little, headed to the mainland and started a skirmishing flight profile)
Pasé al lado de dos fragatas que le dispararon a mi compañero, Callejo. Pasado ese momento, pude ascender y llegué a San Julián tranquilo. Al rato llegaron los otros dos aviones. Una vez en tierra vi que mi avión tenía toda clase de impactos de proyectiles.
(I passed by two frigates that had shot my fellow Callejo. After this moment, I could go up and arrived San Julian in calm. Shortly afterwards the other two planes landed. once in land I saw my plane had numerous hits of bullets)

So it seems that Musso also returned alone and by a northern route as he saw the two frigates (In fact Broadsword+Coventry). If he returned home before Callejo, and by a similar route, may be he´s our man!!!!!
It´s puzzling. I also would like to hear from Dellepiane.
Cossmicommet (who also writes in Zona militar forums) knows Musso (now a civilian pilot) but it seems he doesn´t talk a lot about Falklands.

About Callejo´s testimony I would say that he didn´t saw anything over Pebble island. He was probably looking to his right hand (as it was the place where the frigates had fired at him) and all action you lived was just on his left side.
Captain Díaz describes that just after being downed and lying in land he saw a Dagger overflying him. So if he had landed, the crash had happened moments before when the fourth Dagger had not still overflown the zone what would explain not to see the explosions of your Sidewinder hitting and the subsequent crash.
Callejo was flying supersonically after being attacked by a SAM from the two frigates. One bomb from his plane didn´t drop during the attack and think (not sure) that one of his external fuel tanks had also problems to be jettisoned. He says that just over Jason islands he noted to be flying supersonically.
By the way, Callejo says that planes in his flight had fired his guns during the attack so theywere probably empty when crossed you.

I hope this info to be useful.


Last edited by jualbo; 4th Dec 2009 at 11:51.
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Old 4th Dec 2009, 11:48
  #371 (permalink)  
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I´ve also re-read your previous post and think that Díaz saw the second Dagger of Plata while he was lying over ground.The first one, according to your description, had just passed while Díaz was still hanging in the air.
The key would be to know who passed first, Callejo or Musso?. Although Musso landed before, perhaps he passed by Callejo during his return, over the ocean. It´s probable that if Callejo had spent a lot of fuel (it seems he afterburnered), he would have gone up higher and adopt a lower speed to save fuel, so he could be passed by over the ocean.
And still don´t have Dellepiane testimony. More surprises still awaiting?
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Old 4th Dec 2009, 12:10
  #372 (permalink)  
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Thank you for your two posts. Very interesting.
One of the things I find hardest to remember is the time line of everything. What actually happens very quickly in real time seems to take for ever when you are actually in combat.
I would say that I saw the Mirage V passing just ahead and below me as I passed through a heading of about south and saw Raul's Mirage impacting the ground out of the corner of my eye. He was going very fast and possibly in AB. I may even have got an IR lock with my remaining sidewinder but I cannot confirm this. I definitely remember looking at the range and knowing instinctively that he was out of missile range and opening rapidly.
So, I think it unlikely that Raul would have landed and seen my target passing over him although the location would have been perfect and I may very well have got the timing slightly wrong in my head.
Best regards
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Old 4th Dec 2009, 18:37
  #373 (permalink)  
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Hi again Edmund:
Do you remember if Auld saw that fourth plane? According to your words, I think Plata return was made in a southern paralel course to Raton ingress. It would explain that your turn to the right pursuiting Díaz which put you heading south, would face you to Plata´s scape route (90º).
It seems that either Musso nor Callejo, scaped in a similar route. As Díaz saw from ground a Dagger flying home low over him, it would seem it to be the second one, as the first would have passed during his ejection.
Oro ingress route was just north of Pebble island (what explain why Puga fell on sea and Castillo over Horsehoe bay, while Díaz, who made a hard turn to his right trying to avoid your attack, fell southern on the island). At least, the second Dagger had overflown the south of Pebble (to be seen by Díaz) and the first one probably too, as was seen by you over there.
The only explanation for that Dagger to not see the explosion of Díaz plane when hit would be that the pilot was not looking right (in my previous post I thought he was flying northern). The crash had not happened so he couldn´t see it.
I´m just remembering that Callejo told in his testimony in Carballo´s book that he was just entering the bay when listened Mj Puga to shout he had been hit. If Callejo was number 3 in his flight and was entering the bay over Fanning Head, I see more probable that the only Plata capable of being over Pebble when Díaz is downed, must be Musso or Dellepiane. I put the complete testimony of the attack:

-¿Cómo fue el ataque?
(How the attack was?)
Nosotros pasamos bien, me queda la impresión que los Harriers se dedicaron a atacar a los otros tres aviones nuestros. Yo tenía un blanco sobre el puerto, y la flota estaba en la bahía. Apenas aparecimos, nos empezaron a tirar con todo: cañones, misiles, armas portátiles desde tierra… Un infierno.
We passed well, I feel that Harriers concentrated in attacking the other three plane of us (Oro). I had a target over the harbour (Port San carlos), and the fleet was in the bay. We had hardly appeared when they started to fire at us with everything: Guns, missiles, portable weapons from land,... The hell.

Yo vi el puerto, algunas de las cosas que ya habían desembarcado y nada más. Íbamos a 550 nudos. En un momento determinado, Dellepiane (que venía al lado mío) me muestra la panza de su avión, como si estuviera por hacer un viraje. En ese momento veo una cosa blanca que nos pasó por el medio, y era un misil que lanzaron desde tierra. Yo avanzo a mi objetivo, tiro las bombas sobre el puerto (dos bombas de 250 kilos cada una) y trato de salir.
I saw the harbour, some disembarked
material and nothing more. I flew at 550 knots. In a determinated moment, Dellepiane (who came side to side), show me his belly, as if he would be to make a turn. in that moment I saw a white thing just passing betwen both of us, it was a missile launched from land. i advanced towards my target, dropped my bombs over the harbour (two 250 Kg each one) and tried to scape.

So, perhaps they went out before than Callejo made, didn´t they? In that case perhaps they passed over Pebble island before than Callejo. It´s a pity not to know about Dellepiane.

Last edited by jualbo; 4th Dec 2009 at 18:52.
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Old 25th Dec 2009, 12:37
  #374 (permalink)  
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I think I can clear up something here, albeit a small point.
According to Raul Diaz, Maj Puga shouted "Oro 3 has been hit by a missile!"
He had looked across the formation to his left and seen Lt Castillo hit by Andy Auld's first sidewinder.
Actually, he was Oro 3 and Castillo was Oro 2!
This caused a moment of confusion and Raul then looked towards Maj Puga only to see Andy Auld's second sidewinder about to hit him. He shouted to him to eject but was too late and saw no reaction from Puga whose Mirage exploded and was engulfed in flames right up to the cockpit.
I doubt Puga would have had the time to transmit that he had been hit. Indeed his last transmission was probably that he had seen Castillo hit.
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Old 2nd Jan 2010, 12:23
  #375 (permalink)  
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Puga also saw a Dagger and Harriers when fell to sea after ejecting. Unfortunately he couldn´t recall the exact moment as was shocked.
There was no other Dagger flight in the zone the following day, so Puga also saw a Dagger that flew on 24th may.
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Old 15th Feb 2010, 12:23
  #376 (permalink)  
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Hi Guys,

Just picked up on the thread after dropping out for ages.
Yes, Edmund is right about Lamda compensation in the 9L homing head (a year ago!). It also used a liquid nitrogen cooled Antimony Sulphide seeker, which was able to detect much lower levels (and frequences) of IR radiation. This meant that it could guide onto the heat plume of the exhaust (as apposed to hot metal in the 9G). This, combined with a 360 degree laser fuse ( as apposed to an IR fuse in the G) meant that the warhead went bang in the centre of the airframe no matter what the aspect. It also had a blast-frag warhead with a pyrophoric disc as apposed to the expanding rod of the 9G (if I remember properly). Altogether a much better weapon.

Certainly my second shot on 8th May would have been marginal if I had been carrying Gs.

Fly safe!
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Old 18th Feb 2010, 08:21
  #377 (permalink)  
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Mogwi, do you mean 8th May or 8th June?
Are you talking about Falklands´war?
PS: If you prefer you can answer by PM
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Old 22nd Feb 2010, 09:10
  #378 (permalink)  
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Sorry you are quite right, I meant 8th June 82
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Old 5th Mar 2010, 12:14
  #379 (permalink)  
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Thumbs down First Lieutenant Ricardo Lucero was killed in an Ag-plane crash

First Lieutenant (R) Ricardo Lucero was killed in a Piper PA-11/12 while he was spreading corn or soya fields in Cordoba, Argentina.

During the Malvinas/Falkands war he was flying A4C Skyhawk.
In May 25th while his formation was attacking the British fleet in San Carlos, his airplane was shotdown just before lunching his bombs.
He could eject from his damage Skyhawk at very high speed and low altitude.
Due to the ejection he suffered severe injuries in his legs.
The British rescue him and he was famous because when he was over the Fearless deck he was film while screaming due to his pain.

He looked like a Peruvian for the British so during a while they thought that Peruvian pilots were fighting in our side.

He always mentioned the very correct traitment he had received during his captivity.
He was saved by the British Navy because with his two legs injured he could not swim or walk.
He used to say that he was lucky to be shotted down in the middle a fleet.

After the war he was retired due to injuries in his ears.

Anyway, he continued flying glaiders and ag-planes.

Last edited by cosmiccomet; 5th Mar 2010 at 12:38.
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Old 21st May 2010, 17:30
  #380 (permalink)  
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Apologies, if this has been posted before but here's an interesting short clip from the 1 May attack on Stanley. You can see the Sea Harrier pilots planning the raid. Dave Morgan can be seen, Rod Frederiksen, Mike Blissett with Ted Ball (who's talking about cluster bomb attacks etc) and during the attack, Argentine film of a Sea Harrier rushing in over the runway like a bat out of hell, then zooming up like an angel!
YouTube - Harrier First Strike on Port Stanley 1982
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