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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 05:54
  #341 (permalink)  
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Ah....the sheer joy of seeing post after post by the morally pure, the unsullied, the international experts, the far-seeing, all-knowing wisdom of the ages from those who, dare I say it, fear not the risk of having the plank in their own eye pointed out as they make grandiose claims of the splinters in the collective eyes of CASA.

If you are concerned that some working for the regulator have what you think are wonderful worling conditions....., then join them. Mind you pilots have always seen other fields as greener so think hard before you resign from you current job.

But if you have hard objective evidence of wrong-doing......actual evidence........go to the Commonwealth Ombudsman or the Federal Police or the media or your member of parliament (or a Senator).

Just don't for heaven's sake sit on the sidelines trumpeting your own moral and professional clarity while bemoaning that fact that for some reason that escapes me, the fix is in for every sector of aviation except those for which you are responsible.

Eunuchs know what to do, they even know what should be done, may even imagine how to do it themselves......but in the end they do nothing.

If you believe in aviation's future do something other than whinge. Otherwise, prepare, metaphorically one trusts, to have your equipment removed and learn how to spell eunuch.
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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 06:11
  #342 (permalink)  
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And right on the money. If there are no outcomes for change from the Senate Hearings or no Commission of Enquiry..and any final result..NOT a Regulator the Industry, for the Industry..then we the aviation people must do what is required.
Reciprocate.. and make life as hard as possible for the buggers, just like they do for individuals and companies.


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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 06:48
  #343 (permalink)  
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Please let me know how this will work.
Will the local AWI work on my submissions while I am sitting in his office, smoking gunga and telling everyone what an ass he is?
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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 06:59
  #344 (permalink)  
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For Algie the Alien...

But Wait ....there's more.!

Evidence from 2 investigations proved serious misfeasance by CASA officers.
AFP...missing in (in) action after a cosy chat with Skull/CASA.:yuk
Ombudddy..makes recommendations only. Thats nice. they can be given the finger.
Local Members, etc.. You'd be familiar with that Algie. It all "Black Holes" as they forward stuff on to the Miniscule Allbeentooeasy,and DOTR , who send it on to CASA and it vanishes into????? And the questions remain unanswered.
Whats out there Algie.? A galactic vortex.

You speak of eunuchs. There's more than enough bureaucrats and polliewafflers that dont have the testicular fortitude to put their troughs aside long enough to do anything for the good of the Aviation Industry.
Some good Senators are trying. CASA victims are trying. Not whingeing, just trying to publicize the wrongs and sheer bastardry that comes from an agency that is supposed to be serving an industry, not itself.

"A fix in every sector of aviation" ! You really are extra terrestial.
Love ya alien take on the problems with CASA and descriptions of us earthlings. I'll give SETI a call.
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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 10:18
  #345 (permalink)  
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Ah....the sheer joy of seeing post after post by the morally pure, the unsullied, the international experts, the far-seeing, all-knowing wisdom of the ages from those who, dare I say it, fear not the risk of having the plank in their own eye pointed out as they make grandiose claims of the splinters in the collective eyes of CASA.
Anybody who would support or indulge the notion that CASA are the good Guy's, in this matter, in my opinion, owns a 12V "autosuck" because he is too lazy to be a wa*k*r.

I am gaunt with fear for the future of aviation in Australia.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. (no, not you algae).
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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 10:44
  #346 (permalink)  
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Ah....the sheer joy of seeing post after post by the morally pure, the unsullied, the international experts, the far-seeing, all-knowing wisdom of the ages from those who, dare I say it, fear not the risk of having the plank in their own eye pointed out
So you are calling me a FOI then??
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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 10:59
  #347 (permalink)  
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Ah....the sheer joy of seeing post after post by the morally pure, the unsullied, the international experts, the far-seeing, all-knowing wisdom of the ages from those who, dare I say it, fear not the risk of having the plank in their own eye pointed out as they make grandiose claims of the splinters in the collective eyes of CASA.

If you are concerned that some working for the regulator have what you think are wonderful worling conditions....., then join them. Mind you pilots have always seen other fields as greener so think hard before you resign from you current job.

But if you have hard objective evidence of wrong-doing......actual evidence........go to the Commonwealth Ombudsman or the Federal Police or the media or your member of parliament (or a Senator).

Just don't for heaven's sake sit on the sidelines trumpeting your own moral and professional clarity while bemoaning that fact that for some reason that escapes me, the fix is in for every sector of aviation except those for which you are responsible.

Eunuchs know what to do, they even know what should be done, may even imagine how to do it themselves......but in the end they do nothing.

If you believe in aviation's future do something other than whinge. Otherwise, prepare, metaphorically one trusts, to have your equipment removed and learn how to spell eunuch.
I have sympathy with your point of view Algie. However I have some caveats.

All of us, I assume, are interested in the vision of safety first and foremost. The problem with the act and regulations is that they do not preclude the achievement of safety by prohibiting aviation entirely. That is the ultimate problem; there is no "consistent with" or "recognizing the economic benefit of" clause. To be fair to CASA, that is a problem for their good staff as well as the regulated.

Where your entreaty fails is your suggestion to either:

1. Join casa. In which casa I am immediately and irrevocably conflicted.

2. Come up with evidence, knowing that CASA is prepared to spend millions to either discredit your evidence or worse still render it inadmissible. To put that another way, I don't believe I can legally record a discussion with Casa staff and use the recording as evidence in a court of law.

3. Complain to an ombudsman - don't make me laugh.

The reality Algie is that anyone who wants to challenge CASA about anything had better have about Five Hundred thousand in spending money behind them for starters.

Furthermore, it appears that many CASA staff cannot be trusted if the multiple threads on PPrune have any basis whatsoever in fact.

My own experience of CASA? Service with a smile. But then again that is my brother in laws experience in Italy with the mafia owned banks.

My own plan is that the licence and log book will be burned if there is the slightest conflict with CASA since I don't like the idea of ending up with a criminal record.

To put it another way: CASA scares me. it's unaccountable.
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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 11:52
  #348 (permalink)  
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Tch Tch Sunny,

"Burning Log books and Licence"..... = Crim. offence + 1,000 Penalty Points......

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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 21:27
  #349 (permalink)  
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New Reg Penalties?

My own plan is that the licence and log book will be burned if there is the slightest conflict with CASA since I don't like the idea of ending up with a criminal record.
Better for it to get 'stolen' during a break-in, or have one of the German Sheperds (no, not the FOI type) pinch it from the kitchen table as you turn your back to make a cup of herbal tea.

Tch Tch Sunny,
"Burning Log books and Licence"..... = Crim. offence + 1,000 Penalty Points......
But the following are also now criminal offences punishable by CASA law:
  • Failure to have a framed portrait of Herr Skull hanging up in the Chief Pilot's office = 1000 points and 6 years internment in a concentration camp for aviators.
  • Failure to salute an Inspector = 500 points, 3 months in internment Guantanomo Bay and a hydraulic engine oil enema.
  • Failure to smile at an Inspector during audit = Re-programming at a government institute and a 12 month educational course in Witchdoctor management and voodoo methodology, with all training to be conducted by the boring intellect in Canberra who looks like Richard Dreyfuss.
  • Failure to accept a NCN for a crime you simply didn't commit = 2500 points, a shakedown in the AAT, loss of all flying priveledges, and a financial penalty so excessive you will be picking up cigarette butts and 5 cent coins off the street in no time.
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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 21:59
  #350 (permalink)  
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Algie Bloom

Algie, I am prepared to respond to your statement:

Just don't for heaven's sake sit on the sidelines trumpeting your own moral and professional clarity while bemoaning that fact that for some reason that escapes me, the fix is in for every sector of aviation except those for which you are responsible.
I am not responsible for aviation safety regulation and compliance checking.

However, when I you see a publicly funded authority continually failing to meet its statutory responsibility and much heralded initiatives then it is my right to make comment. My view may be ill informed, prejudiced or malicious by your measure, but it is my view until it changes.

For example, lets look at rule making. Year after year the milestones move to the right with the current regulations being a fruit salad for legal and individual interpretation.

Tell me which country overseas models their regulations on Australia? Many model themselves on the FAA, NZ, EASA, ICAO model rules and so on.

I will concede that there is one minor exception to this situation, but there are very good reasons why.

How did we get to this situation?

JM might argue that it was 'their' fault although he has been there much longer than a dog watch. TF might argue that I am working hard to make the regulator the way I see it should be but this vision has very little to do with CASA being a model regulator. JA might argue that it requires detailed analysis and review. I will let you know my three views once I have come up with all the fancy words and prepared the very large invoice. PC would argue ..., GH would argue ..., and so on.

Let's hope the government responds with dignity and grace and finds an Australian solution to get us past this imbroglio.
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Old 3rd Dec 2012, 23:49
  #351 (permalink)  
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Devil Consistency of Regulatory Interpretation

Below an example of how the USA are tackling a perceived problem. Having operated under FARs for 2 decades I found them perfect !! compared to the Australian excuse for so called safety regulations

A Report from the Consistency of Regulatory Interpretation ARC to the FAA
Executive Summary Page iv
On April 30, 2012, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) established the Consistency of Regulatory Interpretation (CRI) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) in order to satisfy the requirements of section 313 of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (Public Law 112-95) (the ¡§Act¡¨). In the Act, Congress directed the Administrator to establish an advisory panel to review the October 2010 report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on certification and approval processes (GAO-11-14) and develop recommendations to address the findings in the report. In completing its study, the ARC determined root causes of inconsistent interpretation of regulations by the FAA¡¦s Flight Standards Service (AFS) and Aircraft Certification Service (AIR). The ARC also developed recommendations to address inconsistencies by and between AFS and AIR. The ARC submits this report for consideration by the Administrator in the preparation of the FAA Report to Congress required by the Act.
At the outset of its study, the ARC identified sources and methods for collecting objective data through case studies submitted by the industry members, survey results, and an inventory of existing regulatory and guidance documents.
Classifications for Inconsistent Application of Regulations
The members developed a series of five classifications to categorize issues of inconsistent application:
„h Rulemaking
„h Application
„h Issue Resolution
„h Training/Lack of Information
„h Culture/Organization
Case Studies
The ARC compiled case studies, submitted by its industry members, involving issues of regulatory application. The ARC reviewed and classified these case studies and decided to seek additional data.
A Report from the Consistency of Regulatory Interpretation ARC to the FAA
Executive Summary Page v
Industry Stakeholder Survey
To involve other aviation stakeholders in its review, the industry members of the ARC developed and distributed an Industry Stakeholder Survey (¡§Survey¡¨). The ARC reviewed responses from 437 participants. The Survey included:
„h Questions mirroring those asked of the expert panel in GAO-11-14;
„h Questions relating to the consistency of regulatory application at the local/field office level;
„h Questions specific to jurisdictional oversight; and
„h An opportunity to provide additional information/specific examples.
Regulatory Guidance Material Inventory
The ARC also conducted a review of FAA regulatory guidance material to explore issues involving inconsistencies further. The ARC identified different types of guidance material, how the documents are organized, and the scope of effort involved in developing a master single-source database for FAA regulatory guidance documents.
Identification of Root Causes
The members reviewed GAO-11-14 and discussed case studies and Survey results to determine root causes. The ARC identified three root causes for the ongoing inconsistencies by and between AFS and AIR:
„h Need for Clear Regulatory Requirements: Unclear regulatory language contributes to inconsistent application. When a regulation is unclear, its application varies from one inspector to another and compliance differs among certificate holders. Over time, better analytical tools, new technologies and best practices change compliance techniques, creating further ambiguity.
„h Regulatory Application Training: Inadequate and nonstandard FAA and industry training is an early cause of inconsistent regulatory application. Training in regulatory development methodology and standard application and resolution protocols have not kept pace with changes either at FAA or the stakeholder community.
„h Culture: There is a general reluctance and/or failure by both industry and the FAA to work issues of inconsistent regulatory application through to a final resolution. Timeliness of decisions and a ¡§fear of retribution¡¨ contribute to an acceptance of inconsistent regulatory application.
The full text can be found at Not saying I agree with the whole concept, but at least someone had the foresight(?) to admit to the existence of A PROBLEM. In Oz we leave the interpretation to the legal system. Heaven forbid that a pilot should be able to have an interpretation. Most can't even fly an aircraft without the benefit of an AOC. Once convicts, always convicts !!!!! lets hear it for APATHY.

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Old 6th Dec 2012, 00:12
  #352 (permalink)  
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CASA Mayan Calendar Dec 21, 2012

Hot off the press.....
Will the Regulatory reform program end in 2012, like the Mayan Calendar?

The CASA Mayan calendar finishes one of its great cycles in December 2012, which has fueled countless theories about the end of the regulatory reform program, 23 years in the making, on December 21, 2012 at 11:11(UTC).

End of days? Will CASA keep spinning after the CASA Maya Calendar ends? Most likely!

LIVE Countdown to December 21, 2012 11:11 UTC

One theory suggests a galactic alignment which would create harmony within Australian aviation because of the gravitational effect between the Sun and a Regulatory Black hole called ‘Pony Pooh A,’ which is located at the center of our political galaxy, Canberra.

Another theory involves a ' SMS polar shift', (not which means a reversal of the north and south magnetic poles and not a reference to Clark Butson’s Polar Aviation). Scientists, CASA academics and ‘those in Canberra with PhD’s and POOHD’s believe that Australian aviation is overdue for a geomagnetic reversal. However this can take up to 5,000 years to complete, similar to the current regulatory reform program, and does not start on any particular date.

Just a new beginning

CASA scientists have been thoroughly studying and analyzing the possibility of the reg reform program ending in 2012, but conclude that 21st December 2012 will be nothing more than a normal FOI solstice, which begins this month when the Inspectorate stops for its robust Xmas break and celebrations.
As one HICAP operator puts it bluntly, “There is simply no scientific aviation evidence to support any claims of the reform program being completed in December 2012. We are seeing evidence to the contrary where there has been an excessive order of jackboots, whips, NCN forms and giant spiked beating sticks being shipped around the country in preparation for 2013”.

No planetary alignment

In response to theories about planetary alignments leading to the regulatory reform program ending on December 21, 2012, the aviation scientists say no planetary alignments will occur in the next few decades. But even if they did, the effects on our (Rl)egulations would be negligible. A government source who wishes’ not to be named’ claims, “The end of regulatory reform is tautological rubbish that is being promulgated by the ills of society, it is all pony pooh”. In fact the end of the program has a long way to go as we have just budgeted for more Consultants, travel to Montreal and the USA, and a host of other taxpayer funded working study groups who will be holding discussions on Hayman Island, the Maldives and the Swiss Alps”.

CASA also say the 'polar shift' theory is totally impossible. Although bureaucracies move slowly throughout time, a magnetic reversal in which ‘regulations, rules and intent’ come together in harmony is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia.
The aviation scientists conclusion is that the end of the CASA Mayan calendar does not imply the end of the regulatory reform program, only the end of another 12 months worth of stalling, spinning, make believe stories and cleverly scripted responses in the Senate. The CASA Mayan long-count period commences January 1, 2013. The 'long count' is a part of the CASA Maya Calendar, shaped like a wheel. When we reach the end of the wheel, it will simply turn to the beginning again, and just like our modern Gregorian bureaucratic calendar it starts again every January 1, for eternity.
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Old 7th Dec 2012, 00:59
  #353 (permalink)  
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Incestuous Relationships!

New face to handle complaints

CASA has a new Industry Complaints Commissioner.* Elizabeth Hampton took over the key role last month with a goal of further enhancing the relationships between CASA and members of the aviation industry and wider community.* Elizabeth has a legal background and joins CASA from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).* Prior to working for the ACCC she worked in the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman, developing complaint handling policies and procedures.* Elizabeth also spent a number of years at Centrelink managing complaint handling, merits review and customer compensation matters.* She says a well managed complaints system can help organisations identify problems with systems and processes.* “There is great value in dealing with complaints quickly and thoroughly and as a government agency CASA must be accountable and unafraid of scrutiny,” Elizabeth says.* “As I come from a non-aviation background I’m looking forward to getting to know lots of aviation people to learn as much as possible about this great industry.”The Industry Complaints Commissioner is dedicated to ensuring legitimate complaints about CASA officers, industry delegates and authorised persons are objectively considered, effectively addressed and fairly resolved in a timely fashion.* The Industry Complaints Commissioner operates independently of CASA’s technical and operational line management, under the guidance and, where necessary, the direction of CASA’s Ethics and Conduct Committee.* People with complaints about CASA are asked to try to resolve problems in the first instance with the CASA staff member or manager they have been dealing with.* Where problems cannot be resolved they can then be easily taken to the Industry Complaints Commissioner.
Now I understand the non responses from ACCC, Ombo, AG. (havent tried Centrelink) They are all one and the same at the burorat level. That level of slyme between the politicians and us plebs. Reminds me I must get myself an "ETHICS" card or whatever it's called.

Empty Skies are Safe Skies!
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Old 7th Dec 2012, 01:14
  #354 (permalink)  
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Ms. Elizabeth Hampton.

Last year I attended a CFI conference in CB. No longer eligible as a CFI, I did receive a prompt response in the form of a ticket to attend. A few weeks later, just a week or so prior to the event, my invitation was cancelled due to over subscription? I contacted a mate in same position (ex CFI) who applied and received his ticket by return???
I emailed my bill to CASA for prepaid expenses and promptly had my invitation reinstated???
On arrival, greeted by the facilitator Roger Weeks who immediately told me in no uncertain terms he had been warned by Ms Hampton about me and if there was any trouble he would immediately evict me? I assured him that my purpose for being there was purely professional.
On completion of the second day (a good conference) I saw JMcC in the carpark. Immediately on seeing me he grabbed his mobile and started talking. I waited for 5 minutes whilst he walked away from me. A coward as well as a bully.

My prior contact with Ms Hampton had ended with the suggestion I sue CASA if I didn't like her response. Another example of THE Model Litigant.

Empty Skies are Safe Skies.
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Old 7th Dec 2012, 01:48
  #355 (permalink)  
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On completion of the second day (a good conference) I saw JMcC in the carpark. Immediately on seeing me he grabbed his mobile and started talking. I waited for 5 minutes whilst he walked away from me. A coward as well as a bully
Stan, a couple of points as follows;

(a) Bullies become cowards when they are alone, they prefer to roam in packs.
(b) Wouldn't Mr Weeks comment be construed as 'threatening'. Did you have any other eyewitnesses?
(c) Miss/Mrs/Ms Hampton suggesting you sue CASA? That statement could be construed by some as hindering a process by fobbing you off. Also some may also question whether the 'suggestion' to litigate was based on an understanding and prior knowledge that you would fail anyway? That sot of attitude and 'non approachable manner' along with Mr Skulls firey comments and Dr Aleck's letters show that the senior people have a complete disdain and contempt for public people who work in the industry. This is another issue the Senate needs to address.

And finally, maybe Big John did receive a phone call in the carpark and didn't fake it? The wife wanted him to bring some milk home for her cup of tea? Perhaps there was an emergency with the Brisbane field office worm farm? Maybe his 'casual friday Fiji polo shirt' was ready to be picked up from the dry-cleaners?
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Old 7th Dec 2012, 03:18
  #356 (permalink)  
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Reminds me I must get myself an "ETHICS" card or whatever it's called
Ethics is a place in England, nothing to do with Australia.

My prior contact with Ms Hampton had ended with the suggestion I sue CASA if I didn't like her response
Now this is important!

If I say to a bully in the local Pub, go ahead and take your best shot, and he does, I have no redress because I invited him to hit me.

Is not Ms Hampton leaving herself open to sue her/CASA?

Just thinking outside the box so to speak.
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Old 9th Dec 2012, 21:44
  #357 (permalink)  
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On arrival, greeted by the facilitator Roger Weeks who immediately told me in no uncertain terms he had been warned by Ms Hampton about me and if there was any trouble he would immediately evict me? I assured him that my purpose for being there was purely professional.
So what is the 'intent' of his statement about 'trouble'? What is his definition of 'trouble':
- Did he fear you may try and 'take out the DAS' from behind a grassy knoll'?
- Did he fear that you might get drunk and 'moon' the DAS or engage him in tautological banter?
- Did he fear that you may bring a bunch of Bikies with you to tear up the conference?
- Did he fear that you might attempt to issue the authority with your own version of a NCN?

Stan, in all seriousness, I think your comments merit further investigation within the Senate because these types of backhanded statements or comments, insinuations, whatever you want to call it, are indicative of the attitude, culture and actions of the Regulator. An organisation that leads bullying or 'baiting' of people from the highest levels. This is a culture that is pathological from the top. And in the guise of 'Just Culture' this is a culture that has a bullying style from the top that transfers down the ladder to the bottom and then bounces all the way back up. No wonder there are so many problems there. This is an organisation that does not practise what it preaches, and they then wonder why industry has no respect for them and is screaming out for change?

Our friend Flyingfiend is a prime example of baiting and slapping industry in the face. (those who understand this particular issue will know what I am saying)

I think the Senators need to not only look at the the regulators inability to complete projects to budget, achieve actual effective outcomes or even manage themselves to the enth degree, but the Senators need to look at the heinous culture, attitude and jackboot mentality of the place. There is certainly enough items that have been documented through PAIN to give evidence of this. Over to you good Senators............
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Old 11th Dec 2012, 03:13
  #358 (permalink)  
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My apologies........ I pressed the wrong button and lost this thread for awhile!

But it is back now!
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Old 11th Dec 2012, 03:22
  #359 (permalink)  
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Well done that man/woman.

Hapy Christmas whoever you are.
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Old 11th Dec 2012, 04:29
  #360 (permalink)  
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My apologies........ I pressed the wrong button and lost this thread for awhile!
But it is back now!
Naughty tail wheel. There was much fear for a while that Fort Fumble and Flyingfiend had confiscated said thread. Especially considering the music has yet to stop and the chess pieces are still being shuffled
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