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Truss: Aviation Safety Regulation Review

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Truss: Aviation Safety Regulation Review

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Old 4th Sep 2014, 22:06
  #1221 (permalink)  
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More Gordian knots.

W8 - I agree. quite a few people in CAsA deserve prison sentences for their particular brand of self serving corruption.
There are several Gordian knots for the minuscule to unpick, before he can release the hounds and clean out Sleepy Hollow. This is one of the major ones. Truss must be at least vaguely aware of some of the more blatant, border line criminal actions committed in the name of "Safety", McComic style. The list is long, the victims many but strangely enough the list of suspects is fairly short. But to address the issues, even in camera at the Senate will be a major embarrassment to the Government. Any real inquiry must start and will probably end in the LSD and Nuremburg never provided a sustainable defence. Many of the atrocities committed by the very few who willingly worked the system for a predetermined outcome were known to and supported by the LSD. It would take a better man than Truss to 'fess up and publicly take the LSD to task.

The more subtle approach would be to identify the 'bad boys and girls' and backtrack. There has been some extensive research done and evidence collated – but there is no venue to impartially examine these cases. At the moment whispered 'deals' and non disclosure seem to be the only avenue for negotiation and even those are few and far between.

The Senate Committee know this; Rev. Forsyth and his team mates know this; industry knows this and more to be true. One of the Gordian knots tying the cord strangling industry is the blatant, fully supported, deliberate misuse of the regulations. Administrative embuggerance and total immunity providing a well defended base from which the rogue elements may freely operate; with impunity; without let or hindrance.

Truss may well want to open Pandora's box; but look at what happened last time. Truss may well know he has to deal with these issues; perhaps the Board and a truly independent ICC can provide a soft landing, before time and patience run out.

Heh heh; wonder how many knifes were stuck in McComic's back as he left the building; probably by his most trusted catamites while patting him there (to find a nice soft spot); those who will squeal longest and loudest when prodded.

Aye well – it was never going to be quick, clean and easy. No guarantees in a game of Russian roulette.
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Old 4th Sep 2014, 23:10
  #1222 (permalink)  
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I would like to see a senior bureaucrat from Prime Minister and Cabinet as DAS. They are the true masters of the bureaucracy and can see through most if not all bureaucratic ploys.
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Old 5th Sep 2014, 00:16
  #1223 (permalink)  
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Any DAS has to be accountable and disposable, must meet Ministerial and Industry benchmarks that set performance based salary paid annually, (set also as is the contract tenure but open to Ministerial renewal). Must report directly to The Minister and not sit on The Board. (which should be sent to the local pub with a 12 drink stipend to meet every ten years to discuss pot plants). The Minister should prepare a performance report to Industry every six months that is open to response.

No senior bureaucrat would agree to that. Who did you have in mind?
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Old 5th Sep 2014, 00:16
  #1224 (permalink)  
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Is there finally a light at the end of the tunnel?

Kharon #1211
It seems the minuscule's advisors has had a somewhat 'robust', head on introduction to industry concerns during the 'doings' in Canberra this week. Very few punches being pulled on the ludicrous Part 61 and the impact it will have; the moronic engineering rule set was hammered; the disgraceful Avmed department was thumped and generally, the "not happy Jan" message was delivered, long and loud, face to face, to the man himself. Rumour is that Truss is "unhappy" with CASA and all those who sail in her.
Jingilee #1221
All hell is about to break loose! Besides the individuals who spoke to the ASRR, Heavyweights I've been in contact with are fed up. As Wuss is asleep at the wheel, it's being directly taken to PMC (and the FAA).
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Old 5th Sep 2014, 02:58
  #1225 (permalink)  
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Steve (regurgitator) Creedy v Steve (with an Opinion) Hitchen.

From MMSM Steve: Warren Truss floats older business jet ban in curfew hours

Conference attendees hoping for further insight into the government’s reaction to the aviation safety review conducted by industry veteran David Forsyth came away disappointed.

Mr Truss said that the government was still “carefully ­considering’’ the report’s 37 recommendations and other matters raised.
It intended to provide a comprehensive response before the year was out, he said.
Flying Oz Editor Steve Hitchen: The Last Minute Hitch: 5 September 2014
This week in general aviation is one we could label "optimistic", and that's not something we have been able to do much in the past five years or so. Three stories emerged this week about developments and improvements at airports, where most of the time airports make the news because of pressing public complaints, declining infrastructure and threatened closures.

Lethbridge in Victoria has opened the first stage of its government-funded improvements, which have effectively provided Geelong with a new general aviation airport, Gympie has a new airpark well underway and aviation's miracle, Belmont Airport, is making a comeback under the new consortium of owners. Good news all around!

However, I have to greet the news that Warren Truss has promised to respond to the Forsyth Report by the end of the year with some disappointment. Like many aviation industry observers, we expected the response to be imminent. Surely, as the report came out in the first week of June, the government would have something to say about it by September, three months later. Now they are saying it could be the end of the year. If so, that will be seven months without any comment. I am going to put my "optimism" cap back on and say this could be to enable them to develop plans to implement the recommendations. However, experience says they could also be developing reasons to make only token improvements as well. Either way, this silence is certainly not golden.

Matt Hall races in Dallas Fort-Worth this weekend, an event that might represent his best chance for a maiden win in this series. Matt likes to fly in hot weather, having finished on the podium in the two hottest races of the year so far: Malaysia and Poland. For you die-hard fans, the race starts at 3.15 am AEST on Monday morning.
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Old 5th Sep 2014, 06:27
  #1226 (permalink)  
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Sorry, Truss has just killed any plans for reform stone dead, kaput, finished.

Truss used the words "By the end of the year"
referring to the Governments response, which has a very specific meaning when it comes to politics; it means "in the period between 25th December and 1 January".

This time is reserved for the release of unpalatable information, most probably in this case, the Governments outright rejection of most of the recommendations. Everyone is on holidays including all the journalists and all the aviation peak bodies. This means that there can be no credible industry response till mid February at the very earliest, by which time the Governments response is old news and in any case industry anger has evaporated. Its difficult to "maintain the rage" when you are on holidays, sunning your self on a beach somewhere.

What happens in mid February is a little lukewarm industry angst at what might have been.

The public servants will say the are already implementing it and simply tell you to move on and "try again in five years" as the saying goes.

Folks it's over. We are watching a classic case of a bureaucratic fighting retreat. The iron ring will write a volume on why each of the recommendations is flawed and unsafe, they will simply wear Truss and the new DAS down with paper. This is why you need someone from PMC to head this mess - they understand about file stuffing and other tricks. Truss and his staff do not. A PMC person needs to send the ring packing on day one. If that isn't done, the embuggerance willl continue unabated.
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Old 5th Sep 2014, 07:14
  #1227 (permalink)  
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You are correct.
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Old 5th Sep 2014, 07:44
  #1228 (permalink)  
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I concur unfortunately.
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Old 5th Sep 2014, 08:51
  #1229 (permalink)  
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I've never been a lucky person, cant even win a chook raffle at the pub!!

Some years ago, there was a possible job in the offering which needed a recognized license, Australian didn't figure but Kiwi did. So I went and got a Kiwi ATPL. Smartest and luckiest thing I ever did.

Picked up three jobs over time based on the Kiwi license.

Never got a job based on my Australian license.

Since it would appear the "Guvmint" is determined to kill off Australian aviation, perhaps the advice to the newbies should be "Go East young man"!!

That's if you can find a place in a Kiwi flying school, from what I hear they are all full.

Only people who will come here will be them more interested in a Passport than a pilots licence.

What happens with these "Iron Ring" people when aviation breaths its last in Australia??...are they given the "Order of Australia" for services to the aviation industry??

Just beyond belief that our leaders can be so incredibly stupid.

If the "Guvmint" aint prepared to act on what's been slapped across their face then the only hope is International reaction.

Are the Iron ring good enough to smoke and mirror the GuvMint if the FAA downgrade us??
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Old 5th Sep 2014, 11:31
  #1230 (permalink)  
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The best we can hope for is that the new DAS is told to calm things down in there. Similar to Byron's brief. Hopefully an end to the big R regulator and an adversarial approach. The first year will show us with the exec movements. A decent ICC appointment?

But hey, I still believe in father Xmas and tooth fairy.
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Old 6th Sep 2014, 01:38
  #1231 (permalink)  
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Cut out the middle man...

The doomsayers on here may indeed be correct and that by the New Year the industry will be extinct...

However the whispers that Jinglie...
All hell is about to break loose! Besides the individuals who spoke to the ASRR, Heavyweights I've been in contact with are fed up. As Wuss is asleep at the wheel, it's being directly taken to PMC (and the FAA).
& Kharon:
It seems the minuscule's advisors has had a somewhat 'robust', head on introduction to industry concerns during the 'doings' in Canberra this week. Very few punches being pulled on the ludicrous Part 61 and the impact it will have; the moronic engineering rule set was hammered; the disgraceful Avmed department was thumped and generally, the "not happy Jan" message was delivered, long and loud, face to face, to the man himself. Rumour is that Truss is "unhappy" with CASA and all those who sail in her.
...are apparently not too far off the mark to what is actually happening behind the scenes...

Apparently these heavy weights are sick of trying to catch the miniscule in one of his more lucid moments & are now seeking audience with the PMC i.e. cutting out the middleman.

That middleman is not the ailing miniscule but the Murky Machiavellian RED and given the recent bad press from the HIP inquiry, & his soon to be exposed embuggerance of Govt leased airports, is looking for any form of diversion all in the interest of self preservation of course... (more on that coming to the Senate thread soon..).

Fact check:
Sunny - Truss used the words "By the end of the year" referring to the Governments response, which has a very specific meaning when it comes to politics; it means "in the period between 25th December and 1 January".
That may be what RED intends to happen but it is not what was promised by the miniscule (perhaps in a less lucid moment ) or at least his most Senior adviser who in response to the following questions back in July...
  • Can the Minister provide the expected timetable and sequence for the naming of the new CASA board members?
  • Will the new board be participating in the final decision on the selection of the new Chief Executive Officer of CASA?
  • What department or agency is tasked with preparation of the government’s response to the ASRR Panel report? And
  • When is that response intended to be presented?
  • Is the Minister considering formal industry requests that he immediately terminate the current CASA board and Chair under the provisions of 60 (3) of the Civil Aviation Act 1988?
...had this to say...
1. The Government has already appointed Mr Jeff Boyd, as the new Deputy Chair of the CASA Board from 1 July 2014. Mr Boyd will bring relevant technical, operational and managerial aviation experience to the Board and help the Board play a more active leadership and review role in steering CASA’s future strategic direction. The Government expects to finalise the appointment of other new CASA Board members shortly.
2. Yes.
3. The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development in consultation with other relevant agencies.
4. The Government expects to finalise its response to the Report in the Spring 2014 sittings of Parliament.
5. No.


Brett Heffernan

Senior Media Advisor

Office of the Hon Warren Truss MP
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development
T: 02 6277 7680 | M: 0467 650 020
Suite MG 41, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
Now it is true that the Spring sittings go up until Thursday 04 December but it is obvious from the email that it is the intention of the miniscule to formally table the Governments response prior to that date.

Now I wonder if RED (M&M) was privy to this undertaking by the miniscule??

But either way you cut it 3 months (7 months total) is too long for the response to the Forsyth report and that is why we should be getting behind the so called 'heavy weights' of the industry in their attempts to cut out the middleman RED.

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Old 6th Sep 2014, 01:58
  #1232 (permalink)  
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A "senior media advisor" no less.


Once the media advisors get involved, you can be sure there's something going on which the government has to really make an effort to pretend to take seriously.
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Old 7th Sep 2014, 20:46
  #1233 (permalink)  
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SHAME for Truss.

When a safety management system receives a report or audit result, particularly one from the regulator changes are initiated. Any request for Requested Corrective Action or notification of non-compliance is given priority, actioned and acquitted by the regulator. Should a company receive multiple NCN over a period of time; such as Barrier did, the company will be closed down, as Barrier was. CASA allow very little time to respond and even less for the discussion of issues; and, non whatsoever, of whether the company will or will not accept the audit result.

And yet the regulator seems impervious to audit report and will refute any unpalatable safety recommendation from the ATSB. There are literally thousands of pages which support the fact that despite all logic, CASA will not accept the recommendations of either coroner or the ATSB, but would rather spend time and money addressing and abrogating the identified area of responsibility, not with a view to improvement, but to reduction of 'liability' and responsibility.

I believe it is time the travelling public were made aware of just how little the regulator values their lives and how their safety will be sacrificed in order to preserve the safety of the regulator.

At the moment the CASA is staring down a damning report from a Senate committee, which through the investigation of one small incident uncovered a nightmare web of deception, incompetence, 'flexibility' of standards and a total disregard of expert advice. Notwithstanding the flagrant disregard for due process, protocol and the law the most sinister aspect of CASA process was revealed – a willingness to cloud over or cover up the absolute shambles. There can, from the evidence provided, be seen a clear trail of collusion, second agenda and the absolutely crystal clear intention of the manager overseeing the process to manipulate the investigation to suit a predetermined outcome. On May 23, 2013 the Senate released a damning report which, supported by an acknowledged aviation expert, made 26 serious, far reaching recommendations for reform of the regulator, which have simply been ignored by the current Minister, the CASA board and CASA.

The Senate AAI report prompted Minister Truss to order a further report to be conducted by three independent, acknowledged 'safety' experts; two from overseas. The ASRR although limited in scope was released on June 03, 2014. The shocked panel produced 37 further serious, far reaching recommendations for reform of the regulator, which have simply been ignored by the Minister, the CASA board and CASA.

This is a total of 63, serious, important recommendations, produced by expert, independent aviation specialists publicly demanding immediate, far reaching changes to the regulatory system and the regulator. IGNORED.

It begs the questions; is the Minister deliberately misleading the public? and if so, why? If the publicly available documents indicate that 63 changes must be made, how many more have been concealed from view?

There can be no doubt the current situation if not addressed will impinge on public safety, just as surely as it is impacting on industry. Australian aviation is clearly unsafe and becoming less safe each and every minute that slips by, without the serious, clear and imminent danger being addressed.

Shame on the Minister, shame on your sloth, obfuscation, lack of meaningful response or direction.

Shame on the Minister for failing to act in 2008 and failing again in 2014.

Shame on you Minister for denying your responsibility; the reports you ordered clearly indicate there are deep, significant flaws within the regulator, the abomination reflected in the toxic culture and abysmal, expensive almost useless regulations, you claim will protect the Australian people, who you, may I respectfully remind you; are sworn to serve.

Shame on you Minister, you are rapidly becoming a cornerstone of the problem and being made fully aware of the problems, by denying their existence and failing to act, become as culpable as those you are protecting.

By shaming yourself, you demean every Australian.

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Old 8th Sep 2014, 02:41
  #1234 (permalink)  
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Kharkov, I'm afraid you are right. The only things available now are an appeal to the public and / or strike action. However that latter course opens you to being declared not to be a "fit and proper person".
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Old 8th Sep 2014, 23:06
  #1235 (permalink)  
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Addendum - It's all Black & White for the Member for Grey

{Addendum to post - Leopard & spots - Part two.}

Well do we slash our wrists now Soteria......or do we, like the Member for Grey, simply cut out the middleman...
Ramsey Angry at CASA’s Inflexibility

Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey has responded angrily to a decision by CASA which threatens to kill off the Rex service to Coober Pedy.

“I am very angry that a Federal bureaucracy in CASA has shown its sheer bloody-mindedness in trying to hitch on to international regulations to which Coober Pedy has an exemption for 27 years.

“Rex airlines and before them Kendall have operated a safe, efficient and incident free service for almost three decades.

“A ruling by CASA has put air services to Coober Pedy in jeopardy and caused enormous angst in the business community, for tourist operators and locals.

“Because Coober Pedy is so isolated it is simply not acceptable that we would not have a commercial air service servicing the town, particularly when we have a very good operator happy to supply the service.

“Now after an edict on his last day of employment with CASA, the Director of Aviation Safety John McCormack, has effectively closed down Coober Pedy’s air services.

“Rex will be in contravention of the ACCC if they sell tickets beyond the period when service can be guaranteed and as a result has withdrawn bookings beyond Nov 13th. CASA has informed Rex it will not be able to land in Coober Pedy if there are cross-winds greater than 10 knots post November 13.

“Conditions outside this parameter occur approximately ten percent of the time and would render the service unviable.

“In effect, if the Rex service arrived in Coober Pedy in conditions of greater than 10 knot winds they would have to turn around and return to Adelaide with all their passengers.

“Since 2002 this service has been operated by Rex Airlines using their Australia wide of Saab 340’s.

“I have brought this issue to the Prime Minister’s attention and he is as concerned as I am regarding the ramifications this decision will have on Coober Pedy.

“The Government has no control of CASA, it merely appoints the board and CASA operates as an independent body at arms-length from Government.

“This is appropriate, however at the end of the day, CASA are public servants and I have always believed public servants should help the public, not ruin businesses and lives to satisfy some red-tape sensitive souls who are not prepared to stand up and make a common sense decision.

“I will pursue this to the highest office in the land to seek a reversal of this decision. If that is simply not possible, I believe the Federal Government has indirect responsibility for this decision and accordingly I will seeking the funding to widen the air strip, even though I believe, having operated the service safely for 27 years, such an undertaking is a complete waste of public money.”
Think you should add MP RR to the shortlist of Pollies that reside with the angels...

The thing people need to decide is whether our GA industry is worth fighting for or are we prepared to let it all go the way of the Dodo bird...

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Old 9th Sep 2014, 00:13
  #1236 (permalink)  
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It is now abundantly clear that the Civil Aviation Safety Authority exists only to keep its employees, the Public Service and the Government of the day "Safe" from any responsibility for aviation activity in any form. If Aviation could be totally banned in Australia, then it would be, that is their mentality.

Since total banning of aviation to minimise Government liability would make Australia the laughing stock of the world, their approach is to minimise the posiblity of any risk to themselves by disclaiming all resposibility as far as possible. This is why CASA never "approves" anything, it merely "accepts" things. An approval implies a certain level of fitness for purpose and if something then fails that then either the either the operator failed to comply with the terms of the approval or Horror! The approval was wrongly provided.

Instead to protect itself and the Government, CASA settled on the tactic of:

(a) Forbidding all forms of aviation activities - which is why the legislation and regulations are written in the form "A pilot/operator shall not" banning everything. This is followed by a maze of modifying clauses producing specific exemptions from the blanket ban in certain cases.

When this negative, expensive and wholly unproductive approach produces a nonsensity, they respond by issuing a specific exemption, but of course never a blanket exemption but a time limited specific one to certain individuals at the whim of CASA. This is a recipe for corruption.

By way of example, Rex wlll no doubt be issued a specific exemption for Coober Pedy today, limited of course to the remainder of the Governments term in office.

(b) Armed with a negative structure of regulations CASA deliberately engages in selective enforcement by again refusing to state absolutely what is required to comply, but instead suggesting "acceptable (that word again) methods of compliance". This leaves the authority of its inspectors completely unfettered because what is acceptable to one isn't acceptable to another, depending on the weather, their alcohol intake and time of the month.

This state of affairs was highlighted by a friend who asked for a simple list of compliance points for a Cessna 172 and was told "its too hard" by a CASA inspector.

I could go on. CASA needs a clause in the Act that requires it to foster aviation, period. Without that it will continue to fulfil its legislative purpose by preventing aviation.
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Old 9th Sep 2014, 00:29
  #1237 (permalink)  
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Clive Palmer versus Truss and CASA, Regulatory Reform

Best bit of news I have heard for a while, Clive Palmer is showing some interest (seeing the political possibilities??) in the shambles that surround CASA.

"Aviation safety" is a very emotive issue, and we all know that our performance is not as good as the "rose coloured glasses" official view.

Given the unfinished business of multiple critical reports going nowhere, all about aviation safety shortcomings, and CASA/ATSB, this is a potentially highly charges politically for somebody like Palmer, if they are smart enough to push it!

In short, headline stuff, the lifeblood of political life for PUP.

Palmer is just the person to put a bomb under Warren Truss, and get some real action (as opposed to a bureaucratic whitewash) on the Forsyth report.

And all the other problems besetting the aviation sector, driving the sector into the ground.

Nothing but political pressure will shift the Minister into action, Palmer is just the person to create that pressure on Truss.

After all, Palmer has a number of aircraft, he could not not be aware, and I can personally vouch for the fact that, prior his election, he had shown personal interest in some specific aviation problems in Queensland.

More to the point, some of our industry colleagues, who are not politically dead from the neck up, realise he is one of the few avenues to get some action.

Make this small start move, by writing, calling or talking to Palmer's staff.

Tootle pip!!
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Old 9th Sep 2014, 00:53
  #1238 (permalink)  
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Spot on Sunny - "Safe Skies are Empty Skies"

Sunfish - By way of example, Rex wlll no doubt be issued a specific exemption for Coober Pedy today, limited of course to the remainder of the Governments term in office.
Except it was issued four days ago, from Cooper Pedy Regional Times...


Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said he is pleased CASA seems to be giving the green light to REX continuing services into Coober Pedy until the strip can be widened.

After ruling the Coober Pedy airstrip must widen its runway from 18 to 30 metres to meet aviation regulations on Friday the 29th August, CASA informed REX that beyond Nov 13th Rex could not land at the airstrip in cross winds of 10 knots or more, effectively bringing the service to a halt from November 13.

“I have now been advised CASA has committed to allow the service to continue irrespective of the proposed legislative changes beyond the November 13 deadline previously set, even though there appears to be a small ambiguity in their language that REX is seeking clarification of before committing to an ongoing service.” he said.

“It now seems clear CASA is insisting on the strip being widened. If CASA had been clearer in their intent and language through the last nine months it is highly likely we may have had the problem fixed by now.

“However up until their communication in late August I had always believed they would allow for the continuation of service on a strip that has been perfectly adequate for the last 27 years.

“CASA is an independent body beyond the control of government, and I thank the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure Jamie Briggs, for his efforts over the last few weeks to bring urgent attention to this problem.

“I am hoping that in the very near future REX will confirm with CASA that they are clear to continue the service and I will be pressuring Warren Truss for a substantial contribution from the Commonwealth to help the Coober Pedy Council with the upgrade.

“This vital service simply must continue and is hugely important for the town of Coober Pedy.”

CAsA rule 101 - "Divide & conquer"...

Hmm...I wonder how many other electorates are facing a downgrade of their air services due to the sheer bloody mindedness of CAsA..

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Old 9th Sep 2014, 01:16
  #1239 (permalink)  
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General Contacts. Clive Palmer.

Postal: GPO Box 3138 Brisbane QLD 4001
Landline Phone Number: (07) 3233 0888(07) 3233 0888
Fax Number: (07) 3036 6666
Street Address: 380 Queen Street Brisbane QLD 4000
General Email: [email protected]
Membership Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PalmerUtdParty
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PalmerUnitedParty1

Dear Mr Pamer.

As an aircraft operator I'm assuming you are aware of the shambles inflicted our aviation industry in Australia by The Civil Aviation Safety Authority under the stewardship of The Minister for Aviation Warren Truss. Can you please seek to get some answers to a few simple questions that we, as an industry are unable to access due to the political protection granted to this out of control bureaucratic regulatory train wreck.

1) When can we expect a Ministerial response to the Senate RRA&T inquiries into CASA?

2) When can we expect Ministerial action on the Ministers own CASA review, (ASRR), and its recommendations?

3) When will the Minister release the ICAO audit into CASA that appears to be lost on his desk somewhere?

4) When will somebody advise the fare paying airline travelling public that their very lives are at risk because of a dysfunctional and erratic watchdog who is mainly engaged in regulating to cover up their own shortcomings?

5) When will the new Director of Aviation Safety be announced?

Yours most sincerely...
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Old 9th Sep 2014, 02:45
  #1240 (permalink)  
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Surely we as an industry have not become that desperate that we need to resort to using this guy?
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