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Old 26th May 2012, 05:47
  #221 (permalink)  
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Jeez Blacky, you sure?..I'd be a tad worried in your shoes,
I mean look what they did to Lord Haw Haw.
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Old 26th May 2012, 05:50
  #222 (permalink)  
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CASA will just find him a "Not a fit and proper Senator" and pull his brief
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Old 26th May 2012, 09:58
  #223 (permalink)  
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I disagree TB, I think the good Senator is just getting into his stride and the word is he has the backing of the Libs hierarchy!
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Old 26th May 2012, 10:54
  #224 (permalink)  
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By CAA's own admission they knew nothing about the QF restructure and significant changes until QF made the announcement?
Any significant change within an airline including senior management changes constitute and create a risk by their own nature. This is what QF has done.
So QF can just do as they please and the Regulator remains oblivious and helpless like a new born infant! QF make yet another large far fetching decision, just like the airlines grounding, and the Regulator is supposedly powerless to act or do anything?
On the contrary that is complete bull****e and the CAA most certainly could act but they choose not to. Scared and spineless to pick on somebody bigger than themselves. ( plus the Minister for Mascot wouldn't allow it).

I think the mere fact that a lot of unsavory issues have highlighted themselves over the past two years particularly at QF and no action by CAA again proves that the top layer have to go.
It is also interesting how in lone with QF's new structure there was lots of talk about the QF sales act and crap like that, but I don't recall hearing much at all raised about safety an risk that is naturally elevated during a significant change management period such as this?
Is 'safety' really 'first'?
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Old 26th May 2012, 11:47
  #225 (permalink)  
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Is 'safety' really 'first'?
That is at the nub of all this chest beating and 'bureauspin' that is touted from the regulator and safety bureau, they are more interested in topping up their troughs and future super funds than 'safety'!

However the good Senator Fawcett summed it up:

Senator FAWCETT:
How do you track those? How do we, as a society, make sure we prevent the accidents occurring again?
We (as an industry) kick, scream, scrap and point out that it isn't acceptable for there to be a risk of a smoking hole in the ground or a mid-air collision between two heavily laden jets full of loved ones on our watch!

FFS get it together and forget about the bickering between these obviously inept federal agencies, too busy fighting over the bigger slice of the pizza. This is about standing up for our professional standards and exemplary aviation history we currently have in Oz...these numpties aren't going to do it for you!

Send the good Senators e-mails of encouragement and tell them they're kicking the right heads and maybe a word of wisdom....or we can all stand around swinging dks and wingeing like the poms while the holes in the cheese are busy lining up!
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Old 26th May 2012, 21:25
  #226 (permalink)  
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How do we, as a society, make sure we prevent the accidents occurring again?
Easy; stop using hiring and promotion systems that don't screen for narcissism.
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Old 26th May 2012, 22:07
  #227 (permalink)  
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Curse Hansard

TB Gold - CASA will just find him a "Not a fit and proper Senator" and pull his brief.
When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty. ~George Bernard Shaw.
The copy I have of Hansard for the Estimates 23/5/2012, cannot be accurate, if it is then we are very deep in the mire. When you start to join up the dots, as the Senators seem to be doing there is an ugly picture emerging.

Pages 31 –38 (PDF) Department of Infrastructure and Transport. Simply confirms that "Yes Minister" is a 'Willyleaks' direct internal video feed. No longer funny but a matter of grave concern; to all and that includes the 'big end' of money town.

Pages 38 – 42 (PDF) - Air Services Australia: Simply serves to confirm all fears that despite the rhetoric, a clerical empire has been built and will be 'sacked' as needed to produce 'efficiencies' when required, simply unload a thousand or so 'clerks' and shine. Yes Minister, we can shed 400 jobs next year and still maintain our efficiency. Refer Clark page 41 (PDF).

Pages 44 – 48 (PDF) - Air Services Australia: It further demonstrates that the galley slaves entrusted with separating the ever increasing numbers of aircraft are only being replaced after death by half trained replacement parts. The object, to maximise the profit; the industry will have passed on the 100 million dollar cost to the punters, probably at a profit. So Joe Public pays a hidden premium price and is cynically fed into a system which is under manned, over worked and only functions on the dedication and professionalism of the galley slaves.

Pages 48 – 57 (PDF) Civil Aviation Safety Authority : The casual observer may be forgiven for assuming this was a routine Q&A from the Senators; our hero deftly foiling the awkward tricky barbs of the unwashed, unshriven uneducated mentally challenged masses. This is not a safe proposition. Our hero has been weighed, measured and found wanting by folks who actually do not believe a word of it; any of it, at all, at all. Selah.

Pages 57 - Australian Transport Safety Bureau : "Is this a dagger I see before me". The dots are being joined here again. Fawcett does it brilliantly with a question that offered a sporting chance of probity (Bravo). The question is posed with multiple options allowing a graceful exit for a honest man (refer page 58). Lamb to the slaughter, this is the thin edge of the wedge; the ATSB has become a glove puppet to the Ministers whims and it seems they intend to prove it. Bad Tiger bad; look at the pretty Orange Super Star

The whole shooting match is a disgusting tale which can only become more interesting as the thieves fall out and the blame game starts.

Is there enough in this Estimates to reasonably call for the resignation of the Minister; Oh I believe so.
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Old 26th May 2012, 22:49
  #228 (permalink)  
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How much better would it be if they just sacked the lot of them, swallowed our pride and admit we couldnt create a viable set of reg's to save our souls?
I believe the reg's themselves have created "this them and us" angst, destroyed the partnership between regulator and regulated with the common goal of safety, affordable safety.
What if we asked the Kiwi's if they'd mind awfully if we used theirs, largely because they are proven and seem to work?
Re-employ quality people to take up the reins then let everyone get on with it.
They say we are unique, therefore comparison between us and other countries just dosnt work, but they never say why, or how come other countries achieve much better safety outcomes than us without the burden of a myriad of regulation that nobody understands.
We decided or rather our regulator decided to follow the European model instead of the model of the country where by and large most of the worlds aircraft are built and operated MUCH SAFER THAN HERE.
A look at Europe today and the mess its in could be a harbinger of where their regs are going. A trawl through European industry media publications would indicate growing unhappiness in the ranks.
Was Europe such a good idea?
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Old 27th May 2012, 01:51
  #229 (permalink)  
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--- and the word is he has the backing of the Libs hierarchy!

Add to that the Nationals, who have always taken a much greater interest in aviation, as a whole, than the Liberal Party.

It is reasonable to say that both the Minister and the Opposition realise there is something seriously wrong in the aviation sector, but nothing is going to change under this government, aviation just doesn't rate political attention, given the government is in survival mode.

The Minister's White Paper was theoretically a good idea, in practice, it is so much waste paper. It doesn't even begin to address the long running question "what's wrong with CASA", best illustrated by CASA opposition to regulatory reform --- except in its own terms ---- the real reason for the "failure" of regulatory reform over so many years ---- and what we are seeing now could hardly be called "reformed".

Prescriptive, complex, contradictory, inflexible, inappropriate to modern risk management, criminal law from top to bottom (instead of some civil law) ensuring Australia is internationally uncompetitive, and many more --- but not "reformed" and so far from internationally harmonized it is a sad result.

Or what's wrong with AsA, why is ATSB so ineffective, why we are losing aerodromes --- despite leases/ALOP deed that should preserve them.

Senators Heffernan, Fawcett, Eggleston and Xenephon are all very genuine on their concerns, expressed at successive Senate hearing, they are not "just playing politics".

Tootle pip!!
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Old 27th May 2012, 12:33
  #230 (permalink)  
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Leady, your last paragraph is the clincher.

These Senators didn't come down in the last CAA golden shower, that's for certain. These Senators are slicing through the aviation turd one slice at a time, yet they aren't letting the stench overpower them. The more they push the more we see beneath the veneer of aviation bureaucracy.
The system has failed and those meant to be tasked with creating a safe aviation environment have unequivocally failed in their duty of care. They cannot be allowed to keep leading aviation into the sewer pit any longer.
They have lost sight or even understanding of the stakes at risk in this aviation play thing they love tinkering with.

A smoking hole filled with kero, titanium and charred flesh is the end-game. Wake up and smell this you incompetent spin dribbling imbeciles. I know I am sick of repeating this, and so are others.
Why do we keep bleating on about the same concerns? Is it because our sh#t doesn't stink and we are some sort of aviation lords? No, not at all. Some of us, unlike the nuptys running Auatralian aviation from the top, actually have spent a life time working within risk and safety frameworks and systsems. We see what we see and say it the way we see it. No political bullish#t, no spin, no hiding, no dereliction of duty. We see the smoking hole coming and we are damned if we are able to prevent it.
Our voices may be strong but our power is weak, and it will take a handful of half decent Pollies like the Senators championing our cause to finally create the change that is needed. I have absolutely no doubt that the Senators are squeezing some people's balls so hard that they are popping out o their nostrils. But there is some squeeze left in those wrists, I know there is.

C'mon Senators you are getting close, real close. Deliver the death blow, it needs to be done. We need change and we deserve change. The industry deserves it, our loved ones who fly regularly in this environment deserve it.

As an old friend would say, selah.
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Old 28th May 2012, 13:47
  #231 (permalink)  
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Paging Flyingfiend, please make yourself known to the nearest senator...

And I'm really disapointed. Where is Flyingfiend?
We could really do with some of his expert armchair commentary about now. Why has he gone quiet? Hit the law books again? Busy studying more aviation legal cases 'just for the heck of it'? C'mon old mate, you must be itching to have some robust input?
After all, there is so much happening within the CAA that from a legal perspective there must be hours of case studies and fodder for your intellectual mind to wade through? Please share your thoughts? How do you think CAA will fair over the coming months or year? What do you think of Mr Skulls attire during his interview, should he stick with suit and tie or opt for the Friday Hawaiin shirt, stoogie and wind swept Nick Nolte hairstyle? What do you make of all these senate questions taken on notice? What about Senator Fawcett, do you find it interesting how he knows exactly where to slice open the CAA bull**** platter to find all the chunky bits? Do you think the CAA would be worried that they may have met with their worst nightmare - facing off with a politician who knows exactly what's underneath the carpet? Do you think the CAA will pursue him in the same manner they pursue industry?
Please respond. We know you are reading these threads with interest!

What about non replys to previous questions put on notice, what are your thoughts, from a purely legal speculative angle of course?
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Old 28th May 2012, 20:43
  #232 (permalink)  
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flying fiend probably had to eradicate himself in order to gain preselection for the seat of Dobell!

Basically GD you outed him mate, can't even find a single post placed by him, pity it's not that simple to eradicate some of the other numpties at Fort Fumble..hey!
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Old 28th May 2012, 23:43
  #233 (permalink)  
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Rain stopped play.

I hate a fellow whom pride, or cowardice, or laziness drives into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl; let him come out as I do, and bark. Samuel Johnson.
GD - your mate won't come out to play, there are hard facts on the table, live ammunition in the sock and plenty of willing hands to throw rocks on the roof.

Endless delay and clever misdirection are the tools employed to defer the inevitable, while the rats desert their comrades and the sinking ship with pocketfulls of public money.

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Old 29th May 2012, 13:39
  #234 (permalink)  
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The big lunch bell has rung, let's play!!

Sarcs old friend, look for the below thread-
'WA Air Operator Sues CASA and Officials'. It's all there still, including Flyingfiends robust debate. Also just type the fools name into the prune search engine and just like a sneaky CASA inspector he 'pops up'!

Kharon, outed or not outed he can still come out to play. The game hasn't ended yet and he simply can't be a spoilsport and run away and hide? What about his buddy Clinton who has also mysteriously vanished from some specific threads? Is he also not allowed to come out and play? Sooks.
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Old 29th May 2012, 20:14
  #235 (permalink)  
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Seven days.

GD - 'WA Air Operator Sues CASA and Officials'.
Dateline – WillyLeaks has established that there is no truth in the report that FF 's Mum jammed the dummy back into his gob so hard after the last spitting that it will never be spat again, so he can't come out to play at all, at all. Although she admits to grounding him for an indefinite period which will prevent his starring in the annual Snakes and Ladders competition in his usual position as "Fall Guy".

Sports line – WillyLeaks has been informed that there is absolutely no truth in the persistent rumours relating to cheating in the annual Snakes and Ladders competition. A spokesman for the Golden West Mafia Snakes and Ladders Association (GWMSLA) denies that one of the larger snakes deliberately moved a ladder to avoid being trapped in a corner box; which left one of the team mates (Fall guy) stuck in a very precarious situation, leading to a dummy spit foul. "Strategically it was a clever move" says the team Captain, "and people not familiar with the finer points of the game could perceive it a cynical sacrificial move to protect the others, but it's just part of the risk taken by the Fall Guy".

While he firmly denies there is any dissention within the ranks of his team he acknowledges that they are interviewing a replacement "fall guy". Devotees of the sport believe this to be the most dangerous position on the board.
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Old 29th May 2012, 21:51
  #236 (permalink)  
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I stand corrected GD! So FF must of got lost in the sewers since 17th of Feb....or maybe he is busy doing a rewrite of Part 133 with some FOI rotorheads, in an attempt to avoid Senator Fawcett's scrutiny. Well FF unfortunately the cat sprang out of the bag:

Senator FAWCETT: I will just pick one: the Bell 407 that crashed in October '03. CASR part 133 was supposed to be reworked around night VFR requirements for EMS situations. I notice that still is not available now, nearly 10 years after the event. Does it cause you any concern that recommendations that were accepted by the coroner, and put out as a way of preventing a future accident, still have not actually eventuated?
...and part of the response to that original Safety Recommendation..

EMS pilot qualifications, training and recency requirements will be included in the CASR Part 133 project consultation and review processes, however I can also advise the (as part of its normal surveillance processes) CASA will continue to review these matters in current operations as well.

Additionally I can advise that pilot qualification, training and recency requirements were also reviewed by both CASA and the industry as part of the consultation processes associated with the previously mentioned NVG implementation project, and that the industry subject matter experts at these meetings included several representatives from AOC holders who conduct EMS operations in both VFR and IFR situations at diverse
operational locations.
...still FF you can be excused (just a little) for not foreseeing that nearly 10 years down the track you'd have a former Army Chopper Pilot and NVG expert asking some pretty probing questions at Senate Estimates.....

Come on FF come out and play we miss your legalese and general insight into the CAA's legal dept! (for GD's benifit)
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Old 30th May 2012, 00:03
  #237 (permalink)  
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fellow whom pride, or cowardice, or laziness drives into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl
Once in that corner, poke them with a stick. It's more fun to watch than when Grandma got her tits caught in the wringer.
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Old 30th May 2012, 21:32
  #238 (permalink)  
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Chess – lets play.

Tricky stuff this chess lark, the aim of course is to topple the King, one way or another. Creampuff and Lead Sled have on another thread been debating in an interesting manner – how the world wags and how the King is protected. They politely agree to disagree but the message is the same.

CP - The issues of apparent ‘controversy’ being dealt with by the committee have been almost the same for decades - literally. The only thing that changes are the bums on the seats.
LS - Unfortunately, political cold feet at a "higher level" won the day, and here we are today.
Perhaps the old world knew a thing or two, before gunpowder the foundations to the castle were undermined, this with luck effectively dropped the whole thing on the Kings head (good pub that one) no matter how much protection there was.
So, mayhap a strategic re think here, if we can't chop the head off this thing, how about a nibble at it's feet.

Probably end up like the Black knight on the bridge (Python – Holy Grail) arms, legs and head lopped off and still spoiling for a fight – you know the one.
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Old 1st Jun 2012, 12:26
  #239 (permalink)  
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Brave brave Sir Robin

Good work K! Perhaps I could be one of the Frenchmen atop the castle hurling ****e, pony pooh, down onto the malfeasant ones below?

This is good. CAA are having another stab at re-writing the Surveillance procedures manual! For those who aren't aware, the manual was written around 9 years ago. They never got it fully correct but in classic Fort Fumble style they rolled it out anyway. Since then it has been toyed with on seven occasions, or should I say attempted to be re-written 7 times, yet still no workable document. The person re-writing it is a former employee of CAA who keeps coming back as a consultant. Not bad hey, 5k per week for a consultant to re-write it? Good ol taxpayer! Does that mean with all of the safety systsems gurus they have on the payroll at CAA they still need to hire an external consultant?
Any by the way this person has always been rumored to be the king of cut and paste. Never uses their own work!
Surely not a case of more mates rates?
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Old 1st Jun 2012, 21:35
  #240 (permalink)  
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From Casting Central;

GD - Perhaps I could be one of the Frenchmen atop the castle hurling ****e, pony pooh, down onto the malfeasant ones below
Jobs yours mate – can't think of anyone better for it. That scene is one of my all time top 10 favourites.

GD - Since then it has been toyed with on seven occasions, or should I say attempted to be re-written 7 times, yet still no workable document.
This business of manuals and consultants is infamous throughout the industry, when you add that half the people accepting/ approving manuals of all flavours are semi illiterate, not qualified to write them and the other half enforce some of their very weird ideas of what should and should not be in a manual, the thing becomes an embarrassment.

Probably worth it's own thread just on the cost to industry, it is one reason for the slow decline of GA; the amount of operators who dread the time consuming, heart breaking process just to put a 'new' type of aircraft onto an AOC let alone attempt something grander is significant.

Anyway – that's for dessert – right now it's bacon sambo's.

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